3,574 research outputs found

    SmokeFree Sports Project Report

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    Children and young people are amongst the most vulnerable groups in society and are highly susceptible to smoking experimentation and addiction. In Liverpool, smoking prevalence is significantly higher than the UK average. Therefore early intervention strategies are required for smoking prevention and cessation. Research has found a negative association between smoking and physical activity. SmokeFree Sports aims to explore whether physical activity and sport can be used to promote the smoke free message to children and young people. SmokeFree Sports is an innovative multi-dimensional campaign that incorporates social-marketing strategies alongside the provision of sports and physical activities to: a) de-normalise smoking among youth b) empower youth to stay smoke free, and c) increase awareness of the dangers of smoking using positive messaging through the medium of sport and physical activity. This project is delivered across Liverpool and aims to reduce the prevalence of smoking and prevent the uptake of smoking in children and young people. The initiative, which is managed by Liverpool John Moores University in partnership with Liverpool PCT, employs a variety of strategies to promote and deliver the smoke free message to children and young people including a) training sports coaches and teachers to deliver the smoke free message, b) delivering SFS messages in schools and youth clubs through sport and physical activity, c) asking children to sign a pledge to be smoke free, d) support voluntary sports clubs to adopt a smoke free policy on their playing fields, e) encouraging organizations and individuals interested in health and sport to sign up to the SmokeFree Sports Charter and f) signposting children to smoking cessation services

    The XXL Survey VIII: MUSE characterisation of intracluster light in a z\sim0.53 cluster of galaxies

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    Within a cluster, gravitational effects can lead to the removal of stars from their parent galaxies. Gas hydrodynamical effects can additionally strip gas and dust from galaxies. The properties of the ICL can therefore help constrain the physical processes at work in clusters by serving as a fossil record of the interaction history. The present study is designed to characterise this ICL in a ~10^14 M_odot and z~0.53 cluster of galaxies from imaging and spectroscopic points of view. By applying a wavelet-based method to CFHT Megacam and WIRCAM images, we detect significant quantities of diffuse light. These sources were then spectroscopically characterised with MUSE. MUSE data were also used to compute redshifts of 24 cluster galaxies and search for cluster substructures. An atypically large amount of ICL has been detected in this cluster. Part of the detected diffuse light has a very weak optical stellar component and apparently consists mainly of gas emission, while other diffuse light sources are clearly dominated by old stars. Furthermore, emission lines were detected in several places of diffuse light. Our spectral analysis shows that this emission likely originates from low-excitation parameter gas. The stellar contribution to the ICL is about 2.3x10^9 yrs old even though the ICL is not currently forming a large number of stars. On the other hand, the contribution of the gas emission to the ICL in the optical is much greater than the stellar contribution in some regions, but the gas density is likely too low to form stars. These observations favour ram pressure stripping, turbulent viscous stripping, or supernovae winds as the origin of the large amount of intracluster light. Since the cluster appears not to be in a major merging phase, we conclude that ram pressure stripping is the most plausible process that generates the observed ICL sources.Comment: Accepted in A&A, english enhanced, figure location different than in the A&A version due to different style files, shortened abstrac

    Epigenetics and obesity: the devil is in the details

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    Obesity is a complex disease with multiple well-defined risk factors. Nevertheless, susceptibility to obesity and its sequelae within obesogenic environments varies greatly from one person to the next, suggesting a role for gene × environment interactions in the etiology of the disorder. Epigenetic regulation of the human genome provides a putative mechanism by which specific environmental exposures convey risk for obesity and other human diseases and is one possible mechanism that underlies the gene × environment/treatment interactions observed in epidemiological studies and clinical trials. A study published in BMC Medicine this month by Wang et al. reports on an examination of DNA methylation in peripheral blood leukocytes of lean and obese adolescents, comparing methylation patterns between the two groups. The authors identified two genes that were differentially methylated, both of which have roles in immune function. Here we overview the findings from this study in the context of those emerging from other recent genetic and epigenetic studies, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the study and speculate on the future of epigenetics in chronic disease research

