541 research outputs found

    Influence of Soya Oil Blended with Fish Oil on Growth Performance and Lipid Profile of Red Sea Bream Pagrus major

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    Continuous increase in fish feed prices due to deterioration of fish oil sources and quality catalyzes intensive research efforts to study alternatives for dietary fish oil such as soya oil.  Being rich in linolenic acid (C18:2n-6), soya oil has a competitive edge as an arachidonic acid (ARA) precursor. A 50-day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary soya oil as a substitute for fish oil on growth performance and lipid composition of juvenile red seabream, Pagrus major.  Four types of iso-nitrogenous experimental diets formulated in this feeding trial consisted of 100% fish oil (10F), 80% fish oil and 20% soya oil (8F2S), 60% fish oil and 40% soya oil (6F4S), and finally, 40% fish oil and 60% soya oil (4F6S). All diets were fed to triplicate groups of 15 red seabream with an initial mean weight of 4.9 ± 0.1 g twice daily to apparent satiation. Our results demonstrated that inclusion of soya oil as a lipid source to partially replace fish oil in red seabream diet led to the highest body weight gain (BWG) in 10F (837.2 ± 2.2%), followed by 8F2S (786.9 ± 38.3%), 6F4S (764.6 ± 5.2%) and 4F6S (682.0 ± 17.2%), respectively, without any significant differences among 10F, 8F2S and 6F4S. Soya oil inclusion also gradually decreased BWG and specific growth rate (SGR); both BWG and SGR in 4F6S were significantly lower than other treatments. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) and feed intake (FI) showed no significant differences among treatments. Survival rate of all treatments exceeded 90% although the hepatosomatic index (HSI) in 4F6S was significantly higher than other treatments and serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) increased gradually with a higher inclusion of soya oil. Lipid deposition in the whole body was the highest in fish fed with dietary 10F and decreased in relation to the elevated concentration of soya oil in diets. The ventral muscles had doubled the amount of lipid deposition as compared to dorsal muscles. Dominance of saturates among total fatty acid composition particularly C16:0, was similarly observed in the dorsal and ventral muscles as well as the liver. Saturates, monoenes, n-3 and ratio of n-3/n-6 observed have a similar gradient degradation in the dorsal and ventral muscles and the liver. An inverse relationship of inclusion level of soya oil on eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) in both dorsal and ventral muscles including the liver was also observed. In conclusion, diets not exceeding 40% soya oil are suitable as fish oil replacement in the diet of juvenile red seabream without significantly affecting the overall growth performance of this fish. Keywords: Pagrus major, red seabream, soya oil, growth performances, lipid profile ABSTRAK Kenaikan harga makanan ikan yang berterusan akibat kekurangan sumber dan juga kualiti minyak ikan, telah menggalakkan lebih banyak penyelidikan untuk mengkaji minyak soya sebagai sumber alternatif kepada minyak ikan. Kekayaan sumber asid linolenik (C18:2n-6) telah menjadikan minyak soya sebagai pelopor kepada asid arakidonik (ARA). Satu kajian pemakanan selama 50 hari telah dijalankan untuk menilai kesan pemakanan dengan menggunakan minyak soya ke atas tumbesaran dan komposisi lemak dalam ikan merah, Pagrus major juvenil. Empat jenis diet kajian iso-nitrogenus telah diformulasikan dalam kajian ini; yang terdiri daripada 100% minyak ikan (10F), 80% minyak ikan dan 20% minyak soya (8F2S), 60% minyak ikan dan 40% minyak soya (6F4S), dan 40% minyak ikan dan 60% minyak soya (4F6S). Semua diet telah diberikan dua kali sehari sehingga kenyang kepada sejumlah 15 ekor ikan merah dengan purata berat awal 4.9 + 0.1 g secara triplikat. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan minyak soya sebagai sumber lemak untuk menggantikan sebahagian sumber minyak ikan dalam ikan merah telah memberikan BWG dalam perlakuan 10F (837.2 + 2.2%), diikuti dengan 8F2S (786.9 + 38.3%), 6F4S (764.6 + 5.2%) dan 4F6S (682.0 + 17.2%), masing-masing, tanpa perbezaan yang bererti di antara perlakuan 10F, 8F2S and 6F4S. Penggunaan minyak soya juga mengurangkan BWG dan SGR secara perlahan-lahan; kedua-dua BWG and SGR dalam perlakuan 4F6S menunjukkan nilai rendah yang bererti berbanding perlakuan yang lain. Nisbah penukaran makanan (FCR) dan kadar pengambilan makanan (FI) telah menunjukkan tiada perbezaan yang bererti di antara semua perlakuan. Kadar kemandirian untuk semua perlakuan adalah melebihi 90% walaupun indeks hepatosomatik (HSI) dalam perlakuan 4F6S adalah lebih tinggi secara bererti berbanding perlakuan yang lain, dan serum glutamik-oksaloasetik transaminase (GOT) pula berkurangan dengan penambahan minyak soya. Pengumpulan lemak di keseluruhan tubuh adalah tertinggi dalam ikan yang diberi makanan 10F dan berkurangan dengan penambahan kepekatan minyak soya dalam diet. Kandungan lemak pada otot ventral juga telah meningkat sebanyak dua kali ganda berbanding dengan pada otot dorsal. Kandungan saturat dari jumlah komposisi asid lemak terutamanya C16:0 adalah lebih dominan pada otot dorsal, otot ventral dan hati. Saturat, monoene, n-3 dan nisbah n-3/n-6 telah menunjukkan kecerunan degradasi yang sama pada otot dorsal, otot ventral dan hati. Peningkatan minyak soya menyebabkan kesan songsang terhadap aras asid eikosapentanoik (EPA) and asid dokosaheksanoik (DHA) di kedua-dua otot dorsal dan ventral dan juga hati. Sebagai kesimpulan, diet yang mengandungi minyak soya tidak melebihi 40% adalah paling sesuai sebagai pengganti minyak ikan tanpa memberi kesan yang bererti kepada tumbesaran ikan merah juvenil. Kata kunci: Pagrus major, ikan merah, minyak soya, tumbesaran, profil lipid

