588 research outputs found

    An evolutionarily stable joining policy for group foragers

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    For foragers that exploit patchily distributed resources that are challenging to locate, detecting discoveries made by others with a view to joining them and sharing the patch may often be an attractive tactic, and such behavior has been observed across many taxa. If, as will commonly be true, the time taken to join another individual on a patch increases with the distance to that patch, then we would expect foragers to be selective in accepting joining opportunities: preferentially joining nearby discoveries. If competition occurs on patches, then the profitability of joining (and of not joining) will be influenced by the strategies adopted by others. Here we present a series of models designed to illuminate the evolutionarily stable joining strategy. We confirm rigorously the previous suggestion that there should be a critical joining distance, with all joining opportunities within that distance being accepted and all others being declined. Further, we predict that this distance should be unaffected by the total availability of food in the environment, but should increase with decreasing density of other foragers, increasing speed of movement towards joining opportunities, increased difficulty in finding undiscovered food patches, and decreasing speed with which discovered patches can be harvested. We are further able to make predictions as to how fully discovered patches should be exploited before being abandoned as unprofitable, with discovered patches being more heavily exploited when patches are hard to find: patches can be searched for remaining food more quickly, forager density is low, and foragers are relatively slow in traveling to discovered patches

    Orientation to the sun by animals and its interaction with crypsis

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    1. Orientation with respect to the sun has been observed in a wide range of species and hasgenerally been interpreted in terms of thermoregulation and/or ultraviolet (UV) protection. For countershaded animals, orientation with respect to the sun may also result from the pres-sure to exploit the gradient of coloration optimally to enhance crypsis.2. Here, we use computational modelling to predict the optimal countershading pattern for anoriented body. We assess how camouflage performance declines as orientation varies using acomputational model that incorporates realistic lighting environments.3. Once an optimal countershading pattern for crypsis has been chosen, we determineseparately how UV protection/irradiation and solar thermal inflow fluctuate with orientation.4. We show that body orientations that could optimally use countershading to enhance crypsisare very similar to those that allow optimal solar heat inflow and UV protection.5. Our findings suggest that crypsis has been overlooked as a selective pressure on orientationand that new experiments should be designed to tease apart the respective roles of these different selective pressures. We propose potential experiments that could achieve this

    Intrafamily and intragenomic conflicts in human warfare

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    A.J.C.M. is supported by a Ph.D. studentship from the School of Biology, University of St Andrews, and A.G. is supported by a Natural Environment Research Council Independent Research Fellowship (NE/K009524/1).Recent years have seen an explosion of multidisciplinary interest in ancient human warfare. Theory has emphasised a key role for kin-selected cooperation, modulated by sex-specific demography, in explaining intergroup violence. However, conflicts of interest remain a relatively underexplored factor in the evolutionary-ecological study of warfare, with little consideration given to which parties influence the decision to go to war and how their motivation may differ. We develop a mathematical model to investigate the interplay between sex-specific demography and human warfare, showing that: the ecology of warfare drives the evolution of sex-biased dispersal; sex-biased dispersal modulates intrafamily and intragenomic conflicts in relation to warfare; intragenomic conflict drives parent-of-origin-specific patterns of gene expression – i.e. 'genomic imprinting' – in relation to warfare phenotypes; and an ecological perspective of conflicts at the levels of the gene, individual and social group yields novel predictions as to pathologies associated with mutations and epimutations at loci underpinning human violence.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The demography of human warfare can drive sex differences in altruism

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    Funding from a Ph.D. studentship from the School of Biology, University of St Andrews (A.J.C.M.), a Natural Environment Research Council Independent Research Fellowship (A.G., grant number NE/K009524/1), a European Research Council Consolidator Grant (A.G., A.J.C.M., grant number 771387), the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (under the Investissement d’Avenir programme, ANR 17-EURE-0010) (A.J.C.M.) is gratefully acknowledged.Recent years have seen great interest in the suggestion that between-group aggression and within-group altruism have coevolved. However, these efforts have neglected the possibility that warfare – via its impact on demography – might influence human social behaviours more widely, not just those directly connected to success in war. Moreover, the potential for sex differences in the demography of warfare to translate into sex differences in social behaviour more generally has remained unexplored. Here, we develop a kin-selection model of altruism performed by men and women for the benefit of their groupmates in a population experiencing intergroup conflict. We find that warfare can promote altruistic, helping behaviours as the additional reproductive opportunities winners obtain in defeated groups decrease harmful competition between kin. Furthermore, we find that sex can be a crucial modulator of altruism, with there being a tendency for the sex that competes more intensely with relatives to behave more altruistically and for the sex that competes more intensely with non-relatives in defeated groups to receive more altruism. In addition, there is also a tendency for the less-dispersing sex to both give and receive more altruism. We discuss implications for our understanding of observed sex differences in cooperation in human societies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Virtual prey with Lévy motion are preferentially attacked by predatory fish

