524 research outputs found

    Analysis of radiation-induced cell death in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and rat liver maintained in microfluidic devices

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    Objective The aim of this study was to investigate how head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) tissue biopsies maintained in a pseudo in vivo environment within a bespoke microfluidic device respond to radiation treatment. Study Design Feasibility study. Setting Tertiary referral center. Subjects and Methods Thirty-five patients with HNSCC were recruited, and liver tissue from 5 Wistar rats was obtained. A microfluidic device was used to maintain the tissue biopsy samples in a viable state. Rat liver was used to optimize the methodology. HNSCC was obtained from patients with T1-T3 laryngeal or oropharyngeal SCC; N1-N2 metastatic cervical lymph nodes were also obtained. Irradiation consisted of single doses of between 2 Gy and 40 Gy and a fractionated course of 5×2 Gy. Cell death was assessed in the tissue effluent using the soluble markers lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and cytochrome c and in the tissue by immunohistochemical detection of cleaved cytokeratin18 (M30 antibody). Results A significant surge in LDH release was demonstrated in the rat liver after a single dose of 20 Gy; in HNSCC, it was seen after 40 Gy compared with the control. There was no significant difference in cytochrome c release after 5 Gy or 10 Gy. M30 demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in apoptotic index for a given increase in single-dose radiotherapy. There was a significant increase in apoptotic index between 1×2 Gy and 5×2 Gy. Conclusion M30 is a superior method compared with soluble markers in detecting low-dose radiation-induced cell death. This microfluidic technique can be used to assess radiation-induced cell death in HNSCC and therefore has the potential to be used to predict radiation response

    Remodeling of metabolism and inflammation by exercise ameliorates tumor-associated anemia

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    A considerable number of patients with cancer suffer from anemia, which has detrimental effects on quality of life and survival. The mechanisms underlying tumor-associated anemia are multifactorial and poorly understood. Therefore, we aimed at systematically assessing the patho-etiology of tumor-associated anemia in mice. We demonstrate that reduced red blood cell (RBC) survival rather than altered erythropoiesis is driving the development of anemia. The tumor-induced inflammatory and metabolic remodeling affect RBC integrity and augment splenic phagocyte activity promoting erythrophagocytosis. Exercise training normalizes these tumor-associated abnormal metabolic profiles and inflammation and thereby ameliorates anemia, in part, by promoting RBC survival. Fatigue was prevented in exercising tumor-bearing mice. Thus, exercise has the unique potential to substantially modulate metabolism and inflammation and thereby counteracts pathological remodeling of these parameters by the tumor microenvironment. Translation of this finding to patients with cancer could have a major impact on quality of life and potentially survival

    Hyperholomorpic connections on coherent sheaves and stability

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    Let MM be a hyperkaehler manifold, and FF a torsion-free and reflexive coherent sheaf on MM. Assume that FF (outside of its singularities) admits a connection with a curvature which is invariant under the standard SU(2)-action on 2-forms. If the curvature is square-integrable, then FF is stable and its singularities are hyperkaehler subvarieties in MM. Such sheaves (called hyperholomorphic sheaves) are well understood. In the present paper, we study sheaves admitting a connection with SU(2)-invariant curvature which is not necessarily square-integrable. This situation arises often, for instance, when one deals with higher direct images of holomorphic bundles. We show that such sheaves are stable.Comment: 37 pages, version 11, reference updated, corrected many minor errors and typos found by the refere

    Altered gene expression in myeloproliferative disorders correlates with activation of signaling by the V617F mutation of Jak2

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    AbstractWe identified 13 new gene expression markers that were elevated and one marker, ANKRD15, that was down-regulated in patients with polycythemia vera (PV). These 14 markers, as well as the previously described PRV1 and NF-E2, exhibited the same gene expression alterations also in patients with exogenously activated granulocytes due to sepsis or granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) treatment. The recently described V617F mutation in the Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) gene allows defining subclasses of patients with myeloproliferative disorders based on the JAK2 genotype. Patients with PV who were homozygous or heterozygous for JAK2-V617F exhibited higher levels of expression of the 13 new markers, PRV1, and NF-E2 than patients without JAK2-V617F, whereas ANKRD15 was down-regulated in these patients. Our results suggest that the alterations in expression of the markers studied are due to the activation of the Jak/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway through exogenous stimuli (sepsis or G-CSF treatment), or endogenously through the JAK2-V617F mutation

