254 research outputs found

    Hair cortisol concentrations are associated with hippocampal subregional volumes in children

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    Irradiated asymmetric Friedmann branes

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    We consider a Friedmann brane moving in a bulk impregnated by radiation. The setup is strongly asymmetric, with only one black hole in the bulk. The radiation emitted by this bulk black hole can be reflected, absorbed or transmitted through the brane. Radiation pressure accelerates the brane, behaving as dark energy. Absorption however generates a competing effect: the brane becomes heavier and gravitational attraction increases. We analyse the model numerically, assuming a total absorbtion on the brane for k=1. We conclude that due to the two competing effects, in this asymmetric scenario the Hawking radiation from the bulk black hole is not able to change the recollapsing fate of this brane-world universe. We show that for light branes and early times the radiation pressure is the dominant effect. In contrast, for heavy branes the self-gravity of the absorbed radiation is a much stronger effect. We find the critical value of the initial energy density for which these two effects roughly cancel each other.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Friedmann branes with variable tension

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    We introduce brane-worlds with non-constant tension, strenghtening the analogy with fluid membranes, which exhibit a temperature-dependence according to the empirical law established by E\"otv\"os. This new degree of freedom allows for evolving gravitational and cosmological constants, the latter being a natural candidate for dark energy. We establish the covariant dynamics on a brane with variable tension in full generality, by considering asymmetrically embedded branes and allowing for non-standard model fields in the 5-dimensional space-time. Then we apply the formalism for a perfect fluid on a Friedmann brane, which is embedded in a 5-dimensional charged Vaidya-Anti de Sitter space-time.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Semi-transparent brane-worlds

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    We study the evolution of a closed Friedmann brane perturbed by the Hawking radiation escaping a bulk black hole. The semi-transparent brane absorbes some of the infalling radiation, the rest being transmitted across the brane to the other bulk region. We characterize the cosmological evolution in terms of the transmission rate Ï”\epsilon. For small values of Ï”\epsilon a critical-like behaviour could be observed, when the acceleration due to radiation pressure and the deceleration induced by the increasing self-gravity of the brane roughly compensate each other, and cosmological evolution is approximately the same as without radiation. Lighter (heavier) branes than those with the critical energy density will recollapse slower (faster). This feature is obstructed at high values of Ï”\epsilon , where the overall effect of the radiation is to speed-up the recollapse. We determine the maximal value of the transmission rate for which the critical-like behaviour is observed. We also study the effect of transmission on the evolution of different source terms of the Friedmann equation. We conclude that among all semi-transparent branes the slowest recollapse occurs for light branes with total absorption.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    The Kepler equation for inspiralling compact binaries

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    Compact binaries consisting of neutron stars / black holes on eccentric orbit undergo a perturbed Keplerian motion. The perturbations are either of relativistic origin or are related to the spin, mass quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments of the binary components. The post-Newtonian motion of such systems decouples into radial and angular parts. We present here for the first time the radial motion of such a binary encoded in a generalized Kepler equation, with the inclusion of all above-mentioned contributions, up to linear order in the perturbations. Together with suitably introduced parametrizations, the radial motion is solved completely

    The paradox of soft singularity crossing and its resolution by distributional cosmological quantitities

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    A cosmological model of a flat Friedmann universe filled with a mixture of anti-Chaplygin gas and dust-like matter exhibits a future soft singularity, where the pressure of the anti-Chaplygin gas diverges (while its energy density is finite). Despite infinite tidal forces the geodesics pass through the singularity. Due to the dust component, the Hubble parameter has a non-zero value at the encounter with the singularity, therefore the dust implies further expansion. With continued expansion however, the energy density and the pressure of the anti-Chaplygin gas would become ill-defined, hence from the point of view of the anti-Chaplygin gas only a contraction is allowed. Paradoxically, the universe in this cosmological model would have to expand and contract simultaneously. This obviosly could not happen. We solve the paradox by redefining the anti-Chaplygin gas in a distributional sense. Then a contraction could follow the expansion phase at the singularity at the price of a jump in the Hubble parameter. Although such an abrupt change is not common in any cosmological evolution, we explicitly show that the set of Friedmann, Raychaudhuri and continuity equations are all obeyed both at the singularity and in its vicinity. We also prove that the Israel junction conditions are obeyed through the singular spatial hypersurface. In particular we enounce and prove a more general form of the Lanczos equation.Comment: 12 pages; to be published in Phys.Rev.

