1,356 research outputs found

    Nonadiabatic quantum pumping in mesoscopic nanostructures

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    We consider a nonadiabatic quantum pumping phenomena in a ballistic narrow constriction. The pumping is induced by a potential that has both spatial and temporal periodicity characterized by KK and Ω\Omega. In the zero frequency (Ω=0\Omega=0) limit, the transmission through narrow constriction exhibits valley structures due to the opening up of energy gaps in the pumping region -- a consequence of the KK periodicity. These valley structures remain robust in the regime of finite Ω\Omega, while their energies of occurrence are shifted by about Ω/2\hbar\Omega/2. The direction of these energy shifts depend on the directions of both the phase-velocity of the pumping potential and the transmitting electrons. This frequency dependent feature of the valley structures gives rise to both the asymmetry in the transmission coefficients and the pumping current. An experimental setup is suggested for a possible observation of our nonadiabatic quantum pumping findings.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Differential conductance of a saddle-point constriction with a time-modulated gate-voltage

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    The effect of a time-modulated gate-voltage on the differential conductance GG of a saddle-point constriction is studied. The constriction is modeled by a symmetric saddle-point potential and the time-modulated gate-voltage is represented by a potential of the form V0θ(a/2xxc)cos(ωt)V_{0} \theta(a/2-|x-x_{c}|) \cos (\omega t). For ω\hbar\omega less than half of the transverse subband energy level spacing, gate-voltage-assisted (suppressed) feature occurs when the chemical potential μ\mu is less (greater) than but close to the threshold energy of a subband. As μ\mu increases, GG is found to exhibit, alternatively, the assisted and the suppressed feature. For larger ω\hbar\omega, these two features may overlap with one another. Dip structures are found in the suppressed regime. Mini-steps are found in the assisted regime only when the gate-voltage covers region far enough away from the center of the constriction.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    International collaboration in science: The global map and the network

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    The network of international co-authorship relations has been dominated by certain European nations and the USA, but this network is rapidly expanding at the global level. Between 40 and 50 countries appear in the center of the international network in 2011, and almost all (201) nations are nowadays involved in international collaboration. In this brief communication, we present both a global map with the functionality of a Google Map (zooming, etc.) and network maps based on normalized relations. These maps reveal complementary aspects of the network. International collaboration in the generation of knowledge claims (that is, the context of discovery) changes the structural layering of the sciences. Previously, validation was at the global level and discovery more dependent on local contexts. This changing relationship between the geographical and intellectual dimensions of the sciences also has implications for national science policies.Comment: El Profesional de la Informaci\'on (2013, in press

    Measure of National Return in International Science Cooperation

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    In the decades since science and technology measures were crafted and adopted by governments, R&D has increasingly taken place across national boundaries. This leaves a gap for policy makers in how to account for the benefits to national governments of supporting international collaboration in science. This article seeks to address this gap by suggesting a measure for the impact of international collaboration in science using fractionalized field-weighted citations and analysing these in relationship to public spending and researcher mobility

    Transport spectroscopy in a time-modulated open quantum dot

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    We have investigated the time-modulated coherent quantum transport phenomena in a ballistic open quantum dot. The conductance GG and the electron dwell time in the dots are calculated by a time-dependent mode-matching method. Under high-frequency modulation, the traversing electrons are found to exhibit three types of resonant scatterings. They are intersideband scatterings: into quasibound states in the dots, into true bound states in the dots, and into quasibound states just beneath the subband threshold in the leads. Dip structures or fano structures in GG are their signatures. Our results show structures due to 2ω\hbar\omega intersideband processes. At the above scattering resonances, we have estimated, according to our dwell time calculation, the number of round-trip scatterings that the traversing electrons undertake between the two dot openings.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Coherent quantum transport in narrow constrictions in the presence of a finite-range longitudinally polarized time-dependent field

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    We have studied the quantum transport in a narrow constriction acted upon by a finite-range longitudinally polarized time-dependent electric field. The electric field induces coherent inelastic scatterings which involve both intra-subband and inter-sideband transitions. Subsequently, the dc conductance G is found to exhibit suppressed features. These features are recognized as the quasi-bound-state (QBS) features which are associated with electrons making transitions to the vicinity of a subband bottom, of which the density of states is singular. Having valley-like instead of dip-like structures, these QBS features are different from the G characteristics for constrictions acted upon by a finite-range time-modulated potential. In addition, the subband bottoms in the time-dependent electric field region are shifted upward by an energy proportional to the square of the electric field and inversely proportional to the square of the frequency. This effective potential barrier is originated from the square of the vector potential and it leads to the interesting field-sensitive QBS features. An experimental set-up is proposed for the observation of these features.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Discovery and Observations of ASASSN-13db, an EX Lupi-Type Accretion Event on a Low-Mass T Tauri Star

