2,478 research outputs found

    Approximate analysis and stability of pressure oscillations in ramjets

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    This paper summarizes work accomplished during the past five years on analysis of stability related to recent experimental results on combustion instabilities in dump combustors. The primary purpose is to provide the information in a form useful to those concerned with design and development of operational systems. Thus most substantial details are omitted; the material is presented in a qualitative fashion

    SRB Environment Evaluation and Analysis. Volume 3: ASRB Plume Induced Environments

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    Contract NAS8-37891 was expanded in late 1989 to initiate analysis of Shuttle plume induced environments as a result of the substitution of the Advanced Solid Rocket Booster (ASRB) for the Redesigned Solid Rocket Booster (RSRB). To support this analysis, REMTECH became involved in subscale and full-scale solid rocket motor test programs which further expanded the scope of work. Later contract modifications included additional tasks to produce initial design cycle environments and to specify development flight instrumentation. Volume 3 of the final report describes these analyses and contains a summary of reports resulting from various studies

    Renminbi Internationalisation: Precedents and Implications

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    While it is commonly assumed that there are no known precedents against which to benchmark the internationalisation of the Renminbi (RMB), this paper argues that the PRCs own development experience provides a useful perspective on the internationalisation debate. In particular it indicates that lessons can be learnt from both the successes and the shortcomings of efforts to internationalise the RMB in the 1970s. During this period state-owned banks in Hong Kong played a central role in mobilising finance for foreign trade. Access to Hong Kong’s developed financial institutions allowed the PRC to maximise receipts from foreign trade as well as minimise the risks of undue swings in capital flows. The paper shows that although China no longer faces foreign exchange scarcity, economic reforms have not yet resolved vulnerabilities in China’s financial institutions and as such Hong Kong’s role in mitigating the risk of undue capital swings remains

    TB9: Newcastle Disease Virus Activity and Volume of Amniotic Allantoic Fluid in Chicken Embryos from Flocks with Different Vaccination Histories

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    Breeding hens of similar age, 9 to 11 months old, were selected from four flocks, each with a different vaccination history. One flock received no vaccinations, the second received spray and wing web Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine, the third was given three ND dust vaccinations, and the fourth received two dead ND viral vaccinations.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1191/thumbnail.jp

    Cilengitide: an RGD pentapeptide ανβ3 and ανβ5 integrin inhibitor in development for glioblastoma and other malignancies

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    Cilengitide, a cyclicized arginine-glycine-aspartic acid-containing pentapeptide, potently blocks ανβ3 and ανβ5 integrin activation. Integrins are upregulated in many malignancies and mediate a wide variety of tumor-stroma interactions. Cilengitide and other integrin-targeting therapeutics have preclinical activity against many cancer subtypes including glioblastoma (GBM), the most common and deadliest CNS tumor. Cilengitide is active against orthotopic GBM xenografts and can augment radiotherapy and chemotherapy in these models. In Phase I and II GBM trials, cilengitide and the combination of cilengitide with standard temozolomide and radiation demonstrate consistent antitumor activity and a favorable safety profile. Cilengitide is currently under evaluation in a pivotal, randomized Phase III study (Cilengitide in Combination With Temozolomide and Radiotherapy in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Phase III Randomized Clinical Trial [CENTRIC]) for newly diagnosed GBM. In addition, randomized controlled Phase II studies with cilengitide are ongoing for non-small-cell lung cancer and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Cilengitide is the first integrin inhibitor in clinical Phase III development for oncology

    Functional and Morphological Studies of Mitochondria Exposed to Undecagold Clusters: Biologic Surfaces Labeling with Gold Clusters

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    This study reports morphological and functional alterations observed in respiring isolated mitochondria when they are exposed to nonpenetrating, positive electrostatically charged synthetic undecagold clusters. Modification of the undecagold clusters positive charges change or prevent the functional effects and the binding to the outside surface of the mitochondria. The mitochondrial functional alterations are dependent on the oxidative phosphorylation capacity of the isolated organelles. The results of these experiments indicate that artificial undecagold may be useful to explore the molecular mechanisms of biological energy transducers which require electric charges separation, ionic fluxes, and electric surface properties

    Trace gas emissions from combustion of peat, crop residue, domestic biofuels, grasses, and other fuels: Configuration and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) component of the fourth Fire Lab at Missoula Experiment (FLAME-4)

