212 research outputs found

    UAV surveying for a complete mapping and documentation of archaeological findings. The early Neolithic site of Portonovo

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    The huge potential of 3D digital acquisition techniques for the documentation of archaeological sites, as well as the related findings, is almost well established. In spite of the variety of available techniques, a sole documentation pipeline cannot be defined a priori because of the diversity of archaeological settings. Stratigraphic archaeological excavations, for example, require a systematic, quick and low cost 3D single-surface documentation because the nature of stratigraphic archaeology compels providing documentary evidence of any excavation phase. Only within a destructive process each single excavation cannot be identified, documented and interpreted and this implies the necessity of a re- examination of the work on field. In this context, this paper describes the methodology, carried out during the last years, to 3D document the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo (Ancona, Italy) and, in particular, its latest step consisting in a photogrammetric aerial survey by means of UAV platform. It completes the previous research delivered in the same site by means of terrestrial laser scanning and close range techniques and sets out different options for further reflection in terms of site coverage, resolution and campaign cost. With the support of a topographic network and a unique reference system, the full documentation of the site is managed in order to detail each excavation phase; besides, the final output proves how the 3D digital methodology can be completely integrated with reasonable costs during the excavation and used to interpret the archaeological context. Further contribution of this work is the comparison between several acquisition techniques (i.e. terrestrial and aerial), which could be useful as decision support system for different archaeological scenarios. The main objectives of the comparison are: i) the evaluation of 3D mapping accuracy from different data sources, ii) the definition of a standard pipeline for different archaeological needs and iii) the provision of different level of detail according to the user need

    Predictors of Endocarditis in Isolates from Cultures of Blood Following Dental Extractions in Rats with Periodontal Disease

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    Rats with periodontitis and catheter-induced aortic valve vegetations underwent dental extractions. Cultures of blood obtained 1 min later showed polymicrobial bacteremia in 19 of 19 rats, mostly due to viridans streptococci (18 of 19), Morganella (15 of 19), group G streptococci (13 of 19), and Staphylococcus aureus (10 of 19). Viridans streptococci circulated in higher numbers than did group G streptococci and S. aureus (P < .01). Three days after dental extractions, 18 of 20 rats had endocarditis. Fifteen (83%) of 18 infections were due to group G streptococci, 9 (50%) of 18 were due to S. aureus, and 2 (11%) of 18 were due to viridans streptococci (P < .05). In vitro, adherence to platelet-fibrin matrices of endocarditis strain 8 of group G streptococcus was two times greater than that of endocarditis strain S. aureus 23 and three to four times greater than that of Streptococcus sanguis 44 and Morganella morganii 93 (P < 10−5). The inoculum size that produced endocarditis in 90% of rats after iv challenge was 105 cfu for group G streptococcus strain 8 and 107 for S. sanguis 4

    Comparing Mobile Laser Scanner and manual measurements for dendrometric variables estimation in a black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) plantation

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    The growing demand of ecosystem services provided by forests increased the need for fast and accurate field survey. The recent technological innovations fostered the application of geomatic tools and processes to different fields of the forestry sector. In this study we compared the efficiency and the accuracy of Mobile Laser Scanner (MLS), combined with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technology, and traditional field survey for the mensuration of main forest dendrometric variables like stem diameter at breast height (DBH), individual tree height (H), crown base height (CBH) and branch-free stem volume (VOL). With ground truth measurements taken from 50 felled trees, we tested the applicability of MLS technology for individual tree parameters esti-mation in a conifer plantation in central Italy. Our results showed no bias of DBH estimates and the corre-sponding RMSE was equal to 10.8% (2.7 cm). H and CBH measured with MLS were underestimated compared to the ground truth (bias of-8.6% for H and-13.3% for CBH). VOL values showed a bias and a RMSE of-4.1% (-0.01 m(3)) and 12.4% (0.04 m3) respectively. Tree height is not perfectly estimated due to laser obstruction by crowns layer, but the acquisition speed of this survey, joined with a suitable accuracy of parameters extraction, suggests sufficient suitability of the method for operational applications in simple forest structures (e.g. one-layered stands)

    A genetic validation study reveals a role of vitamin D metabolism in the response to interferon-alfa-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C