    Effects of organic plant oils and role of oxidation on nutrient utilization in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    The study compared the effect of four either fresh or force oxidized organic plant oils in diets for juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in which 47% of conventional LT fish meal protein was substituted by a mixture of 3 organic plant protein concentrates. Fish oil was completely substituted with either organic linseed oil; rape seed oil; sunflower oil or grape seed oil and evaluated based on feed intake, feed utilization, growth and digestibility. None of the plant oils affected feed intake and growth parameters. Organic plant oils had all a positive effect on lipid digestibility as compared with the fish oil based control diet, despite the very different FA profiles. The organic vegetable oils did not undergo autoxidation, as opposed to the fish oil control for which lipid digestibility was significantly negative influenced

    Measurement of γ\gamma-ray production via neutron-16^{16}O reaction using a 77 MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron beam

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    Understanding of γ\gamma-ray production via neutron interactions on oxygen is essential for the study of neutrino neutral-current quasielastic interactions in water Cherenkov detectors. A measurement of γ\gamma-ray production from such reactions was performed using a 77~MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron beam. Several γ\gamma-ray peaks, which are expected to come from neutron-16O{\rm ^{16}O} reactions, are observed and production cross sections are measured for nine γ\gamma-ray components of energies between 2 and 8~MeV. These are the first measurements at this neutron energy using a nearly monoenergitic beam.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures, 4 table

    Self-shielding effect of a single phase liquid xenon detector for direct dark matter search

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    Liquid xenon is a suitable material for a dark matter search. For future large scale experiments, single phase detectors are attractive due to their simple configuration and scalability. However, in order to reduce backgrounds, they need to fully rely on liquid xenon's self-shielding property. A prototype detector was developed at Kamioka Observatory to establish vertex and energy reconstruction methods and to demonstrate the self-shielding power against gamma rays from outside of the detector. Sufficient self-shielding power for future experiments was obtained.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Measurement of the solar 8B neutrino rate with a liquid scintillator target and 3 MeV energy threshold in the Borexino detector

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    We report the measurement of electron neutrino elastic scattering from 8B solar neutrinos with 3 MeV energy threshold by the Borexino detector in Gran Sasso (Italy). The rate of solar neutrino-induced electron scattering events above this energy in Borexino is 0.217 +- 0.038 (stat) +- 0.008 (syst) cpd/100 t, which corresponds to the equivalent unoscillated flux of (2.4 +- 0.4 (stat) +- 0.1 (syst))x10^6 cm^-2 s^-1, in good agreement with measurements from SNO and SuperKamiokaNDE. Assuming the 8B neutrino flux predicted by the high metallicity Standard Solar Model, the average 8B neutrino survival probability above 3 MeV is measured to be 0.29+-0.10. The survival probabilities for 7Be and 8B neutrinos as measured by Borexino differ by 1.9 sigma. These results are consistent with the prediction of the MSW-LMA solution of a transition in the solar electron neutrino survival probability between the low energy vacuum-driven and the high-energy matter-enhanced solar neutrino oscillation regimes.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 6 table

    Indications of Neutrino Oscillation in a 250 km Long-baseline Experiment

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    The K2K experiment observes indications of neutrino oscillation: a reduction of νμ\nu_\mu flux together with a distortion of the energy spectrum. Fifty-six beam neutrino events are observed in Super-Kamiokande (SK), 250 km from the neutrino production point, with an expectation of 80.15.4+6.280.1^{+6.2}_{-5.4}. Twenty-nine one ring μ\mu-like events are used to reconstruct the neutrino energy spectrum, which is better matched to the expected spectrum with neutrino oscillation than without. The probability that the observed flux at SK is explained by statistical fluctuation without neutrino oscillation is less than 1%.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures embedded, LaTeX with RevTeX style, accepted for publication in PRL on December 13, 200

