1,046 research outputs found

    Suppliche per l’Elemosina Frumentaria : a set of 18th century petitions submitted by Maltese widows

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    The loss of a spouse invariably leads to changes in the life of the surviving partner. In late eighteenth century Malta, a widowed female faced numerous challenges in her struggle to adapt to a new existence. For a poor widow, the provision of assistance was vital. The governing Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the Catholic Church, private entities and familial sources contributed to alleviate some of the difficulties faced by widows in different manners. The Statutes of the Order of St John included stipulations in support of the poor, the infirm, orphans and widows. This paper examines one method that enabled widows to seek poor relief from the authorities through the submission of a supplica (a petition) and evaluates a number of original petitions submitted by widows between 1784 and 1788. These suppliche were specific requests to the governing authorities for an elemosina frumentaria.peer-reviewe

    Challenges and opportunities for digital marketing within contemporary art book publishing

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    This dissertation examines a number of challenges and opportunities in digital marketing within contemporary art book publishing. As products of a uniquely cross-pollinated strain of culture and publishing, their tactility and physicality are amongst their most appealing qualities, standing out in a world where so much takes place in a virtual space. The appeal of art books today is thought to be getting stronger and stronger as many other kinds of books dematerialise in the digital space, standing out more than ever as objects. However, art books still have to contend with a marketing landscape where digital grows increasingly more dominant and influential each year. The differences that make art books stand out may well give rise to difficulties and challenges when it comes to marketing and selling them in a digital environment. But conversely, there could be a greater amount and broader spread of opportunities for effectively marketing art books online that would not be available to different kinds of books. This dissertation seeks to investigate how a number of art book publishers are currently using the digital marketing tools that are available to them, the effectiveness of their strategies, what challenges are being faced and which opportunities are being under-utilised

    Transforming triangulations on non planar-surfaces

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    We consider whether any two triangulations of a polygon or a point set on a non-planar surface with a given metric can be transformed into each other by a sequence of edge flips. The answer is negative in general with some remarkable exceptions, such as polygons on the cylinder, and on the flat torus, and certain configurations of points on the cylinder.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures. This version has been accepted in the SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. Keywords: Graph of triangulations, triangulations on surfaces, triangulations of polygons, edge fli

    Analytical study of non Gaussian fluctuations in a stochastic scheme of autocatalytic reactions

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    A stochastic model of autocatalytic chemical reactions is studied both numerically and analytically. The van Kampen perturbative scheme is implemented, beyond the second order approximation, so to capture the non Gaussianity traits as displayed by the simulations. The method is targeted to the characterization of the third moments of the distribution of fluctuations, originating from a system of four populations in mutual interaction. The theory predictions agree well with the simulations, pointing to the validity of the van Kampen expansion beyond the conventional Gaussian solution.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Commentary : comparison of historical medical spending patterns among the BRICS and G7

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    A commentary on "Comparison of historical medical spending patterns among the BRICS and G7" by Jakovljevic, M.M. (2015). J.Med.Econ. 19, 70–76, doi:10.3111/13696998.2015.109349

    Orphaning Regimes: The Missing Link Between Flattened and Penetrating Slab Morphologies

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    Slab orphaning is a newly discovered phenomenological behavior, where the slab tip breaks off at the top of the lower mantle (~660 km depth) and is abandoned by its parent slab. Upon orphaning, subduction continues uninterrupted through the lateral motion of the parent slab above 660 km depth. In this work, we present a regime diagram for the range of conditions under which slabs can orphan at the top of the lower mantle. Our models show that a viscosity jump at 1,000 km depth not coincident with the endothermic phase change responsible for the 660 km seismic discontinuity, is necessary for orphaning as is the presence of a low viscosity channel between 660 and 1,000 km depth. We show that orphan slabs, similar to other deep slab morphologies, can be the end result for a wide range of physical parameters governing slab dynamics: slab orphaning persists across wide variations in slab dip, slab yield stress/strength, Clapeyron slope values, and overriding plate nature. The diversity in orphan slab sizes and orphaning periods is tied to the orphaning regime space, which describes a hitherto unexplored region between deflected and penetrating deep-subduction modes. Orphaning provides a simple dynamic link between the well-known deflection and penetration, and provides one possible way for slabs to switch from direct penetration to deflection, littering the mantle with abandoned fragments. Orphan slabs are therefore the intermediary between these two extensively studied slab morphologies

