336 research outputs found

    Informational constraints on interceptive actions of elite football goalkeepers in 1 v1 dyads during competitive performance

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether perceptual variables can provide informational constraints for the goalkeepers to intercept the ball successfully in 1v1 dyads. Video images of 42 actions (1v1 in direct shots) were selected randomly from different matches and divided into conceded goals (n=20) and saved actions (n=22) to investigate interceptive actions of 20 goalkeepers in the English Premier League in season 2013-2014. Time to Contact (TTC) of the closing distance gap between shooter and goalkeeper was obtained by digitising actions in the 18-yard penalty box. Statistical analyses revealed that, in sequences of play resulting in an intercepted shot at goal, goalkeepers closed down outfield players in the X axis, whereas when a goal was conceded, there was a significantly delayed movement by goalkeepers toward the shooters in this plane. The results of canonical correlations showed that a decreasing distance between a shooter and goalkeeper, and accompanied reduction in relative interpersonal velocity followed a temporal pattern. Findings of this study showed how perception of key informational constraints on dyadic system relations, such as TTC, interpersonal distance and relative velocity, constrain elite goalkeepers' interceptive actions, playing an important role in successful performance

    Planning and control in a manual collision avoidance task by children with hemiparesis

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    We examined whether deficits in planning and control during a manual collision avoidance task in children with hemiparesis are associated with damage to the left or right hemisphere (LHD and RHD). Children pushed a doll across a scale-size road between two approaching toy cars. Movement onset and velocity served as indicators of planning and control. In Experiment 1, children with hemiparesis collided more frequently, and controlled velocity less appropriately compared to typically-developing children. Children with LHD initiated their movement later than children with RHD. Experiment 2 compared the preferred and non-preferred hand of children with LHD and RHD. Children with RHD crossed less with their non-preferred hand, while children with LHD initiated later than children with RHD. Moreover, the groups showed differences in velocity control. It is argued that planning deficits may be related to LHD. The hypothesized association between control deficits and RHD, however, was not confirmed

    Establishing consensus of position-specific predictors for elite youth soccer in England

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    Purpose: To construct a valid and reliable methodology for the development of position-specific predictors deemed appropriate for talent identification purposes within elite youth soccer in England. Method: N = 10 panel experts participated in a three-step modified e-Delphi poll to generate consensus on a series of generic youth player attributes. A follow-up electronic survey completed by coaches, scouts and recruitment staff (n = 99) ranked these attributes to specific player-positions. Results: A final list of 44 player attributes found consensus using the three-step modified e-Delphi poll. Findings indicated that player-positional attributes considered most important in the youth phase are more psychological and technical than physiological or anthropometric. Despite ‘hidden’ attributes (e.g., coachability, flair, versatility, and vision) finding consensus on the e-Delphi poll, there was no evidence to support these traits when associated with a specific playing position. Conclusion: For those practitioners responsible for talent recruitment, our findings may provide greater understanding of the multiple attributes required for some playing positions. However, further ecological research is required to assess the veracity of our claims

    Single-machine scheduling with stepwise tardiness costs and release times

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    We study a scheduling problem that belongs to the yard operations component of the railroad planning problems, namely the hump sequencing problem. The scheduling problem is characterized as a single-machine problem with stepwise tardiness cost objectives. This is a new scheduling criterion which is also relevant in the context of traditional machine scheduling problems. We produce complexity results that characterize some cases of the problem as pseudo-polynomially solvable. For the difficult-to-solve cases of the problem, we develop mathematical programming formulations, and propose heuristic algorithms. We test the formulations and heuristic algorithms on randomly generated single-machine scheduling problems and real-life datasets for the hump sequencing problem. Our experiments show promising results for both sets of problems

    Stereo vision enhances the learning of a catching skill

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of stereo vision to the acquisition of a natural interception task. Poor catchers with good (N = 8; Stereo+) and weak (N = 6; Stereo-) stereo vision participated in an intensive training program spread over 2 weeks, during which they caught over 1,400 tennis balls in a pre-post-retention design. While the Stereo+ group improved from a catching percentage of 18% to 59%, catchers in the Stereo- group did not significantly improve (from 10 to 31%), this progress being indifferent from a control group (N = 9) that did not practice at all. These results indicate that the development and use of of compensatory cues for depth perception in people with weak stereopsis is insufficient to successfully deal with interceptions under high temporal constraints, and that this disadvantage cannot be fully attenuated by specific and intensive training. © 2007 Springer-Verlag

