67 research outputs found

    Light-driven urea oxidation for a wearable artificial kidney

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    For the development of a wearable artificial kidney (WAK) that uses a small dialysate volume that is continuously regenerated, it is essential that urea, one of the main uremic retention solutes, is removed. Despite advances in sorbent technology or electro-oxidation no safe, efficient and selective method for urea removal has been reported that allows miniaturization of the artificial kidney to wearable proportions. Here we have developed a flow cell for light-driven, photo-electrocatalytic (PEC) urea removal for use in a WAK. We use a photo-active material (hematite) coated with a catalyst (NiOOH) as working electrode for selective urea oxidation and a silver-chloride (AgCl) cathode. The use of the AgCl counter electrodes eliminates the need for an external bias voltage, and allows operation under light illumination only. Using LED illumination (460 nm) we show that urea is selectively oxidized over chloride. N2 formation is confirmed by gas-phase analysis of the headspace of the sample vial, using mass spectrometry. Other nitrogen containing products include nitrite but importantly ammonia and nitrate are not detected. Using the PEC concept a urea removal rate of 2.5 ÎŒmol/cm2h (or 0.15 mg/cm2h) has been achieved. Extrapolating our results to an upscaled system, a surface area of 0.5 m2 would enable efficient removal of the daily produced amount of urea (∌300 mmol) urea within 24 h, when driven by LED illumination only

    Bypass and hyperbole in soil science:A perspective from the next generation of soil scientists

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    International audienceWe, the co‐authors of this letter, are an international group of soil scientists at early career stages, from PhD students to postdoctoral researchers, lecturers, and research fellows with permanent positions. Here, we present our collective musings on soil research challenges and opportunities and, in particular, the points raised by Philippe Baveye (Baveye, 2020a, 2020b) and Johan Bouma (Bouma, 2020) on bypass and hyperbole in soil science. Raising awareness about these issues is a first and necessary step. To this end, we would like to thank Philippe Baveye and Johan Bouma for initiating this debate.......

    La polĂ­tica educativa de Antonio Gil de ZĂĄrate

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    1) Comprobar si la teorĂ­a de Antonio Gil de ZĂĄrate sobre la funciĂłn del Estado es competente o no. 2) Constatar si la libertad de enseñanza: -es una piedra de toque de la verdadera democracia; -es uno de los principios fundamentales de toda polĂ­tica educativa. 3) Hacer ver que sin educaciĂłn familiar no es posible: -la educaciĂłn en la libertad ni la libertad de enseñanza; -la formaciĂłn personal y que sin Ă©sta serĂĄ imposible todo cambio social. 4) Buscar otra soluciĂłn mĂĄs justa e igualatoria a la elecciĂłn de las familias, cualesquiera que sea su posiciĂłn, del tipo de educaciĂłn y escuela que prefieren y comprobar si la educaciĂłn es una labor cooperativa y dentro de la cual los agentes principales y naturales son la familia y el Estado. Ideas centralistas y monopolizadoras de Antonio Gil de ZĂĄrate, en torno a estos temas: derechos de la familia, funciĂłn del Estado, familia-Estado, la familia como instituciĂłn educativa, y la libertad de enseñanza. Estudio crĂ­tico de los principios polĂ­tico-pedagĂłgicos de Antonio Gil de ZĂĄrate basĂĄndonos fundamentalmente en su obra 'La InstrucciĂłn PĂșlica en España', que consta de tres volĂșmenes y es la Ășnica fuente de su pensamiento polĂ­tico pedagĂłgico. Los derechos de la libertad de enseñanza se fundamentan en los derechos de la familia, pero no en el temor de que el Estado llegue a esclavizar el pensamiento o dar la educaciĂłn torcida; al Estado no le corresponde este derecho a educar, ni a la persona el de ser educada, como no sea de acuerdo con las convicciones de la familia y eso sĂ­, ordenadas al bien comĂșn. La educaciĂłn familiar estĂĄ en la base de la educaciĂłn moral. Antonio Gil de ZĂĄrate no tiene razĂłn al decir que la familia no puede educar porque dejarĂ­a al Estado un miembro inĂștil y un funesto legado. Es partidario de una libertad, pero controlada.CataluñaES

