2,803 research outputs found

    The relationship between zinc intake and growth in children aged 1-8 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: It is estimated that zinc deficiency affects 17% of the world's population, and because of periods of rapid growth children are at an increased risk of deficiency, which may lead to stunting. This paper presents a systematic review and meta-analysis of the randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that assess zinc intake and growth in children aged 1–8 years. This review is part of a larger systematic review by the European Micronutrient Recommendations Aligned Network of Excellence that aims to harmonise the approach to setting micronutrient requirements for optimal health in European populations (www.eurreca.org). SUBJECT/METHODS: Searches were performed of literature published up to and including December 2013 using MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Library databases. Included studies were RCTs in apparently healthy child populations aged from 1 to 8 years that supplied zinc supplements either as capsules or as part of a fortified meal. Pooled meta-analyses were performed when appropriate. RESULTS: Nine studies met the inclusion criteria. We found no significant effect of zinc supplementation of between 2 weeks and 12 months duration on weight gain, height for age, weight for age, length for age, weight for height (WHZ) or WHZ scores in children aged 1–8 years. CONCLUSIONS: Many of the children in the included studies were already stunted and may have been suffering from multiple micronutrient deficiencies, and therefore zinc supplementation alone may have only a limited effect on growth

    Regularization of image reconstruction in ultrasound computed tomography

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    We propose two regularizations techniques for a bent-ray (BR) tracing algorithm to reconstruct the speed of sound maps of breast tissues in an Ultrasound Computed Tomography (USCT) system. When high frequencies are employed, the use of BR is a good approximation to describe the propagation of the front of the pressure wave. The quantitative accuracy of the images reconstructed with the BR algorithm was evaluated without any kind of regularization, and with two regularization methods. The regularizations were based on some available a priori information, namely the known higher and lower values of the speed of sound expected in the breast tissues, and the maps of the internal structures obtained from the standard reflection ultrasound (US) imaging. The use of the proposed regularizations in the implemented algorithm improves the convergence and quality of the resulting images, although further improvements are still possible. These methods will help obtaining quantitative US images in a reasonable amount of time, expanding the possibilities and applications of this technique

    Spatially Resolved Star Formation Main Sequence of Galaxies in the Califa Survey

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    Cano-Díaz, M. et. al.The >main sequence of galaxies> - defined in terms of the total star formation rate ψ versus the total stellar mass M - is a well-studied tight relation that has been observed at several wavelengths and at different redshifts. All earlier studies have derived this relation from integrated properties of galaxies. We recover the same relation from an analysis of spatially resolved properties, with integral field spectroscopic (IFS) observations of 306 galaxies from the CALIFA survey. We consider the SFR surface density in units of log(M yr Kpc) and the stellar mass surface density in units of log(M Kpc) in individual spaxels that probe spatial scales of 0.5-1.5 Kpc. This local relation exhibits a high degree of correlation with small scatter (σ = 0.23 dex), irrespective of the dominant ionization source of the host galaxy or its integrated stellar mass. We highlight (i) the integrated star formation main sequence formed by galaxies whose dominant ionization process is related to star formation, for which we find a slope of 0.81 ± 0.02; (ii) for the spatially resolved relation obtained with the spaxel analysis, we find a slope of 0.72 ± 0.04; and (iii) for the integrated main sequence, we also identified a sequence formed by galaxies that are dominated by an old stellar population, which we have called the retired galaxies sequence.Financial support: M.C.D. and S.F.S.: DGAPA-UNAM funding; CONACyT-180125 and PAPIIT IA-100815 projects. Z.S.: EU Marie Curie Career Integration Grant >SteMaGE> PCIG12-GA-2012-326466. Y.A.: RyC-2011-09461 and AYA2013-47742-C4-3-P projects from the Spanish MINECO and the SELGIFS programme, funded by the EU (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES-612701). C.J.W.: Marie Curie Career Integration Grant 303912. R.M.G.D.: AyA2014-57490-P and J.A. P12-FQM2828 grants. J.F.B.: AYA2013-48226-C3-1-P from the Spanish MINECO grant. L.G.: Millennium Science Initiative through grant IC120009, and by CONICYT through FONDECYT grant 3140566.Peer Reviewe

    A semantic interoperability approach to support integration of gene expression and clinical data in breast cancer