    Stochastic theory of large-scale enzyme-reaction networks: Finite copy number corrections to rate equation models

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    Chemical reactions inside cells occur in compartment volumes in the range of atto- to femtolitres. Physiological concentrations realized in such small volumes imply low copy numbers of interacting molecules with the consequence of considerable fluctuations in the concentrations. In contrast, rate equation models are based on the implicit assumption of infinitely large numbers of interacting molecules, or equivalently, that reactions occur in infinite volumes at constant macroscopic concentrations. In this article we compute the finite-volume corrections (or equivalently the finite copy number corrections) to the solutions of the rate equations for chemical reaction networks composed of arbitrarily large numbers of enzyme-catalyzed reactions which are confined inside a small sub-cellular compartment. This is achieved by applying a mesoscopic version of the quasi-steady state assumption to the exact Fokker-Planck equation associated with the Poisson Representation of the chemical master equation. The procedure yields impressively simple and compact expressions for the finite-volume corrections. We prove that the predictions of the rate equations will always underestimate the actual steady-state substrate concentrations for an enzyme-reaction network confined in a small volume. In particular we show that the finite-volume corrections increase with decreasing sub-cellular volume, decreasing Michaelis-Menten constants and increasing enzyme saturation. The magnitude of the corrections depends sensitively on the topology of the network. The predictions of the theory are shown to be in excellent agreement with stochastic simulations for two types of networks typically associated with protein methylation and metabolism.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; published in The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Formación de la red de investigadores para la mejora de la educación básica en la Secretaría de Educación Jalisco

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    La formación de la red de investigadores para la mejora de la educación básica responde a una estrategia del Programa Maestro de Investigación Educativa en la Secretaría de Educación del estado de Jalisco (SEI). El propósito es constituir un equipo sólido de investigadores que se forman en la práctica de la investigación, acompañados por investigadores reconocidos, y puedan producir conocimientos pertinentes y prioritarios para los maestros y tomadores de decisiones a través de la cual se haga posible la transformación en el nivel educativo. Se integraron cuatro equipos de investigación: educación indígena, especial, secundaria y física, con proyectos en torno al análisis de la práctica educativa

    Liquid filled canyons on Titan

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    In May 2013 the Cassini RADAR altimeter observed channels in Vid Flumina, a drainage network connected to Titan’s second largest hydrocarbon sea, Ligeia Mare. Analysis of these altimeter echoes shows that the channels are located in deep (up to ~570 m), steep-sided, canyons and have strong specular surface reflections that indicate they are currently liquid filled. Elevations of the liquid in these channels are at the same level as Ligeia Mare to within a vertical precision of about 0.7 m, consistent with the interpretation of drowned river valleys. Specular reflections are also observed in lower order tributaries elevated above the level of Ligeia Mare, consistent with drainage feeding into the main channel system

    Mathematical Model of the Impact of a Nonantibiotic Treatment for Clostridium difficile on the Endemic Prevalence of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci in a Hospital Setting

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    Introduction. Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) is treated using antibiotics, which often leads to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). This study estimated the impact of a non antibiotic treatment for CDAD on VRE prevalence. Methods. A previously published model describing the impact of in-hospital antibiotic use on VRE prevalence was adapted to include CDAD treatment. Simulations compared the prevalence of VRE when nonantibiotic versus antibiotic therapy was used. Results. Nonantibiotic treatment in 50% of CDAD patients resulted in an 18% relative reduction in the prevalence of VRE colonization compared with antibiotic use only. Sensitivity analysis found the model to be most sensitive to rates of antibiotic initiation and discontinuation, prevalence of VRE in admitted patients, length of stay of colonized patients, probability of CDAD acquisition, and hand-washing compliance. Conclusion. Nonantibiotic treatment of patients hospitalized with CDAD may significantly reduce the incidence of VRE colonization