3,700 research outputs found

    Allergen-Based Diagnostic: Novel and Old Methodologies with New Approaches

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    This chapter is an extensive review of allergen-based diagnostic methodologies including old techniques such as skin prick test, radio-allergo sorbent test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and fluorescent-enzyme immunosorbent assay. Novel technologies include functional tests by flow cytometry and molecular allergy based on multiplex immunoassays. We also review the importance of biochemical characteristics of allergens, sensitivity and specificity, cross-reaction between allergens, utility, reproducibility, interpretation, and methodologies for discovery of epitopes for diagnostic or therapeutic use

    Effect of intensity and duration of anthropic noises on European mink locomotor activity and fecal cortisol metabolite levels

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    Human activities involving noise emission can affect wild animals. European mink was exposed to road noise and human voice playbacks to analyze how sound intensity level and duration of both noises altered the time that individuals were active and if their fecal cortisol metabolite (FCM) levels varied. A Hierarchical Analysis Cluster was performed to establish 2 mink groups with respect to both noise source type: short duration/low intensity (SL) and long duration/high intensity (LH). We performed general linear mixed models to evaluate the variation in locomotor activity duration (s) and FCM (nanogram per gram) levels, respectively. The results showed both road noise and human voices decreased locomotor activity duration in SL more sharply compared with LH, and human voices were the triggers that induced the most pronounced response to both exposure conditions. FCM (ng/g) levels increased in SL compared with LH during road noise while the opposite happened during human voices. Differences based on sex and age of individuals were observed. In conclusion, noise characteristics given by the sound type determined the variations in locomotor activity duration while noise exposure level determined the variations in FCM (ng/g) levels. Attention should be paid to noisy activities (e.g., recreational activities for visitors in protected natural areas) and loud groups of people to conserve wildlife, especially noise sensitive specie

    Relationship between postharvest diseases resistance and mineral composition of citrus fruit

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    reen and blue moulds, due to the pathogenic action of Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum respectively are the main cause of orange losses during postharvest. Under Mediterranean climate conditions, both together are responsible for 80% of total postharvest citrus fruit decay. The type of orchard production system, field location with different types of climate and soil has a main influence on mineral composition of fruits. The mineral composition of fruits can have a significant impact on fruit quality and shelf life during postharvest period. These include effects on fruit colour, texture, disease susceptibility, juice composition and development of physiological disorders. Oranges from different regions from South of Spain and Portugal and from three different production systems (conventional, integrated and organic) were studied to evaluate whether both factors (origin and production system) affected the degree of fruit sensitivity to decay. Results indicate that the sensitivity to green or blue mould is determined better by the origin of fruit than by the system of production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    su(1,1) Algebraic approach of the Dirac equation with Coulomb-type scalar and vector potentials in D + 1 dimensions

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    We study the Dirac equation with Coulomb-type vector and scalar potentials in D + 1 dimensions from an su(1, 1) algebraic approach. The generators of this algebra are constructed by using the Schr\"odinger factorization. The theory of unitary representations for the su(1, 1) Lie algebra allows us to obtain the energy spectrum and the supersymmetric ground state. For the cases where there exists either scalar or vector potential our results are reduced to those obtained by analytical techniques

    Motor speed predicts stability of cognitive deficits in both schizophrenic and bipolar I patients at one-year follow-up

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    Background We examined whether motor speed assessed by the finger tapping test predicts generalized and specific stable deficits because of a common patho-genic process in bipolar and schizophrenic patients. Methods: One hundred and two patients underwent a battery of neuropsychological tests. Patients with a score of less than one standard deviation from their siblings' sample in two assessments with an interval of one year were defined as suffering from stable deficits because of a common pathogenic process. In addition to univariate analyses, factor analyses, ordinal logistic regression, and multiple linear regressions were used. A general score was also calculated. Results: No differences were found between schizophrenic and bipolar patients in the deficits of verbal fluency, shift reasoning ability and executive attention. Schizophrenic patients had greater persistent cognitive deficit because of a common pathogenic factor in the verbal memory dimension than bipolar patients. Motor speed predicted the specific deficits of verbal fluency, shift reasoning, executive attention and the general deficit of both bipolar I and schizophrenic patients. Bipolar patients suffered a lesser specific deficit in the verbal memory dimension than schizophrenic patients did, this domain not being predicted by motor speed. Motor speed predicted the generalized deficit and the specific dimensions in which schizophrenic and bipolar patients showed no differences. Conclusions: These results suggest the presence of general and specific stable cognitive deficits because of a common pathogenic factor related to psychomotor slowness. Motor speed seems to be suitable endophenocognitype for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