    The Valborraz tungsten mine: Description of a potential source of arsenic pollution

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    Soil contamination levels were studied in the land affected by an abandoned tungsten mine in Valdeorras (NW Spain). The mine worked mainly in the first half of the twentieth century, and it was definitely closed by 1953. Soil samples were taken in thirteen points within the mine (including both natural soils and soils developed over mine wastes), and in two natural soils close to the mine area. Total heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Ni and Cu) and As were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence in sieved (1000 mg kg-1) were found in all the samples of the mine area, whereas for the heavy metals analyzed no abnormally high concentrations were observed. Although high As background levels are common in soils developed over slates in the region, the concentrations found for the natural soils within the mine were too high to have a geological origin, and they are probably due to contamination from the close mine dumps. The As concentrations in the mine soils were higher than in the natural soils, ranging from 0.5-1% approximately. The highest As concentrations (near 4%) were found in iron oxyhydroxide deposits, which precipitate directly from water in some places in the area. This high As concentrations represent a certain threat to environmental health which has not been quantified yet. Although additional research is needed to determine the potential ecological and human health risks associated with the mine, our results suggest that this location could act as a dangerous As source

    Light-driven urea oxidation for a wearable artificial kidney

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    For the development of a wearable artificial kidney (WAK) that uses a small dialysate volume that is continuously regenerated, it is essential that urea, one of the main uremic retention solutes, is removed. Despite advances in sorbent technology or electro-oxidation no safe, efficient and selective method for urea removal has been reported that allows miniaturization of the artificial kidney to wearable proportions. Here we have developed a flow cell for light-driven, photo-electrocatalytic (PEC) urea removal for use in a WAK. We use a photo-active material (hematite) coated with a catalyst (NiOOH) as working electrode for selective urea oxidation and a silver-chloride (AgCl) cathode. The use of the AgCl counter electrodes eliminates the need for an external bias voltage, and allows operation under light illumination only. Using LED illumination (460 nm) we show that urea is selectively oxidized over chloride. N2 formation is confirmed by gas-phase analysis of the headspace of the sample vial, using mass spectrometry. Other nitrogen containing products include nitrite but importantly ammonia and nitrate are not detected. Using the PEC concept a urea removal rate of 2.5 ÎŒmol/cm2h (or 0.15 mg/cm2h) has been achieved. Extrapolating our results to an upscaled system, a surface area of 0.5 m2 would enable efficient removal of the daily produced amount of urea (∌300 mmol) urea within 24 h, when driven by LED illumination only

    Mineralogy and modulus of rupture of roofing slate: Applications in the prospection and quarrying of slate deposits

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    The European norm UNE 12326 for roofing slate defines the mechanical properties of a slate tile through the Bending Strength test, which defines the modulus of rupture (MoR) of the tile. This MoR is related to the durability of the slate, and is one of its main commercial quality properties. During the prospection task previous to open a new slate quarry, it is crucial to define the MoR. The Bending Strength test needs proper slate tiles and a flexion press. To supply these slate tiles it is frequently necessary to open experimental quarry fronts, which are very expensive, and do not guarantee the viability of the quarry. Therefore, a method which could reduce the costs and time for the mechanical characterization would be very useful. In this work we have tried to relate the MoR to the mineralogical and petrographic characteristics of slate, using the Petrographic Examination test, also part of UNE 12326. This test contemplates the finding of a numerical index called Mica Stacking Index (MSI) which quantifies the mica layers fabric. We collected fifteen samples of roofing slates from the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and we studied them by using the Bending Strength and Petrographic Examination tests, plus mineralogical quantification using X-ray diffraction and measure of the illite crystallinity (Kubler Index) to determine the metamorphic grade. We have found a strong positive correlation between MoR values and MSI, and a negative correlation between MoR and Mica percentages. These correlations may be used to deduce the MoR, reducing costs during the exploitation labours in roofing slate mining, and also can be used in the quality controls on a working slate quarry

    La collection historique d’échantillons de sols de l’essai patrimonial des ‘42 parcelles’ (INRAE, Versailles) : une machine Ă  remonter le temps...

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    International audienceFollowing three previous papers (van Oort et al., 2016, 2017, 2020) dealing with current soil characteristics and geochemical budgets in surface horizons, as well as the impacts of fertilization in subsurface horizons in soils of INRAE’s long term bare fallow experiment (the 42-plots trial), we now present some chronological aspects of soil evolution at the soil’s surface since 1928. For that, we analyzed several series of about 15 samples from the historical sample archive for 10 representative treatments: fertilizers with acidifying effects (ammonium sulphate, ammonium phosphate), fertilizers with dispersive effects (sodium nitrate, sylvinite, and potassium chloride), superphosphate, amendments with alkaline effects (basic slag, calcium carbonate), horse manure, as well as two reference plots, without inputs. We examined temporal evolutions of: i) edaphic parameters such as organic carbon and clay contents, pH, CEC and exchangeable cations; ii) total concentrations of major and trace elements; iii) the mineralogical composition of clay and fine silt fractions with a focus on the acidifying ammonium treatments. This work produced original findings on the magnitudes of pedogeochemical changes that occurred during the 90 years of the experiment. Regarding previous results on soil-depth impacts, our findings contribute at recounting complementary parts of a same history of soil development. constraint by different fertilization practices. From a pedological point of view, the 42-plots experiment acts as a “pedotron” under real climatic conditions, showing an acceleration of soil processes of the silt Luvisol following different pedological pathways as a function of the applied fertilizer or amendment.A la suite de travaux prĂ©cĂ©dents sur les Ă©tats pĂ©dogĂ©ochimiques, les bilans gĂ©ochimiques et les impacts de la fertilisation dans les horizons profonds du NEOLUVISOL de lƓss du dispositif des 42 parcelles d’INRAE (van Oort et al., 2016, 2017, 2020), nous examinons ici des aspects chronologiques d’évolutions intervenues en surface des sols depuis 1928. Pour cela, des sĂ©ries d’une quinzaine d’échantillons de la collection historique ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es pour une dizaine de traitements reprĂ©sentatifs : engrais Ă  effet acidifiant (sulfate et phosphate d’ammonium), engrais Ă  effet dispersant (nitrate de sodium, sylvinite, chlorure de potassium), superphosphate, amendements Ă  effet alcalinisant (scories de dĂ©phosphoration, carbonate de calcium), fumier de cheval, ainsi que deux parcelles tĂ©moins’, sans apport. Nous abordons l’évolution temporelle i) des paramĂštres Ă©daphiques : teneur en carbone organique et en argile, pH, CEC et garniture cationique ; ii) des teneurs totales en Ă©lĂ©ments majeurs et en trace ; iii), de la composition minĂ©ralogique de fractions argileuses et limoneuses, notamment dans le cas des traitements acidifiants. Les rĂ©sultats, nombreux et souvent originaux, permettent d’apprĂ©cier l’ampleur des Ă©volutions durant les 9 dĂ©cennies d’expĂ©rimentation. Par rapport aux rĂ©sultats antĂ©rieurs sur les impacts en profondeur, ces donnĂ©es contribuent Ă  retracer des parties complĂ©mentaires d’une mĂȘme histoire d’évolution, contrainte par les diffĂ©rents traitements de fertilisation. Vu sous un angle pĂ©dologique, le dispositif des 42 parcelles Ɠuvre comme un « pĂ©dotron » en conditions rĂ©elles, mettant en Ă©vidence une accĂ©lĂ©ration des processus d’évolution du sol limoneux selon diffĂ©rentes voies de la pĂ©dogenĂšse, en fonction de la nature des matiĂšres fertilisantes apportĂ©es
