9,843 research outputs found

    The Proteins of the Peanut, Arachis Hypogaea

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    Magnetic fields of intermediate mass T Tauri stars

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    Aims. In this paper, we aim to measure the strength of the surface magnetic fields for a sample of five intermediate mass T Tauri stars and one low mass T Tauri star from late-F to mid-K spectral types. While magnetic fields of T Tauri stars at the low mass range have been extensively characterized, our work complements previous studies towards the intermediate mass range; this complementary study is key to evaluate how magnetic fields evolve during the transition from a convective to a radiative core. Methods. We studied the Zeeman broadening of magnetically sensitive spectral lines in the H-band spectra obtained with the CRIRES high-resolution near-infrared spectrometer. These data are modelled using magnetic spectral synthesis and model atmospheres. Additional constraints on non-magnetic line broadening mechanisms are obtained from modelling molecular lines in the K band or atomic lines in the optical wavelength region. Results. We detect and measure mean surface magnetic fields for five of the six stars in our sample: CHXR 28, COUP 107, V2062 Oph, V1149 Sco, and Par 2441. Magnetic field strengths inferred from the most magnetically sensitive diagnostic line range from 0.8 to 1.8 kG. We also estimate a magnetic field strength of 1.9 kG for COUP 107 from an alternative diagnostic. The magnetic field on YLW 19 is the weakest in our sample and is marginally detected, with a strength of 0.8 kG. Conclusions. We populate an uncharted area of the pre-main-sequence HR diagram with mean magnetic field measurements from high-resolution near-infrared spectra. Our sample of intermediate mass T Tauri stars in general exhibits weaker magnetic fields than their lower mass counterparts. Our measurements will be used in combination with other spectropolarimetric studies of intermediate mass and lower mass T Tauri stars to provide input into pre-main-sequence stellar evolutionary models.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Chemical spots in the absence of magnetic field in the binary HgMn star 66 Eridani

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    According to our current understanding, a subclass of the upper main sequence chemically peculiar stars, called mercury-manganese (HgMn), is non-magnetic. Nevertheless, chemical inhomogeneities were recently discovered on their surfaces. At the same time, no global magnetic fields stronger than 1-100 G are detected by modern studies. The goals of our study are to search for magnetic field in the HgMn binary system 66 Eri and to investigate chemical spots on the stellar surfaces of both components. Our analysis is based on high quality spectropolarimetric time-series observations obtained during 10 consecutive nights with the HARPSpol instrument at the ESO 3.6-m telescope. To increase the sensitivity of the magnetic field search we employed a least-squares deconvolution (LSD). We used spectral disentangling to measure radial velocities and study line profile variability. Chemical spot geometry was reconstructed using multi-line Doppler imaging. We report a non-detection of magnetic field in 66 Eri, with error bars 10-24 G for the longitudinal field. Circular polarization profiles also do not indicate any signatures of complex surface magnetic fields. For a simple dipolar field configuration we estimated an upper limit of the polar field strength to be 60-70 G. For the HgMn component we found variability in spectral lines of Ti, Ba, Y, and Sr with the rotational period equal to the orbital one. The surface maps of these elements reconstructed with the Doppler imaging technique, show relative underabundance on the hemisphere facing the secondary component. The contrast of chemical inhomogeneities ranges from 0.4 for Ti to 0.8 for Ba.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Three-dimensional magnetic and abundance mapping of the cool Ap star HD 24712 I. Spectropolarimetric observations in all four Stokes parameters

