1,467 research outputs found

    Application of satellite images to locate and inventory vineyards in the designation of origin "Bierzo" in Spain

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    P. 277-290With a view to contributing to the improvement of the current vineyard registers, this study presents a methodology for vineyard mapping based on satellite remote sensing systems. The procedure was validated for the Designation of origin "Bierzo" in Spain. Different supervised classifications were performed besed on two Landsat images acquired in the same year. The objetives of the present study were to determine which classification yielded the best results and to quantify the influence of different factors that affected the overall classification accuracy, such as the resampling method, the use of georeferenced mosaics, or the combination of the two imagesS

    Mitochondrial inhibitors activate influx of external Ca2+ in sea urchin sperm

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    AbstractSea urchin sperm have a single mitochondrion which, aside from its main ATP generating function, may regulate motility, intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and possibly the acrosome reaction (AR). We have found that acute application of agents that inhibit mitochondrial function via differing mechanisms (CCCP, a proton gradient uncoupler, antimycin, a respiratory chain inhibitor, oligomycin, a mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor and CGP37157, a Na+/Ca2+ exchange inhibitor) increases [Ca2+]i with at least two differing profiles. These increases depend on the presence of extracellular Ca2+, which indicates they involve Ca2+ uptake and not only mitochondrial Ca2+ release. The plasma membrane permeation pathways activated by the mitochondrial inhibitors are permeable to Mn2+. Store-operated Ca2+ channel (SOC) blockers (Ni2+, SKF96365 and Gd2+) and internal-store ATPase inhibitors (thapsigargin and bisphenol) antagonize Ca2+ influx induced by the mitochondrial inhibitors. The results indicate that the functional status of the sea urchin sperm mitochondrion regulates Ca2+ entry through SOCs. As neither CCCP nor dicycloexyl carbodiimide (DCCD), another mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor, eliminate the oligomycin induced increase in [Ca2+]i, apparently oligomycin also has an extra mitochondrial target

    Nivel de información médica sobre diabetes, actitud de los pacientes hacia la enfermedad y su asociación con el nivel de control glucémico

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    ObjetivoDeterminar el nivel de información y de actitud que sobre su enfermedad tienen pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) y su asociación con el nivel de control glucémico.DiseñoEncuesta transversal survey.EmplazamientoDos unidades de medicina familiar.PacientesDoscientos sujetos con DM2.IntervencionesSe aplicaron 2 instrumentos validados para valorar nivel de conocimientos y actitud, y se midió el promedio de las últimas 6 glucemias.Mediciones y resultadosLa calificación global del instrumento de conocimientos fue 58,6 ± 17,9 (escala 0-100). Para el instrumento de actitud fue de 18,9 ± 2,1 (escala 0-35). La calificación de conocimientos del grupo controlado fue de 55,48 ± 16,8, y la del grupo descontrolado de 59,2 ± 18,1. La calificación sobre actitud del grupo controlado fue de 17,8 ± 2,3, y la del grupo descontrolado de 19,1 ± 2 (p = 0,001). El nivel de información proporcionado por el médico familiar fue del 42,9%, por el equipo de salud del 10,2% y por otras fuentes del 6,3%. En cuanto al análisis del grado de actitud y el nivel de información, hubo una mejor actitud cuando la información fue proporcionada por otras fuentes (p < 0,05). Por lo que respecta al porcentaje de información y el control glucémico, el nivel de control fue mejor cuando la información fue proporcionada por el equipo de salud (p < 0,01).ConclusionesEl nivel de información médica sobre diabetes proporcionada por el médico familiar y el equipo de salud es bajo, y sólo en este último caso se asocia a un mejor control glucémico. La actitud es mejor cuando se recibe información sobre diabetes de otras fuentes.ObjectiveTo determine the level of information and attitude that it has more than enough their illness has patient with diabetes type 2 (DM2), and their association with level of glucemic control.DesignCross-sectional.SettingTwo units of family medicine.Patient200 subject with DM2.InterventionsTwo instruments were applied validated to measure, level of knowledge and attitude was measured the average of the last 6 glucaemias.Measurements and resultsThe qualification average of the instrument of knowledge was 58.6 ± 17.9 (it scale 0–100). For the instrument of attitude it was of 18.9 ± 2.1 (it scale 0 at 35). The qualification of knowledge of the controlled group was of 55.48 ± 16.8, and of the uncontrolled group it was of 59.2 ± 18.1. The qualification has more than enough attitude of the controlled group it was of 17.8 ± 2.3, and of the uncontrolled group of 19.1 ± 2, p = 0.001. The proportionate level of information the family doctor was of 42.9%, of the team of health of 10.2% and of other sources of 6.3%. At the analysis of the degree of attitude and the level of information, there was a better attitude when the information was provided by other sources p < 0.05. In the percentage of information and the level of glucemic control, the control level was better when the information was for the team of health p < 0.01.ConclusionsThe level of medical information on diabetes provided by the family doctor and the team of health is low and it doesn't and only this last are associate to better glucemic control. The attitude is better when one receives information of other sources