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    [Abstract] Introduction. The introduction of omics data and advances in technologies involved in clinical treatment has led to a broad range of approaches to represent clinical information. Within this context, patient stratification across health institutions due to omic profiling presents a complex scenario to carry out multi-center clinical trials. Methods. This paper presents a standards-based approach to ensure semantic integration required to facilitate the analysis of clinico-genomic clinical trials. To ensure interoperability across different institutions, we have developed a Semantic Interoperability Layer (SIL) to facilitate homogeneous access to clinical and genetic information, based on different well-established biomedical standards and following International Health (IHE) recommendations. Results. The SIL has shown suitability for integrating biomedical knowledge and technologies to match the latest clinical advances in healthcare and the use of genomic information. This genomic data integration in the SIL has been tested with a diagnostic classifier tool that takes advantage of harmonized multi-center clinico-genomic data for training statistical predictive models. Conclusions. The SIL has been adopted in national and international research initiatives, such as the EURECA-EU research project and the CIMED collaborative Spanish project, where the proposed solution has been applied and evaluated by clinical experts focused on clinico-genomic studies.Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI13/02020Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PI13/0028

    Fuentes, síntomas y estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés-competitivo en nadadores

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    La presente investigación de tipo descriptivo transversal tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el estrés precompetitivo de 123 nadadores mexicanos de categoría master. La edad de los participantes osciló entre los 36 y 92 años de edad. El instrumento utilizado para recoger la información fue el cuestionario FUSIES (fuentes, síntomas y estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés), este se aplicó antes de iniciar una competencia nacional perteneciente al serial master de natación. El instrumento midió la percepción del estrés, bajo una escala tipo Likert de 1= nunca y 5 = extremo, con alfa de Cronbach de .95. Entre los principales resultados se observó un nivel normal bajo de estrés (M = 2.307 ± .5) en los nadadores; las fuentes que generan mayor estrés son la injusticia de autoridades (M = 3.70 ± 1.2), mucho tráfico (M = 3.48 ± 1.1) y no tener dinero (M = 3.28 ± 1.2). A su vez, los síntomas de estrés con mayor puntaje en los nadadores es la preocupación (M = 2.96 ± 1.08), la tensión en la espalda (M = 2.62 ± 1.2) y el tartamudeo (M = 2.34 ± 1.3). En lo relativo a las estrategias de afrontamiento que aplican con mayor frecuencia los nadadores son: ejercitarse (M = 3.59 ± 1.35), buscar la solución del problema (M = 3.51 ± 1.35) y pensar positivamente (M = 3.51 ± 1.31). Concluyendo que el pensar positivamente, les permite reducir sus niveles de preocupación, inseguridad y desesperación pre competitiva, por lo que se asume que los niveles de estrés percibidos se encuentran en un nivel moderado.This transversal descriptive research aimed to characterize the stress-precompetitive 123 swimmer's category Mexican master. The age of participants ranged between 36 and 92 years old. The instrument used to collect information was the questionnaire FUSIES (sources, symptoms and stress coping strategies), this was applied before starting a master serial belonging to national swimming competition. The instrument measures perceived stress, under a Likert scale from 1 = never and 5 = extreme, with Cronbach's alpha of .95. Among the main results normal low stress (M = 2,307 ± 0.5) was observed in swimmers; sources that generate greater stress are the injustice of authorities (M = 3.70 ± 1.2), a lot of traffic (M = 3.48 ± 1.1) and no money (M= 3.28 ± 1.2). In turn, symptoms of stress with the highest score in swimmers is Concern (M= 2.96 ± 1.08), the back strain (M= 2.62 ± 1.2) and stuttering (M= 2.34 ± 1.3). Regarding coping strategies most frequently applied swimmers are: exercise (M= 3.59 ± 1.35), finding the solution (M = 3.51 ± 1.35) and think positively (M = 3.51 ± 1.31). Think positively concluding that allows them to reduce their levels of concern, insecurity and desperation pre-competitive, so it is assumed that levels of perceived stress are at a moderate level.Esta pesquisa descritiva transversal objetivou caracterizar a 123 nadadores o estresse pré-competitiva na natação master mexicana. A idade dos participantes variou entre 36 e 92 anos de idade. O instrumento utilizado para coleta de informações foi o FUSIES (fontes, sintomas e estratégias de confronto do estresse), este foi aplicado antes de iniciar um serial master da competição nacional de natação. O instrumento mediu o estresse percebido com a escala de Likert de 1 = nunca e 5 = sempre, com alfa de Cronbach 0,95. Entre os principais resultados o nível normail-baixo de estresse (M = 2,307 ± 0,5) foi observada nos nadadores; fontes que geram uma maior estresse são a injustiça das autoridades (M = 3,70 ± 1,2), tráfego (M = 3,48 ± 1,1) e não ter dinheiro (M = 3,28 ± 1,2). Por sua vez, sintomas de estresse com o maior número de pontos em nadadores é a preocupação (M = 2,96 ± 1,08), a tensão nas costas (M = 2,62 ± 1,2) e tartamudez (M = 2,34 ± 1,3). No que diz respeito as estratégias de confronto mais frequentemente aplicada pelos nadadores são fazer exercício (M = 3,59 ± 1,35), procurar a solução do problema (M = 3,51 ± 1,35) e pensamento positivo (M = 3,51 ± 1,31). Concluindo que o pensamento positivo, permite-lhes reduzir os seus níveis de preocupação, insegurança e desespero pré competitivo, por isso, assumese que os níveis de estresse percebido estão em um nível moderado

