668 research outputs found

    Branching ratio measurements of the 7.12-MeV state in 16O

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    Knowledge of the gamma-ray branching ratios of the 7.12-MeV state of 16O is important for the extrapolation of the 12C(a,g)16O cross section to astrophysical energies. Ground state transitions provide most of the 12C(a,g)16O total cross section while cascade transitions have contributions of the order of 10-20%. Determining the 7.12-MeV branching ratio will result in a better extrapolation of the cascade and E2 ground state cross section to low energies. We report here on measurements on the branching ratio of the 7.12-MeV level in 16O.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the Eigth International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmo

    No equity, no triple aim: strategic proposals to advance health equity in a volatile policy environment

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    Health professionals, including social workers, community health workers, public health workers, and licensed health care providers, share common interests and responsibilities in promoting health equity and improving social determinants of health—the conditions in which we live, work, play, and learn. This article summarizes underlying causes of health inequity and comparatively poor health outcomes in the U.S. It describes barriers to realizing the hope embedded in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that moving away from fee-for-service payments will naturally drive care upstream as providers respond to greater financial risk for the health of their patients by undertaking greater prevention efforts. The article asserts that health equity should serve as the guiding framework for achieving the Triple Aim of health care reform. It outlines practical opportunities for improving care and for promoting stronger efforts to address social determinants of health. These proposals include developing a dashboard of measures to assist providers committed to health equity and community-based prevention and to promote institutional accountability for addressing socio-economic factors that influence health

    No equity, no triple aim: strategic proposals to advance health equity in a volatile policy environment

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    Health professionals, including social workers, community health workers, public health workers, and licensed health care providers, share common interests and responsibilities in promoting health equity and improving social determinants of health—the conditions in which we live, work, play, and learn. This article summarizes underlying causes of health inequity and comparatively poor health outcomes in the U.S. It describes barriers to realizing the hope embedded in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that moving away from fee-for-service payments will naturally drive care upstream as providers respond to greater financial risk for the health of their patients by undertaking greater prevention efforts. The article asserts that health equity should serve as the guiding framework for achieving the Triple Aim of health care reform. It outlines practical opportunities for improving care and for promoting stronger efforts to address social determinants of health. These proposals include developing a dashboard of measures to assist providers committed to health equity and community-based prevention and to promote institutional accountability for addressing socio-economic factors that influence health

    A Tale of Two Fractals: The Hofstadter Butterfly and The Integral Apollonian Gaskets

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    This paper unveils a mapping between a quantum fractal that describes a physical phenomena, and an abstract geometrical fractal. The quantum fractal is the Hofstadter butterfly discovered in 1976 in an iconic condensed matter problem of electrons moving in a two-dimensional lattice in a transverse magnetic field. The geometric fractal is the integer Apollonian gasket characterized in terms of a 300 BC problem of mutually tangent circles. Both of these fractals are made up of integers. In the Hofstadter butterfly, these integers encode the topological quantum numbers of quantum Hall conductivity. In the Apollonian gaskets an infinite number of mutually tangent circles are nested inside each other, where each circle has integer curvature. The mapping between these two fractals reveals a hidden threefold symmetry embedded in the kaleidoscopic images that describe the asymptotic scaling properties of the butterfly. This paper also serves as a mini review of these fractals, emphasizing their hierarchical aspects in terms of Farey fractions

    Momentum transfer using chirped standing wave fields: Bragg scattering

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    We consider momentum transfer using frequency-chirped standing wave fields. Novel atom-beam splitter and mirror schemes based on Bragg scattering are presented. It is shown that a predetermined number of photon momenta can be transferred to the atoms in a single interaction zone.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Low frequency acoustic and ultrasound waves to characterise layered media

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    Poor penetration and excessive absorption of high frequencies limit spectroscopic approaches using fast rise pulses for inspecting many engineered structures. So, this study focused on the alternative application of low frequency acoustic and ultrasound waves for the characterisation of challenging structures in airborne and waterborne environments. A simple, transfer matrix model approach was developed for the simulation of 1D sound propagation through layered media that comprise many engineered structures. This model was used to test the feasibility of using sound waves for non-destructive characterisation of an articulated lorry transported trailer and offshore foundation infrastructure. The targets were not in contact with the sound sensors and incorporated highly attenuating layers with acoustic contrasts to the surrounding medium that result in over 90% reflection of incident wave pressure. In both cases, resonances controlled by the thicknesses and interval velocities of component layers modulated sound reflection from, and transmission through the whole structure. These effects were observed as local maxima and minima in the spectra of the transmission and reflection coefficients. These spectral coefficients also determined the modulation to the temporal envelope of a linear frequency modulated pulse used to insonify the targets. In the acoustic study, which comprised only theoretical modelling, discrimination of differing cargo widths and between solid versus empty cargo trailers was possible using the transmission coefficient. In the ultrasound study, which comprised theoretical modelling and experimental testing, discrimination of differing steel and concrete substructure thicknesses and also of gaps between them was possible using the reflection coefficient. The model outcomes indicated while an acoustic system would require around 90–100 dB of dynamic range, an ultrasound system would only require around 40 dB to be effective

    Ultrasonic testing of laboratory samples representing monopile wind turbine foundations

