193 research outputs found

    Rapid submarine ice melting in the grounding zones of ice shelves in West Antarctica.

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    Enhanced submarine ice-shelf melting strongly controls ice loss in the Amundsen Sea embayment (ASE) of West Antarctica, but its magnitude is not well known in the critical grounding zones of the ASE's major glaciers. Here we directly quantify bottom ice losses along tens of kilometres with airborne radar sounding of the Dotson and Crosson ice shelves, which buttress the rapidly changing Smith, Pope and Kohler glaciers. Melting in the grounding zones is found to be much higher than steady-state levels, removing 300-490 m of solid ice between 2002 and 2009 beneath the retreating Smith Glacier. The vigorous, unbalanced melting supports the hypothesis that a significant increase in ocean heat influx into ASE sub-ice-shelf cavities took place in the mid-2000s. The synchronous but diverse evolutions of these glaciers illustrate how combinations of oceanography and topography modulate rapid submarine melting to hasten mass loss and glacier retreat from West Antarctica

    Resource allocation by the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 in response to different nutrient supply ratios

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    Differences in relative availability of nitrate vs. phosphate may contribute to regional variations in plankton elemental stoichiometry. As a representative of the globally abundant marine Synechococcus, strain WH8102 was grown in 16 chemostats up to 52  d at a fixed growth rate with nitrogen–phosphorus ratios (N : Psupply) of 1–50. Initially, the phosphate and nitrate concentrations in the vessel decreased when the respective nutrient was limiting. Cell growth generally stabilized, although several chemostats had apparent oscillations in biomass. We observed extensive plasticity in the elemental content and ratios. N : Pcell matched the supply values between N : Psupply 5 and 20. The C : Pcell followed a similar trend. In contrast, the mean C : Ncell was 6.8 and did not vary as a function of supply ratios. We also observed that induction of alkaline phosphatase, the fraction of P allocated to nucleic acids, and the lipid sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol : phosphatidyglycerol ratio inversely correlated with P availability. Our results suggest that this extensive plasticity in the elemental content and ratios depends both on the external nutrient availability as well as past growth history. Thus, our study provides a quantitative understanding of the regulation of the elemental stoichiometry of an abundant ocean phytoplankton lineage

    Creep deformation and buttressing capacity of damaged ice shelves: theory and application to Larsen C ice shelf

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    Around the perimeter of Antarctica, much of the ice sheet discharges to the ocean through floating ice shelves. The buttressing provided by ice shelves is critical for modulating the flux of ice into the ocean, and the presently observed thinning of ice shelves is believed to be reducing their buttressing capacity and contributing to the acceleration and thinning of the grounded ice sheet. However, relatively little attention has been paid to the role that fractures play in the ability of ice shelves to sustain and transmit buttressing stresses. Here, we present a new framework for quantifying the role that fractures play in the creep deformation and buttressing capacity of ice shelves. We apply principles of continuum damage mechanics to derive a new analytical relation for the creep of an ice shelf that accounts for the softening influence of fractures on longitudinal deformation using a state damage variable. We use this new analytical relation, combined with a temperature calculation for the ice, to partition an inverse method solution for ice shelf rigidity into independent solutions for softening damage and stabilizing backstress. Using this new approach, field and remote sensing data can be utilized to monitor the structural integrity of ice shelves, their ability to buttress the flow of ice at the grounding line, and thus their indirect contribution to ice sheet mass balance and global sea level. We apply this technique to the Larsen C ice shelf using remote sensing and Operation IceBridge data, finding damage in areas with known crevasses and rifts. Backstress is highest near the grounding line and upstream of ice rises, in agreement with patterns observed on other ice shelves. The ice in contact with the Bawden ice rise is weakened by fractures, and additional damage or thinning in this area could diminish the backstress transmitted upstream. We model the consequences for the ice shelf if it loses contact with this small ice rise, finding that flow speeds would increase by 25% or more over an area the size of the former Larsen B ice shelf. Such a perturbation could potentially destabilize the northern part of Larsen C along pre-existing lines of weakness, highlighting the importance of the feedback between buttressing and fracturing in an ice shelf

    Особливості урбаністичного хронотопу в поезіях літугруповання “Бу-Ба-Бу”