    NGC 3576 and NGC 3603: Two Luminous Southern HII Regions Observed at High Resolution with the Australia Telescope Compact Array

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    NGC 3576 (G291.28-0.71; l=291.3o, b=-0.7o) and NGC 3603 (G291.58-0.43; l=291.6o, b=-0.5o) are optically visible, luminous HII regions located at distances of 3.0 kpc and 6.1 kpc, respectively. We present 3.4 cm Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of these two sources in the continuum and the H90a, He90a, C90a and H113b recombination lines with an angular resolution of 7" and a velocity resolution of 2.6 km/s. All four recombination lines are detected in the integrated profiles of the two sources. Broad radio recombination lines are detected in both NGC 3576 (DV_{FWHM}>= 50 km/s) and NGC 3603 (DV_{FWHM}>=70 km/s). In NGC 3576 a prominent N-S velocity gradient (~30 km/s/pc) is observed, and a clear temperature gradient (6000 K to 8000 K) is found from east to west, consistent with a known IR color gradient in the source. In NGC 3603, the H90a, He90a and the H113b lines are detected from 13 individual sources. The Y^+ (He/H) ratios in the two sources range from 0.08+/-0.04 to 0.26+/-0.10. We compare the morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas at 3.4 cm with the distribution of stars, 10 micron emission and H_2O, OH, and CH_3OH maser emission. These comparisons suggest that both NGC 3576 and NGC 3603 have undergone sequential star formation.Comment: 24 pages, 12 Postscript figure

    GASP II. A MUSE view of extreme ram-pressure stripping along the line of sight: kinematics of the jellyfish galaxy JO201

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    This paper presents a spatially-resolved kinematic study of the jellyfish galaxy JO201, one of the most spectacular cases of ram-pressure stripping (RPS) in the GASP (GAs Stripping Phenomena in Galaxies with MUSE) survey. By studying the environment of JO201, we find that it is moving through the dense intra-cluster medium of Abell 85 at supersonic speeds along our line of sight, and that it is likely accompanied by a small group of galaxies. Given the density of the intra-cluster medium and the galaxy's mass, projected position and velocity within the cluster, we estimate that JO201 must so far have lost ~50% of its gas during infall via RPS. The MUSE data indeed reveal a smooth stellar disk, accompanied by large projected tails of ionised (Halpha) gas, composed of kinematically cold (velocity dispersion <40km/s) star-forming knots and very warm (>100km/s) diffuse emission which extend out to at least ~50 kpc from the galaxy centre. The ionised Halpha-emitting gas in the disk rotates with the stars out to ~6 kpc but in the disk outskirts becomes increasingly redshifted with respect to the (undisturbed) stellar disk. The observed disturbances are consistent with the presence of gas trailing behind the stellar component, resulting from intense face-on RPS happening along the line of sight. Our kinematic analysis is consistent with the estimated fraction of lost gas, and reveals that stripping of the disk happens outside-in, causing shock heating and gas compression in the stripped tails.Comment: ApJ, revised version after referee comments, 15 pages, 16 figures. The interactive version of Figure 9 can be viewed at web.oapd.inaf.it/gasp/publications.htm

    The XXL Survey X: K-band luminosity - weak-lensing mass relation for groups and clusters of galaxies