    Detection of a multi-shell planetary nebula around the hot subdwarf O-type star 2MASS J19310888+4324577

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    (Abridged) The origin of hot subdwarf O-type stars (sdOs) remains unclear since their discovery in 1947. Among others, a post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) origin is possible for a fraction of sdOs. We are involved in a comprehensive ongoing study to search for and to analyze planetary nebulae (PNe) around sdOs with the aim of establishing the fraction and properties of sdOs with a post-AGB origin. We use deep Halpha and [OIII] images of sdOs to detect nebular emission and intermediate resolution, long-slit optical spectroscopy of the detected nebulae and their sdO central stars. These data are complemented with other observations for further analysis of the detected nebulae. We report the detection of an extremely faint, complex PN around 2MASS J19310888+4324577 (2M1931+4324), a star classified as sdO in a binary system. The PN shows a bipolar and an elliptical shell, whose major axes are oriented perpendicular to each other, and high-excitation structures outside the two shells. WISE archive images show faint, extended emission at 12 and 22 microns in the inner nebular regions. The internal nebular kinematics is consistent with a bipolar and a cylindrical/ellipsoidal shell, in both cases with the main axis mainly perpendicular to the line of sight. The nebular spectrum only exhibits Halpha, Hbeta and [OIII]4959,5007 emission lines, but suggests a very low-excitation ([OIII]/Hbeta = 1.5), in strong contrast with the absence of low-excitation emission lines. The spectrum of 2M1931+4324 presents narrow, ionized helium absorptions that confirm the previous sdO classification and suggest an effective temperature >= 60000 K. The binary nature of 2M1931+4324, its association with a complex PN, and several properties of the system provide strong support for the idea that binary central stars are a crucial ingredient in the formation of complex PNe.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Meningioma con diferenciación rabdoide. Reporte de un caso y revisión de la bibliografía

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    Introducción: El meningioma constituye 1 a 4% de las neoplasias primarias malignas del SNC en la edad pediátrica y su incidencia se incrementa conforme a la edad. Si bien tiene una predisposición hacia el sexo femenino en edad adulta, la distribución es equitativa en la edad pediátrica. En 1998 Kepes, Perry y colaboradores describieron dos series de meningiomas con zonas de morfología rabdoide y sugirieron el término meningioma rabdoide, que se ha relacionado con un tipo histológico de comportamiento biológico agresivo y mal pronóstico. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de seis años de edad que ingresó por crisis convulsivas y de ausencia. En la RMN se encontró una tumoración en la región temporo-parietal derecha. Los cortes histológicos revelaron una neoplasia compuesta por células fusiformes, con núcleos alongados y seudoinclusiones, así como zonas con aumento en la celularidad conformadas por células con abundante citoplasma eosinófilo y núcleo desplazado a la periferia. Las tinciones de inmunohistoquímica fueron positivas para EMA en el componente meningotelial y para vimentina en el componente rabdoide. Se diagnosticó meningioma rabdoide. Discusión: El meningioma rabdoide se clasifica como grado III según la OMS. La importancia de identificar estas neoplasias radica en su comportamiento agresivo y en su alta tasa de recurrencia. A pesar de que existen numerosos casos reportados en pacientes adultos, la epidemiologia de estas neoplasias durante la infancia no es del todo clara y los parámetros pronósticos aquí mencionados aún no se estudian del todo en niños

    El Método científico en la era de los ordenadores

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    Resumen: En los estudios de grado de las ramas de Ciencias e Ingeniería se suele incluir una asignatura denominada Técnicas Experimentales en la que se introducen los mecanismos de funcionamiento de los aparatos o herramientas específicas que se van a utilizar en la especialidad. Generalmente en ella se expone el método científico adaptado a cada campo particular, se estudian las unidades de medida, las representaciones gráficas y la preparación de informes escritos y orales. En este trabajo se hace una propuesta de contenidos para una asignatura con la misma denominación, en la que la herramienta a utilizar sea una computadora y se aborde la resolución de problemas a través del pensamiento computacional permitiendo la aplicación del método científico en cualquier rama de conocimiento.Abstract Science and Engineering undergraduate studies usually include an academic subject (to which we will refer from now on as Experimental Techniques) whose goal is to introduce the students in the operation of the devices and tools that they will use along their degree. The course exposes an adaptation of the scientific method to the specific field of the degree and it studies the measurement units, graphic representations and the preparation of written and oral reports. This paper presents a proposal of contents for a version of such a course in which the particular tool to use is the computer and the adapted version of the scientific method is the ability to solve problems through computational thinking with the final aim of leading the student to the application of the scientific method to any branch of knowledge