    The Diagnostic Laboratory Hub: A New Health Care System Reveals the Incidence and Mortality of Tuberculosis, Histoplasmosis, and Cryptococcosis of PWH in Guatemala.

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    A Diagnostic Laboratory Hub (DLH) was set up in Guatemala to provide opportunistic infection (OI) diagnosis for people with HIV (PWH). Patients newly presenting for HIV, PWH not receiving antiretrovirals (ARVs) for >90 days but returned to care (Return/Restart), and PWH on ARVs with symptoms of OIs (ARV treatment) were prospectively included. Screening for tuberculosis, nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis was done. Samples were couriered to the DLH, and results were transmitted electronically. Demographic, diagnostic results, disease burden, treatment, and follow-up to 180 days were analyzed. In 2017, 1953 patients were included, 923 new HIV infections (an estimated 44% of all new HIV infections in Guatemala), 701 on ARV treatment, and 315 Return/Restart. Three hundred seventeen (16.2%) had an OI: 35.9% tuberculosis, 31.2% histoplasmosis, 18.6% cryptococcosis, 4.4% NTM, and 9.8% coinfections. Histoplasmosis was the most frequent AIDS-defining illness; 51.2% of new patients had <200 CD4 cells/mm3 with a 29.4% OI incidence; 14.3% of OIs in new HIV infections occurred with CD4 counts of 200-350 cells/mm3. OIs were the main risk factor for premature death for new HIV infections. At 180 days, patients with OIs and advanced HIV had 73-fold greater risk of death than those without advanced disease who were OI-free. The DLH OI screening approach provides adequate diagnostic services and obtains relevant data. We propose a CD4 screening threshold of <350 cells/mm3. Mortality remains high, and improved interventions are required, including expansion of the DLH and access to antifungal drugs, especially liposomal amphotericin B and flucytosine.Financial support. This work was supported by Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections and JYLAG, a charity Foundation based in Switzerland (E.A. received this funding under the proposal: “Minimising HIV deaths through rapid fungal diagnosis and better care in Guatemala”). Other contributions came from AIDS Health Foundation (AHF) Guatemala, Intrahealth International and Ministry of health in Guatemala (MSPAS).S

    Prodromal Alzheimer’s disease: Constitutive upregulation of neuroglobin prevents the initiation of Alzheimer’s pathology

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    In humans, a considerable number of the autopsy samples of cognitively normal individuals aged between 57 and 102 years have revealed the presence of amyloid plaques, one of the typical signs of AD, indicating that many of us use mechanisms that defend ourselves from the toxic consequences of Aß. The human APP NL/F (hAPP NL/F) knockin mouse appears as the ideal mouse model to identify these mechanisms, since they have high Aß42 levels at an early age and moderate signs of disease when old. Here we show that in these mice, the brain levels of the hemoprotein Neuroglobin (Ngb) increase with age, in parallel with the increase in Aß42. In vitro, in wild type neurons, exogenous Aß increases the expression of Ngb and Ngb over-expression prevents Aß toxicity. In vivo, in old hAPP NL/F mice, Ngb knockdown leads to dendritic tree simplification, an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease. These results could indicate that Alzheimer’s symptoms may start developing at the time when defense mechanisms start wearing out. In agreement, analysis of plasma Ngb levels in aged individuals revealed decreased levels in those whose cognitive abilities worsened during a 5-year longitudinal follow-up period.This work was partially supported by the Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek (SAO; S16013) and the FWO (research project G0B2519N) to LC-G, SAF2016-76722 (AEI/FEDER, UE) to CD, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Fellowships (T2DMand AD, EU 708152) to FG and EU JPND “EpiAD” Grant to AF-G and CD, SAF2016-78603-R to MM and M