435 research outputs found

    Shift in the isoelectric-point of milk proteins as a consequence of adaptive divergence between the milks of mammalian species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Milk proteins are required to proceed through a variety of conditions of radically varying <it>pH</it>, which are not identical across mammalian digestive systems. We wished to investigate if the shifts in these requirements have resulted in marked changes in the isoelectric point and charge of milk proteins during evolution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We investigated nine major milk proteins in 13 mammals. In comparison with a group of orthologous non-milk proteins, we found that 3 proteins Îş-casein, lactadherin, and muc1 have undergone the highest change in isoelectric point during evolution. The pattern of non-synonymous substitutions indicate that selection has played a role in the isoelectric point shift, since residues that show significant evidence of positive selection are much more likely to be charged (p = 0.03 for Îş-casein; p < 10<sup>-8 </sup>for muc1). However, this selection does not appear to be solely due to adaptation to the diversity of mammalian digestive systems, since striking changes are seen among species that resemble each other in terms of their digestion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The changes in charge are most likely due to changes of other protein functions, rather than an adaptation to the different mammalian digestive systems. These functions may include differences in bioactive peptide releases in the gut between different mammals, which are known to be a major contributing factor in the functional and nutritional value of mammalian milk. This raises the question of whether bovine milk is optimal in terms of particular protein functions, for human nutrition and possibly disease resistance.</p> <p><it>This article was reviewed by Fyodor Kondrashov, David Liberles (nominated by David Ardell), and Christophe Lefevre (nominated by Mark Ragan).</it></p

    Successful repair of blunt injury of aortic arch branches in the setting of bovine arch

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    Intrathoracic great vessels injuries are usually fatal and represent a special surgical challenge. We report a successful surgical repair for blunt disruption of the three aortic arch branches in the setting of bovine arch anatomy. The repair was achieved without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass or arterial shunts. There was no clinical or radiologic evidence of neurologic abnormality after the repair

    Etude en rupture d'un composite à fibres végétales d'Alfa

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    National audienceThe behavior under monotonic loading of reinforced natural fibre composites begins to be fairly well known today. However, the fracture behavior is still poorly controlled. This work describes a numerical approach developed to simulate the propagation mechanism of a matrix crack in natural fibre reinforced composites.To this end, the fracture behavior of a REV; constituted of alfa fibre, with linear anisotropic behavior, surrounded by a matrix with non-linear viscoelastic behavior, was investigated using a finite element model. The analysis of the fracture behavior of the composite alfa fibre / epoxy resin shows that under uniaxial longitudinal or transverse load to the fibre, a crack initiated in the matrix is propagated perpendicularly to the direction of the load. Near the interface, the energy release rate decreases and this energy is higher in the presence of interfacial debonding areas generated by problems of fibre wettability. Reaching the interface, the crack is either blocked or deflected. Once deflected, the crack propagates along the interface and causes the complete debonding of the fibre.Le comportement sous chargement monotone des composites renforcés par des fibres naturelles commence à être assez bien connu aujourd'hui. Cependant, le comportement à la rupture est encore mal maîtrisé. Le présent travail décrit une approche numérique développée pour simuler le mécanisme de propagation d'une fissure matricielle à l'interface fibre végétale alfa / résine époxy dans les composites à matrice polymère. A cette fin, le comportement à la rupture d'un VER constitué d'une fibre unitaire d'alfa, de comportement linéaire anisotrope, entourée d'une matrice de comportement non linéaire viscoélastique, a été étudié à l'aide d'un modèle éléments finis. L'analyse du comportement à la rupture du composite fibre alfa/résine époxy montre que sous l'action d'un chargement uniaxial, longitudinal ou transversal par rapport à la fibre, une fissure initiée dans la matrice se propage perpendiculairement au sens de la sollicitation. Au voisinage de l'interface, le taux de restitution d'énergie diminue et ce taux est plus élevé en présence de zones de non adhésion générées par des problèmes de mouillages. Arrivée à l'interface, la fissure est soit bloquée soit déviée. Une fois déviée, la fissure se propage le long de l'interface et entraîne la décohésion de la fibre

