2,329 research outputs found

    Solar Neutrinos from CNO Electron Capture

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    The neutrino flux from the sun is predicted to have a CNO-cycle contribution as well as the known pp-chain component. Previously, only the fluxes from beta+ decays of 13N, 15O, and 17F have been calculated in detail. Another neutrino component that has not been widely considered is electron capture on these nuclei. We calculate the number of interactions in several solar neutrino detectors due to neutrinos from electron capture on 13N, 15O, and 17F, within the context of the Standard Solar Model. We also discuss possible non-standard models where the CNO flux is increased.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev. C; v2 has minor changes including integration over solar volume and addition of missing reference to previous continuum electron capture calculation; v3 has minor changes including addition of references and the correction of a small (about 1%) numerical error in the table

    Experimental evidence of a natural parity state in 26^{26}Mg and its impact to the production of neutrons for the s process

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    We have studied natural parity states in 26^{26}Mg via the 22^{22}Ne(6^{6}Li,d)26^{26}Mg reaction. Our method significantly improves the energy resolution of previous experiments and, as a result, we report the observation of a natural parity state in 26^{26}Mg. Possible spin-parity assignments are suggested on the basis of published γ\gamma-ray decay experiments. The stellar rate of the 22^{22}Ne(α\alpha,γ\gamma)26^{26}Mg reaction is reduced and may give rise to an increase in the production of s-process neutrons via the 22^{22}Ne(α\alpha,n)25^{25}Mg reaction.Comment: Published in PR

    A structural evaluation of the tungsten isotopes via thermal neutron capture

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    Total radiative thermal neutron-capture Îł\gamma-ray cross sections for the 182,183,184,186^{182,183,184,186}W isotopes were measured using guided neutron beams from the Budapest Research Reactor to induce prompt and delayed Îł\gamma rays from elemental and isotopically-enriched tungsten targets. These cross sections were determined from the sum of measured Îł\gamma-ray cross sections feeding the ground state from low-lying levels below a cutoff energy, Ecrit_{\rm crit}, where the level scheme is completely known, and continuum Îł\gamma rays from levels above Ecrit_{\rm crit}, calculated using the Monte Carlo statistical-decay code DICEBOX. The new cross sections determined in this work for the tungsten nuclides are: σ0(182W)=20.5(14)\sigma_{0}(^{182}{\rm W}) = 20.5(14) b and σ11/2+(183Wm,5.2s)=0.177(18)\sigma_{11/2^{+}}(^{183}{\rm W}^{m}, 5.2 {\rm s}) = 0.177(18) b; σ0(183W)=9.37(38)\sigma_{0}(^{183}{\rm W}) = 9.37(38) b and σ5−(184Wm,8.33ÎŒs)=0.0247(55)\sigma_{5^{-}}(^{184}{\rm W}^{m}, 8.33 \mu{\rm s}) = 0.0247(55) b; σ0(184W)=1.43(10)\sigma_{0}(^{184}{\rm W}) = 1.43(10) b and σ11/2+(185Wm,1.67min)=0.0062(16)\sigma_{11/2^{+}}(^{185}{\rm W}^{m}, 1.67 {\rm min}) = 0.0062(16) b; and, σ0(186W)=33.33(62)\sigma_{0}(^{186}{\rm W}) = 33.33(62) b and σ9/2+(187Wm,1.38ÎŒs)=0.400(16)\sigma_{9/2^{+}}(^{187}{\rm W}^{m}, 1.38 \mu{\rm s}) = 0.400(16) b. These results are consistent with earlier measurements in the literature. The 186^{186}W cross section was also independently confirmed from an activation measurement, following the decay of 187^{187}W, yielding values for σ0(186W)\sigma_{0}(^{186}{\rm W}) that are consistent with our prompt Îł\gamma-ray measurement. The cross-section measurements were found to be insensitive to choice of level density or photon strength model, and only weakly dependent on Ecrit_{\rm crit}. Total radiative-capture widths calculated with DICEBOX showed much greater model dependence, however, the recommended values could be reproduced with selected model choices. The decay schemes for all tungsten isotopes were improved in these analyses.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, 15 table

