240 research outputs found
Monitoring of patogen parasites in waste waters of agricultural industries
Las aguas residuales son potenciales
portadoras de enteroparásitos patógenos
para el hombre cuya dosis infectiva puede
ser mínima y prolongado el tiempo de
sobrevivencia de huevos y quistes en el
ambiente. La reglamentación limita la presencia
de huevos de helmintos y, hasta el
año 2000, no proponía una técnica para su
detección. Este trabajo se realizó para caracterizar
parasitológicamente los efluentes
procedentes de agroindustrias.
La capacitación en la identificación microscópica
demandó la confección de fichas
que describen las características de huevos
de helmintos. Se efectuaron ensayos con
muestras de bodegas y aceiteras en los puntos
detectados de contaminación. Los métodos
fueron adaptados a las particularidades
de los efluentes.
Los resultados no señalaron presencia
de helmintos; no obstante, se hallaron
Cyclospora e Isospora, protozoarios que, por
su alto poder infectivo, también constituyen
un riesgo para el hombre. Sin embargo, no
están contemplados por la legislación. Respecto
a helmintos, es necesario un estudio
comparativo de las técnicas de detección
para efluentes agroindustriales, con el fin de
establecer las que optimicen su recuperación.
En cuanto a otras especies es preciso
continuar investigando su presencia para
evaluar la conveniencia de incorporarlas a
la reglamentación.Wastewaters are potential human's
pathogenic parasite carriers which could be
infective in small quantities. Besides, the
eggs and cysts survival time could be
prolonged. Regulation, restricts helminths
eggs presence and, until 2000, did not
propose a detection technique. This research
aims to the parasitological characterization
of waste water from agrarian industries.
Training about microscopical identification
led us to write a helminths eggs
characteristics description. Since the
detection of pollution points, essays were
made with samples from wine vault and olive
oil factories. Techniques were adapted,
according to wastewater peculiarities.
The results did not show helminths
presence, but we found Cyclospora and
Isospora. They are protozoa whose high
infective power makes them a human health
risk. However, they are not included in
current legislation. With respect to helminths,
we concluded that it is important to make a
detection techniques comparative study for
wastewater in order to establish which one
is the best for helminths recovery.
Since other species identification, it is
necessary to investigate their presence in
order to evaluate the convenience of
incorporating them to water regulation.Fil: Enriquez, Verónica L..
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Soria, Adriana E..
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biomatemática y FisicoquímicaFil: Salomón, María C..
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Patologí
Techno-Typological Analysis of Lithic Tools from Ipilla 2 an Early Archaic Site in the Andes of Arica, Chile
El estudio de la tecnología lítica en los Andes se inició con la identificación tipológica de puntas de proyectil para definir secuencias cronológico-culturales de sociedades de cazadores recolectores. Análisis tecno-tipológicos como el que se presenta en este trabajo, tratan de mostrar que las morfologías de instrumentos líticos no son estáticas pues varían de acuerdo a su uso, mantenimiento y reciclaje. En este estudio, exploramos y caracterizamos la variabilidad morfológica del instrumental lítico del sitio Ipilla 2, un campamento abierto del Arcaico Temprano (9.670-9.541 cal. a.p.), ubicado en los Andes de Arica (3.400 msm), norte de Chile. Los resultados sugieren que los instrumentos fueron intensamente mantenidos para extender su vida útil, lo que alteró los diseños originales. Otro proceso tecnológico incluyó la manufactura secuencial de distintos filos en un mismo instrumento. Estos resultados aportan a la comprensión de los modos de vida de las sociedades de cazadores recolectores andinos y muestran que, metodológicamente, las formas tipológicas deben considerarse desde una perspectiva dinámica para convertirse en una herramienta analítica más eficaz.The study of lithic technology in the Andes began with the classification of projectile point typologies to define chronological and cultural sequences of hunter-gatherer societies. Techno-typological analysis such as the onepresented here, try to show that lithic morphologies are not static as they vary in relation to their use, maintenance and recycling. In this study we explore and characterize the technological and typological variability of stone tools from Ipilla 2, an Early Archaic open-air camp (9,670-9,541 cal. BP) located in the Andes of Arica (3,400 m asl), northern Chile. The results show that tools were intensely maintained to extend their use-life, which transformed their original designs. Another technological process included the sequential manufacture of different edges in the same instrument. These results contribute to understanding the lifestyles of Andean hunter-gatherer societies and show that methodologically, lithic typologies must be considered from a dynamic perspective to become a more effective analytic tool.Fil: Herrera, Katherine A.. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Ugalde, Paula C.. Centro de Investigaciones del Hombre en el Desierto; ChileFil: Osorio, Daniela. Centro de Investigaciones del Hombre en el Desierto; ChileFil: Capriles Flores, Jose Mariano. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Hocsman, Salomón. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Arqueología y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Santoro Vargas, Calogero Mauricio. Centro de Investigaciones del Hombre en el Desierto; Chile. Universidad de Tarapacá; Chil
Petrografía del hormigón endurecido afectado por la reacción álcali-sílice
En el presente trabajo se avanza sobre la conveniencia del uso de microscopía en el estudio de hormigones endurecidos, especialmente estereomicroscopio, microscopio de polarización y otros métodos complementarios que permiten conocer la mineralogía y la petrografía de los agregados finos y gruesos que se utilizaron en la elaboración del hormigón y su relación con el material cementiceo. Es de vital importancia conocer la litología de los elementos pétreos, la identificación de especies deletéreas frente a la reacción álcali-sílice, la presencia de minerales metaestables y productos de alteración, tales como reacción con sulfatas, carbonatación, argilización y lixiviación de sus componentes. Además el estudio petrográfico del hormigón endurecido, desde el análisis de la muestra de mano con esteromicrocopio hasta el examen sobre secciones delgadas, permite determinar el estado del mortero, presencia de microfisuras, grado de deterioro y fenómenos de borde entre los agregados y la pasta, elementos fundamentales para calificar a un hormigón endurecido.
Estos estudios se complementan con técnicas tales como difractometría de rayos X, microscopía elecrónica de barrido, EDAX, análisis químicos y otras más específicas, las que complementadas con ensayos físicos, decidirán el estado del hormigón.This paper reports on the benefits of microscopy use in the study of hardened concrete, especially the stereoscopic microscope, the petrographic microscope and other supplementary techniques that allow the determination of the mineralogy and petrography of fine and coarse aggregates used in concrete, and their relation with the cementitious material. It is of utmost importance to know the lithology of rocky elements, identify deleterious species that lead to the alkali-silica reaction and determine the presence of metastable minerals and alteration products, such as reaction with sulfates, carbonation, argillization and leaching of their components. Moreover, the petrographic study of hardened concrete, from the analysis of cored samples in the stereoscopic microscope to the determination on thin sections, will allow establishing the mortar condition, the occurrence of microcracks, the degree of damage and paste-aggregate interface phenomena, which are fundamental elements to evaluate hardened concrete. These studies are supplemented by techniques such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, EDAX, chemical analyses and other more specific techniques that together with physical tests will help determine the condition of the concrete.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta
Lutzomyia longipalpis in Uruguay: the first report and the potential of visceral leishmaniasis transmission
Phlebotomine captures were performed in February 2010 in Salto (Salto department) and Bella Unión-Cuarein (Artigas department), Uruguay. Bella Unión is located across the Paraná River from Monte Caseros, Argentina, where a focus of canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was reported in 2009. No VL cases have ever been recorded in Uruguay and the last reported capture of Phlebotominae was in 1932 (Lutzomyia cortelezzii and Lutzomyia gaminarai). Light traps were placed in peridomestic environments, and Lutzomyia longipalpis, the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis, was found in Salto and Bella Unión. This is a first report of an area of potential VL transmission in Uruguay. Active and coordinated surveillance is required immediately the Uruguay-Argentina-Brazil border area
A Bioactive Extract Rich in Triterpenic Acid and Polyphenols from Olea europaea Promotes Systemic Immunity and Protects Atlantic Salmon Smolts Against Furunculosis
In the present study, the modulation of the transcriptional immune response (microarray analysis) in the head kidney (HK) of the anadromous fish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed a diet supplemented with an olive fruit extract (AQUOLIVE®) was evaluated. At the end of the trial (133 days), in order to investigate the immunomodulatory properties of the phytogenic tested against a bacterial infection, an in vivo challenge with Aeromonas salmonicida was performed. A total number of 1,027 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (805 up- and 222 downregulated) were found when comparing the transcriptomic profiling of the HK from fish fed the control and AQUOLIVE® diets. The HK transcripteractome revealed an expression profile that mainly favored biological processes related to immunity. Particularly, the signaling of i-kappa B kinase/NF-kappa and the activation of leukocytes, such as granulocytes and neutrophils degranulation, were suggested to be the primary actors of the innate immune response promoted by the tested functional feed additive in the HK. Moreover, the bacterial challenge with A. salmonicida that lasted 12 days showed that the cumulative survival was higher in fish fed the AQUOLIVE® diet (96.9 ± 6.4%) than the control group (60.7 ± 13.5%). These results indicate that the dietary supplementation of AQUOLIVE® at the level of 0.15% enhanced the systemic immune response and reduced the A. salmonicida cumulative mortality in Atlantic salmon smolts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Composición de ácidos grasos en la dieta materna en mujeres embarazadas
Los ácidos grasos poli-insaturados (AGPI) n-6 y n-3 se consideran esenciales, porque los mamíferos no tienen la capacidad enzimá-tica para insertar un doble enlace en la posi-ción n-6 y n-3. En los últimos años ha toma-do relevancia el papel de los AGPI n-3 en la gestación por su participación en el creci-miento y desarrollo. La ingesta excesiva de ácidos grasos saturados y de AGPI n-6 puede interferir con la disponibiliidad de los AGPI n-3 para la embarazada y el feto
Topoisomer Differentiation of Molecular Knots by FTICR MS: Lessons from Class II Lasso Peptides
Lasso peptides constitute a class of bioactive peptides sharing a knotted
structure where the C-terminal tail of the peptide is threaded through and
trapped within an N-terminalmacrolactamring. The structural characterization of
lasso structures and differentiation from their unthreaded topoisomers is not
trivial and generally requires the use of complementary biochemical and
spectroscopic methods. Here we investigated two antimicrobial peptides
belonging to the class II lasso peptide family and their corresponding
unthreaded topoisomers: microcin J25 (MccJ25), which is known to yield
two-peptide product ions specific of the lasso structure under collisioninduced
dissociation (CID), and capistruin, for which CID does not permit to
unambiguously assign the lasso structure. The two pairs of topoisomers were
analyzed by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR MS) upon CID, infrared multiple photon
dissociation (IRMPD), and electron capture dissociation (ECD). CID and
ECDspectra clearly permitted to differentiate MccJ25 from its non-lasso
topoisomer MccJ25-Icm, while for capistruin, only ECD was informative and
showed different extent of hydrogen migration (formation of c\bullet/z from
c/z\bullet) for the threaded and unthreaded topoisomers. The ECD spectra of the
triply-charged MccJ25 and MccJ25-lcm showed a series of radical b-type product
ions {\eth}b0In{\TH}. We proposed that these ions are specific of
cyclic-branched peptides and result from a dual c/z\bullet and y/b
dissociation, in the ring and in the tail, respectively. This work shows the
potentiality of ECD for structural characterization of peptide topoisomers, as
well as the effect of conformation on hydrogen migration subsequent to electron
Efecto de las fuentes de polen sobre el rendimiento en la extracción de aceite y perfil de ácidos grasos de las semillas de dátil (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivar Medjool de México
The present investigation aimed to assess the effect of pollen sources on the mass, dimension, oil content and fatty acid profile of the seeds from female palms of the Medjool date cultivar. The palms were pollinated with Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool and Zahidi cultivars. In addition, three palms were pollinated as the treatment control. The fatty acids were evaluated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The surface morphology of date seed powder was examined using SEM, before and after n-hexane interaction. The seeds of the Medjool treatment had the greatest mass (1.42 g), but the lowest oil content (5.37% w/w); the control seeds showed smaller mass (1.21 g), but higher oil content (13.57% w/w). The proportion of fatty acids varied significantly among the treatments with respect to the control. The most abundant fatty acids were oleic (C18:1), lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16:0), linoleic (C18:2), and stearic (C18:0). Together these fatty acids presented a composition between 98.3 and 98.67% for treatments, and 99.0% for the control. The results indicate that the pollen sources from Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool and Zahidi cultivars had a significant effect on mass, dimension, oil content and fatty acid profile of the seeds of the date cultivar Medjool. The date seed oil could be used as edible oil, in food products, and in pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de las fuentes de polen, sobre la masa, dimensión, contenido de aceite y el perfil de ácidos grasos de las semillas de dátil del cultivar Medjool. Las palmas hembras del cultivar Medjool fueron polinizadas con cultivares Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool y Zahidi. Además, tres palmas fueron polinizadas como tratamiento control. Los ácidos grasos se evaluaron por cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas. La morfología de la superficie del polvo de semillas de dátil se examinó utilizando un equipo SEM, antes y después de la interacción n-hexano. Las semillas del tratamiento Medjool resultaron con mayor masa (1,42 g), pero menor contenido de aceite (5,37% p/p); la semilla control, mostró una masa más pequeña (1,21 g), pero un mayor contenido de aceite (13,57% p/p). La composición de ácidos grasos varió significativamente entre los tratamientos con respecto al control. Los ácidos grasos mayoritarios fueron: oleico (C18:1), láurico (C12:0), mirístico (C14:0), palmítico (C16:0), linoleico (C18:2) and esteárico (C18:0). En total, estos ácidos grasos alcanzan una composición entre 98.3 y 98.67% para los tratamientos, y 99.0% para el control. Los resultados indican que la fuente de polen de los cultivares Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool y Zahidi tiene un efecto significativo sobre la masa, dimensión, contenido de aceite y el perfil de ácidos grasos de la semilla del cultivar de dátil Medjool. El aceite de la semilla de dátil, podría usarse como aceite comestible, productos alimenticios, aplicaciones farmacéuticas y cosméticas
Vitamin D receptor expression is associated with improved overall survival in human glioblastoma multiforme
Vitamin D and its analogs have been shown to display anti-proliferative effects in a wide variety of cancer types including glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). These anticancer effects are mediated by its active metabolite, 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol) acting mainly through vitamin D receptor (VDR) signaling. In addition to its involvement in calcitriol action, VDR has also been demonstrated to be useful as a prognostic factor for some types of cancer. However, to our knowledge, there are no studies evaluating the expression of VDR protein and its association with outcome in gliomas. Therefore, we investigated VDR expression by using immunohistochemical analysis in human glioma tissue microarrays, and analyzed the association between VDR expression and clinico-pathological parameters. We further investigated the effects of genetic and pharmacologic modulation of VDR on survival and migration of glioma cell lines. Our data demonstrate that VDR is increased in tumor tissues when compared with VDR in non-malignant brains, and that VDR expression is associated with an improved outcome in patients with GBM. We also show that both genetic and pharmacologic modulation of VDR modulates GBM cellular migration and survival and that VDR is necessary for calcitriol-mediated effects on migration. Altogether these results provide some limited evidence supporting a role for VDR in glioma progression.Fil: Salomón, Débora Gisele. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Bahia Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Bahia Blanca (i); ArgentinaFil: Fermento, María Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Bahia Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Bahia Blanca (i); ArgentinaFil: Gandini, Norberto Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Bahia Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Bahia Blanca (i); ArgentinaFil: Ferronato, María Julia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Bahia Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Bahia Blanca (i); ArgentinaFil: Arevalo, Julian. Hospital Municipal General de Agudos Doctor José Penna; ArgentinaFil: Blasco, J.. Hospital Int. Gral. de Agudos Dr. Jose Penna. Servicio de Patologia; ArgentinaFil: Andrés, Nancy Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Bahia Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Bahia Blanca (i); ArgentinaFil: Zenklusen, Jean C.. National Institutes of Health. National Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Curino, Alejandro Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Bahia Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Bahia Blanca (i); ArgentinaFil: Facchinetti, Maria Marta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Bahia Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Bahia Blanca (i); Argentin
Medicinal Plant Leaf Extract From Sage and Lemon Verbena Promotes Intestinal Immunity and Barrier Function in Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata)
The inclusion of a medicinal plant leaf extract (MPLE) from sage (Salvia officinalis) and lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora), rich in verbascoside and triterpenic compounds like ursolic acid, was evaluated in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) fed a low fishmeal-based diet (48% crude protein, 17% crude fat, 21.7 MJ kg-1, 7% fishmeal, 15% fish oil) for 92 days. In particular, the study focused on the effect of these phytogenic compounds on the gut condition by analyzing the transcriptomic profiling (microarray analysis) and histological structure of the intestinal mucosa, as well as the histochemical properties of mucins stored in goblet cells. A total number of 506 differentially expressed genes (285 up- and 221 down-regulated) were found when comparing the transcriptomic profiling of the intestine from fish fed the control and MPLE diets. The gut transcripteractome revealed an expression profile that favored biological mechanisms associated to the 1) immune system, particularly involving T cell activation and differentiation, 2) gut integrity (i.e., adherens and tight junctions) and cellular proliferation, and 3) cellular proteolytic pathways. The histological analysis showed that the MPLE dietary supplementation promoted an increase in the number of intestinal goblet cells and modified the composition of mucins’ glycoproteins stored in goblet cells, with an increase in the staining intensity of neutral mucins, as well as in mucins rich in carboxylated and weakly sulfated glycoconjugates, particularly those rich in sialic acid residues. The integration of transcriptomic and histological results showed that the evaluated MPLE from sage and lemon verbena is responsible for the maintenance of intestinal health, supporting gut homeostasis and increasing the integrity of the intestinal epithelium, which suggests that this phytogenic may be considered as a promising sustainable functional additive for aquafeeds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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