662 research outputs found

    Non-linear Yang-Mills instantons from strings are π\pi-stable D-branes

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    We show that B-type Π\Pi-stable D-branes do not in general reduce to the (Gieseker-) stable holomorphic vector bundles used in mathematics to construct moduli spaces. We show that solutions of the almost Hermitian Yang--Mills equations for the non-linear deformations of Yang--Mills instantons that appear in the low-energy geometric limit of strings exist iff they are π\pi-stable, a geometric large volume version of Π\Pi-stability. This shows that π\pi-stability is the correct physical stability concept. We speculate that this string-canonical choice of stable objects, which is encoded in and derived from the central charge of the string-\emph{algebra}, should find applications to algebraic geometry where there is no canonical choice of stable \emph{geometrical} objects.Comment: v3: Minor revision; 14 page

    Recent Supreme Court Employment Law Developments

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    This article discusses recent employment law developments at the United States Supreme Court. Employment law cases took center stage during the October 1997 and 1998 Terms of the Supreme Court and important employment law cases were pending, or have been decided, during the October 1999 Term. This article briefly surveys the Court\u27s employment law cases during the October 1997 Term, focusing more extensively on the Court\u27s employment law cases during the October 1998 Term, and then discusses two very important employment law cases before the Court during the October 1999 Term, involving the constitutionality of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 ( ADEA ) 3 as applied to state government defendants, and proof of discrimination in ADEA cases and Title V11 4 disparate treatment cases

    Changes in the location of biodiversity–ecosystem function hot spots across the seafloor landscape with increasing sediment nutrient loading

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    Declining biodiversity and loss of ecosystem function threatens the ability of habitats to contribute ecosystem services. However, the form of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function (BEF) and how relationships change with environmental change is poorly understood. This limits our ability to predict the consequences of biodiversity loss on ecosystem function, particularly in real-world marine ecosystems that are species rich, and where multiple ecosystem functions are represented by multiple indicators. We investigated spatial variation in BEF relationships across a 300 000 m2 intertidal sandflat by nesting experimental manipulations of sediment pore water nitrogen concentration into sites with contrasting macrobenthic community composition. Our results highlight the significance of many different elements of biodiversity associated with environmental characteristics, community structure, functional diversity, ecological traits or particular species (ecosystem engineers) to important functions of coastal marine sediments (benthic oxygen consumption, ammonium pore water concentrations and flux across the sediment–water interface). Using the BEF relationships developed from our experiment, we demonstrate patchiness across a landscape in functional performance and the potential for changes in the location of functional hot and cold spots with increasing nutrient loading that have important implications for mapping and predicating change in functionality and the concomitant delivery of ecosystem services

    Fredholm Determinants, Differential Equations and Matrix Models

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    Orthogonal polynomial random matrix models of NxN hermitian matrices lead to Fredholm determinants of integral operators with kernel of the form (phi(x) psi(y) - psi(x) phi(y))/x-y. This paper is concerned with the Fredholm determinants of integral operators having kernel of this form and where the underlying set is a union of open intervals. The emphasis is on the determinants thought of as functions of the end-points of these intervals. We show that these Fredholm determinants with kernels of the general form described above are expressible in terms of solutions of systems of PDE's as long as phi and psi satisfy a certain type of differentiation formula. There is also an exponential variant of this analysis which includes the circular ensembles of NxN unitary matrices.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX using RevTeX 3.0 macros; last version changes only the abstract and decreases length of typeset versio

    D-Branes on K3-Fibrations

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    B-type D-branes are constructed on two different K3-fibrations over IP_1 using boundary conformal field theory at the rational Gepner points of these models. The microscopic CFT charges are compared with the Ramond charges of D-branes wrapped on holomorphic cycles of the corresponding Calabi-Yau manifold. We study in particular D4-branes and bundles localized on the K3 fibers, and find from CFT that each irreducible component of a bundle on K3 gains one modulus upon fibration over IP_1. This is in agreement with expectations and so provides a further test of the boundary CFT.Comment: 16p, harvmac, tables.tex; typos corrected, refs added, discussion about moduli spaces improve

