934 research outputs found

    BPS Geometries and AdS Bubbles

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    Recently, 1/2-BPS AdS bubble solutions have been obtained by Lin, Lunin and Maldacena, which correspond to Fermi droplets in phase space in the dual CFT picture. They can be thought of as generalisations of 1/2-BPS AdS black hole solutions in five or seven dimensional gauged supergravity. In this paper, we extend these solutions by invoking additional gauge fields and scalar fields in the supergravity Lagrangians, thereby obtaining AdS bubble generalisations of the previously-known multi-charge AdS black solutions of gauged supergravity. We also obtain analogous AdS bubble solutions in four-dimensional gauged supergravity. Our solutions generically preserve supersymmetry fractions 1/4, 1/8 and 1/8 in seven, five and four dimensions respectively. They can be lifted to M-theory or type IIB string theory, using previously known formulae for the consistent Pauli sphere reductions that yield the gauged supergravities. We also find similar solutions in six-dimensional gauged supergravity, and discuss their lift to the massive type IIA theory.Comment: Latex, 11 page

    ESSVCS: an enriched secret sharing visual cryptography

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    Visual Cryptography (VC) is a powerful technique that combines the notions of perfect ciphers and secret sharing in cryptography with that of raster graphics. A binary image can be divided into shares that are able to be stacked together so as to approximately recover the original image. VC is a unique technique in the sense that the encrypted message can be decrypted directly by the Human Visual System (HVS). The distinguishing characteristic of VC is the ability of secret restoration without the use of computation. However because of restrictions of the HVS, pixel expansion and alignment problems, a VC scheme perhaps can only be applied to share a small size of secret image. In this paper, we present an Enriched Secret Sharing Visual Cryptography Scheme (ESSVCS) to let the VC shares carry more secrets, the technique is to use cypher output of private-key systems as the input random numbers of VC scheme, meanwhile the encryption key could be shared, the shared keys could be associated with the VC shares. After this operation, VC scheme and secret sharing scheme are merged with the private-key system. Under this design, we implement a (k; t; n)-VC scheme. Compared to those existing schemes, our scheme could greatly enhance the ability of current VC schemes and could cope with pretty rich secrets

    Semiclassical Quantization for the Spherically Symmetric Systems under an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux

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    The semiclassical quantization rule is derived for a system with a spherically symmetric potential V(r)rνV(r) \sim r^{\nu} (2<ν<)(-2<\nu <\infty) and an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux. Numerical results are presented and compared with known results for models with ν=1,0,2,\nu = -1,0,2,\infty. It is shown that the results provided by our method are in good agreement with previous results. One expects that the semiclassical quantization rule shown in this paper will provide a good approximation for all principle quantum number even the rule is derived in the large principal quantum number limit n1n \gg 1. We also discuss the power parameter ν\nu dependence of the energy spectra pattern in this paper.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, some typos correcte

    Pseudo-supersymmetry, Consistent Sphere Reduction and Killing Spinors for the Bosonic String

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    Certain supergravity theories admit a remarkable consistent dimensional reduction in which the internal space is a sphere. Examples include type IIB supergravity reduced on S^5, and eleven-dimensional supergravity reduced on S^4 or S^7. Consistency means that any solution of the dimensionally-reduced theory lifts to give a solution in the higher dimension. Although supersymmetry seems to play a role in the consistency of these reductions, it cannot be the whole story since consistent sphere reductions of non-supersymmetric theories are also known, such as the reduction of the effective action of the bosonic string in any dimension D on either a 3-sphere or a (D-3)-sphere, retaining the gauge bosons of SO(4) or SO(D-2) respectively. We show that although there is no supersymmetry, there is nevertheless a natural Killing spinor equation for the D-dimensional bosonic string. A projection of the full integrability condition for these Killing spinors gives rise to the bosonic equations of motion (just as happens in the supergravity examples). Thus it appears that by extending the notion of supersymmetry to "pseudo-supersymmetry" in this way, one may be able to obtain a broader understanding of a relation between Killing spinors and consistent sphere reductions.Comment: Latex, 15 page

