2,467 research outputs found

    Vitamin D, inflammation and immunity: review of literature and considerations on recent translational and clinical research developments

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    The most relevant and recent literature findings linking exposure to sunlight, Vitamin D (VD), inflammation and immune system in health and disease, are reviewed. Reduced sunlight exposure determined hypo-vitaminosis D to be common among patients or even healthy subjects, especially at higher latitudes. Numerous studies support the hypothesis that VD insufficiency could contribute to the higher autoimmune diseases incidence in the same geographic areas. In the present review, the ways in which VD was reported to influence immune system, contributing to organism homeostasis or disease development are addressed. In fact, some of the hormone activities were recognised to determine stimulation or inhibition of immune system components. Several diseases, where an association with VD deficiency was studied, are summarised. Finally, the rationale for optimization of substitutive/additive therapy with VD analogues and the last innovations regarding these drugs are mentioned

    Effect of Particle Size and Starch Gelatinization on the Mechanical and Metallurgical Performance of Jarosite Plus Blast Furnace Sludge Self-Reducing Briquettes

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    Jarosite and blast furnace sludge (BFS) are two of the main wastes from hydrometallurgical zinc production and iron production by blast furnace, respectively. Jarosite is a hazardous material that can, however, be reused in the steel industry after the recovering of the iron contained within it through carbothermal reduction in which BFS is exploited as a reducing agent. Yet, both wastes have a powdery nature that makes it necessary to agglomerate them for industrial use. On the other hand, despite the advantages of producing a self-reducing product, the particle size of the starting powders and the level of gelatinization of the binder could play a crucial role on the mechanical and metallurgical performance and, consequently, on the industrial applicability of the briquettes. Accordingly, two powder particle sizes (very fine sand vs. coarse silt) and three degree of corn starch binder retrogradation (10%, 30% and non-gelatinized starch) were used to produce briquettes, and their influence was studied by experimental and statistical investigation. The results showed that gelatinization plays the main role on the mechanical properties of briquettes, while particle size affects both density and reduction behavior; in particular, although all the mixtures were able to recover iron at 950 °C the most optimal mixture were obtained by using a granulometry of 63–125 μm for jarosite and less than 63 μm for BFS, while the local maximum of mechanical performance was obtained for a 30% starch retrogradation level

    Elimination of congenital rubella: a seroprevalence study of pregnant women and women of childbearing age in Italy

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    Prevention of congenital rubella is achieved by vaccination of susceptible women of childbearing age. In Italy, the National Plan for Measles and Congenital Rubella Elimination 2010–2015 implemented catch-up vaccination activities targeting susceptible adolescents and young adults, including women of childbearing age. The aim of this study was to assess the immunity against rubella in women of childbearing age in Tuscany (Central Italy) and Apulia (Southern Italy) and pregnant women in Apulia after the implementation of the National Plan for Measles and Congenital Rubella Elimination. Overall, anti-rubella IgG prevalence in women of childbearing age samples was 88.6% in Tuscany and 84.3% in Apulia. The lowest prevalence was observed in samples of 26–35 years old women of childbearing age in Apulia with 77.8%. Only 62.7% of samples from 26–35 years old pregnant women had IgG against rubella, and one sample out of 95 was positive to IgM. The findings of this study highlight the need for increasing awareness on the risk of contracting rubella infection during pregnancy and implement vaccination strategies to create opportunities for administration of rubella containing vaccines in young girls and women of childbearing age

    The application of structural retinal biomarkers to evaluate the effect of intravitreal ranibizumab and dexamethasone intravitreal implant on treatment of diabetic macular edema