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    We present the K-band luminosity-halo mass relation, LK,500M500,WLL_{K,500}-M_{500,WL}, for a subsample of 20 of the 100 brightest clusters in the XXL Survey observed with WIRCam at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). For the first time, we have measured this relation via weak-lensing analysis down to M500,WL=3.5×1013MM_{500,WL} =3.5 \times 10^{13}\,M_\odot. This allows us to investigate whether the slope of the LKML_K-M relation is different for groups and clusters, as seen in other works. The clusters in our sample span a wide range in mass, M500,WL=0.3512.10×1014MM_{500,WL} =0.35-12.10 \times 10^{14}\,M_\odot, at 0<z<0.60<z<0.6. The K-band luminosity scales as log10(LK,500/1012L)βlog10(M500,WL/1014M)\log_{10}(L_{K,500}/10^{12}L_\odot) \propto \beta log_{10}(M_{500,WL}/10^{14}M_\odot) with β=0.850.27+0.35\beta = 0.85^{+0.35}_{-0.27} and an intrinsic scatter of σlnLKM=0.370.17+0.19\sigma_{lnL_K|M} =0.37^{+0.19}_{-0.17}. Combining our sample with some clusters in the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) present in the literature, we obtain a slope of 1.050.14+0.161.05^{+0.16}_{-0.14} and an intrinsic scatter of 0.140.07+0.090.14^{+0.09}_{-0.07}. The flattening in the LKML_K-M seen in previous works is not seen here and might be a result of a bias in the mass measurement due to assumptions on the dynamical state of the systems. We also study the richness-mass relation and find that group-sized halos have more galaxies per unit halo mass than massive clusters. However, the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in low-mass systems contributes a greater fraction to the total cluster light than BCGs do in massive clusters; the luminosity gap between the two brightest galaxies is more prominent for group-sized halos. This result is a natural outcome of the hierarchical growth of structures, where massive galaxies form and gain mass within low-mass groups and are ultimately accreted into more massive clusters to become either part of the BCG or one of the brighter galaxies. [Abridged]Comment: A&A, in pres

    Supersonic water masers in 30 Doradus

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    We report on extremely high velocity molecular gas, up to -80 km/s relative to the ambient medium, in the giant star-formation complex 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), as observed in new 22 GHz H2O maser emission spectra obtained with the Mopra radio telescope. The masers may trace the velocities of protostars, and the observed morphology and kinematics indicate that current star formation occurs near the interfaces of colliding stellar-wind blown bubbles. The large space velocities of the protostars and associated gas could result in efficient mixing of the LMC. A similar mechanism in the Milky Way could seed the galactic halo with relatively young stars and gas.Comment: 11 pages plus 1 PS and 1 EPS figure, uses AASTeX preprint style; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Quantifying the role of ram-pressure stripping of galaxies within galaxy groups

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    It is often stated that the removal of gas by ram-pressure stripping of a galaxy disc is not a common process in galaxy groups. In this study, with the aid of an observational classification of galaxies and a simple physical model, we show that this may not be true. We examined and identified 45 ram-pressure-stripped galaxy candidates from a sample of 1311 galaxy group members within 125 spectroscopically selected galaxy groups. Of these, 13 galaxies are the most secure candidates with multiple distinct features. These candidate ram-pressure-stripped galaxies have similar properties to those found in clusters - they occur at a range of stellar masses, are largely blue and star-forming, and have phase-space distributions consistent with being first infallers into their groups. The only stand-out feature of these candidates is they exist not in clusters, but in groups, with a median halo mass of 1013.5 M⊙. Although this may seem surprising, we employ an analytic model of the expected ram-pressure stripping force in groups and find that reasonable estimates of the relevant infall speeds and intragroup medium content would result in ram-pressure-stripped galaxies at these halo masses. Finally, given the considerable uncertainty on the lifetime of the ram-pressure phase, this physical mechanism could be the dominant quenching mechanism in galaxy groups, if our ram-pressure-stripped candidates can be confirmed

    Anisotropic Radial Layout for Visualizing Centrality and Structure in Graphs

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    This paper presents a novel method for layout of undirected graphs, where nodes (vertices) are constrained to lie on a set of nested, simple, closed curves. Such a layout is useful to simultaneously display the structural centrality and vertex distance information for graphs in many domains, including social networks. Closed curves are a more general constraint than the previously proposed circles, and afford our method more flexibility to preserve vertex relationships compared to existing radial layout methods. The proposed approach modifies the multidimensional scaling (MDS) stress to include the estimation of a vertex depth or centrality field as well as a term that penalizes discord between structural centrality of vertices and their alignment with this carefully estimated field. We also propose a visualization strategy for the proposed layout and demonstrate its effectiveness using three social network datasets.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017