21 research outputs found

    Fusarium: more than a node or a foot-shaped basal cell

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    Recent publications have argued that there are potentially serious consequences for researchers in recognising distinct genera in the terminal fusarioid clade of the family Nectriaceae. Thus, an alternate hypothesis, namely a very broad concept of the genus Fusarium was proposed. In doing so, however, a significant body of data that supports distinct genera in Nectriaceae based on morphology, biology, and phylogeny is disregarded. A DNA phylogeny based on 19 orthologous protein-coding genes was presented to support a very broad concept of Fusarium at the F1 node in Nectriaceae. Here, we demonstrate that re-analyses of this dataset show that all 19 genes support the F3 node that represents Fusarium sensu stricto as defined by F. sambucinum (sexual morph synonym Gibberella pulicaris). The backbone of the phylogeny is resolved by the concatenated alignment, but only six of the 19 genes fully support the F1 node, representing the broad circumscription of Fusarium. Furthermore, a re-analysis of the concatenated dataset revealed alternate topologies in different phylogenetic algorithms, highlighting the deep divergence and unresolved placement of various Nectriaceae lineages proposed as members of Fusarium. Species of Fusarium s. str. are characterised by Gibberella sexual morphs, asexual morphs with thin- or thick-walled macroconidia that have variously shaped apical and basal cells, and trichothecene mycotoxin production, which separates them from other fusarioid genera. Here we show that the Wollenweber concept of Fusarium presently accounts for 20 segregate genera with clear-cut synapomorphic traits, and that fusarioid macroconidia represent a character that has been gained or lost multiple times throughout Nectriaceae. Thus, the very broad circumscription of Fusarium is blurry and without apparent synapomorphies, and does not include all genera with fusarium-like macroconidia, which are spread throughout Nectriaceae (e.g., Cosmosporella, Macroconia, Microcera). In this study four new genera are introduced, along with 18 new species and 16 new combinations. These names convey information about relationships, morphology, and ecological preference that would otherwise be lost in a broader definition of Fusarium. To assist users to correctly identify fusarioid genera and species, we introduce a new online identification database, Fusarioid-ID, accessible at www.fusarium.org. The database comprises partial sequences from multiple genes commonly used to identify fusarioid taxa (act1, CaM, his3, rpb1, rpb2, tef1, tub2, ITS, and LSU). In this paper, we also present a nomenclator of names that have been introduced in Fusarium up to January 2021 as well as their current status, types, and diagnostic DNA barcode data. In this study, researchers from 46 countries, representing taxonomists, plant pathologists, medical mycologists, quarantine officials, regulatory agencies, and students, strongly support the application and use of a more precisely delimited Fusarium (= Gibberella) concept to accommodate taxa from the robust monophyletic node F3 on the basis of a well-defined and unique combination of morphological and biochemical features. This F3 node includes, among others, species of the F. fujikuroi, F. incarnatum-equiseti, F. oxysporum, and F. sambucinum species complexes, but not species of Bisifusarium [F. dimerum species complex (SC)], Cyanonectria (F. buxicola SC), Geejayessia (F. staphyleae SC), Neocosmospora (F. solani SC) or Rectifusarium (F. ventricosum SC). The present study represents the first step to generating a new online monograph of Fusarium and allied fusarioid genera (www.fusarium.org)

    Levantamento fitossociológico em pastagens Phyto-sociological assessment of pasture