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the therapeutic effect of intravitreal treatment with ranibizumab and dexamethasone using specific swept-source optical coherence tomography retinal biomarkers in patients with diabetic macular edema (DME). Methods: 156 treatment-naïve patients with DME were divided in two groups: 75 patients received 3 monthly intravitreal injections of ranibizumab 0.5 mg (Lucentis®) (Group 1) and 81 patients received an intravitreal implant of dexamethasone 0.7 mg (Ozurdex®) (Group 2). Patients were evaluated at baseline (V1), at three months post-treatment in Group 1, and at two months post-treatment in Group 2 (V2). Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and swept source-OCT were recorded at each interval. Changes between V1 and V2 were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and differences between the two groups of treatment were assessed using the Mann-Whitney test. Multiple regression analysis was performed to evaluate the possible OCT biomarker (CRT, ICR, CT, SND, HRS) as predictive factors for final visual acuity improvement. Results: In both groups, BCVA improved (p-value < 0.0001), and a significant reduction in central retinal thickness, intra-retinal cysts, red dots, hyper-reflective spots (HRS), and serous detachment of neuro-epithelium (SDN) was observed. A superiority of dexamethasone over ranibizumab in reducing the SDN height (p-value = 0.03) and HRS (p-value = 0.01) was documented. Conclusions: Ranibizumab and dexamethasone are effective in the treatment of DME, as demonstrated by functional improvement and morphological biomarker change. DME associated with SDN and HRS represents a specific inflammatory pattern for which dexamethasone appears to be more effective

    El lenguaje de animación como herramienta poética para mitificar la historia de Eva Perón

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    La imagen de Eva Perón fue visitada en diferentes épocas por diversos lenguajes artísticos, el cinematográfico en sus dos versiones ficción y documental, el plástico, el teatral y el literario. En la contemporaneidad dentro del lenguaje cinematográfico se dio espacio para representar la imagen de Eva desde el cine de animación. Dicho film se trata de Eva de la Argentina (2011) de María Seoane, del cual nos interesa analizar la interacción entre los registros de animación y de documental. Asimismo ambos registros componen un punto de vista sobre la historia y conforman una memoria que nos hará pensar sobre la creación del personaje desde la animación. A su vez en el relato se incorporan como recurso narrativo el entrecruzamiento con la literatura. Así el cuento de Rodolfo Walsh, Esa mujer será otra creación que estimula la mitificación de la figura de Eva Perón. De este modo, Rodolfo Walsh como personaje narra los hechos desde 1966. Este cruce literario habilita la confluencia de tres tiempos, la década peronista, el onganiato que vivió Walsh y la interpretación que da María Seoane desde la época actual

    Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Symptoms, Parental Bonding and Dyadic Sensitivity in Mother–Baby Interactions at Three Months Post-Partum

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    The quality of the early parent-infant relationship is crucial for the child's optimal development, and parental sensitivity plays a key role in early interactions. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of maternal perinatal depression and anxiety symptoms on dyadic sensitivity at three months post-partum, also considering a large set of maternal and infant variables. At the third trimester of pregnancy (T1) and at three months postpartum (T2), 43 primiparous women filled in a set of questionnaires evaluating symptoms of depression (CES-D) or anxiety (STAI), the woman's parental bonding experiences (PBI), alexithymia (TAS-20), maternal attachment to the baby (PAI, MPAS) and the perceived social support (MSPSS). At T2 mothers also completed a questionnaire on infant temperament and took part in the CARE-Index videotaped procedure. Dyadic sensitivity was predicted by higher maternal trait anxiety scores in pregnancy. In addition, the mother's experience of being cared for by her father in childhood was predictive of her infant's lower compulsivity, while paternal overprotection predicted higher unresponsiveness. The results highlight the influence of perinatal maternal psychological well-being and maternal childhood experiences on the quality of the dyadic relationship. The results may be useful to foster mother-child adjustment during the perinatal period

    COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza Vaccination: Cross-Protection, Co-Administration, Combination Vaccines, and Hesitancy

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    SARS-CoV-2 and influenza are the main respiratory viruses for which effective vaccines are currently available. Strategies in which COVID-19 and influenza vaccines are administered simultaneously or combined into a single preparation are advantageous and may increase vaccination uptake. Here, we comprehensively review the available evidence on COVID-19/influenza vaccine coadministration and combination vaccine candidates from the standpoints of safety, immunogenicity, efficacy, policy and public acceptance. While several observational studies have shown that the trained immunity induced by influenza vaccines can protect against some COVID-19-related endpoints, it is not yet understood whether co-administration or combination vaccines can exert additive effects on relevant outcomes. In randomized controlled trials, co-administration has proved safe, with a reactogenicity profile similar to that of either vaccine administered alone. From the immunogenicity standpoint, the immune response towards four influenza strains and the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in co-administration groups is generally non-inferior to that seen in groups receiving either vaccine alone. Several public health authorities have advocated co-administration. Different combination vaccine candidates are in (pre)-clinical development. The hesitancy towards vaccine co-administration or combination vaccines is a multifaceted phenomenon and may be higher than the acceptance of either vaccine administered separately. Public health implications are discussed

