82 research outputs found


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    On the exact gravitational lens equation in spherically symmetric and static spacetimes

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    Lensing in a spherically symmetric and static spacetime is considered, based on the lightlike geodesic equation without approximations. After fixing two radius values r_O and r_S, lensing for an observation event somewhere at r_O and static light sources distributed at r_S is coded in a lens equation that is explicitly given in terms of integrals over the metric coefficients. The lens equation relates two angle variables and can be easily plotted if the metric coefficients have been specified; this allows to visualize in a convenient way all relevant lensing properties, giving image positions, apparent brightnesses, image distortions, etc. Two examples are treated: Lensing by a Barriola-Vilenkin monopole and lensing by an Ellis wormhole.Comment: REVTEX, 11 pages, 12 eps-figures, figures partly improved, minor revision

    Dark energy as a mirage

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    Motivated by the observed cosmic matter distribution, we present the following conjecture: due to the formation of voids and opaque structures, the average matter density on the path of the light from the well-observed objects changes from Omega_M ~ 1 in the homogeneous early universe to Omega_M ~ 0 in the clumpy late universe, so that the average expansion rate increases along our line of sight from EdS expansion Ht ~ 2/3 at high redshifts to free expansion Ht ~ 1 at low redshifts. To calculate the modified observable distance-redshift relations, we introduce a generalized Dyer-Roeder method that allows for two crucial physical properties of the universe: inhomogeneities in the expansion rate and the growth of the nonlinear structures. By treating the transition redshift to the void-dominated era as a free parameter, we find a phenomenological fit to the observations from the CMB anisotropy, the position of the baryon oscillation peak, the magnitude-redshift relations of type Ia supernovae, the local Hubble flow and the nucleosynthesis, resulting in a concordant model of the universe with 90% dark matter, 10% baryons, no dark energy, 15 Gyr as the age of the universe and a natural value for the transition redshift z_0=0.35. Unlike a large local void, the model respects the cosmological principle, further offering an explanation for the late onset of the perceived acceleration as a consequence of the forming nonlinear structures. Additional tests, such as quantitative predictions for angular deviations due to an anisotropic void distribution and a theoretical derivation of the model, can vindicate or falsify the interpretation that light propagation in voids is responsible for the perceived acceleration.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figs; v2: minor clarifications, results unchanged; v3: matches the version published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Anisotropy in the Hubble constant as observed in the HST Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project results

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    Based on general relativity, it can be argued that deviations from a uniform Hubble flow should be thought of as variations in the Universe's expansion velocity field, rather than being thought of as peculiar velocities with respect to a uniformly expanding space. The aim of this paper is to use the observed motions of galaxies to map out variations in the Universe's expansion, and more importantly, to investigate whether real variations in the Hubble expansion are detectable given the observational uncertainties. All-sky maps of the observed variation in the expansion are produced using measurements obtained along specific lines-of-sight and smearing them across the sky using a Gaussian profile. A map is produced for the final results of the HST Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project for the Hubble constant, a comparison map is produced from a set of essentially independent data, and Monte Carlo techniques are used to analyse the statistical significance of the variation in the maps. A statistically significant difference in expansion rate of 9 km/s/Mpc is found to occur across the sky. Comparing maps of the sky at different distances appears to indicate two distinct sets of extrema with even stronger statistically significant variations. Within our supercluster, variations tend to occur near the supergalactic plane, and beyond our supercluster, variations tend to occur away from the supergalactic plane. Comparison with bulk flow studies shows some concordance, yet also suggests the bulk flow studies may suffer confusion, failing to discern the influence of multiple perturbations.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, to be published in New Astronom

    Cosmological background solutions and cosmological backreactions

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    The cosmological backreaction proposal, which attempts to account for observations without a primary dark energy source in the stress-energy tensor, has been developed and discussed by means of different approaches. Here, we focus on the concept of cosmological background solutions in order to develop a framework to study different backreaction proposals.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures; major changes, replaced to match the version published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    PTF1 J082340.04+081936.5: A hot subdwarf B star with a low-mass white dwarf companion in an 87-minute orbit

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    We present the discovery of the hot subdwarf B star (sdB) binary PTF1 J082340.04+081936.5. The system has an orbital period of P orb = 87.49668(1) minutes (0.060761584(10) days), making it the second-most compact sdB binary known. The light curve shows ellipsoidal variations. Under the assumption that the sdB primary is synchronized with the orbit, we find a mass of M sdB = 0.45 +0.09 -0.07 M ⊙ , a companion white dwarf mass of M WD = 0.46 + 0.12 -0.09 M ⊙ , and a mass ratio of q = M WD /M sdB = 1.03 +0.10 -0.08 . The future evolution was calculated using the MESA stellar evolution code. Adopting a canonical sdB mass of M sdB = 0.47 M ⊙ , we find that the sdB still burns helium at the time it will fill its Roche lobe if the orbital period was less than 106 minutes at the exit from the last common envelope (CE) phase. For longer CE exit periods, the sdB will have stopped burning helium and turned into a C/O white dwarf at the time of contact. Comparing the spectroscopically derived log g and T eff with our MESA models, we find that an sdB model with a hydrogen envelope mass of 5 × 10 -4 M ⊙ matches the measurements at a post-CE age of 94 Myr, corresponding to a post-CE orbital period of 109 minutes, which is close to the limit to start accretion while the sdB is still burning helium

