4,683 research outputs found

    Evaluation and selection of the layout of an installation with the use of a hybrid approach multiatribute simulation

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    Fil: Garza Ríos, Rosario C. Technological University of Havana José Antonio. Faculty of Industrial Engineering; Cuba.Fil: Martínez Delgado, Edith. Technological University of Havana José Antonio. Faculty of Industrial Engineering; Cuba.The successful performance of the production organizations of material goods or service necessarily involves the correct location of the elements that make up the productive system, so as to satisfactorily respond not only to current situations but also to possible future scenarios. Among the techniques of Operations Research, which are useful for analyzing the behavior of systems, there is Simulation, which has demonstrated its advantages in the quantification of output variables or indicators of interest, associated with each designed scenario. In particular, this article demonstrates the convenience of using Simulation to evaluate the layout of an organization in different scenarios and multiple criteria. The steps of a hybrid approach based on Simulation and Multicriteria techniques and their application to two case studies are shown. To evaluate the behavior of the systems according to the designed layout, respective models of Simulation are generated and solved through the ARENA language version 15.0. In addition, as multi-attribute techniques for the selection of the preferred layout the following methods are applied: lexicographic and EDIPO; in the latter case with the use of the DECISION software

    Red para la elaboración de materiales docentes en el análisis y tratamiento de datos geoquímicos y petrológicos

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    El trabajo realizado por esta red docente tiene por objetivo el desarrollo de materiales docentes específicos para el análisis y tratamiento de datos geoquímicos y petrológicos dentro de las asignaturas enmarcadas en el tercer curso del Grado en Geología: Petrología Ígnea y Metamórfica, Petrología Sedimentaria y Geoquímica y Prospección Geoquímica. El trabajo se ha centrado en la definición de las actividades a realizar por el estudiante, haciendo especial hincapié en la coordinación de los contenidos y distribución temporal entre las asignaturas anteriormente mencionadas. Los resultados obtenidos durante los cursos precedentes han mostrado la necesidad de desarrollar manuales, páginas webs y videos que permitan el autoaprendizaje del alumno. Una de las principales debilidades encontradas durante el tratamiento de datos radica en el conocimiento de los diferentes pasos intermedios que se realizan, las suposiciones que se consideran y los errores derivados de ellas. La gran parte del material y software docente existente solo proporciona el resultado final del tratamiento de los datos obtenidos en el estudio geoquímico y petrológico de las muestras naturales. Por lo tanto, el material desarrollado para solventar dichos problemas docentes incluye colecciones de problemas y prácticas, videos-tutoriales y el desarrollo de software propio o utilizando software libre

    Genetic characterisation of the mostrenca cattle with microsatellites

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    In this work the Mostrenca bovine population that lives in the Estación Biológica de Doñana (340 animals) has been studied with 26 microsatellites recommended by FAO for bovine biodiversity studies. The 9 microsatellites of the international panel for parentage control are included in this study. These markers were amplified by mean of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique and to get the size separation of the obtained fragments we have developed electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel in an automatic sequencer ABI377XL. All the microsatellites have been polymorphic and between 3 (BM8125) and 10 (ETH225) alleles have been found with an average value of 6,7. The expected heterozigosity has been 0.6244 and the observed heterozigosity 0.6115. The paternity and maternity have been checked with these microsatellites and this has been used to make a paternity panel with 10-12 markers and an a priori exclusion probability higher than 99.9 percent. This panel is useful to check paternity in this bovine breed that have a very special management: it is a feral breed that lives inside a restricted biologic reserve where the livestock is not allowed.En este trabajo se caracteriza la población bovina Mostrenca de la Estación Biológica de Doñana (340 muestras) con 26 microsatélites de ADN recomendados por la FAO para estudios de biodiversidad bovina y entre los que se encuentran los 9 marcadores del panel internacional para pruebas de paternidad en bovino. Los microsatélites se han amplificado mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) y los fragmentos amplificados se han separado mediante electroforesis en un secuenciador automático ABI 377XL. Todos los microsatélites utilizados han resultado polimórficos y se han encontrado entre 3 alelos para el BM8125 y 10 para el ETH225, con un número medio de alelos de 6,7. La heterocigosidad media esperada ha sido 0,6244 y la observada 0,6115. Se ha llevado a cabo la comprobación de paternidades y maternidades con estos microsatélites, lo que ha servido para establecer una batería de 10-12 microsatélites con una probabilidad de exclusión a priori superior al 99,9 p.100 que puede resultar muy útil para realizar controles de filiación en esta raza bovina con unas peculiaridades de manejo muy especiales dada su condición de raza en estado asilvestrado dentro de una reserva biológica protegida en la que no está permitida la ganadería como tal

    Remnants of Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy around the young globular cluster Palomar 12