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    Background: To perform a comprehensive study on the relationship between vitamin D metabolism and the response to interferon-α-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C. Methodology/Principal Findings: Associations between a functionally relevant polymorphism in the gene encoding the vitamin D 1α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012) and the response to treatment with pegylated interferon-α (PEG-IFN-α) and ribavirin were determined in 701 patients with chronic hepatitis C. In addition, associations between serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25[OH]D3) and treatment outcome were analysed. CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012 was found to be an independent predictor of sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients with poor-response IL28B genotypes (15% difference in SVR for rs10877012 genotype AA vs. CC, p = 0.02, OR = 1.52, 95% CI = 1.061–2.188), but not in patients with favourable IL28B genotype. Patients with chronic hepatitis C showed a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency (25[OH]D3<20 ng/mL) during all seasons, but 25(OH)D3 serum levels were not associated with treatment outcome. Conclusions/Significance: Our study suggests a role of bioactive vitamin D (1,25[OH]2D3, calcitriol) in the response to treatment of chronic hepatitis C. However, serum concentration of the calcitriol precursor 25(OH)D3 is not a suitable predictor of treatment outcome

    Two Antagonistic MALT1 Auto-Cleavage Mechanisms Reveal a Role for TRAF6 to Unleash MALT1 Activation.

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    The paracaspase MALT1 has arginine-directed proteolytic activity triggered by engagement of immune receptors. Recruitment of MALT1 into activation complexes is required for MALT1 proteolytic function. Here, co-expression of MALT1 in HEK293 cells, either with activated CARD11 and BCL10 or with TRAF6, was used to explore the mechanism of MALT1 activation at the molecular level. This work identified a prominent self-cleavage site of MALT1 isoform A (MALT1A) at R781 (R770 in MALT1B) and revealed that TRAF6 can activate MALT1 independently of the CBM. Intramolecular cleavage at R781/R770 removes a C-terminal TRAF6-binding site in both MALT1 isoforms, leaving MALT1B devoid of the two key interaction sites with TRAF6. A previously identified auto-proteolysis site of MALT1 at R149 leads to deletion of the death-domain, thereby abolishing interaction with BCL10. By using MALT1 isoforms and cleaved fragments thereof, as well as TRAF6 WT and mutant forms, this work shows that TRAF6 induces N-terminal auto-proteolytic cleavage of MALT1 at R149 and accelerates MALT1 protein turnover. The MALT1 fragment generated by N-terminal self-cleavage at R149 was labile and displayed enhanced signaling properties that required an intact K644 residue, previously shown to be a site for mono-ubiquitination of MALT1. Conversely, C-terminal self-cleavage at R781/R770 hampered the ability for self-cleavage at R149 and stabilized MALT1 by hindering interaction with TRAF6. C-terminal self-cleavage had limited impact on MALT1A but severely reduced MALT1B proteolytic and signaling functions. It also abrogated NF-κB activation by N-terminally cleaved MALT1A. Altogether, this study provides further insights into mechanisms that regulate the scaffolding and activation cycle of MALT1. It also emphasizes the reduced functional capacity of MALT1B as compared to MALT1A

    Truncation of the constant domain drives amyloid formation by immunoglobulin light chains

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    AL amyloidosis is a life-threatening disease caused by deposition of immunoglobulin light chains. While the mechanisms underlying light chains amyloidogenesis in vivo remain unclear, several studies have highlighted the role that tissue environment and structural amyloidogenicity of individual light chains have in the disease pathogenesis. AL natural deposits contain both full-length light chains and fragments encompassing the variable domain (VL) as well as different length segments of the constant region (CL), thus highlighting the relevance that proteolysis may have in the fibrillogenesis pathway. Here, we investigate the role of major truncated species of the disease-associated AL55 light chain that were previously identified in natural deposits. Specifically, we study structure, molecular dynamics, thermal stability, and capacity to form fibrils of a fragment containing both the VL and part of the CL (133-AL55), in comparison with the full-length protein and its variable domain alone, under shear stress and physiological conditions. Whereas the full-length light chain forms exclusively amorphous aggregates, both fragments generate fibrils, although, with different kinetics, aggregate structure, and interplay with the unfragmented protein. More specifically, the VL-CL 133-AL55 fragment entirely converts into amyloid fibrils microscopically and spectroscopically similar to their ex vivo counterpart and increases the amorphous aggregation of full-length AL55. Overall, our data support the idea that light chain structure and proteolysis are both relevant for amyloidogenesis in vivo and provide a novel biocompatible model of light chain fibrillogenesis suitable for future mechanistic studies