    Comparison of Genomes of Three Xanthomonas oryzae Bacteriophages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Xp10 and OP1 are phages of <it>Xanthomonas oryzae </it>pv. oryzae (Xoo), the causative agent of bacterial leaf blight in rice plants, which were isolated in 1967 in Taiwan and in 1954 in Japan, respectively. We recently isolated the Xoo phage Xop411.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The linear Xop411 genome (44,520 bp, 58 ORFs) sequenced here is 147 bp longer than that of Xp10 (60 ORFs) and 735 bp longer than that of OP1 (59 ORFs). The G+C contents of OP1 (51%) and Xop411 and Xp10 (52% each) are less than that of the host (65%). The 9-bp 3'-overhangs (5'-GGACAGTCT-3') in Xop411 and Xp10 are absent from OP1. More of the deduced Xop411 proteins share higher degrees of identity with Xp10 than with OP1 proteins, while the right end of the genomes of Xp10 and OP1, containing all predicted promoters, share stronger homology. Xop411, Xp10, and OP1 contain 8, 7, and 6 freestanding HNH endonuclease genes, respectively. These genes can be classified into five groups depending on their possession of the HNH domain (HNN or HNH type) and/or AP2 domain in intact or truncated forms. While the HNN-AP2 type endonuclease genes dispersed in the genome, the HNH type endonuclease genes, each with a unique copy, were located within the same genome context. Mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing showed nine Xop411 coat proteins, among which three were identified, six were assigned as coat proteins (4) and conserved phage proteins (2) in Xp10. The major coat protein, in which only the N-terminal methionine is removed, appears to exist in oligomeric forms containing 2 to 6 subunits. The three phages exhibit different patterns of domain duplication in the N-terminus of the tail fiber, which are involved in determination of the host range. Many short repeated sequences are present in and around the duplicated domains.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Geographical separation may have confined lateral gene transfer among the Xoo phages. The HNN-AP2 type endonucleases were more likely to transfer their genes randomly in the genome and may degenerate after successful transmission. Some repeated sequences may be involved in duplication/loss of the domains in the tail fiber genes.</p

    Evaluation of the BCS Approximation for the Attractive Hubbard Model in One Dimension

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    The ground state energy and energy gap to the first excited state are calculated for the attractive Hubbard model in one dimension using both the Bethe Ansatz equations and the variational BCS wavefunction. Comparisons are provided as a function of coupling strength and electron density. While the ground state energies are always in very good agreement, the BCS energy gap is sometimes incorrect by an order of magnitude, particularly at half-filling. Finite size effects are also briefly discussed for cases where an exact solution in the thermodynamic limit is not possible. In general, the BCS result for the energy gap is poor compared to the exact result.Comment: 25 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    AdS Wormholes

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    We obtain a large class of smooth Lorentzian p-brane wormholes in supergravities in various dimensions. They connect two asymptotically flat spacetimes. In cases where there is no dilaton involved in the solution, the wormhole can connect an AdS_n\times S^m in one asymptotic region to a flat spacetime in the other. We obtain explicit examples for (n,m)=(4,7), (7,4), (5,5), (3,3), (3,2). These geometries correspond to field theories with UV conformal fixed points, and they undergo decompactification in the IR region. In the case of AdS_3, we compute the central charge of the corresponding conformal field theory.Comment: 20 pages, references adde

    New supersymmetric solutions of N=2, D=5 gauged supergravity with hyperscalars

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    We construct new supersymmetric solutions, including AdS bubbles, in an N=2 truncation of five-dimensional N=8 gauged supergravity. This particular truncation is given by N=2 gauged supergravity coupled to two vector multiples and three incomplete hypermultiplets, and was originally investigated in the context of obtaining regular AdS bubble geometries with multiple active R-charges. We focus on cohomogeneity-one solutions corresponding to objects with two equal angular momenta and up to three independent R-charges. Curiously, we find a new set of zero and negative mass solitons asymptotic to AdS_5/Z_k, for k \ge 3, which are everywhere regular without closed timelike curves.Comment: Latex 3 times, 42 page

    Phase diagram of the one-dimensional extended attractive Hubbard model for large nearest-neighbor repulsion

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    We consider the extended Hubbard model with attractive on-site interaction U and nearest-neighbor repulsions V. We construct an effective Hamiltonian H_{eff} for hopping t<<V and arbitrary U<0. Retaining the most important terms, H_{eff} can be mapped onto two XXZ models, solved by the Bethe ansatz. The quantum phase diagram shows two Luttinger liquid phases and a region of phase separation between them. For density n<0.422 and U<-4, singlet superconducting correlations dominate at large distances. For some parameters, the results are in qualitative agreement with experiments in BaKBiO.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spectral functions of the Falicov-Kimball model with electronic ferroelectricity

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    We calculate the angular resolved photoemission spectrum of the Falicov-Kimball model with electronic ferroelectricity where dd- and ff-electrons have different hoppings. In mix-valence regimes, the presence of strong scattering processes between dd-ff excitons and a hole, created by emission of an electron, leads to the formation of pseudospin polarons and novel electronic structures with bandwidth scaling with that of dd-ff excitons. Especially, in the two-dimensional case, we find that flat regions exist near the bottom of the quasiparticle band in a wide range of the dd- and ff-level energy difference.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure