571 research outputs found

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking as a resource for noncritically squeezed light

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    In the last years we have proposed the use of the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking with the purpose of generating perfect quadrature squeezing. Here we review previous work dealing with spatial (translational and rotational) symmetries, both on optical parametric oscillators and four-wave mixing cavities, as well as present new results. We then extend the phenomenon to the polarization state of the signal field, hence introducing spontaneous polarization symmetry breaking. Finally we propose a Jaynes-Cummings model in which the phenomenon can be investigated at the single-photon-pair level in a non-dissipative case, with the purpose of understanding it from a most fundamental point of view.Comment: Review for the proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe. 11 pages, 5 figures

    Nonlinear optical Galton board

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    We generalize the concept of optical Galton board (OGB), first proposed by Bouwmeester et al. {[}Phys. Rev. A \textbf{61}, 013410 (2000)], by introducing the possibility of nonlinear self--phase modulation on the wavefunction during the walker evolution. If the original Galton board illustrates classical diffusion, the OGB, which can be understood as a grid of Landau--Zener crossings, illustrates the influence of interference on diffusion, and is closely connected with the quantum walk. Our nonlinear generalization of the OGB shows new phenomena, the most striking of which is the formation of non-dispersive pulses in the field distribution (soliton--like structures). These exhibit a variety of dynamical behaviors, including ballistic motion, dynamical localization, non--elastic collisions and chaotic behavior, in the sense that the dynamics is very sensitive to the nonlinearity strength.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum walk with a time-dependent coin

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    We introduce quantum walks with a time-dependent coin, and show how they include, as a particular case, the generalized quantum walk recently studied by Wojcik [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 180601 (2004)] which exhibits interesting dynamical localization and quasiperiodic dynamics. Our proposal allows for a much easier implementation of this particularly rich dynamics than the original one. Moreover, it allows for an additional control on the walk, which can be used to compensate for phases appearing due to external interactions. To illustrate its feasibility, we discuss an example using an optical cavity. We also derive an approximated solution in the continuous limit (long-wavelength approximation) which provides physical insight about the process

    Quantum coherent control of highly multipartite continuous-variable entangled states by tailoring parametric interactions

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    The generation of continuous-variable multipartite entangled states is important for several protocols of quantum information processing and communication, such as one-way quantum computation or controlled dense coding. In this article we theoretically show that multimode optical parametric oscillators can produce a great variety of such states by an appropriate control of the parametric interaction, what we accomplish by tailoring either the spatio-temporal shape of the pump, or the geometry of the nonlinear medium. Specific examples involving currently available optical parametric oscillators are given, hence showing that our ideas are within reach of present technology.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of immobilized VEGF on endothelial progenitor cells cultured on silicon substituted and nanocrystalline hydroxyapatites

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays an essential role in angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are primitive bone marrow cells participating in neovascularization and revascularization processes, which also promote bone regeneration. Synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA) has been widely used in bone repair and implant coatings. In HA-based materials, small levels of ionic substitution by silicon (Si) have significant effects on osteoclastic and osteoblastic responses. Moreover, nanocrystalline hydroxyapatites (nano-HA) display enhanced bioreactivity and beneficial effects in bone formation. In this work, the angiogenic potential of VEGF-121 adsorbed on crystalline and nanocrystalline HAs with different Si proportion is evaluated with endothelial-like cells derived from EPCs cultured on nano-HA, nano-SiHA0.25, nano-SiHA0.4, HA, SiHA0.25 and SiHA0.4 disks. The Si amount incorporated for x ¼ 0.25 is enough to yield changes in the textural parameters and surface charge without decomposing the HA phase. Si substitution for x ¼ 0.4 does not result in pure Si-substituted apatites. Si probably remains at the grain boundaries as amorphous silica in nano-SiHA0.4 and SiHA0.4 is decomposed in a-TCP and HA after 1150 �C treatment. Immobilized VEGF on nano-HA, nano-SiHA0.25, nano-SiHA0.4, HA, SiHA0.25 and SiHA0.4 maintains its function exerting a local regulation of the cell response. The crystallite size and topography of nanocrystalline HAs could produce insufficient and weak contacts with endothelial-like cells triggering anoikis. Concerning Si proportion, the best results are obtained with SiHA0.25/VEGF and nano- SiHA0.25/VEGF disks. All these results suggest the potential utility of SiHA0.25/VEGF and nano-SiHA0.25/VEGF for bone repair and tissue engineering by promoting angiogenesis

    Psychosocial factors related to physical activity in frail and prefrail elderly people

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    Background: Increased physical activity (PA) is a very important factor in a healthy aging lifestyle. Psychosocial factors have also a main role in the initiation and maintenance of this behavior, but nowadays its implications for frailty elderly people are unknown, therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the psychosociological variables of behavior change that influence the practice of (PA) in frail and prefrail elderly. Methods: A total of 103 frail and pre-frail elderly people (72 females) participated in this cross-sectional study, on the framework of the EXERNET-Elder3.0 project. Age ranged from 68–94 years (mean = 80.4 ± 5.9 years). Individualized face-to-face interviews according to the constructs of the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) (decisional balance (DB) and self-efficacy (SE)], social support (SS) (family and friends) and outcome expectations (OE) were administered to all participants. Results: Significant differences were found in DB, perceived benefits (PBn), SE, family-related SS and OE as a function of stages of change (SoC) (p < 0.005), but no significant were found in perceived barriers (PBrr) (p = 0.259) and friends-related SS (p = 0.068). According to the Scheffé post-hoc test, those in advanced SoC (Action-Maintenance), scored higher than those in lower SoC (Precontemplation-Contemplation and Preparation). Conclusion: The scores obtained from the study variables differed according to the SoC, supporting the external validity for the use of the TTM in frailty elderly. Further research is needed to determine the impact of PBrr and friends-related SS on this people, as well as to identify the validity of this model in the long-term in this population

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    Lead Optimization of 3,5-Disubstituted-7-Azaindoles for the Treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis

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    Neglected tropical diseases such as human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) are prevalent primarily in tropical climates and among populations living in poverty. Historically, the lack of economic incentive to develop new treatments for these diseases has meant that existing therapeutics have serious shortcomings in terms of safety, efficacy, and administration, and better therapeutics are needed. We now report a series of 3,5-disubstituted-7-azaindoles identified as growth inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei, the parasite that causes HAT, through a high-throughput screen. We describe the hit-to-lead optimization of this series and the development and preclinical investigation of 29d, a potent antitrypanosomal compound with promising pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters. This compound was ultimately not progressed beyond in vivo PK studies due to its inability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB), critical for stage 2 HAT treatments