5,046 research outputs found

    On the asymmetry of Gamow-Teller beta-decay rates in mirror nuclei in relation with second-class currents

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    The theoretical evaluation of major nuclear structure effects on the asymmetry of allowed Gamow-Teller beta-decay rates in light mirror nuclei is presented. The calculations are performed within the shell model, using empirical isospin-nonconserving interaction and realistic Woods-Saxon radial wave functions. The revised treatment of p-shell nuclei is supplemented by systematic calculations for sd-shell nuclei and compared to experimental asymmetries when available. The results are important in connection with the possible existence of second-class currents in the weak interaction.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Body composition data from the rat subjects of Cosmos 1129 experiment K-316

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    The effects of 18.5 days of weightlessness on the body composition of young, growing, male laboratory rats were examined. Three groups of 5 rats each were examined. It is indicated that exposure of young, growing, male rats to 18.5 days of weightlessness produces: (1) no effect on the quantity of fat stored by the body; (2) a slight reduction in the quantity of fat free tissue laid down by the body; (3) a small reduction in the fraction of water contained by the fat free body mass; (4) a similar reduction in the fraction of water contained by the fat free skin and fat free carcass; (5) a shift in relative distribution of the total body water from skin to viscera; (6) a diminution in the fraction of extracellular water contained by the fat free body; (7) no effect on the fraction of total skeletal musculature contained by the fat free body, as indicated by body creatine content; (8) a sizeable reduction in the fraction of bone mineral contained by the fat free body, as calculated from body calcium content. The nature of the physiological changes induced by unloading from Earth gravity in the mammalian organism are illustrated

    The beta-decay of 22Al

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    In an experiment performed at the LISE3 facility of GANIL, we studied the decay of 22Al produced by the fragmentation of a 36Ar primary beam. A beta-decay half-life of 91.1 +- 0.5 ms was measured. The beta-delayed one- and two-proton emission as well as beta-alpha and beta-delayed gamma decays were measured and allowed us to establish a partial decay scheme for this nucleus. New levels were determined in the daughter nucleus 22Mg. The comparison with model calculations strongly favours a spin-parity of 4+ for the ground state of 22Al

    PSR B0329+54: Statistics of Substructure Discovered within the Scattering Disk on RadioAstron Baselines of up to 235,000 km

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    We discovered fine-scale structure within the scattering disk of PSR B0329+54 in observations with the RadioAstron ground-space radio interferometer. Here, we describe this phenomenon, characterize it with averages and correlation functions, and interpret it as the result of decorrelation of the impulse-response function of interstellar scattering between the widely-separated antennas. This instrument included the 10-m Space Radio Telescope, the 110-m Green Bank Telescope, the 14x25-m Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, and the 64-m Kalyazin Radio Telescope. The observations were performed at 324 MHz, on baselines of up to 235,000 km in November 2012 and January 2014. In the delay domain, on long baselines the interferometric visibility consists of many discrete spikes within a limited range of delays. On short baselines it consists of a sharp spike surrounded by lower spikes. The average envelope of correlations of the visibility function show two exponential scales, with characteristic delays of τ1=4.1±0.3 μs\tau_1=4.1\pm 0.3\ \mu{\rm s} and τ2=23±3 μs\tau_2=23\pm 3\ \mu{\rm s}, indicating the presence of two scales of scattering in the interstellar medium. These two scales are present in the pulse-broadening function. The longer scale contains 0.38 times the scattered power of the shorter one. We suggest that the longer tail arises from highly-scattered paths, possibly from anisotropic scattering or from substructure at large angles.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; accepted by Astrophysical journa

    Extended M1 sum rule for excited symmetric and mixed-symmetry states in nuclei

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    A generalized M1 sum rule for orbital magnetic dipole strength from excited symmetric states to mixed-symmetry states is considered within the proton-neutron interacting boson model of even-even nuclei. Analytic expressions for the dominant terms in the B(M1) transition rates from the first and second 2+2^+ states are derived in the U(5) and SO(6) dynamic symmetry limits of the model, and the applicability of a sum rule approach is examined at and in-between these limits. Lastly, the sum rule is applied to the new data on mixed-symmetry states of 94Mo and a quadrupole d-boson ratio nd(01+)/nd(22+)0.6nd(0^+_1)/nd(2^+_2) \approx 0.6 is obtained in a largely parameter-independent wayComment: 19 pages, 3 figures, Revte

    A new experiment for the determination of the 18F(p,alpha) reaction rate at nova temperatures

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    The 18F(p,alpha) reaction was recognized as one of the most important for gamma ray astronomy in novae as it governs the early 511 keV emission. However, its rate remains largely uncertain at nova temperatures. A direct measurement of the cross section over the full range of nova energies is impossible because of its vanishing value at low energy and of the short 18F lifetime. Therefore, in order to better constrain this reaction rate, we have performed an indirect experiment taking advantage of the availability of a high purity and intense radioactive 18F beam at the Louvain La Neuve RIB facility. We present here the first results of the data analysis and discuss the consequences.Comment: Contribution to the Classical Novae Explosions conference, Sitges, Spain, 20-24 May 2002, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Radio Scintillation due to Discontinuities in the Interstellar Plasma Density

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    We develop the theory of interstellar scintillation as caused by an irregular plasma having a power-law spatial density spectrum with a spectral exponent of 4 corresponding to a medium with abrupt changes in its density. An ``outer scale'' is included in the model representing the typical scale over which the density of the medium remains uniform. Such a spectrum could be used to model plasma shock fronts in supernova remnants or other plasma discontinuities. We investigate and develop equations for the decorrelation bandwidth of diffractive scintillations and the refractive scintillation index and compare our results with pulsar measurements. We consider both a medium concentrated in a thin layer and an extended irregular medium. We conclude that the discontinuity model gives satisfactory agreement for many diffractive measurements, in particular the VLBI meaurements of the structure function exponent between 5/3 and 2. However, it gives less satisfactory agreement for the refractive scintillation index than does the Kolmogorov turbulence spectrum. The comparison suggests that the medium consists of a pervasive background distribution of turbulence embedded with randomly placed discrete plasma structures such as shocks or HII regions. This can be modeled by a composite spectrum following the Kolmogorov form at high wavenumbers and steepening at lower wavenumbers corresponding to the typical (inverse) size of the discrete structures. Such a model can also explain the extreme scattering events. However, lines of sight through the enhanced scattering prevalent at low galactic latitudes are accurately described by the Kolmogorov spectrum in an extended medium and do not appear to have a similar low-wavenumber steepening.Comment: Accpeted for ApJ vol 531, March 200

    SU(3) realization of the rigid asymmetric rotor within the IBM

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    It is shown that the spectrum of the asymmetric rotor can be realized quantum mechanically in terms of a system of interacting bosons. This is achieved in the SU(3) limit of the interacting boson model by considering higher-order interactions between the bosons. The spectrum corresponds to that of a rigid asymmetric rotor in the limit of infinite boson number.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, epsfi