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    High-resolution spectropolarimetric observations provide simultaneous information about stellar magnetic field topologies and three-dimensional distributions of chemical elements. Here we present analysis of a unique full Stokes vector spectropolarimetric data set, acquired for the cool magnetic Ap star HD 24712. The goal of our work is to examine circular and linear polarization signatures inside spectral lines and to study variation of the stellar spectrum and magnetic observables as a function of rotational phase. HD 24712 was observed with the HARPSpol instrument at the 3.6-m ESO telescope over a period of 2010-2011. The resulting spectra have S/N ratio of 300-600 and resolving power exceeding 100000. The multiline technique of least-squares deconvolution (LSD) was applied to combine information from the spectral lines of Fe-peak and rare-earth elements. We used the HARPSPol spectra of HD 24712 to study the morphology of the Stokes profile shapes in individual spectral lines and in LSD Stokes profiles corresponding to different line masks. From the LSD Stokes V profiles we measured the longitudinal component of the magnetic field, , with an accuracy of 5-10 G. We also determined the net linear polarization from the LSD Stokes Q and U profiles. We determined an improved rotational period of the star, P_rot = 12.45812 +/- 0.00019d. We measured from the cores of Halpha and Hbeta lines. The analysis of measurements showed no evidence for a significant radial magnetic field gradient in the atmosphere of HD 24712. We used our and net linear polarization measurements to determine parameters of the dipolar magnetic field topology. We found that magnetic observables can be reasonably well reproduced by the dipolar model. We discovered rotational modulation of the Halpha core and related it a non-uniform surface distribution of rare-earth elements.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Convective Dynamos and the Minimum X-ray Flux in Main Sequence Stars

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate whether a convective dynamo can account quantitatively for the observed lower limit of X-ray surface flux in solar-type main sequence stars. Our approach is to use 3D numerical simulations of a turbulent dynamo driven by convection to characterize the dynamic behavior, magnetic field strengths, and filling factors in a non-rotating stratified medium, and to predict these magnetic properties at the surface of cool stars. We use simple applications of stellar structure theory for the convective envelopes of main-sequence stars to scale our simulations to the outer layers of stars in the F0--M0 spectral range, which allows us to estimate the unsigned magnetic flux on the surface of non-rotating reference stars. With these estimates we use the recent results of \citet{Pevtsov03} to predict the level of X-ray emission from such a turbulent dynamo, and find that our results compare well with observed lower limits of surface X-ray flux. If we scale our predicted X-ray fluxes to \ion{Mg}{2} fluxes we also find good agreement with the observed lower limit of chromospheric emission in K dwarfs. This suggests that dynamo action from a convecting, non-rotating plasma is a viable alternative to acoustic heating models as an explanation for the basal emission level seen in chromospheric, transition region, and coronal diagnostics from late-type stars.Comment: ApJ, accepted, 30 pages with 7 figure

    The Magnetic Fields of Classical T Tauri Stars

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    We report new magnetic field measurements for 14 classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs). We combine these data with one previous field determination in order to compare our observed field strengths with the field strengths predicted by magnetospheric accretion models. We use literature data on the stellar mass, radius, rotation period, and disk accretion rate to predict the field strength that should be present on each of our stars according to these magnetospheric accretion models. We show that our measured field values do not correlate with the field strengths predicted by simple magnetospheric accretion theory. We also use our field strength measurements and literature X-ray luminosity data to test a recent relationship expressing X-ray luminosity as a function of surface magnetic flux derived from various solar feature and main sequence star measurements. We find that the T Tauri stars we have observed have weaker than expected X-ray emission by over an order of magnitude on average using this relationship. We suggest the cause for this is actually a result of the very strong fields on these stars which decreases the efficiency with which gas motions in the photosphere can tangle magnetic flux tubes in the corona.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    A prototype system for observing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation - scientific basis, measurement and risk mitigation strategies, and first results

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    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) carries up to one quarter of the global northward heat transport in the Subtropical North Atlantic. A system monitoring the strength of the MOC volume transport has been operating since April 2004. The core of this system is an array of moored sensors measuring density, bottom pressure and ocean currents. A strategy to mitigate risks of possible partial failures of the array is presented, relying on backup and complementary measurements. The MOC is decomposed into five components, making use of the continuous moored observations, and of cable measurements across the Straits of Florida, and wind stress data. The components compensate for each other, indicating that the system is working reliably. The year-long average strength of the MOC is 18.7±5.6 Sv, with wind-driven and density-inferred transports contributing equally to the variability. Numerical simulations suggest that the surprisingly fast density changes at the western boundary are partially linked to westward propagating planetary wave

    Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Observations of Magnetic Activity in Ultracool Dwarfs. II. Mixed Trends in VB10 and LSR1835+32 and the Possible Role of Rotation

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    [Abridged] As part of our on-going investigation of magnetic activity in ultracool dwarfs we present simultaneous radio, X-ray, UV, and optical observations of LSR1835+32 (M8.5), and simultaneous X-ray and UV observations of VB10 (M8), both with a duration of about 9 hours. LSR1835+32 exhibits persistent radio emission and H-alpha variability on timescales of ~0.5-2 hr. The detected UV flux is consistent with photospheric emission, and no X-ray emission is detected to a deep limit of L_X/L_bol<10^-5.7. The H-alpha and radio emission are temporally uncorrelated, and the ratio of radio to X-ray luminosity exceeds the correlation seen in F-M6 stars by >2x10^4. Similarly, L_Halpha/L_X>10 is at least 30 times larger than in early M dwarfs, and eliminates coronal emission as the source of chromospheric heating. The lack of radio variability during four rotations of LSR1835+32 requires a uniform stellar-scale field of ~10 G, and indicates that the H-alpha variability is dominated by much smaller scales, <10% of the chromospheric volume. VB10, on the other hand, shows correlated flaring and quiescent X-ray and UV emission, similar to the behavior of early M dwarfs. Delayed and densely-sampled optical spectra exhibit a similar range of variability amplitudes and timescales to those seen in the X-rays and UV, with L_Halpha/L_X~1. Along with our previous observations of the M8.5 dwarf TVLM513-46546 we conclude that late M dwarfs exhibit a mix of activity patterns, which points to a transition in the structure and heating of the outer atmosphere by large-scale magnetic fields. We find that rotation may play a role in generating the fields as evidenced by a tentative correlation between radio activity and rotation velocity. The X-ray emission, however, shows evidence for super-saturation at vsini>25 km/s.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Magnetic field topology and chemical spot distributions in the extreme Ap star HD 75049

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    Intermediate-mass, magnetic chemically peculiar (Ap) stars provide a unique opportunity to study the topology of stellar magnetic fields in detail and to investigate magnetically driven processes of spot formation. Here we aim to derive the surface magnetic field geometry and chemical abundance distributions for the extraordinary Ap star HD 75049. This object hosts a surface field of ~30 kG, one of the strongest known for any non-degenerate star. We used time-series of high-resolution HARPS intensity and circular polarisation observations. These data were interpreted with the help of magnetic Doppler imaging and model atmospheres incorporating effects of a non-solar chemical composition and a strong magnetic field. We refined the rotational period of HD 75049 to Prot=4.048267+/-0.000036 d. We also derived basic stellar parameters, Teff=10250+/-250 K and logg=4.3+/-0.1. Magnetic Doppler imaging revealed that the field topology of HD 75049 is poloidal and dominated by a dipolar contribution with a peak surface field strength of 39 kG. At the same time, deviations from the classical axisymmetric oblique dipolar configuration are significant. Chemical surface maps of Si, Cr, Fe, and Nd show abundance contrasts of 0.5-1.4 dex, which is low compared with many other Ap stars. Nd is found to be enhanced close to the magnetic pole, whereas Si and Cr are concentrated predominantly at the magnetic equator. The iron distribution shows low-contrast features both at the magnetic equator and the pole. The morphology of the magnetic field and the properties of chemical spots in HD 75049 are qualitatively similar to those of Ap stars with weaker fields. Consequently, whatever mechanism forms and sustains global magnetic fields in intermediate-mass main-sequence stars, it operates in the same way over the entire observed range of magnetic field strengths.Comment: accepted for publication in A&
