53 research outputs found

    Group theoretical methods and multiquark hadrons

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    Tensor operator techniques are used to evaluate the colour-spin matrix elements of multiquark hadrons in the static spherical cavity approximation to the M.I.T. bag model, thereby obviating the necessity for the Jaffe approximation, which creates isospin degeneracies. All q⁴q, q²q² and q⁶ isospin multiplet masses are tabulated and are to be regarded as Jaffe-Low primitives. The dissociation of multiquark bag model eigenstates is shown to be related to a basis transformation and techniques for performing this transformation are described. Tables of 3jm factors and 6j symbols, adequate to calculate dissociations for all q²q² and q⁴q primitives and q⁶ primitives for strangeness ⩽ -2, are provided. The generalized Wigner-Racah algebra is reviewed with emphasis on phase freedom. A method of choosing phases is described and the simplifications due to certain canonical choices are noted. This leads naturally onto a discussion of Butler's method for calculating 3jm factors and 6j symbols for arbitrary compact group chains. The 6j symbols and 3jm factors required for the multiquark calculations are used as examples

    Selective isomerization of [alpha]-pinene oxide with heterogenous catalysts

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    Las representaciones institucionales oscilan entre una ‘infantilización’ del niño, supeditando su carácter de persona a sus condiciones infantiles, con el riesgo de puerilizarlo en su desarrollo, y una ‘adulteración’ del niño, que supedita su condición infantil al carácter de persona. Hoy el discurso neoliberal, el mercado y una infantología irresponsable tratan de ‘librar’ lo antes posible al niño de sus condiciones infantiles, para asimilarlo al adulto. La atribución de todo un cuerpo de derechos al niño, cuyas posibilidades para ejercerlos prescinden de sus reales condiciones infantiles, tienden también a asimilar el niño al adulto ante la ley, con graves consecuencias judiciales y penales para niños precozmente criminalizados. La sociedad actual se desembaraza así de toda responsabilidad respecto de una delincuencia y criminalidad infantiles cada vez más precoces.The institutional representations oscillate between an “infantilization” of the child, subordinating his character as a person to his infantile conditions, under the risk of making him childish in his development, and an “adulteration” of the child, that subordinates his infantile condition to the character as a person. Today the neoliberal speech, the market and an irresponsible infantology try to free the child from his infantile conditions, to make him behave like an adult. The attribution of a complete set of rights to the child whose possibilities to carry them out abstain from his real infantile conditions, also they tend to make the child similar to an adult before the law, with serious judicial and penal consequences for children precociously criminalized. This is the way how the present-day society eludes all the responsibility that has to do with infantile delinquency and criminality which is each time more precocious

    Interaction between Non-Conjugated Chromophores - "5,6-Dimethylidene-Exo-2-Norborneol, 5,6-Dimethylidene-Exo, Exo-2,3-Norbornanediol and 5,6-Dimethylidene-2-Norbornanone

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    Plazma je parcijalno ionizirani plin kojeg čine ioni, elektroni i nenabijene čestice. Razlikujemo dva tipa plazmi - termalnu i hladnu plazmu. Atmosferski plazmeni mlazovi hladni su tip plazmi, temperature 30-50 °C. Kemijski reaktivnima ih čini stvaranje radikala (O, O3, H2O2, itd.) i UV svjetla u mlazu i području oko mlaza, što omogućuje inaktivaciju širokog spektra mikroorganizama. Tretman hladnim atmosferskim plazmenim mlazom ne predstavlja opasnost za zdravlje ljudi niti okoliš jer su svi plazmeni radikali kratkoživući i djeluju lokalno na mjestu primjene, a uz to je i ekonomski isplativ. U stomatologiji, konvencionalne metode liječenja i prevencije oralnih bolesti (pranje zuba, antibiotici i drugi lijekovi, mehaničko bušenje itd.) su ograničene i mogu dovesti do neželjenih nuspojava, a metode koje uključuju zagrijavanje živih tkiva su opasne. Hladne atmosferske plazme pokazale su se manje destruktivnim tretmanom jer, zahvaljujući niskim temperaturama, ne dolazi do uništavanja zdravog tkiva i uzrokovanja boli, a učinkovite su u ubijanju bakterija. U prehrambenoj industriji postojeće metode dezinfekcije i sterilizacije namirnica i ambalaža bazirane su uglavnom na letalnom djelovanju visokih temperatura na patogene što ograničava njihovu primjenu, a ne-termalne metode većinom su ekonomski neisplativije, opasnije po ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš te mogu negativno utjecati na kvalitetu namirnica. Tretman hladnom atmosferskom plazmom stoga se nudi kao nova i obećavajuća alternativa antimikrobnog tretmana prehrambenih proizvoda. U konzervatorsko-restauratorskoj struci dezinfekcija umjetnina najčešće se vrši kemijskim sredstvima, plinovima ili γ-zračenjem, a većina tretmana štetna je za ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš te ekonomski neisplativa pa se potiče razvoj metoda tretiranja umjetnina hladnim atmosferskim plazmenim mlazovima.Plasma is a partially ionized gas with ions, electrons and uncharged particles. There are two types of plasma: thermal and cold atmospheric plasma. Cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet is type of cold plasma with temperatures between 30-50 °C. Radicals (O, O3, H2O2, etc.) and UV light in jet and area around the jet make them chemically reactive and enable inactivation of a wide spectrum of microorganisms. Treatment with a cold atmospheric plasma jet isn't harmful for human health and environment because all plasma radicals are short-living and act locally at the site of application, and it is financially acceptable. In dentistry, conventional treatments and prevention of oral disease (teeth brushing, antibiotics and other medicines, mechanical drilling etc.) have limitations and may lead to unwanted side effects. Methods that include heating of living tissues are dangerous. Cold atmospheric plasmas have been shown to be less destructive treatment and, because of their low temperatures they don't cause destruction of healthy tissue or pain and are highly efficient at killing bacteria. In the food industry, the existing disinfection and sterilization methods of food and packaging are based mainly on lethal effects of high temperature on pathogens, limiting their use, and non-thermal methods are mostly costly, more dangerous for human health and the environment and can adversely affect the quality of food. Cold atmospheric plasma treatment is therefore offered as a new and promising alternative for antimicrobial treatment of food products. In conservation/restoration, disinfection of artwork is mostly performed by chemicals, gasses or gamma radiation. Current methods are costly and often dangerous for human health and the environment so it is desireable to devolp treatments with cold atmospheric pressure plasma jets