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi identificar a comunidade daninha presente em áreas de pastagens. O levantamento fitossociológico foi realizado nos meses de novembro e dezembro de 2009 em três regiões: duas localizadas no município de Tangará da Serra-MT (região A = áreas próximas à cidade; e região B = áreas presentes no Assentamento Antonio Conselheiro) e uma no município de Barra do Bugres-MT (região C). Em cada região foram analisadas cinco propriedades, tendo cada uma 10 parcelas de 25 m². Nas parcelas, foram realizadas a contagem e identificação das espécies daninhas. Os dados foram analisados por meio de cálculos de densidade, frequência, abundância, densidade relativa, frequência relativa, abundância relativa, índice de valor de importância (IVI) e índice de similaridade. Foram identificadas 38 espécies daninhas, distribuídas em 18 famílias, sendo Asteraceae (7), Fabaceae (6), Arecaceae (3), Euforbiaceae (3) e Poaceae (3) as mais representativas em número de espécies. As espécies que mais ocorreram na área foram: região A - Sida spp. (IVI 127,93) e Eragrostis plana (IVI: 42,18); região B - Eragrostis plana (IVI: 54,78), Mimosa wedelliana (IVI:52,39) e Sida spp. (IVI: 50,30); e região C - Sida spp. (IVI: 73,92) e Mimosa wedelliana (IVI: 26,55). Houve similaridade expressiva entre as regiões A e B (52,63%) e entre as regiões B e C (50,98%).<br>Objective of this study was to identify the weed community in areas of pasture. The phyto-sociological survey was conducted during November and December, 2009 in three regions: two located in Tangará da Serra-MT (region A = areas surrounding the town; and region B = areas in the Antonio Conselheiro Settlement and one area in Barra of the Bugres-MT (region C). Five properties were analyzed in each region, each containing 10 plots of 25 m2. The weed species were counted and identified in the plots. Data were analyzed by calculating density, frequency, abundance, relative density, relative frequency, relative abundance, importance value index (IVI), and similarity index. Thirty-eight weed species were identified, distributed among 18 families, with Asteraceae (7), Fabaceae (6), Arecaceae (3), Euforbiaceae (3) and Poaceae (3) being the most representative in number of species. The species most frequently found were: region A - Sida spp. (IVI: 127.93) and Eragrostis plana (IVI: 42.18); region B - Eragrostis plana (IVI: 54.78), Mimosa wedelliana (IVI: 52.39), and Sida spp. (IVI: 50.30); and region C - Sida spp. (IVI: 73.92), and Mimosa wedelliana (IVI: 26.55). A significant similarity was found between regions A and B (52.63%) and between regions B and C (50.98%)


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    Pinus is the most important genus within the Family Pinaceae and also within the gymnosperms by the number of species (109 species recognized by Farjon 2001) and by its contribution to forest ecosystems. All pine species are evergreen trees or shrubs. They are widely distributed in the northern hemisphere, from tropical areas to northern areas in America and Eurasia. Their natural range reaches the equator only in Southeast Asia. In Africa, natural occurrences are confined to the Mediterranean basin. Pines grow at various elevations from sea level (not usual in tropical areas) to highlands. Two main regions of diversity are recorded, the most important one in Central America (43 species found in Mexico) and a secondary one in China. Some species have a very wide natural range (e.g., P. ponderosa, P. sylvestris). Pines are adapted to a wide range of ecological conditions: from tropical (e.g., P. merkusii, P. kesiya, P. tropicalis), temperate (e.g., P. pungens, P. thunbergii), and subalpine (e.g., P. albicaulis, P. cembra) to boreal (e.g., P. pumila) climates (Richardson and Rundel 1998, Burdon 2002). They can grow in quite pure stands or in mixed forest with other conifers or broadleaved trees. Some species are especially adapted to forest fires, e.g., P. banksiana, in which fire is virtually essential for cone opening and seed dispersal. They can grow in arid conditions, on alluvial plain soils, on sandy soils, on rocky soils, or on marsh soils. Trees of some species can have a very long life as in P. longaeva (more than 3,000 years)

    Immune response to respiratory syncytial virus in young Brazilian children

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    We have evaluated the cellular and humoral immune response to primary respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in young infants. Serum specimens from 65 patients <=12 months of age (39 males and 26 females, 28 cases <3 months and 37 cases > or = 3 months; median 3 ± 3.9 months) were tested for anti-RSV IgG and IgG subclass antibodies by EIA. Flow cytometry was used to characterize cell surface markers expressed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 29 RSV-infected children. There was a low rate of seroconversion in children <3 months of age, whose acute-phase PBMC were mostly T lymphocytes (63.0 ± 9.0%). In contrast, a higher rate of seroconversion was observed in children >3 months of age, with predominance of B lymphocytes (71.0 ± 17.7%). Stimulation of PBMC with RSV (2 x 10(5) TCID50) for 48 h did not induce a detectable increase in intracellular cytokines and only a few showed a detectable increase in RSV-specific secreted cytokines. These data suggest that age is an important factor affecting the infants' ability to develop an immune response to RSV