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    This work was funded by a NERC Independent Research Fellowship (NE/K009370/1) and a Leverhulme Trust grant (RPG-2017-041 V) awarded to C.C.I.Of widespread interest in animal behavior and ecology is how animals search their environment for resources, and whether these search strategies are optimal. However, movement also affects predation risk through effects on encounter rates, the conspicuousness of prey, and the success of attacks. Here, we use predatory fish attacking a simulation of virtual prey to test whether predation risk is associated with movement behavior. Despite often being demonstrated to be a more efficient strategy for finding resources such as food, we find that prey displaying Lévy motion are twice as likely to be targeted by predators than prey utilizing Brownian motion. This can be explained by the predators, at the moment of the attack, preferentially targeting prey that were moving with straighter trajectories rather than prey that were turning more. Our results emphasize that costs of predation risk need to be considered alongside the foraging benefits when comparing different movement strategies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Three-dimensional camouflage:exploiting photons to conceal form

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    Many animals have a gradation of body color, termed “countershading,” where the areas that are typically exposed to more light are darker. One hypothesis is that this patterning enhances visual camouflage by making the retinal image of the animal match that of the background, a fundamentally two-dimensional theory. More controversially, countershading may also obliterate cues to three-dimensional (3D) shape delivered by shading. Despite relying on distinct cognitive mechanisms, these two potential functions hitherto have been amalgamated in the literature. It has previously not been possible to validate either hypothesis empirically, because there has been no general theory of optimal countershading that allows quantitative predictions to be made about the many environmental parameters involved. Here we unpack the logical distinction between using countershading for background matching and using it to obliterate 3D shape. We use computational modeling to determine the optimal coloration for the camouflage of 3D shape. Our model of 3D concealment is derived from the physics of light and informed by perceptual psychology: we simulate a 3D world that incorporates naturalistic lighting environments. The model allows us to predict countershading coloration for terrestrial environments, for any body shape and a wide range of ecologically relevant parameters. The approach can be generalized to any light distribution, including those underwater

    Optimizing countershading camouflage

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    Countershading, the widespread tendency of animals to be darker on the side that receives strongest illumination, has classically been explained as an adaptation for camouflage: obliterating cues to 3D shape and enhancing background matching. However, there have only been two quantitative tests of whether the patterns observed in different species match the optimal shading to obliterate 3D cues, and no tests of whether optimal countershading actually improves concealment or survival. We use a mathematical model of the light field to predict the optimal countershading for concealment that is specific to the light environment and then test this prediction with correspondingly patterned model “caterpillars” exposed to avian predation in the field. We show that the optimal countershading is strongly illumination-dependent. A relatively sharp transition in surface patterning from dark to light is only optimal under direct solar illumination; if there is diffuse illumination from cloudy skies or shade, the pattern provides no advantage over homogeneous background-matching coloration. Conversely, a smoother gradation between dark and light is optimal under cloudy skies or shade. The demonstration of these illumination-dependent effects of different countershading patterns on predation risk strongly supports the comparative evidence showing that the type of countershading varies with light environment

    The effects of fruit smoothies on enamel erosion

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    Objectives: This prospective, randomised in vitro study was to investigate the pH and titratable acidity of fruit smoothie drinks and to assess the effect of these drinks on enamel erosion. Method: Fifty enamel slabs were divided into five groups which were allocated to the sample solutions groups: Innocent® smoothie strawberries and bananas (SB), Innocent® smoothie mangoes and passion fruit (MP) and Diet Coke. Distilled deionised water (DD) was used as negative control and citric acid 0.3 % as positive control. All the slabs were subjected to a 21-day pH cycling regime involving 2 min of immersions, five times a day with appropriate remineralization periods in between. Measurement of surface loss was assessed using profilometry. Independent sample t tests were used to compare mean. Results: The titratable acidity for both test smoothies were 3.5-4 times more than that needed to neutralise Diet Coke and citric acid 0.3 %. The pH of SB, MP smoothie and Diet Coke was found to be 3.73, 3.59 and 2.95, respectively. MP smoothie caused the greatest amount of surface loss followed by Diet Coke. Both smoothies were found to cause significant surface loss. MP smoothie resulted in significantly higher surface loss compared with MB smoothie and citric acid 3 %. Conclusion: The smoothies tested were acidic and had high titratable acidity. They produced a significant erosion of enamel in vitro. The results of this study suggest that there should be increased awareness of the erosive effects of smoothies especially as their consumption seems to be on the increase