    Improving yield and cane quality through implementation of harvesting best practice-2019 Herbert demonstration

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    In 2019, the Australian sugarcane industry conducted a month-long demonstration with 12 trials to determine the commercial viability of harvesting best practice. Initiated by a small group of innovative growers and contractors from the Herbert region, the concept of a commercial demonstration sought to determine both agronomic and economic impacts of adopting HBP, including the assessment of possible yield gains without having a detrimental impact on extraneous matter, and economic implication for growers and harvesting contractors arising from revenue and harvesting cost changes. Two Herbert harvesting contractors participated in the demonstration comparing their standard harvesting practices to Sugar Research Australia Harvesting Best Practice (HBP or recommended practice). The results identified an average 4.8 t/ha increase in yield with no additional increase in extraneous matter for the recommended setting. A comprehensive economic analysis was conducted on each of the trials. Detailed harvesting costs and operational information, including machinery, labour, and fuel data, were collected from the respective harvesting operations. Harvesting costs and levies were 37/ha(37/ha (0.07/t) higher for the recommended setting due to higher yields, reduced harvester ground speeds and lower extractor fan speeds. Despite the higher harvesting costs, recommended settings obtained significantly higher total revenue (151/ha,+4.7151/ha, +4.7%). This resulted in an overall net benefit of 114/ha in the adoption of recommended settings (based on a 4.4% higher net revenue calculated as total grower revenue minus harvesting costs and levies). The Herbert demonstrations have proven instrumental in the acceptance of harvesting best practice for the region. The results again confirm that adapting and aligning commercial-scale harvesting practices to crop and paddock conditions have positive impacts on both yield and economic outcomes

    D-Branes on ALE Spaces and the ADE Classification of Conformal Field Theories

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    The spectrum of D2-branes wrapped on an ALE space of general ADE type is determined, by representing them as boundary states of N=2 superconformal minimal models. The stable quantum states have RR charges which precisely represent the gauge fields of the corresponding Lie algebra. This provides a simple and direct physical link between the ADE classification of N=2 superconformal field theories, and the corresponding root systems. An affine extension of this structure is also considered, whose boundary states represent the D2-branes plus additional D0-branes.Comment: 12p, harvmac, minor corrrections and ref adde

    Boundary Fixed Points, Enhanced Gauge Symmetry and Singular Bundles on K3

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    We investigate certain fixed points in the boundary conformal field theory representation of type IIA D-branes on Gepner points of K3. They correspond geometrically to degenerate brane configurations, and physically lead to enhanced gauge symmetries on the world-volume. Non-abelian gauge groups arise if the stabilizer group of the fixed points is realized projectively, which is similar to D-branes on orbifolds with discrete torsion. Moreover, the fixed point boundary states can be resolved into several irreducible components. These correspond to bound states at threshold and can be viewed as (non-locally free) sub-sheaves of semi-stable sheaves. Thus, the BCFT fixed points appear to carry two-fold geometrical information: on the one hand they probe the boundary of the instanton moduli space on K3, on the other hand they probe discrete torsion in D-geometry.Comment: harvmac, 20

    In situ soft sediment nutrient enrichment: A unified approach to eutrophication field experiments

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    Adding fertiliser to sediments is an established way of studying the effects of eutrophication but a lack of consistent methodology, reporting on enrichment levels, or guidance on application rates precludes rigorous synthesis and meta-analysis. We developed a simple enrichment technique then applied it to 28 sites across an intertidal sandflat. Fertiliser application rates of 150 and 600 g N m−2 resulted in pore water ammonium concentrations respectively 1–110 and 4–580 × ambient, with greater elevations observed in deeper (5–7 cm) than surface (0–2 cm) sediments. These enrichment levels were similar to eutrophic estuaries and were maintained for at least seven weeks. The high between-site variability could be partially explained by the sedimentary environment and macrofaunal community (42%), but only at the high application rate. We suggest future enrichment studies should be conducted in situ across large environmental gradients to incorporate real world complexity and increase generality of conclusions
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