    meat quality traits of marchigiana beef cattle

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    Variation in quality of meat within the same breed and among different ones is due both to different biological factor (genotype, productivity, sex and age) and environmental and technological factors (composition and nutritional level of diet, rearing, transport and slaughter) acting on animals reared . All these factors interact in a complex way and lead to a high variability of muscular structure that characterizes the qualitative characteristic of meat. For this reason, in a study that expected the control at slaughter of 1000 Marchigiana cattle, on a random, 114 sample's steaks were taken from LD at 5th rib, right side of carcasses grading U or more in SEUROP grid. On meat samples, we tested colour parameters (L*a*b*) using Minolta Chromameter CR 200 and light D65 and Drip Loss as reported by ASPA Commission (1996). Then meat samples were weighted, frozen, lyophilized; their chemical composition (moisture, protein and fat) was determined. Variability of analysis' results was studied according to JMP package (SAS).The colour means (L*, a*, b*) were obtained considering at least 3 readings on every sample. Luminosity value (L* = 40.1 ± 3.6) is similar to the one reported on subjects transported for 1-4 hours, similarly to the Marchigiana cattle object of this study, while is higher than the mean reported by other researchers on Valdostana cattle, English crossbreds and on Charolaise x Maremmana crossbreds. The red parameter (a* = 25.0 ± 3.2) is better than means reported by the same researchers. The yellow parameter (b* = 6.9 ± 2.5) is similar to results obtained on Valdostana cattle, but lower that means obtained by other researchers. The Hue values are lower than those reported for Charolaise x Maremmana (15.1 vs 26.1), while Chroma (26.1 ± 3.7) is similar to the values obtained by the same researchers. The moisture (72.8 ± 1.2) is similar to the mean obtained on Chianina calves, but lower than the one indicated on Marchigiana bulls. The protein (19.8 ± 1.6) is lower than that obtained on Marchigiana cattle. The intramuscular fat (3.9 ± 1.5) is higher than results obtained on Marchigiana calves. The Drip Loss (1.4 ± 0.5) is 1 point % lower than those reported by other researchers. This low Drip Loss can be considered a parameter that indicates a good muscular maturity of slaughtered cattle. All parameters have a low variability except for fat (33.1%) and Drip Loss (35.7%). The Marchigiana cattle confirms the good qualitative characteristics of its meat, and strengthen the opportunity to increase the number of Marchigiana heads to be bred and raisen


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    Does transperineal ultrasound predict the risk of perineal trauma in women with term pregnancy? A prospective observational study

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of perineal trauma during childbirth and to assess the correlations of the pelvic floor dimensions and fetal head station with obstetric trauma in a prospectively recruited cohort of women. Methods: The study included women with a gestational age of at least 37 weeks, who were carrying a single fetus in a cephalic presentation. Transperineal ultrasound (TPU) was performed prior to the onset of labor or labor induction. The purpose was to measure the anteroposterior diameter (APD) of the levator ani muscle (LAM) and the angle of progression, at both rest and maximum Valsalva maneuver. The head-perineum distance was assessed only at rest. Results: A total of 296 women were included. Of the 253 women who delivered vaginally, 19.0% (48/253) experienced no perineal trauma, 18.2% (46/253) received an episiotomy during childbirth, 34.4% (87/253) sustained a first-degree laceration, 25.3% (64/253) had a second-degree laceration, and 3.2% had a third-or fourth-degree laceration (8/253). Women with episiotomy had a significantly shorter median APD under Valsalva than women without perineal trauma. Furthermore, women with LAM coactivation (identified by a negative difference between the APD at Valsalva and the APD at rest) were approximately three times more likely to undergo an operative vaginal delivery and over five times more likely to sustain a third-or fourth-degree tear during childbirth than women who exhibited normal relaxation of the LAM during the Valsalva maneuver. Conclusion: TPU may predict the risk of perineal trauma in women with term pregnancy during childbirth
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