    On the cohomology of pseudoeffective line bundles

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    The goal of this survey is to present various results concerning the cohomology of pseudoeffective line bundles on compact K{\"a}hler manifolds, and related properties of their multiplier ideal sheaves. In case the curvature is strictly positive, the prototype is the well known Nadel vanishing theorem, which is itself a generalized analytic version of the fundamental Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem of algebraic geometry. We are interested here in the case where the curvature is merely semipositive in the sense of currents, and the base manifold is not necessarily projective. In this situation, one can still obtain interesting information on cohomology, e.g. a Hard Lefschetz theorem with pseudoeffective coefficients, in the form of a surjectivity statement for the Lefschetz map. More recently, Junyan Cao, in his PhD thesis defended in Grenoble, obtained a general K{\"a}hler vanishing theorem that depends on the concept of numerical dimension of a given pseudoeffective line bundle. The proof of these results depends in a crucial way on a general approximation result for closed (1,1)-currents, based on the use of Bergman kernels, and the related intersection theory of currents. Another important ingredient is the recent proof by Guan and Zhou of the strong openness conjecture. As an application, we discuss a structure theorem for compact K{\"a}hler threefolds without nontrivial subvarieties, following a joint work with F.Campana and M.Verbitsky. We hope that these notes will serve as a useful guide to the more detailed and more technical papers in the literature; in some cases, we provide here substantially simplified proofs and unifying viewpoints.Comment: 39 pages. This survey is a written account of a lecture given at the Abel Symposium, Trondheim, July 201

    A remark on the dimension of the Bergman space of some Hartogs domains

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    Let D be a Hartogs domain of the form D={(z,w) \in CxC^N : |w| < e^{-u(z)}} where u is a subharmonic function on C. We prove that the Bergman space of holomorphic and square integrable functions on D is either trivial or infinite dimensional.Comment: 12 page

    Susceptibility of biological stages of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans, to entomopathogenic fungi (Hyphomycetes)

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    The susceptibility of the egg, pupa, and adult of Haematobia irritans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) to isolates of the fungi Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sor., Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill., and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown and Smith, was evaluated under laboratory conditions. Groups of 20 eggs than 4 h old, pupae less than 48h old and adults were sprayed with a conidial suspension of each isolate. Eggs, pupae and adults of horn fly were susceptible to these entomopathogenic fungi. For treated eggs, the isolates Ma3, Ma 15, Ma25, Pfr1, and Pfr8 reduced adult emergence to 3.8% to 6.3% in comparison with the control (72%). The mortality of pupae infected by the isolates Ma2, Ma25, and Pfr10 ranged between 50% and 71.3%. Mortality of adults after treatment with the isolates Ma6, Ma 10, Ma 14, Ma 15, Pfr 1, Pfr 9, Pfr 10, Pfr 11, and Pfr12 were higher than 90%. The isolate Ma6 produced the lowest LC(50) against adult horn flies (8.08 &times 10(2)conidia/ml). These findings supported the hypotheses that isolates of M. anisopliae, and P. fumosoroseus are pathogenic against the different biological stages of horn flies by reducing adult emergence when applied on groups of eggs and pupae, and producing mortality when applied to adults

    The biology and behavior of the longhorned beetle, Dectes texanus on sunflower and soybean

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    The biology and behavior of the longhorned beetle Dectes texanus LeConte (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) was studied on two host plants that suffer economic losses from this pest; sunflower, Helianthus annuus, and soybean, Glycines max. Reciprocal crosses of D. texanus collected from the two plants all produced viable progeny, indicating that conspecific insects attack both crops. Pupae from soybean stalks weighed about 40% less than those from sunflower, and adults fed on soybean lived a mean of 23 days, compared to a mean of 53 days (males) and 76 days (females) for those fed sunflower. A female's larval host plant had no effect on her tendency to ovipuncture plants of either type in a greenhouse trial. A field-tested population collected exclusively from sunflower contained three types of females in similar proportions: those that laid eggs only on sunflower, those that laid only on soybean, and those that laid equally on both host plants. Females in field trials fed more on the plant they had fed on in the laboratory, but soybean-fed females fed more on soybean than did sunflower-fed females. Females fed soybean also made more ovipunctures on soybean plants in field trials than sunflower-fed females, but their responses to sunflower plants were similar. Females displayed higher total ovipositional activity when they encountered sunflower first in the field, and lower total activity when they encountered soybean first. Feeding scores were significantly correlated with ovipunctures and eggs on both plant types. We conclude that sunflower is the preferred host plant, although females will accept soybean when it is the only available food. The results suggest that D. texanus is still in the initial stages of a host range expansion with female host selection behavior demonstrating both genetic influences and phenotypic flexibility. Sunflower represents a nutritionally superior, ancestral host plant and relatively high fitness costs are still associated with utilization of the novel host plant, soybean, costs that may be offset by benefits such as reduced intraspecific competition. These potential benefits and their consequent implications for D. texanus host range evolution are hypothesized and discussed

    Changes to lung surfactant monolayers upon exposure to gas phase ozone observed using X-ray and neutron reflectivity

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    Exposure to the secondary pollutant ozone in ambient air is associated with adverse health effects when inhaled. In this work we use surface pressure measurements, combined with X-ray and neutron reflection, to observe changes in a layer of lung surfactant at the air water interface when exposed to gas phase ozone. The results demonstrate that the layer reacts with ozone changing its physical characteristics. A slight loss of material, a significant thinning of the layer and increased hydration of the surfactant material is observed. The results support the hypothesis that unsaturated lipids present in lung surfactant are still susceptible to rapid reaction with ozone and the reaction changes the properties of the interfacial layer
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