    Horizontal Transfer and Death of a Fungal Secondary Metabolic Gene Cluster

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    A cluster composed of four structural and two regulatory genes found in several species of the fungal genus Fusarium (class Sordariomycetes) is responsible for the production of the red pigment bikaverin. We discovered that the unrelated fungus Botrytis cinerea (class Leotiomycetes) contains a cluster of five genes that is highly similar in sequence and gene order to the Fusarium bikaverin cluster. Synteny conservation, nucleotide composition, and phylogenetic analyses of the cluster genes indicate that the B. cinerea cluster was acquired via horizontal transfer from a Fusarium donor. Upon or subsequent to the transfer, the B. cinerea gene cluster became inactivated; one of the four structural genes is missing, two others are pseudogenes, and the fourth structural gene shows an accelerated rate of nonsynonymous substitutions along the B. cinerea lineage, consistent with relaxation of selective constraints. Interestingly, the bik4 regulatory gene is still intact and presumably functional, whereas bik5, which is a pathway-specific regulator, also shows a mild but significant acceleration of evolutionary rate along the B. cinerea lineage. This selective preservation of the bik4 regulator suggests that its conservation is due to its likely involvement in other non–bikaverin-related biological processes in B. cinerea. Thus, in addition to novel metabolism, horizontal transfer of wholesale metabolic gene clusters might also be contributing novel regulation

    Efficiency of wastewater treatment by a mixture of sludge and microalgae

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    A combined system using the microalgae from South Africa and the sewage sludge from Algeria has been tested, in order to study the efficiency of wastewater treatment by mixtures of microalgae / activated sludge, five bioreactors were installed with different inoculation rates (microalgae / activated sludge) B1: 100% algae, B2: 90.90%: 9.1%, B3: 83.33%: 16.67%, B4: 50%: 50% and B5: 16.67: 83.33. The best removal percentages were measured as: 76.36% for PO4-P, 94.90% for NO3-N, 90.42% for NH4-N and 65.73% for COD, in the combined system. Except in the case of COD, there were highly significant effects of different inoculations rates on yield. The best results are those of the bioreactor B5. These results suggest that the nutrients in the wastewater can be effectively eliminated by co-cultivation of micro-algae with bacteria (activated sludge)

    Gene expression in fungi

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    This contribution is based on the four presentations made at the Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting titled Gene Expression in Fungi held during IMC9 in Edinburgh. This overview is independent from other articles published or that will be published by each speaker. In the SIG meeting, basic principles of in vivo animal models for virulence studies were discussed. Infection associated genes of Candida albicans and fungal adaptation to the host was summarized. Azole susceptibility was evaluated as a combined result of several changes in expression of pertinent genes. Gene transfer in fungi, resulting in fungal evolution and gene adaptation to environmental factors, was reported

    Drivers of genetic diversity in secondary metabolic gene clusters within a fungal species

