2,741 research outputs found

    Global digital data sets of soil type, soil texture, surface slope and other properties: Documentation of archived data tape

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    The file structure and coding of four soils data sets derived from the Zobler (1986) world soil file is described. The data were digitized on a one-degree square grid. They are suitable for large-area studies such as climate research with general circulation models, as well as in forestry, agriculture, soils, and hydrology. The first file is a data set of codes for soil unit, land-ice, or water, for all the one-degree square cells on Earth. The second file is a data set of codes for texture, land-ice, or water, for the same soil units. The third file is a data set of codes for slope, land-ice, or water for the same units. The fourth file is the SOILWRLD data set, containing information on soil properties of land cells of both Matthews' and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sources. The fourth file reconciles land-classification differences between the two and has missing data filled in

    The Interdependence of Pulmonary Structure and Function: A Synopsis

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    It is a great pleasure to participate in the 1964 Stoneburner lectures and to present some recent views on the structure and function of the lung. In this report I will give a brief summary and show you three pictures to indicate some of the inter-relationships that exist

    Ubiquitylation and control of renal na+ balance and blood pressure.

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    Ubiquitylation is crucial for regulating numerous cellular functions. In the kidney, ubiquitylation regulates the epithelial Na(+) channel ENaC. The importance of this process is highlighted in Liddle's syndrome, where mutations interfere with ENaC ubiquitylation, resulting in constitutive Na(+) reabsorption and hypertension. There is emerging evidence that NCC, involved in hypertensive diseases, is also regulated by ubiquitylation. Here, we discuss the current knowledge and recent findings in this field

    Supersymmetric type-III seesaw: lepton flavour violating decays and dark matter

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    We study a supersymmetric version of the seesaw mechanism type-III. The model consists of the MSSM particle content plus three copies of 24 superfields. The fermionic part of the SU(2) triplet contained in the 24 is responsible for the type-III seesaw, which is used to explain the observed neutrino masses and mixings. Complete copies of 24 are introduced to maintain gauge coupling unification. These additional states change the beta functions of the gauge couplings above the seesaw scale. Using mSUGRA boundary conditions we calculate the resulting supersymmetric mass spectra at the electro-weak scale using full 2-loop renormalization group equations. We show that the resulting spectrum can be quite different compared to the usual mSUGRA spectrum. We discuss how this might be used to obtain information on the seesaw scale from mass measurements. Constraints on the model space due to limits on lepton flavour violating decays are discussed. The main constraints come from the bounds on the decay mu to e and gamma but there are also regions where the decay tau to mu and gamma gives stronger constraints. We also calculate the regions allowed by the dark matter constraint. For the sake of completeness, we compare our results with those for the supersymmetric seesaw type-II and, to some extent, with type-I.Comment: 32 pages, 16 eps figures. One ref. added; small changes in tex

    Fachspezifisches Unterrichtscoaching im Praktikum: Eine quasi-experimentelle Interventionsstudie

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    Zusammenfassung: Wiederholt wurde gezeigt, dass Unterrichtspraktika von Lehramtsstudierenden sehr geschätzt werden. Allerdings wissen wir wenig über die Wirkung unterschiedlicher Unterstützungsformen in Praktika auf das Lernen zukünftiger Lehrpersonen. Ein Modell zur Förderung von Praktikanten ist das fachspezifische Unterrichtscoaching. In einer quasi-experimentellen Interventionsstudie wurde dessen Wirksamkeit basierend auf Fragebogen, Videoaufzeichnungen und Interviews mit Dyaden von Praxislehrpersonen und ihren Praktikanten untersucht. Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass in fachspezifischem Unterrichtscoaching weitergebildete Praxislehrpersonen (Interventionsgruppe, NIG = 16) wesentliche Elemente dieses Modells in ihr Handlungsrepertoire aufnahmen. Ihre Unterstützungspraxis unterscheidet sich signifikant von jener der Kontrollgruppe (NKG = 16), welche die Praktikanten auf traditionelle Weise unterstützen. Indikatoren für Lernen im Kontext von Unterrichtsbesprechungen belegen weiter, dass die Praktikanten der Interventionsgruppe signifikant mehr Lernerträge erzielten als die traditionell unterstützten Praktikanten. Auch die anhand von Videoaufnahmen vorgenommene Einschätzung der Unterrichtsqualität fiel für die Interventionsgruppe signifikant besser aus als für die Kontrollgrupp