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    During the fourth Fire Lab at Missoula Experiment (FLAME-4, October-November 2012) a large variety of regionally and globally significant biomass fuels was burned at the US Forest Service Fire Sciences Laboratory in Missoula, Montana. The particle emissions were characterized by an extensive suite of instrumentation that measured aerosol chemistry, size distribution, optical properties, and cloud-nucleating properties. The trace gas measurements included high-resolution mass spectrometry, one-and two-dimensional gas chromatography, and open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectroscopy. This paper summarizes the overall experimental design for FLAME-4-including the fuel properties, the nature of the burn simulations, and the instrumentation employed-and then focuses on the OP-FTIR results. The OP-FTIR was used to measure the initial emissions of 20 trace gases: CO2, CO, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C3H6, HCHO, HCOOH, CH3OH, CH3COOH, glycolaldehyde, furan, H2O, NO, NO2, HONO, NH3, HCN, HCl, and SO2. These species include most of the major trace gases emitted by biomass burning, and for several of these compounds, this is the first time their emissions are reported for important fuel types. The main fire types included African grasses, Asian rice straw, cooking fires (open (three-stone), rocket, and gasifier stoves), Indonesian and extratropical peat, temperate and boreal coniferous canopy fuels, US crop residue, shredded tires, and trash. Comparisons of the OP-FTIR emission factors (EFs) and emission ratios (ERs) to field measurements of biomass burning verify that the large body of FLAME-4 results can be used to enhance the understanding of global biomass burning and its representation in atmospheric chemistry models. Crop residue fires are widespread globally and account for the most burned area in the US, but their emissions were previously poorly characterized. Extensive results are presented for burning rice and wheat straw: two major global crop residues. Burning alfalfa produced the highest average NH3EF observed in the study (6.63 ± 2.47 g kg-1), while sugar cane fires produced the highest EF for glycolaldehyde (6.92 g kg-1) and other reactive oxygenated organic gases such as HCHO, HCOOH, and CH3COOH. Due to the high sulfur and nitrogen content of tires, they produced the highest average SO2emissions (26.2 ± 2.2 g kgg-1) and high NOx and HONO emissions. High variability was observed for peat fire emissions, but they were consistently characterized by large EFs for NH3(1.82 ± 0.60 g kg-1) and CH4(10.8 ± 5.6 g kg-1). The variability observed in peat fire emissions, the fact that only one peat fire had previously been subject to detailed emissions characterization, and the abundant emissions from tropical peatlands all impart high value to our detailed measurements of the emissions from burning three Indonesian peat samples. This study also provides the first EFs for HONO and NO2for Indonesian peat fires. Open cooking fire emissions of HONO and HCN are reported for the first time, and the first emissions data for HCN, NO, NO2, HONO, glycolaldehyde, furan, and SO2are reported for rocket stoves: a common type of improved cookstove. The HCN/CO emission ratios for cooking fires (1.72 × 10-3± 4.08 × 10-4) and peat fires (1.45 × 10-2± 5.47 × 10-3) are well below and above the typical values for other types of biomass burning, respectively. This would affect the use of HCN/CO observations for source apportionment in some regions. Biomass burning EFs for HCl are rare and are reported for the first time for burning African savanna grasses. High emissions of HCl were also produced by burning many crop residues and two grasses from coastal ecosystems. HCl could be the main chlorine-containing gas in very fresh smoke, but rapid partitioning to aerosol followed by slower outgassing probably occurs

    Quasi-single helicity spectra in the Madison Symmetric Torus

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    Evidence of a self-organized collapse towards a narrow spectrum of magnetic instabilities in the Madison Symmetric Torus [R. N. Dexter, D. W. Kerst, T. W. Lovell, S. C. Prager, and J. C. Sprott, Fusion Technol. 19, 131 (1991)] reversed field pinch device is presented. In this collapsed state, dubbed quasi-single helicity (QSH), the spectrum of magnetic modes condenses spontaneously to one dominant mode more completely than ever before observed. The amplitudes of all but the largest of the m=1 modes decrease in QSH states. New results about thermal features of QSH spectra and the identification of global control parameters for their onset are also discussed

    Characterization of an electron conduit between bacteria and the extracellular environment

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    A number of species of Gram-negative bacteria can use insoluble minerals of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) as extracellular respiratory electron acceptors. In some species of Shewanella, deca-heme electron transfer proteins lie at the extracellular face of the outer membrane (OM), where they can interact with insoluble substrates. To reduce extracellular substrates, these redox proteins must be charged by the inner membrane/periplasmic electron transfer system. Here, we present a spectro-potentiometric characterization of a trans-OM icosa-heme complex, MtrCAB, and demonstrate its capacity to move electrons across a lipid bilayer after incorporation into proteoliposomes. We also show that a stable MtrAB subcomplex can assemble in the absence of MtrC; an MtrBC subcomplex is not assembled in the absence of MtrA; and MtrA is only associated to the membrane in cells when MtrB is present. We propose a model for the modular organization of the MtrCAB complex in which MtrC is an extracellular element that mediates electron transfer to extracellular substrates and MtrB is a trans-OM spanning ß-barrel protein that serves as a sheath, within which MtrA and MtrC exchange electrons. We have identified the MtrAB module in a range of bacterial phyla, suggesting that it is widely used in electron exchange with the extracellular environment