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей урбаністичного хронотопу в поезіях Ю. Андруховича, О. Ірванця, В. Неборака. Встановлено, що характерними модифікаціями урбаністичного хронотопу у творчості Ю. Андруховича є топографічний хронотоп із домінантами Львова й Станіслава та карнавалізоване Місто; у поезіях В. Неборака варіації урбаністичного хронотопу створюються за допомогою використання традиційних атрибутів міста, а також власне міських прошарків населення; урбаністичний хронотоп у поезіях О. Ірванця є найменше матеріалізованим і тяжіє до психологічно-метафізичного. Ключові слова: часопростір, хронотоп, топос, урбанізм, карнавалізація.Статья посвящена изучению особенностей урбанистического хронотопа в поэзиях Ю. Андруховича, А. Ирванца, В. Неборака. Так, в творчестве Ю. Андруховича были выявлены такие модификации урбанистического хронотопа, как топографический с доминантами Львова и Станислава и карнавальный Город; в поэзиях В. Неборака вариации урбанистического хронотопа осуществляются при помощи использования традиционных атрибутов города, а также собственно городских слоев населения; урбанистический хронотоп поэзий А. Ирванца наименее материализован и тяготеет к психологически-метафизическому. Ключевые слова: пространственно-временное единство, хронотоп, топос, урбанистичность, карнавальность.The article is dedicated to the study of the urbanism chronotope’s particularities in Yu. Andruhovicha, A. Irvanca, V. Neboraka poetry. So in Yu. Andruhovich’s work. Such modification urbanism chronotope as topographical one with the Livov and Stanislav’s dominant and the carnival one. In V. Neboraka’s variations of urbanism chronotope are realized using the traditional city attributes and town population layers as well. A. Irvanc’s poetry urbanism chronotope is less materialired and strongly attracted by psychological-metaphysical one. Keywords: space-time unity, chronotope, urbanism, carnivalization

    Ефективність і конкурентоспроможність підприємств

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    Стаття присвячена пошуку зв'язку між поняттями ефективність і конкурентоспроможність та вивченню основних чинників, що впливають на отримання і утримання конкурентоспроможності протягом тривалого часу.Статья посвящена отысканию связи между понятиями "эффективность" и "конкурентоспособность" и изучению основных факторов, влияющих на достижение и удержание конкурентоспособности в долгосрочной перспективе.The article is devoted to searching a tie between the notions of "effectiveness" and "competitiveness"; and scrutinizing main factors, which effect reaching and keeping competitiveness in a long-term perspective

    First g(2+) measurement on neutron-rich 72 Zn, and the high-velocity transient field technique for radioactive heavy-ion beams

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    The high-velocity transient-field (HVTF) technique was used to measure the g factor of the 2+ state of 72Zn produced as a radioactive beam. The transient-field strength was probed at high velocity in ferromagnetic iron and gadolinium hosts using 76Ge beams. The potential of the HVTF method is demonstrated and the difficulties that need to be overcome for a reliable use of the TF technique with high-Z, high-velocity radioactive beams are revealed. The polarization of K-shell vacancies at high velocity, which shows more than an order of magnitude difference between Z = 20 and Z = 30 is discussed. The g-factor measurement hints at the theoretically predicted transition in the structure of the Zn isotopes near N = 40

    Interactions between growth-dependent changes in cell size, nutrient supply and cellular elemental stoichiometry of marine Synechococcus

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    The factors that control elemental ratios within phytoplankton, like carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus (C:N:P), are key to biogeochemical cycles. Previous studies have identified relationships between nutrient-limited growth and elemental ratios in large eukaryotes, but little is known about these interactions in small marine phytoplankton like the globally important Cyanobacteria. To improve our understanding of these interactions in picophytoplankton, we asked how cellular elemental stoichiometry varies as a function of steady-state, N- and P-limited growth in laboratory chemostat cultures of Synechococcus WH8102. By combining empirical data and theoretical modeling, we identified a previously unrecognized factor (growth-dependent variability in cell size) that controls the relationship between nutrient-limited growth and cellular elemental stoichiometry. To predict the cellular elemental stoichiometry of phytoplankton, previous theoretical models rely on the traditional Droop model, which purports that the acquisition of a single limiting nutrient suffices to explain the relationship between a cellular nutrient quota and growth rate. Our study, however, indicates that growth-dependent changes in cell size have an important role in regulating cell nutrient quotas. This key ingredient, along with nutrient-uptake protein regulation, enables our model to predict the cellular elemental stoichiometry of Synechococcus across a range of nutrient-limited conditions. Our analysis also adds to the growth rate hypothesis, suggesting that P-rich biomolecules other than nucleic acids are important drivers of stoichiometric variability in Synechococcus. Lastly, by comparing our data with field observations, our study has important ecological relevance as it provides a framework for understanding and predicting elemental ratios in ocean regions where small phytoplankton like Synechococcus dominates