    Muon and Cosmogenic Neutron Detection in Borexino

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    Borexino, a liquid scintillator detector at LNGS, is designed for the detection of neutrinos and antineutrinos from the Sun, supernovae, nuclear reactors, and the Earth. The feeble nature of these signals requires a strong suppression of backgrounds below a few MeV. Very low intrinsic radiogenic contamination of all detector components needs to be accompanied by the efficient identification of muons and of muon-induced backgrounds. Muons produce unstable nuclei by spallation processes along their trajectory through the detector whose decays can mimic the expected signals; for isotopes with half-lives longer than a few seconds, the dead time induced by a muon-related veto becomes unacceptably long, unless its application can be restricted to a sub-volume along the muon track. Consequently, not only the identification of muons with very high efficiency but also a precise reconstruction of their tracks is of primary importance for the physics program of the experiment. The Borexino inner detector is surrounded by an outer water-Cherenkov detector that plays a fundamental role in accomplishing this task. The detector design principles and their implementation are described. The strategies adopted to identify muons are reviewed and their efficiency is evaluated. The overall muon veto efficiency is found to be 99.992% or better. Ad-hoc track reconstruction algorithms developed are presented. Their performance is tested against muon events of known direction such as those from the CNGS neutrino beam, test tracks available from a dedicated External Muon Tracker and cosmic muons whose angular distribution reflects the local overburden profile. The achieved angular resolution is 3-5 deg and the lateral resolution is 35-50 cm, depending on the impact parameter of the crossing muon. The methods implemented to efficiently tag cosmogenic neutrons are also presented.Comment: 42 pages. 32 figures on 37 files. Uses JINST.cls. 1 auxiliary file (defines.tex) with TEX macros. submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio

    Muon and Cosmogenic Neutron Detection in Borexino

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    Borexino, a liquid scintillator detector at LNGS, is designed for the detection of neutrinos and antineutrinos from the Sun, supernovae, nuclear reactors, and the Earth. The feeble nature of these signals requires a strong suppression of backgrounds below a few MeV. Very low intrinsic radiogenic contamination of all detector components needs to be accompanied by the efficient identification of muons and of muon-induced backgrounds. Muons produce unstable nuclei by spallation processes along their trajectory through the detector whose decays can mimic the expected signals; for isotopes with half-lives longer than a few seconds, the dead time induced by a muon-related veto becomes unacceptably long, unless its application can be restricted to a sub-volume along the muon track. Consequently, not only the identification of muons with very high efficiency but also a precise reconstruction of their tracks is of primary importance for the physics program of the experiment. The Borexino inner detector is surrounded by an outer water-Cherenkov detector that plays a fundamental role in accomplishing this task. The detector design principles and their implementation are described. The strategies adopted to identify muons are reviewed and their efficiency is evaluated. The overall muon veto efficiency is found to be 99.992% or better. Ad-hoc track reconstruction algorithms developed are presented. Their performance is tested against muon events of known direction such as those from the CNGS neutrino beam, test tracks available from a dedicated External Muon Tracker and cosmic muons whose angular distribution reflects the local overburden profile. The achieved angular resolution is 3-5 deg and the lateral resolution is 35-50 cm, depending on the impact parameter of the crossing muon. The methods implemented to efficiently tag cosmogenic neutrons are also presented.Comment: 42 pages. 32 figures on 37 files. Uses JINST.cls. 1 auxiliary file (defines.tex) with TEX macros. submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio

    Three flavor neutrino oscillation analysis of atmospheric neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande

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    We report on the results of a three-flavor oscillation analysis using Super-Kamiokande~I atmospheric neutrino data, with the assumption of one mass scale dominance (Δm122\Delta m_{12}^2==0). No significant flux change due to matter effect, which occurs when neutrinos propagate inside the Earth for θ13\theta_{13}\neq0, has been seen either in a multi-GeV νe\nu_e-rich sample or in a νμ\nu_\mu-rich sample. Both normal and inverted mass hierarchy hypotheses are tested and both are consistent with observation. Using Super-Kamiokande data only, 2-dimensional 90 % confidence allowed regions are obtained: mixing angles are constrained to sin2θ13<0.14\sin^2\theta_{13} < 0.14 and 0.37<sin2θ23<0.650.37 < \sin^2\theta_{23} < 0.65 for the normal mass hierarchy. Weaker constraints, sin2θ13<0.27\sin^2\theta_{13} < 0.27 and 0.37<sin2θ23<0.690.37 < \sin^2\theta_{23} < 0.69, are obtained for the inverted mass hierarchy case.Comment: 7 figures, 3 table

    Low-energy (anti)neutrino physics with Borexino: Neutrinos from the primary proton-proton fusion process in the Sun

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    The Sun is fueled by a series of nuclear reactions that produce the energy that makes it shine. The primary reaction is the fusion of two protons into a deuteron, a positron and a neutrino. These neutrinos constitute the vast majority of neutrinos reaching Earth, providing us with key information about what goes on at the core of our star. Several experiments have now confirmed the observation of neutrino oscillations by detecting neutrinos from secondary nuclear processes in the Sun; this is the first direct spectral measurement of the neutrinos from the keystone proton-proton fusion. This observation is a crucial step towards the completion of the spectroscopy of pp-chain neutrinos, as well as further validation of the LMA-MSW model of neutrino oscillations.Comment: Proceedings from NOW (Neutrino Oscillation Workshop) 201