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    Drivers of genetic diversity in secondary metabolic gene clusters within a fungal speciesFilamentous fungi produce a diverse array of secondary metabolites (SMs) critical for defense, virulence, and communication. The metabolic pathways that produce SMs are found in contiguous gene clusters in fungal genomes, an atypical arrangement for metabolic pathways in other eukaryotes. Comparative studies of filamentous fungal species have shown that SM gene clusters are often either highly divergent or uniquely present in one or a handful of species, hampering efforts to determine the genetic basis and evolutionary drivers of SM gene cluster divergence. Here, we examined SM variation in 66 cosmopolitan strains of a single species, the opportunistic human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Investigation of genome-wide within-species variation revealed 5 general types of variation in SM gene clusters: nonfunctional gene polymorphisms; gene gain and loss polymorphisms; whole cluster gain and loss polymorphisms; allelic polymorphisms, in which different alleles corresponded to distinct, nonhomologous clusters; and location polymorphisms, in which a cluster was found to differ in its genomic location across strains. These polymorphisms affect the function of representative A. fumigatus SM gene clusters, such as those involved in the production of gliotoxin, fumigaclavine, and helvolic acid as well as the function of clusters with undefined products. In addition to enabling the identification of polymorphisms, the detection of which requires extensive genome-wide synteny conservation (e.g., mobile gene clusters and nonhomologous cluster alleles), our approach also implicated multiple underlying genetic drivers, including point mutations, recombination, and genomic deletion and insertion events as well as horizontal gene transfer from distant fungi. Finally, most of the variants that we uncover within A. fumigatus have been previously hypothesized to contribute to SM gene cluster diversity across entire fungal classes and phyla. We suggest that the drivers of genetic diversity operating within a fungal species shown here are sufficient to explain SM cluster macroevolutionary patterns.National Science Foundation (grant number DEB-1442113). Received by AR. U.S. National Library of Medicine training grant (grant number 2T15LM007450). Received by ALL. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e 573 Tecnológico. Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (grant number NORTE-01- 0145-FEDER-000013). Received by FR. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do 572 Estado de São Paulo. Received by GHG. National Institutes of Health (grant number R01 AI065728-01). Received by NPK. National Science Foundation (grant number IOS-1401682). Received by JHW. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction and atopy in Tunisian athletes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study is a cross sectional analysis, aiming to evaluate if atopy is as a risk factor for exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) among Tunisian athletes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Atopy was defined by a skin prick test result and EIB was defined as a decrease of at least 15% in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) after 8-min running at 80–85% HRmaxTheo. The study population was composed of 326 athletes (age: 20.8 ± 2.7 yrs – mean ± SD; 138 women and 188 men) of whom 107 were elite athletes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Atopy was found in 26.9% (88/326) of the athletes. Post exercise spirometry revealed the presence of EIB in 9.8% of the athletes including 13% of the elite athletes. Frequency of atopy in athletes with EIB was significantly higher than in athletes without EIB [62.5% vs 23.1%, respectively].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study showed that atopic Tunisian athletes presented a higher risk of developing exercise induced bronchoconstriction than non-atopic athletes.</p

    Évaluation préliminaire des essais de provenances de chêne-liège et perspectives de recherche

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    Le réseau international des essais de provenance et de descendance de chêne-liège (établie dans le cadre du projet Action Concertée FAIR CT 95-202 “European network for the evaluation of genetic resources of cork oak for appropriate use in breeding and gene conservation strategies” financé par l’Union Européenne) constitue un matériel vivant unique pour la recherche, qu’elle soit appliquée, ou fondamental, sur l’espèce. Les essais génétiques ont été réalisés sur une base méthodologique harmonisée au niveau des plants utilisés (tous les plants ont été élevées dans une même pépinière au Portugal) et sur terrain un même dispositif expérimental a été suivi. En 1997/98, 13 essais de provenances ont été établis. Ceux ayant réussi sont situés en Espagne (2), France (1), Italie (3), Portugal (3) et Tunisie (1). Concernent les essais de descendances il existe 4 des 5 initiales - Espagne (1), Portugal (2) et Tunisie (1). Dans ce travail nous présentons quelques résultats du comportement des provenances à travers des caractéristiques adaptatifs tels que la survie, l’efficacité d’utilisation de l’eau et des études de génomique. Nous avons procédé à la comparaison de chaque provenance dans les essais - niveau horizontal- et à la comparaison de chaque provenance entre les essais - niveau vertical afin de discuter la plasticité phénotypique et l’interaction génotype X environnement. Les données disponibles pour hauteur en 2006 montre des différences de comportement entre provenances et entre les essais. Par exemple, les provenances du Maroc montre une croissance supérieure dans l’essai plus au Sud au Portugal et aussi dans un essai en Espagne. Pour l’essai de Sardaigne les meilleures provenances sont de Tunisie et d’Espagne. A la fin on discute sur les avantages des essais comme matériel vivant dénominateur commun pour une recherche avancée, multidisciplinaire, synergétique, transnational et concertée. Les perspectives pour la recherche sur les grands thèmes tels que la gestion durable du chêne-liège, notamment la sélection, amélioration génétique, adaptation aux changements globaux, fluxes génétiques, problèmes phytosanitaires, qualité du liège en liaison avec la respective génomique sont adressées.PTDC/AGR-AAM/104364/200
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