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    We discuss ASASSN-13db, an EX Lupi-type ("EXor") accretion event on the young stellar object (YSO) SDSS J051011.01-032826.2 (hereafter SDSSJ0510) discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN). Using archival photometric data of SDSSJ0510 we construct a pre-outburst spectral energy distribution (SED) and find that it is consistent with a low-mass class II YSO near the Orion star forming region (d420d \sim 420 pc). We present follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations of the source after the ΔV\Delta V \sim-5.4 magnitude outburst that began in September 2013 and ended in early 2014. These data indicate an increase in temperature and luminosity consistent with an accretion rate of 107\sim10^{-7} M\rm{M}_\odot yr1^{-1}, three or more orders of magnitude greater than in quiescence. Spectroscopic observations show a forest of narrow emission lines dominated by neutral metallic lines from Fe I and some low-ionization lines. The properties of ASASSN-13db are similar to those of the EXor prototype EX Lupi during its strongest observed outburst in late 2008.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Updated May 2014 to reflect changes in the final version published in ApJL. Photometric data presented in this submission are included as ancillary files. For a brief video explaining this paper, see http://youtu.be/yRCCrNJnvt

    Early activation of the interleukin-23-17 axis in a murine model of oropharyngeal candidiasis

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    P>Candida albicans is an oral commensal yeast that causes oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC) in immunocompromised individuals. The immunological pathways involved in OPC have been revisited after the interleukin-17 (IL-17) pathway was implicated in fungal immunity. We studied immediate (< 24 h) and adaptive (3-6 day) IL-12 and IL-23-17 pathway activation in naive p40-/- mice, which lack IL-12 and IL-23 and develop severe, chronic OPC upon oral inoculation with C. albicans. Macrophages from p40-/- mice were less efficient than C57BL/6J controls at killing C. albicans in vitro but very low numbers in the oral mucosae of infected C57BL/6J mice suggest that they are not critical in vivo, at least in this strain. Migration of macrophages to regional lymph nodes of infected p40-/- mice was impaired; however, dendritic cell migration was not affected. Recombinant IL-12 therapy provided only temporary relief from OPC, suggesting that IL-23 is required for full protection. In C57BL/6J mice, but not p40-/- mice, messenger RNAs encoding IL-23p19 and IL-17 were induced in the oral mucosa within 24 h of infection (6 +/- 0.6 and 12 +/- 2.7-fold). By day 6 of infection in C57BL/6J mice, IL-17A messenger RNA level had increased 5.1 +/- 1.8 and 83 +/- 21-fold in regional lymph nodes and oral tissues respectively. Ablation of p40 was associated with delayed or abrogated induction of IL-17A pathway targets (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, IL-6 and macrophage inflammatory protein-2), and a lack of organized recruitment of neutrophils to the infected oral mucosa. Overall our data show that the IL-23-17A axis is activated early in the oral mucosae of immunologically naive mice with OPC

    Optical and X-ray correlations during the 2015 outburst of the black hole V404 Cyg

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    We present a serendipitous multiwavelength campaign of optical photometry simultaneous with Integral X-ray monitoring of the 2015 outburst of the black hole V404 Cyg. Large-amplitude optical variability is generally correlated with X-rays, with lags of order a minute or less compatible with binary light travel time-scales or jet ejections. Rapid optical flaring on time-scales of seconds or less is incompatible with binary light-travel time-scales and has instead been associated with synchrotron emission from a jet. Both this rapid jet response and the lagged and smeared one can be present simultaneously. The optical brightness is not uniquely determined by the X-ray brightness, but the X-ray/optical relationship is bounded by a lower envelope such that at any given optical brightness there is a maximum X-ray brightness seen. This lower envelope traces out a Fopt∝F0.54X relation that can be approximately extrapolated back to quiescence. Rapid optical variability is only seen near this envelope, and these periods correspond to the hardest hard X-ray colours. This correlation between hard X-ray colour and optical variability (and anticorrelation with optical brightness) is a novel finding of this campaign, and apparently a facet of the outburst behaviour in V404 Cyg. It is likely that these correlations are driven by changes in the central accretion rate and geometry

    Particle acceleration in three-dimensional tearing configurations

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    In three-dimensional electromagnetic configurations that result from unstable resistive tearing modes particles can efficiently be accelerated to relativistic energies. To prove this resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations are used as input configurations for successive test particle simulations. The simulations show the capability of three-dimensional non-linearly evolved tearing modes to accelerate particles perpendicular to the plane of the reconnecting magnetic field components. The simulations differ considerably from analytical approaches by involving a realistic three-dimensional electric field with a non-homogenous component parallel to the current direction. The resulting particle spectra exhibit strong pitch-angle anisotropies. Typically, about 5-8 % of an initially Maxwellian distribution is accelerated to the maximum energy levels given by the macroscopic generalized electric potential structure. Results are shown for both, non-relativistic particle acceleration that is of interest, e.g., in the context of auroral arcs and solar flares, and relativistic particle energization that is relevant, e.g., in the context of active galactic nuclei.Comment: Physics of Plasmas, in prin