    Lepton flavor violation in low-scale seesaw models: SUSY and non-SUSY contributions

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    Taking the supersymmetric inverse seesaw mechanism as the explanation for neutrino oscillation data, we investigate charged lepton flavor violation in radiative and 3-body lepton decays as well as in neutrinoless μe\mu-e conversion in muonic atoms. In contrast to former studies, we take into account all possible contributions: supersymmetric as well as non-supersymmetric. We take CMSSM-like boundary conditions for the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters. We find several regions where cancellations between various contributions exist, reducing the lepton flavor violating rates by an order of magnitude compared to the case where only the dominant contribution is taken into account. This is in particular important for the correct interpretation of existing data as well as for estimating the reach of near future experiments where the sensitivity will be improved by one to two orders of magnitude. Moreover, we demonstrate that ratios like BR(τ3μ\tau\to 3 \mu)/BR(τμe+e\tau\to \mu e^+ e^-) can be used to determine whether the supersymmetric contributions dominate over the W±W^\pm and H±H^\pm contributions or vice versa.Comment: 75 pages, 7 figures. v3: references and comments added. Matches published versio

    Building capacity for dissemination and implementation research: One university’s experience

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    Abstract Background While dissemination and implementation (D&I) science has grown rapidly, there is an ongoing need to understand how to build and sustain capacity in individuals and institutions conducting research. There are three inter-related domains for capacity building: people, settings, and activities. Since 2008, Washington University in St. Louis has dedicated significant attention and resources toward building D&I research capacity. This paper describes our process, challenges, and lessons with the goal of informing others who may have similar aims at their own institution. Activities An informal collaborative, the Washington University Network for Dissemination and Implementation Research (WUNDIR), began with a small group and now has 49 regular members. Attendees represent a wide variety of settings and content areas and meet every 6 weeks for half-day sessions. A logic model organizes WUNDIR inputs, activities, and outcomes. A mixed-methods evaluation showed that the network has led to new professional connections and enhanced skills (e.g., grant and publication development). As one of four, ongoing, formal programs, the Dissemination and Implementation Research Core (DIRC) was our first major component of D&I infrastructure. DIRC’s mission is to accelerate the public health impact of clinical and health services research by increasing the engagement of investigators in later stages of translational research. The aims of DIRC are to advance D&I science and to develop and equip researchers with tools for D&I research. As a second formal component, the Washington University Institute for Public Health has provided significant support for D&I research through pilot projects and a small grants program. In a third set of formal programs, two R25 training grants (one in mental health and one in cancer) support post-doctoral scholars for intensive training and mentoring in D&I science. Finally, our team coordinates closely with D&I functions within research centers across the university. We share a series of challenges and potential solutions. Conclusion Our experience in developing D&I research at Washington University in St. Louis shows how significant capacity can be built in a relatively short period of time. Many of our ideas and ingredients for success can be replicated, tailored, and improved upon by others

    Зв'язок сейсмічної активності з атмосферним інфразвуком

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    The connection the infrasonic fluctuations in an atmosphere with seismic activity in some region for period 1997–2000 are considered in the work. The model of stationary random process is used for the analysis. The coordination spectral of the characteristics infrasound and seismic activity are shown for the given period of time. The analysis of researches shows change of a spectrum infrasound before earthquake

    Chiral properties of hematite ({\alpha}-Fe2O3) inferred from resonant Bragg diffraction using circularly polarized x-rays

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    Chiral properties of the two phases - collinear motif (below Morin transition temperature, TM=250 K) and canted motif (above TM) - of magnetically ordered hematite ({\alpha}-Fe2O3) have been identified in single crystal resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction, using circular polarized incident x-rays tuned near the iron K-edge. Magneto-electric multipoles, including an anapole, fully characterize the high-temperature canted phase, whereas the low-temperature collinear phase supports both parity-odd and parity-even multipoles that are time-odd. Orbital angular momentum accompanies the collinear motif, while it is conspicuously absent with the canted motif. Intensities have been successfully confronted with analytic expressions derived from an atomic model fully compliant with chemical and magnetic structures. Values of Fe atomic multipoles previously derived from independent experimental data, are shown to be completely trustworthy