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    Photometry of a large field around the young globular cluster Palomar 12 has revealed the main-sequence of a low surface-brightness stellar system. This main-sequence is indicative of a stellar population that varies significantly in metallicity and/or age, but in the mean is more metal poor than Pal 12. Under different assumptions for the properties of this population, we find distances from the Sun in the range 17-24 kpc, which encompasses the distance to Pal 12, 19.0±0.919.0\pm0.9 kpc. The stellar system is also detected in a field 2\arcdeg North of Pal 12, which indicates it has a minimum diameter of 0.9\sim0.9 kpc. The orbit of Pal 12 (Dinescu et al. 2000), the color-magnitude diagram of the stellar system, their positions on the sky, and their distances suggest that they are debris from the tidal disruption of the Sgr dSph galaxy. We discuss briefly the implications for the evolution of Sgr and the Galactic halo.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, accepted for ApJ Letters. Some importante changes after revision, including a new figur

    The informal social support for autonomy and dependence in pain inventory Spanish version

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    Social support plays a crucial role in the quality of life of people with chronic pain. The Informal Social Support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory assesses two functions of received social support: the promotion of autonomy and the promotion of dependence. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to adapt this instrument for its use in the Spanish population. The sample comprised 256 individuals with chronic pain. Participants were recruited through two local associations of people with fibromyalgia, a physiotherapy unit and a hospital pain unit. The data were collected in Spain between October 2018 and January 2020. The structure of the questionnaire was analysed using confirmatory factor analysis, average variance extracted, composite reliability and internal consistency indexes, and inter-correlations between the scales. The criterion-related validity of the instrument was analysed by investigating its relationship with pain intensity, positive and negative affect, daily functioning, activity impairment, wellbeing and satisfaction with life. The structure with the best fit had four related factors: emotional social support for the promotion of autonomy; instrumental social support for the promotion of autonomy; emotional social support for the promotion of dependence and instrumental social support for the promotion of dependence. The scales showed adequate internal consistency. An association was found between higher levels of instrumental social support for the promotion of dependence and higher levels of pain-related disability and decreased daily functioning. An association was also found between the promotion of autonomy and increased satisfaction with life. The Spanish version of the inventory shows appropriate psychometric properties. In the setting of disability prevention, this instrument is useful in assessing the support relationships between people with chronic pain and their relatives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The star formation history of the Local Group dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 185: II. Gradients in the stellar population

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    The star formation history of the dE NGC 185, together with its spatial variations, has been investigated using new ground-based HαH_\alpha and BVIBVI photometry, and synthetic color--magnitude diagrams (CMDs). We find that the bulk of the stars were formed in NGC 185 at an early epoch of its evolution. After that, the star formation proceeded at a low rate until the recent past, the age of the most recent traces of star formation activity detected in the galaxy being some 100 Myr. The star formation rate, ψ(t)\psi(t) for old and intermediate ages shows a gradient in the sense of taking smaller values for higher galactocentric radii. Moreover, recent star formation is detected in the central 150×90150 \times 90 pc2^2 only, where the youngest, 100 Myr old population is found. The luminous blue {\it stars} discovered by Baade (1951) in the center of NGC 185 are discussed using new CCD images in BB and Baade's original photographic plates, reaching the conclusion that most of them are in fact star clusters. A consistent picture arises in which the gas observed in the central region of NGC 185 would have an internal origin. The rate at which evolved stars return gas to the ISM is enough to seed the recent star formation observed in the center of the galaxy and the SN rate is probably low enough to allow the galaxy to retain the gas not used in the new stellar generations.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figures, 5 Tables, to be published in AJ October 9

    Predicción de amputación mediante MESS (Mangled Extremity Severity Score) en pacientes con lesión traumática vascular grave

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    En este estudio retrospectivo y ciego se analizan las historias clínicas de 60 pacientes (63 miembros inferiores), que ingresaron en nuestro hospital desde 1978 a 1992 a causa de una lesión traumática vascular grave; en este grupo no se incluyeron los pacientes con traumatismo vascular localizado por encima de la cadera o debajo del tobillo. El objetivo del estudio ha sido investigar si el MESS (Mangled extremity severity score) es un sistema útil para decidir entre la amputación precoz o el intento de reconstrucción en este tipo de pacientes. De 36 miembros que terminaron en amputación, 34 tuvieron un MESS de 7 o más, demostrando una sensibilidad del test del 94,4%. De 27 miembros que se salvaron, 22 tuvieron un MESS de 6 o menos, demostrando una especificidad del 81,4%. Así pues, el MESS es un test útil para predecir la necesidad o no de amputar un miembro con lesión vascular traumática grave, pero no es absolutamente fiable. Parece más fiable cuando se aplica a pacientes con traumatismo vascular grave que cuando se aplica a pacientes con traumatismo, tengan o no lesión vascular.60 patients (63 limbs) suffering from a severe vascular injury of the lower extremities between 1978-1992 have been retrospectively reviewed. Those cases wherein vascular injury was located above the hip level or under the ankle level were not included. The aim of this study was to investígate whether the Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS) is a useful test to decide between limb salvage or early amputation in this type of patients. Among 36 amputated limbs. 34 had a score equal or greater than 7, the rate of sensitivity of the test was 94,4%. Among 27 salvaged limbs, 22 had a score equal or lower than 6, showing a rate of specificity of 81,4%. The MESS seems to be a very useful test for prediction of limb salvage versus amputation with severe vascular injury, although it is not totally reliable. It seems better when applied to patients with vascular injury, rather than to those with mangled extremity, with or without vascular injury