    MixitĂ© en Education Physique et Sportive: Evolution de la motivation des Ă©lĂšves dans le cadre d’un enseignement mixte au cours d’un cycle de danse

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    Dans le cadre de notre formation en EPS, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  l’engagement des Ă©lĂšves dans les classes mixtes. Cette question de l’engagement dans un contexte mixte semblait important Ă  nos yeux, dans un contexte d’enseignement de plus en plus en classes mixtes dans le Canton de Vaud. Il nous semblait judicieux de porter notre regard sur les variations de la motivation des Ă©lĂšves dans ce cas de figure, notamment dans les activitĂ©s fortement connotĂ©es par genre (football, danse, 
). La motivation en EPS a Ă©tĂ© investiguĂ©e par de nombreux auteurs. Nous avons choisi de porter la focale sur les effets Ă©ventuels du guidage de l’enseignant, du travail par petits groupes, de la crĂ©ation de sens par l’engagement des Ă©lĂšves dans un projet et de l’utilisation de la tablette numĂ©rique dans le processus d’apprentissage des Ă©lĂšves. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude avec deux classes de 9H sur 17 leçons, dans une activitĂ© connotĂ©e fĂ©minine (danse). Nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă  des observations, soutenues par trois focus groups et deux questionnaires (MIXEPS et ISEP). Des indicateurs ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finis pour mesurer les variations de motivation des Ă©lĂšves, permettant de repĂ©rer les effets potentiels des diffĂ©rentes variables : guidage de l’enseignant, travail par petits groupes, projet et utilisation de la tablette numĂ©rique. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que le guidage de l’enseignant et la mise en projet ont un impact positif sur l’évolution de la motivation au cours du cycle. Il est plus difficile de conclure avec certitude que l’enseignement par petits groupes et l’utilisation de la tablette gĂ©nĂšrent une motivation plus importante. D’un point de vue professionnel, cette Ă©tude souligne l’importance du sens des apprentissages par le biais de la mise en projet ainsi que l’attention Ă  porter sur l’évolution des Ă©lĂšves afin d’adapter les formes de guidage au plus prĂšs de cette Ă©volution

    Inflating wormholes in the braneworld models

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    The braneworld model, in which our Universe is a three-brane embedded in a five-dimensional bulk, allows the existence of wormholes, without any violation of the energy conditions. A fundamental ingredient of traversable wormholes is the violation of the null energy condition (NEC). However, in the brane world models, the stress energy tensor confined on the brane, threading the wormhole, satisfies the NEC. In conventional general relativity, wormholes existing before inflation can be significantly enlarged by the expanding spacetime. We investigate the evolution of an inflating wormhole in the brane world scenario, in which the wormhole is supported by the nonlocal brane world effects. As a first step in our study we consider the possibility of embedding a four-dimensional brane world wormhole into a five dimensional bulk. The conditions for the embedding are obtained by studying the junction conditions for the wormhole geometry, as well as the full set of the five dimensional bulk field equations. For the description of the inflation we adopt the chaotic inflation model. We study the dynamics of the brane world wormholes during the exponential inflation stage, and in the stage of the oscillating scalar field. A particular exact solution corresponding to a zero redshift wormhole is also obtained. The resulting evolution shows that while the physical and geometrical parameters of a zero redshift wormhole decay naturally, a wormhole satisfying some very general initial conditions could turn into a black hole, and exist forever.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in CQ

    Gravitational radiation reaction in compact binary systems: Contribution of the quadrupole-monopole interaction

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    The radiation reaction in compact spinning binaries on eccentric orbits due to the quadrupole-monopole interaction is studied. This contribution is of second post-Newtonian order. As result of the precession of spins the magnitude LL of the orbital angular momentum is not conserved. Therefore a proper characterization of the perturbed radial motion is provided by the energy EE and angular average Lˉ\bar{L}. As powerful computing tools, the generalized true and eccentric anomaly parametrizations are introduced. Then the secular losses in energy and magnitude of orbital angular momentum together with the secular evolution of the relative orientations of the orbital angular momentum and spins are found for eccentric orbits by use of the residue theorem. The circular orbit limit of the energy loss agrees with Poisson's earlier result.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Covariant gravitational dynamics in 3+1+1 dimensions

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    We develop a 3+1+1 covariant formalism with cosmological and astrophysical applications. First we give the evolution and constraint equations both on the brane and off-brane in terms of 3-space covariant kinematical, gravito-electro-magnetic (Weyl) and matter variables. We discuss the junction conditions across the brane in terms of the new variables. Then we establish a closure condition for the equations on the brane. We also establish the connection of this formalism with isotropic and anisotropic cosmological brane-worlds. Finally we derive a new brane solution in the framework of our formalism: the tidal charged Taub-NUT-(A)dS brane, which obeys the closure condition.Comment: 35 pages 1 fig; significantly expanded with (a) new closure condition on the brane, (b) discussion of anisotropic brane-worlds, (c) stationary vacuum space-times with local rotational symmetry including (d) a new tidal charged Taub-NUT-(A)dS brane solution; published version