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    Wind energy turbines and offshore hydrocarbon platforms rely on injected concrete grout to support and transfer loads between steel substructures. Deterioration of this grout under large operational stresses can lead to a loss of bonding, the formation of gaps, crushing and the loss of grout from the annulus between the steel substructures. In this paper, the integrity of the grout between two steel panels is experimentally tested using a low-frequency ultrasound backscatter method[1]. The experimental results and modelled outcomes[1] are compared for grout condition classes, including: good condition, gaps between the grout and either steel panel and the complete absence of grout. Pearson correlation coefficients of over 83% are observed when comparing the notch magnitudes and the frequencies on the modelled and experimental reflectance spectra of the front and rear gap, as well as missing grout conditions. Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) similarity tests on the modelled and experimental notch magnitudes indicate a 20% significance on the rear gap and front gap spectra and a 10% significance on the missing grout spectra. The significance of these tests supports the potential application of backscattered low-frequency ultrasound for grout condition inspection. However, development of automated condition recognition algorithms, based on either spectral characteristics or time-localised spectral features of the backscatter, is required to make routine inspection commercially viable

    Collective action for implementation: a realist evaluation of organisational collaboration in healthcare

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    Background  Increasingly, it is being suggested that translational gaps might be eradicated or narrowed by bringing research users and producers closer together, a theory that is largely untested. This paper reports a national study to fill a gap in the evidence about the conditions, processes and outcomes related to collaboration and implementation.  Methods  A longitudinal realist evaluation using multiple qualitative methods case studies was conducted with three Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research in Care (England). Data were collected over four rounds of theory development, refinement and testing. Over 200 participants were involved in semi-structured interviews, non-participant observations of events and meetings, and stakeholder engagement. A combined inductive and deductive data analysis process was focused on proposition refinement and testing iteratively over data collection rounds.  Results  The quality of existing relationships between higher education and local health service, and views about whether implementation was a collaborative act, created a path dependency. Where implementation was perceived to be removed from service and there was a lack of organisational connections, this resulted in a focus on knowledge production and transfer, rather than co-production. The collaborations’ architectures were counterproductive because they did not facilitate connectivity and had emphasised professional and epistemic boundaries. More distributed leadership was associated with greater potential for engagement. The creation of boundary spanning roles was the most visible investment in implementation, and credible individuals in these roles resulted in cross-boundary work, in facilitation and in direct impacts. The academic-practice divide played out strongly as a context for motivation to engage, in that ‘what’s in it for me’ resulted in variable levels of engagement along a co-operation-collaboration continuum. Learning within and across collaborations was patchy depending on attention to evaluation.  Conclusions  These collaborations did not emerge from a vacuum, and they needed time to learn and develop. Their life cycle started with their position on collaboration, knowledge and implementation. More impactful attempts at collective action in implementation might be determined by the deliberate alignment of a number of features, including foundational relationships, vision, values, structures and processes and views about the nature of the collaborationandimplementation

    Lung disease phenotypes caused by overexpression of combinations of α-, β-, and γ-subunits of the epithelial sodium channel in mouse airways

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    The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) regulates airway surface hydration. In mouse airways, ENaC is composed of three subunits, α, β, and γ, which are differentially expressed (α > β > γ). Airway-targeted overexpression of the β subunit results in Na+ hyperabsorption, causing airway surface dehydration, hyperconcentrated mucus with delayed clearance, lung inflammation, and perinatal mortality. Notably, mice overexpressing the α- or γ-subunit do not exhibit airway Na+ hyperabsorption or lung pathology. To test whether overexpression of multiple ENaC subunits produced Na+ transport and disease severity exceeding that of βENaC-Tg mice, we generated double (αβ, αγ, βγ) and triple (αβγ) transgenic mice and characterized their lung phenotypes. Double αγENaC-Tg mice were indistinguishable from WT littermates. In contrast, double βγENaC-Tg mice exhibited airway Na+ absorption greater than that of βENaC-Tg mice, which was paralleled by worse survival, decreased mucociliary clearance, and more severe lung pathology. Double αβENaC-Tg mice exhibited Na+ transport rates comparable to those of βENaC-Tg littermates. However, αβENaC-Tg mice had poorer survival and developed severe parenchymal consolidation. In situ hybridization (RNAscope) analysis revealed both alveolar and airway αENaC-Tg overexpression. Triple αβγENaC-Tg mice were born in Mendelian proportions but died within the first day of life, and the small sample size prevented analyses of cause(s) of death. Cumulatively, these results indicate that overexpression of βENaC is rate limiting for generation of pathological airway surface dehydration. Notably, airway co-overexpression of β- and γENaC had additive effects on Na+ transport and disease severity, suggesting dose dependency of these two variables

    Identification of γ -decaying resonant states in 26Mg and their importance for the astrophysical s process

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    The 22Ne(α, n) reaction is expected to provide the dominant neutron source for the weak s process in massive stars and intermediate-mass (IM) Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. However, the production of neutrons in such environments is hindered by the competing 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg reaction. Here, the 11B(16O,p) fusion-evaporation reaction was used to identify γ-decay transitions from 22Ne + α resonant states in 26Mg. Spin-parity restrictions have been placed on a number of α-unbound excited states in 26 Mg and their role in the 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg reaction has been investigated. In particular, a suspected natural-parity resonance at Ec.m. = 557(3) keV, that lies above the neutron threshold in 26Mg, and is known to exhibit a strong α-cluster character, was observed to γ decay. Furthermore, a known resonance at Ec . m .= 466 (4 ) keV has been definitively assigned 2+ spin and parity. Consequently, uncertainties in the 22Ne(α,γ) stellar reaction rate have been reduced by a factor of ∼ 20 for temperatures ∼ 0.2 GK