    Middle Eocene Rhodoliths from Tropical and Mid-Latitude Regions

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    During the greenhouse conditions prevailing in the early–middle Eocene, larger benthic foraminifers (LBF) spread out on carbonate platforms worldwide while rhodolith beds were scarcely represented. This reduction in rhodolith beds coincided with a relative decrease in coralline algal diversity and with a drastic decline of coral reef abundance. Middle Eocene rhodoliths from two tropical (San Jacinto Fold Belt in northern Colombia and Bahoruco Peninsula in the Dominican Republic) and two mid-latitude (Salinas Menores Ravine and Sierra del Zacatín in Southern Spain) localities were studied. Rhodolith rudstones in the tropical areas accumulated on relatively deep (several tens of meters) platform environments and were also redeposited in deeper settings downslope. In Salinas Menores, rhodoliths are dispersed in planktic foraminifer-rich marls. Miliolids are common in the infilling of constructional voids in these rhodoliths, indicating that they originally grew in shallow-water inner-shelf settings and afterwards they were transported to deeper environments. In Sierra del Zacatín, rhodoliths are scarce and coralline algae mainly occur as crusts attached to and intergrowing with corals. Here, LBF dominated shallow-water carbonate platforms. In terms of taxonomic composition, coralline algae of the order Hapalidiales are the most abundant in the study areas, followed by Sporolithales. The order Corallinales is poorly represented except in Salinas Menores, where it is relatively abundant and diverse. The impact of high temperatures due to high levels of atmospheric CO2 during the Eocene and widespread oligotrophic conditions, which favored formation of LBF-rich lithofacies, might account for the low abundance of rhodolith beds at mid and high latitudes. In contrast, the more productive equatorial regions would have favored the formation of rhodolith beds.This research was funded by Research Group RNM-190 of the Junta de Andalucía (JA and JCB), MINECO/FEDER-UE project CGL2015-65404-R and by the Consolidated Research Group IT930-16 of the Basque Government (VP and XOE)


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    Paleoseismological evidence of holocene activity of the Los Tollos fault (Murcia, se Spain): a lately formed quaternary tectonic feature of the eastern betic shear zone

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    The Los Tollos Fault is a recent and important feature of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone, one of the major tectonic structures in South Iberia accommodating the convergence between Nubian and Eurasian plates in the western Mediterranean. The Los Tollos Fault became active by the end of Middle Pleistocene introducing some paleogeographical modifications. Previously mapped as a secondary normal fault related to the Carrascoy Fault, recent research evidences that the Los Tollos Fault is an independent Holocene active left-lateral reverse fault extending for at least 15 km. Data analysis from 4 trenches dug across the fault has revealed the occurrence of at least two paleo-earthquake events during the Holocene. The most recent event is dated between 2,740 and 2,140 yr BP (8th to 2nd centuries BC). The size of the paleoevents is calculated to be Mw 6.3 – 6.6 following empirical regressions on surface rupture length. The recurrence interval is estimated to be between 2,200-6,860 years, fitting a slip rate for the fault between 0.12 and 0.17 mm/yr. Such parameters highlight the Los Tollos Fault as a tectonic structure with a considerable activity located relatively close to densely populated areas. These seismogenic parameters should be considered in future reassessments of the seismic hazard of the regionThis work forms part of the research activities carried out in the FASEGEO Project (CGL2009-09726) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    TI Rutas de la Inserción Laboral del egresado de la Facultad de Administración y Contaduría de la U A de C

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    The increase of new companies is nowadays a way to promote the labor insertion of recent graduates, one of the most important issues to solve is that the students graduate with an optimal preparation so that they can perform in the labor field properly. It is important that students have an exit profile as a guide to the qualities they must meet according to the current job market which allows unifying criteria to establish routes for the achievement of the objectives of the Faculty of Administration and Accounting which is that the Students graduate with the skills and abilities to face the challenges of an Accounting graduated. This study is based on a mixed investigation since the data is collected in the company where the research was developed. The students of the FAC consider that what has been taught, accomplished the objectives of the career, as well as the fact that they consider that they will comply with the established profile as soon as they graduate.El incremento de nuevas empresas es hoy día una forma más de promover la inserción laboral de los recién egresados, una de las cuestiones más importantes a resolver es que los alumnos egresen con una preparación óptima para que se puedan desempeñar en el campo laboral adecuadamente. Es importante que los estudiantes tengan un perfil de egreso como guía de las cualidades que deben de cumplir según el mercado laboral actual lo que permite unificar criterios para establecer rutas para el logro de los objetivos de la Facultad de Administración y Contaduría el cuál es que los estudiantes egresen con las aptitudes y habilidades para enfrentar los retos de un Lic. en Contaduría. El estudio se fundamenta en una investigación mixta ya que los datos se recogen en la empresa donde se desarrolló la investigación. Los alumnos de la FAC consideran que lo que se le ha impartido cumple con los objetivos de la carrera, así como también el hecho de que ellos consideran que al egresar ellos cumplirán con el perfil establecido