1,606 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for measuring gas flow using bubble volume

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    Method and apparatus for measuring minute gas flows and/or accumulations wherein a gas flow is bubbled through a defined path in separated form and a sensor is used to detect and count each bubble. The bubble count signal can be used to calculate gas accumulation, or to calculate gas flow rate if made during a defined time period, or to meter the flow of the gas to a point of utilization

    Approximate Inference for Robust Gaussian Process Regression

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    Gaussian process (GP) priors have been successfully used in non-parametric Bayesian regression and classification models. Inference can be performed analytically only for the regression model with Gaussian noise. For all other likelihood models inference is intractable and various approximation techniques have been proposed. In recent years expectation-propagation (EP) has been developed as a general method for approximate inference. This article provides a general summary of how expectation-propagation can be used for approximate inference in Gaussian process models. Furthermore we present a case study describing its implementation for a new robust variant of Gaussian process regression. To gain further insights into the quality of the EP approximation we present experiments in which we compare to results obtained by Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling

    New kid on the ID block: Neural functions of the Nab2/ZC3H14 class of Cys3His tandem zinc-finger polyadenosine RNA binding proteins

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    Polyadenosine RNA binding proteins (Pabs) play critical roles in regulating the polyadenylation, nuclear export, stability, and translation of cellular RNAs. Although most Pabs are ubiquitously expressed and are thought to play general roles in post-transcriptional regulation, mutations in genes encoding these factors have been linked to tissue-specific diseases including muscular dystrophy and now intellectual disability (ID). Our recent work defined this connection to ID, as we showed that mutations in the gene encoding the ubiquitously expressed Cys3His tandem zinc-finger (ZnF) Pab, ZC3H14 (Zinc finger protein, CCCH-type, number 14) are associated with non-syndromic autosomal recessive intellectual disability (NS-ARID). This study provided a first link between defects in Pab function and a brain disorder, suggesting that ZC3H14 plays a required role in regulating RNAs in nervous system cells. Here we highlight key questions raised by our study of ZC3H14 and its ortholog in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, dNab2, and comment on future approaches that could provide insights into the cellular and molecular roles of this class of zinc finger-containing Pabs. We propose a summary model depicting how ZC3H14-type Pabs might play particularly important roles in neuronal RNA metabolism

    Pinning Fields In Amorphous Materials

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    The stress and field dependence of the pinning field Hp of ribbons of the composition Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si 13.5B9 and Co73.5Cu1Nb 3Si13.5B9 is compared with that of the coercivity HC. The similar character of HC(σ) and Hp(σ) indicates a strong correlation between these two properties. At higher external stresses HC(σ) and H p(σ) depend on a premagnetizing procedure. This can be explained assuming a different domain structure.731057275729New University of Lisbon,UNINOVA,Universiteit van Amsterda

    Homoleptic complexes of a porphyrinatozinc(II)-2,2’:6’,2’’-terpyridine ligand

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    Three homoleptic complexes containing the metalloligand 7-(4-([2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridin]-4′-yl)phenyl)-5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrinatozinc(II), 1, have been prepared. [Zn(1)2][PF6]2, [Fe(1)2][PF6]2 and [Ru(1)2][PF6]2 were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, and the electrochemical and photophysical properties of the complexes have been investigated. In solution, each complex undergoes two reversible porphyrin-centred oxidation processes, with an additional reversible metal-centred oxidation for [Fe(1)2][PF6]2 and [Ru(1)2][PF6]2. Solution absorption spectra are dominated by the Soret and Q bands of the metalloligand 1. Spectroelectrochemical data for the complexes are presented. The results of a nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopic investigation of [Zn(1)2][PF6]2, [Fe(1)2][PF6]2 and [Ru(1)2][PF6]2 are presented. For [Zn(1)2][PF6]2, S1 excitation leads to an efficient intersystem-crossing to the T1 state, whilst for [Fe(1)2][PF6]2, excitation of the 1MLCT transition is followed by fast deactivation to the 3MC state followed by thermal decay to the ground state. Excitation of the 1MLCT transition of [Ru(1)2][PF6]2 results in an intersystem crossing to 3MLCT; triplet-to-triplet energy transfer occurs giving the [Zn(TPP)] T1 state which regenerates the ground state of the complex

    The relationship between addictive use of social media and video games and symptoms of psychiatric disorders: a large-scale cross-sectional study

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    Over the last decade, research into ‘addictive technological behaviors’ has substantially increased. Research has also demonstrated strong associations between addictive use of technology and comorbid psychiatric disorders. In the present study, 23,533 adults (mean age 35.8 years, ranging from 16 to 88 years) participated in an online cross-sectional survey examining whether demographic variables, symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), anxiety, and depression could explain variance in addictive use (i.e., compulsive and excessive use associated with negative outcomes) of two types of modern online technologies: social media and video games. Psychometrically robust instruments were utilized. Correlations between symptoms of addictive technology use and mental disorder symptoms were all positive and significant, including the interrelationship between the two addictive technological behaviors. Age appeared to be inversely related to the addictive use of these technologies. Being male was significantly associated with addictive use of video games, whereas being female was significantly associated with addictive use of social media. Being single was positively related to both addictive social networking and video gaming. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that demographic factors explained between 11% and 12% of the variance in addictive technology use. The mental health variables explained between 7% and 15% of the variance. The study significantly adds to our understanding of mental health symptoms and their role in addictive use of modern technology. Clinical implications, strengths, and limitations are discussed

    Repertório comportamental de chamamento, corte e cópula de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: noctuidae).

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    Observações do repertório comportamental de chamamento, de corte e de cópula de Spodoptera frugiperda caracterizaram atividades comportamentais bem definidas e semelhantes a de outras espécies do gênero Spodoptera. Durante a escotofase, no horário do comportamento sexual, fêmeas realizam o chamamento dos machos com a exposição da glândula de feromônio, podendo estarem paradas, vibrando as asas, ou em movimento de caminhamento ou vôo. Ao perceber o feromônio liberado pela fêmea o macho se aproxima da fêmea, e realiza a corte tocando o tórax, o abdômen e as asas da fêmea com suas antenas e pernas anteriores. Enquanto toca a fêmea, o macho vibra as antenas e expõe o ?tufo de pelos‟ (hair-pencil) do final de seu abdômen, em movimentos intermitentes e ritmados de expansão e retração, sempre acompanhado de batidas de asas. Quando a fêmea está receptiva, a mesma levanta as asas durante as tentativas de cópula investidas pelo macho, permitindo que a cópula ocorra. Depois de acoplar, o macho move seu corpo em 180º, ficando no mesmo sentido vetorial que a fêmea, porém em direção contrária ao corpo desta