    Stochastic Vehicle Routing with Recourse

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    We study the classic Vehicle Routing Problem in the setting of stochastic optimization with recourse. StochVRP is a two-stage optimization problem, where demand is satisfied using two routes: fixed and recourse. The fixed route is computed using only a demand distribution. Then after observing the demand instantiations, a recourse route is computed -- but costs here become more expensive by a factor lambda. We present an O(log^2 n log(n lambda))-approximation algorithm for this stochastic routing problem, under arbitrary distributions. The main idea in this result is relating StochVRP to a special case of submodular orienteering, called knapsack rank-function orienteering. We also give a better approximation ratio for knapsack rank-function orienteering than what follows from prior work. Finally, we provide a Unique Games Conjecture based omega(1) hardness of approximation for StochVRP, even on star-like metrics on which our algorithm achieves a logarithmic approximation.Comment: 20 Pages, 1 figure Revision corrects the statement and proof of Theorem 1.

    Deceptive body movements reverse spatial cueing in soccer

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.The purpose of the experiments was to analyse the spatial cueing effects of the movements of soccer players executing normal and deceptive (step-over) turns with the ball. Stimuli comprised normal resolution or point-light video clips of soccer players dribbling a football towards the observer then turning right or left with the ball. Clips were curtailed before or on the turn (-160, -80, 0 or +80 ms) to examine the time course of direction prediction and spatial cueing effects. Participants were divided into higher-skilled (HS) and lower-skilled (LS) groups according to soccer experience. In experiment 1, accuracy on full video clips was higher than on point-light but results followed the same overall pattern. Both HS and LS groups correctly identified direction on normal moves at all occlusion levels. For deceptive moves, LS participants were significantly worse than chance and HS participants were somewhat more accurate but nevertheless substantially impaired. In experiment 2, point-light clips were used to cue a lateral target. HS and LS groups showed faster reaction times to targets that were congruent with the direction of normal turns, and to targets incongruent with the direction of deceptive turns. The reversed cueing by deceptive moves coincided with earlier kinematic events than cueing by normal moves. It is concluded that the body kinematics of soccer players generate spatial cueing effects when viewed from an opponent's perspective. This could create a reaction time advantage when anticipating the direction of a normal move. A deceptive move is designed to turn this cueing advantage into a disadvantage. Acting on the basis of advance information, the presence of deceptive moves primes responses in the wrong direction, which may be only partly mitigated by delaying a response until veridical cues emerge

    Изучение структуры цинктитановых боросиликатных стекол по данным рассеяния рентгеновских лучей под малыми углами

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    В статті вивчено мікронеоднорідну будову цинктитанових боросилікатних стекол та процесів фазового розділу в них за даним розсіяння нейтронів під малими кутами. Зроблено висновок про характер розподілення часток, що виділяються за розмірами, які змінюються в дослідних стеклах в залежності від вмісту в них TiO₂ та ZnO. Встановлено вплив наявності мікронеоднорідностей після варки на характер їх фазовогорозподілення.In paper the micronon-uniform structure zinc-titanium borosilicate glass and processes of phase separation in them according to diffusing under vanishing angles of neutrons is investigated. It is drawn a In paper the micronon-uniform structure zinc-titanium borosilicate glass and processes of phase separation in them according to diffusing under vanishing angles of neutrons is investigated. It is drawn a leading-out on distribution of depositing corpuscles character on sizes which changes in studied glasses depending on the contents in them TiO₂ and ZnO. Effect of presence micro micronon-uniforms after melting on character of their phase separationis established

    Expertise differences in anticipatory judgements during a temporally and spatially occluded dynamic task

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    There is contradictory evidence surrounding the role of critical cues in the successful anticipation of penalty kick outcome. In the current study, skilled and less-skilled soccer goalkeepers were required to anticipate spatially (full body; hip region) and temporally (–160 ms, –80 ms before, foot–ball contact) occluded penalty kicks. The skilled group outperformed the less-skilled group in all conditions. Both groups performed better in the full body, compared to hip region condition. Later temporal occlusion conditions were associated with increased performance in the correct response and correct side analysis, but not for correct height. These data suggest that there is enough postural information from the hip region for skilled goalkeepers to make highly accurate predictions of penalty kick direction, however, other regions are needed in order to make predictions of height. These data demonstrate the evolution of cues over time and have implications for anticipation training