    Radiales time series: 25 years building monitoring and analytical capacities in the Iberian shelf

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    The RADIALES program has been monitoring shelf waters in Spain for the last 25 years. This is the oldest field program for multidisciplinary marine research addressing long term variability issues at ecosystem level. Core observations include ship-based hydrographic, biogeochemical and plankton observations at monthly frequency in several oceanographic sections along the Iberian shelf. These observations are complemented with buoy and satellite observations and all these data are used to validate hydrographic and ecological models of plankton at local and regional scales. From the first series initiated in the northwestern shelf other programs extended the observations to the Mediterranean and off shelf waters using the same approach. The success of RADIALES extends beyond pure scientific knowledge, as the expertise gathered with the program has been applied to solve multiple environmental issues, from fisheries and pollution to global change. The program is also instrumental for educational purposes, allowing the specialization of students and technicians. Thanks to a basal funding provided by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, the program currently obtains more than 60% of its annual budget from competitive calls, as it offers an unique platform for coastal research. Among the results of this program are 400 publications, including peer-review papers, 24 Thesis and 54 scientific reports. The RADIALES data are freely distributed to national and international users as a contribution to the development of cost-effective ocean research and marine servicesIEO (RADIALES

    Efecto del NaCl sobre los parámetros de crecimiento, rendimiento y calidad de la cebolla de bulbo (Allium cepa L.) bajo condiciones controladas

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    El experimento se realizó en el primer semestre de 2010 en los invernaderos de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, con temperatura y humedad relativa promedio de 21°C y 60%, respectivamente. Se evaluó el efecto de concentraciones crecientes en el agua de riego de 0, 30, 60 y 90 mM de NaCl (conductividad eléctrica de 0, 3, 6 y 9 ±0,2 dS m-1, respectivamente) sobre parámetros de crecimiento, rendimiento y calidad en cebolla de bulbo, var. Yellow Granex, en un diseño completamente aleatorizado con cuatro repeticiones. Los niveles salinos crecientes generaron un desarrollo precoz, expresado en acumulación rápida de materia seca (MS) en los primeros estados de crecimiento, teniendo implicaciones fisiológicas en el desarrollo del bulbo. Se presentaron diferencias significativas a partir de la etapa de desarrollo del bulbo para las variables altura, número de hojas y diámetro del pseudotallo de la planta. Asimismo, se registraron reducciones respecto al tratamiento control de 31%, 53% y 70% de MS total, 44%, 53% y 71% de MS de la parte aérea, 28%, 49% y 74% de MS del bulbo, 12%, 25% y 43% para el diámetro y 30%, 52% y 78% para el peso fresco del bulbo en los niveles crecientes de 30, 60 y 90 mM de NaCl, respectivamente. Los niveles salinos crecientes se relacionaron directamente con el aumento en los valores de sólidos solubles totales y disminución en el contenido de ácido pirúvico, lo que se tradujo en un sabor más dulce y menos pungente de los bulbos.Cebolla de bulbo-Cebolla japonesa

    Are Technical and Timing Components in Para-Badminton Classifications Different?

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    Considering the smaller number of studies investigating Para-Badminton (PBd) and the need to understand the technical, tactical and functional classes, the purpose of this research is to investigate the frequency of techni- cal components and timing characteristics in the PBd categories of WH1(Wheelchair/severe impairment) and WH2 (Wheelchair/minor impairment) and to compare between classes. Twenty PBd matches were analyzed in the men’s individual category at the 11th World PBd Championship. The mean playing time of the matches was 1,780 (± 575) s for the WH1 class and 2,012 (± 1,098) s for WH2. The average rally time was 10.2 (± 8.4) min for the WH1 and 12.5 (± 12.5) min for WH2. The mean pause time was 15 (± 10.3) s for the WH1 class and 14.1 (±10.5) s for the WH2. The mean number of shots per game was 552 (±197) and 719 (±480) for class WH1 and WH2 respectively. In both classes: the most frequent shots performed by the players were Clear, Lob, Drop, and Net-shot; the players used backhand more often than the forehand service and the short service compared to the long one; the errors stood out in relation to the winner points. In addition, there was a higher proportion of shots at the front of the court in both classes. It was found that the WH2 class showed a higher intensity (longer rally time and shorter pause time) and a higher frequency of tech-nical actions (higher number of shuttle hits) when compared to the WH1. This information can assist coaches during training to guide the development of the temporal and technical aspects of the PBd, as well as monitor them during matches to obtain victory