    Long-term hydroxyurea in combination with didanosine and stavudine for the treatment of HIV-1 infection

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    Objective and methods: In 1998 we reported on a randomized comparison between stavudine plus didanosine plus placebo versus stavudine plus didanosine plus hydroxyurea (HU), in patients with a CD4 count of 200±500 3 10 6 cells/l. After 3 months, the HU group had a higher proportion of patients with viral load , 200 3 10 6 cells/l. At the end of the 3 months blinded period, patients in the placebo group had the option to add HU if their viral load remained . 200 3 10 6 cells/l. We report results after 24 months. Results: Seventy-two patients were randomized to the HU arm, and a further 30 elected to add HU after 12 weeks. Twenty-four months after the start of the trial, only 25% of the 72 patients originally randomized to HU, and 20% of the 30 who added HU after week 12, were still taking it. The reasons for stopping HU were: lack of ef®cacy (45%), adverse events (37%) and patient or physician preference (18%). Side effects were more frequent in the didanosine/stavudine/HU group than in the didanosine/stavudine group: neuropathy (35 versus 15%, P , 0.02), fatigue (22 versus 7%, P , 0.01), and nausea or vomiting (26 versus 9%, P ,0.01). Of those who had discontinued HU, 73% were taking three drugs including a protease inhibitor. Patients who had started HU were compared with similar patients who had started protease inhibitors in the Swiss cohort. The probability of stopping HU was higher than the probability of stopping nel®navir or indinavir, and similar to the probability of stopping ritonavir. Conclusion: HU increased the antiviral effect of stavudine plus didanosine. However, side effects were more frequent, and after 24 months the majority of patients had switched to protease inhibitor regimens

    Components of SurA Required for Outer Membrane Biogenesis in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Background: SurA is a periplasmic peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) and chaperone of Escherichia coli and other Gramnegative bacteria. In contrast to other PPIases, SurA appears to have a distinct role in chaperoning newly synthesized porins destined for insertion into the outer membrane. Previous studies have indicated that the chaperone activity of SurA rests in its ‘‘core module’ ’ (the N- plus C-terminal domains), based on in vivo envelope phenotypes and in vitro binding and protection of non-native substrates. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we determined the components of SurA required for chaperone activity using in vivo phenotypes relevant to disease causation by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), namely membrane resistance to permeation by antimicrobials and maturation of the type 1 pilus usher FimD. FimD is a SurA-dependent, integral outer membrane protein through which heteropolymeric type 1 pili, which confer bladder epithelial binding and invasion capacity upon uropathogenic E. coli, are assembled and extruded. Consistent with prior results, the in vivo chaperone activity of SurA in UPEC rested primarily in the core module. However, the PPIase domains I and II were not expendable for wild-type resistance to novobiocin in broth culture. Steady-state levels of FimD were substantially restored in the UPEC surA mutant complemented with the SurA N- plus C-terminal domains. The addition of PPIase domain I augmented FimD maturation into the outer membrane, consistent with a model in which domain I enhances stability of and/or substrat

    Structural insights into cardiolipin transfer from the Inner membrane to the outer membrane by PbgA in Gram-negative bacteria

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    The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria is a unique asymmetric lipid bilayer in which the outer leaflet is composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the inner leaflet is formed by glycerophospholipid (GPL). The OM plays a fundamental role in protecting Gram-negative bacteria from harsh environments and toxic compounds. The transport and assembly pathways for phospholipids of bacterial OM are unknown. Cardiolipin (CL) plays an important role in OM biogenesis and pathogenesis, and the inner membrane (IM) protein PbgA, containing five transmembrane domains and a globular domain in periplasm has been recently identified as a CL transporter from the IM to the OM with an unknown mechanism. Here we present the first two crystal structures of soluble periplasmic globular domain of PbgA from S. typhimurium and E. coli, which revealed that the globular domains of PbgA resemble the structures of the arylsulfatase protein family and contains a novel core hydrophobic pocket that may be responsible for binding and transporting CLs. Our structural and functional studies shed an important light on the mechanism of CL transport in Gram-negative bacteria from the IM to the OM, which offers great potential for the development of novel antibiotics against multi-drug resistant bacterial infections