    The 14C(n,g) cross section between 10 keV and 1 MeV

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    The neutron capture cross section of 14C is of relevance for several nucleosynthesis scenarios such as inhomogeneous Big Bang models, neutron induced CNO cycles, and neutrino driven wind models for the r process. The 14C(n,g) reaction is also important for the validation of the Coulomb dissociation method, where the (n,g) cross section can be indirectly obtained via the time-reversed process. So far, the example of 14C is the only case with neutrons where both, direct measurement and indirect Coulomb dissociation, have been applied. Unfortunately, the interpretation is obscured by discrepancies between several experiments and theory. Therefore, we report on new direct measurements of the 14C(n,g) reaction with neutron energies ranging from 20 to 800 keV

    The beta-decay of 22Al

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    In an experiment performed at the LISE3 facility of GANIL, we studied the decay of 22Al produced by the fragmentation of a 36Ar primary beam. A beta-decay half-life of 91.1 +- 0.5 ms was measured. The beta-delayed one- and two-proton emission as well as beta-alpha and beta-delayed gamma decays were measured and allowed us to establish a partial decay scheme for this nucleus. New levels were determined in the daughter nucleus 22Mg. The comparison with model calculations strongly favours a spin-parity of 4+ for the ground state of 22Al

    Gravitationally induced electromagnetism at the Compton scale

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    It is shown that Einstein gravity tends to modify the electric and magnetic fields appreciably at distances of the order of the Compton wavelength. At that distance the gravitational field becomes spin dominated rather than mass dominated. The gravitational field couples to the electromagnetic field via the Einstein-Maxwell equations which in the simplest model causes the electrostatic field of charged spinning particles to acquire an oblate structure relative to the spin direction. For electrons and protons, a pure Coulomb field is therefore likely to be incompatible with general relativity at the Compton scale. In the simplest model, the magnetic dipole corresponds to the Dirac g-factor, g=2. Also, it follows from the form of the electric field that the electric dipole moment vanishes, in agreement with current experimental limits for the electron. Quantitatively, the classical Einstein-Maxwell theory predicts the magnetic and electric dipoles of the electron to an accuracy of about one part in 10^{-3} or better. Going to the next multipole order, one finds that the first non-vanishing higher multipole is the electric quadrupole moment which is predicted to be -124 barn for the electron. Any non-zero value of the electric quadrupole moment for the electron or the proton would be a clear sign of curvature due to the implied violation of rotation invariance. There is also a possible spherical modification of the Coulomb force proportional to r^{-4}. However, the size of this effect is well below current experimental limits. The corrections to the hydrogen spectrum are expected to be small but possibly detectable.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures: revised version published in Class. Quantum Grav. 23 (2006) 3111-3122; Conclusions unchange

    Level densities and thermodynamical properties of Pt and Au isotopes

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    The nuclear level densities of 194−196^{194-196}Pt and 197,198^{197,198}Au below the neutron separation energy have been measured using transfer and scattering reactions. All the level density distributions follow the constant-temperature description. Each group of isotopes is characterized by the same temperature above the energy threshold corresponding to the breaking of the first Cooper pair. A constant entropy excess ΔS=1.9\Delta S=1.9 and 1.11.1 kBk_B is observed in 195^{195}Pt and 198^{198}Au with respect to 196^{196}Pt and 197^{197}Au, respectively, giving information on the available single-particle level space for the last unpaired valence neutron. The breaking of nucleon Cooper pairs is revealed by sequential peaks in the microcanonical caloric curve

    High-Precision Measurement of the 19Ne Half-Life and Implications for Right-Handed Weak Currents

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    We report a precise determination of the 19Ne half-life to be T1/2=17.262±0.007T_{1/2} = 17.262 \pm 0.007 s. This result disagrees with the most recent precision measurements and is important for placing bounds on predicted right-handed interactions that are absent in the current Standard Model. We are able to identify and disentangle two competing systematic effects that influence the accuracy of such measurements. Our findings prompt a reassessment of results from previous high-precision lifetime measurements that used similar equipment and methods.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figures. Paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    A New Approach to Background Subtraction in Low-Energy Neutrino Experiments

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    We discuss a new method to extract neutrino signals in low energy experiments. In this scheme the symmetric nature of most backgrounds allows for direct cancellation from data. The application of this technique to the Palo Verde reactor neutrino oscillation experiment allowed us to reduce the measurement errors on the anti-neutrino flux from ∌20\sim 20% to ∌10\sim 10%. We expect this method to substantially improve the data quality in future low background experiments such as KamLAND and LENS.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