    Radial asymptotics of Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models

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    We examine the radial asymptotic behavior of spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models by looking at their covariant scalars along radial rays, which are spacelike geodesics parametrized by proper length ℓ\ell, orthogonal to the 4-velocity and to the orbits of SO(3). By introducing quasi-local scalars defined as integral functions along the rays, we obtain a complete and covariant representation of the models, leading to an initial value parametrization in which all scalars can be given by scaling laws depending on two metric scale factors and two basic initial value functions. Considering regular "open" LTB models whose space slices allow for a diverging ℓ\ell, we provide the conditions on the radial coordinate so that its asymptotic limit corresponds to the limit as ℓ→∞\ell\to\infty. The "asymptotic state" is then defined as this limit, together with asymptotic series expansion around it, evaluated for all metric functions, covariant scalars (local and quasi-local) and their fluctuations. By looking at different sets of initial conditions, we examine and classify the asymptotic states of parabolic, hyperbolic and open elliptic models admitting a symmetry center. We show that in the radial direction the models can be asymptotic to any one of the following spacetimes: FLRW dust cosmologies with zero or negative spatial curvature, sections of Minkowski flat space (including Milne's space), sections of the Schwarzschild--Kruskal manifold or self--similar dust solutions.Comment: 44 pages (including a long appendix), 3 figures, IOP LaTeX style. Typos corrected and an important reference added. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Let's Make Love: Whiteness, Cleanliness and Sexuality in the French Reception of Marilyn Monroe

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    Copyright © by SAGE PublicationsRichard Dyer’s seminal work on whiteness in film considers Marilyn Monroe as the epitome of an institutionally racist Hollywood system that imagines the most desirable woman to be blonde, given that blondeness is understood as a guarantee of whiteness. This article adds to other recent scholarship on Monroe that has sought to complicate this reading by examining other meanings that can be attributed to her bleached blonde hair. By closely analyzing media texts that discussed Monroe in 1950s France, this article demonstrates the way in which her performance of ideal American female sexuality was read through the prism of Monroe as icon of cleanliness and (linked) modernity. It examines the way in which Monroe’s modernity allowed her to partially escape the traditional feminine private sphere and it concludes that Monroe’s bleached blonde hair can be seen in this context as having liberatory potential

    DT/T beyond linear theory

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    The major contribution to the anisotropy of the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation is believed to come from the interaction of linear density perturbations with the radiation previous to the decoupling time. Assuming a standard thermal history for the gas after recombination, only the gravitational field produced by the linear density perturbations present on a Ω≠1\Omega\neq 1 universe can generate anisotropies at low z (these anisotropies would manifest on large angular scales). However, secondary anisotropies are inevitably produced during the nonlinear evolution of matter at late times even in a universe with a standard thermal history. Two effects associated to this nonlinear phase can give rise to new anisotropies: the time-varying gravitational potential of nonlinear structures (Rees-Sciama RS effect) and the inverse Compton scattering of the microwave photons with hot electrons in clusters of galaxies (Sunyaev-Zeldovich SZ effect). These two effects can produce distinct imprints on the CMB temperature anisotropy. We discuss the amplitude of the anisotropies expected and the relevant angular scales in different cosmological scenarios. Future sensitive experiments will be able to probe the CMB anisotropies beyong the first order primary contribution.Comment: plain tex, 16 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Laredo Advance School on Astrophysics "The universe at high-z, large-scale structure and the cosmic microwave background". To be publised by Springer-Verla

    Enhanced generation of VUV radiation by four-wave mixing in mercury using pulsed laser vaporization

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    The efficiency of a coherent VUV source at 125 nm, based on 2-photon resonant four-wave mixing in mercury vapor, has been enhanced by up to 2 orders of magnitude. This enhancement was obtained by locally heating a liquid Hg surface with a pulsed excimer laser, resulting in a high density vapor plume in which the nonlinear interaction occurred. Energies up to 5 μJ (1 kW peak power) have been achieved while keeping the overall Hg cell at room temperature, avoiding the use of a complex heat pipe. We have observed a strong saturation of the VUV yield when peak power densities of the fundamental beams exceed the GW/cm2 range, as well as a large intensity-dependant broadening (up to ~30 cm-1) of the two-photon resonance. The source has potential applications for high resolution interference lithography and photochemistry
