676 research outputs found

    Beating the Odds: Perseverance and Its Influence on Male Students’ Perceptions in Overcoming Generational Poverty

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    This phenomenological study examined the perceived influences that male graduates from Title I high schools attribute to their success. During the last 30 years the poverty gap has not narrowed and in some cases it has increased. This study hoped to provide evidence of supports needed by looking at males who overcame generational poverty. This study included qualitative data collection from interviews of 15 male participants. Nine themes emerged in the findings of perceived influences by these participants. The nine themes identified where 1) Success has two components; internal and external, 2) School personnel and programs guided success, 3) Change in mindset, 4) Changes in family structure and circumstances, 5) Lack of family financial resources, 6) Parents prioritizing success in school, 7) Being part of an athletic team/peer group, 8) Lack of experience affected college success and understanding, and 9) Credit difficulties from childhood for their success. The analysis of data collected supported the developed themes. Recommendations were made for further study and practice

    Mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes during thermal decomposition of divalent metal carbonates: Crystallographic influence, potential mechanism and cosmochemical significance

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    Few physical or chemical processes defy well-established laws of mass-dependent isotopic fractionation. A surprising example, discovered two decades ago, is that thermal decomposition of calcium and magnesium carbonate minerals (conducted in vacuo, to minimise back-reaction and isotopic exchange) causes the oxygen triple-isotope compositions of the resulting solid oxide and CO2 to fit on parallel mass-dependent fractionation lines in ln(1 + δ17O) versus ln(1 + δ18O) space, with anomalous depletion of 17O in the solid and equivalent enrichment of 17O in the CO2. By investigating the thermal decomposition of other natural divalent metal carbonates and one synthetic example, under similar conditions, we find that the unusual isotope effect occurs in all cases and that the magnitude of the anomaly (Δ′17O) seems to depend on the room temperature crystallographic structure of the carbonate. A lower cation coordination number (as associated with smaller cation radius) correlates with a Δ′17O value closer to zero. Local symmetry considerations may therefore be influential. Relative to a reference fractionation line of slope 0.524 and passing through VSMOW, solid oxides produced by thermal decomposition of orthorhombic carbonates were characterised by Δ′17O = −0.367 ± 0.004‰ (standard error). The comparable figure from rhombohedral examples was −0.317 ± 0.010‰, whereas from the sole monoclinic (synthesised) specimen it was −0.219 ± 0.011‰. The numerical values are, to some extent, dependent on details of the experimental procedure. We discuss potential origins of the isotopic anomaly, including the possibility of hyperfine coupling between 17O nuclei and unpaired electrons of transient radicals (the ‘magnetic isotope effect’). A new mechanism based on the latter process is proposed. The associated transition state is compatible with that suggested by recent quantum chemical and kinetic studies of the thermal decompositions of calcite and magnesite. An earlier suggestion based on the magnetic isotope effect is shown to be incompatible with the generation of a 17O anomaly, regardless of the identity of the carbonate. We cannot exclude the possibility that a Fermi resonance between states leading to dissociation may additionally affect the magnitude of Δ′17O in some cases. Our findings have cosmochemical implications, with thermal processing of carbonates providing a potential mechanism for the mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes in protoplanetary systems

    Resolving the Gap and AU-scale Asymmetries in the Pre-transitional Disk of V1247 Orionis

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    archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: astro-ph.SR keywords: accretion, accretion disks, protoplanetary disks, stars: pre-main sequence, techniques: interferometric eid: 80 adsurl: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013ApJ...768...80K adsnote: Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data SystemarticlePre-transitional disks are protoplanetary disks with a gapped disk structure, potentially indicating the presence of young planets in these systems. In order to explore the structure of these objects and their gap-opening mechanism, we observed the pre-transitional disk V1247 Orionis using the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, the Keck Interferometer, Keck-II, Gemini South, and IRTF. This allows us to spatially resolve the AU-scale disk structure from near- to mid-infrared wavelengths (1.5-13 μm), tracing material at different temperatures and over a wide range of stellocentric radii. Our observations reveal a narrow, optically thick inner-disk component (located at 0.18 AU from the star) that is separated from the optically thick outer disk (radii gsim 46 AU), providing unambiguous evidence for the existence of a gap in this pre-transitional disk. Surprisingly, we find that the gap region is filled with significant amounts of optically thin material with a carbon-dominated dust mineralogy. The presence of this optically thin gap material cannot be deduced solely from the spectral energy distribution, yet it is the dominant contributor at mid-infrared wavelengths. Furthermore, using Keck/NIRC2 aperture masking observations in the H, K', and L' bands, we detect asymmetries in the brightness distribution on scales of ~15-40 AU, i.e., within the gap region. The detected asymmetries are highly significant, yet their amplitude and direction changes with wavelength, which is not consistent with a companion interpretation but indicates an inhomogeneous distribution of the gap material. We interpret this as strong evidence for the presence of complex density structures, possibly reflecting the dynamical interaction of the disk material with sub-stellar mass bodies that are responsible for the gap clearing.This work was done in part under contract with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), funded by NASA through the Sagan Fellowship Program (S.K. and C.E. are Sagan Fellows). Data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory from telescope time allocated to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through the agency's scientific partnership with the California Institute of Technology and the University of California. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. The authors wish to recognize and acknowledge the very significant cultural role and reverence that the summit of Mauna Kea has always had within the indigenous Hawaiian community. We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain. This work was supported in part by the Aerospace Corporation's Independent Research and Development (IR&D) program. This work was supported by NASA ADP grant NNX09AC73G

    DRD4 genotype predicts longevity in mouse and human

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    Longevity is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The brain's dopamine system may be particularly relevant, since it modulates traits (e.g., sensitivity to reward, incentive motivation, sustained effort) that impact behavioral responses to the environment. In particular, the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) has been shown to moderate the impact of environments on behavior and health. We tested the hypothesis that the DRD4 gene influences longevity and that its impact is mediated through environmental effects. Surviving participants of a 30-year-old population-based health survey (N = 310; age range, 90-109 years; the 90+ Study) were genotyped/resequenced at the DRD4 gene and compared with a European ancestry-matched younger population (N = 2902; age range, 7-45 years). We found that the oldest-old population had a 66% increase in individuals carrying the DRD4 7R allele relative to the younger sample (p = 3.5 × 10(-9)), and that this genotype was strongly correlated with increased levels of physical activity. Consistent with these results, DRD4 knock-out mice, when compared with wild-type and heterozygous mice, displayed a 7-9.7% decrease in lifespan, reduced spontaneous locomotor activity, and no lifespan increase when reared in an enriched environment. These results support the hypothesis that DRD4 gene variants contribute to longevity in humans and in mice, and suggest that this effect is mediated by shaping behavioral responses to the environment.Fil: Grady, Deborah L.. University of California. College of Medicine. Department of Biological Chemistry; Estados UnidosFil: Thanos, Panayotis K.. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Laboratory of Neuroimaging; Estados Unidos. Brookhaven National Laboratory. Medical Department. Behavioral Neuropharmocology and Neuroimaging Laboratory; Estados Unidos. Stony Brook University. Department of Psychology; Estados UnidosFil: Corrada, Maria M.. University of California. Department of Neurology; Estados UnidosFil: Barnett Jr., Jeffrey C.. Brookhaven National Laboratory. Medical Department. Behavioral Neuropharmocology and Neuroimaging Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Ciobanu, Valentina. University of California. College of Medicine. Department of Biological Chemistry; Estados UnidosFil: Shustarovich, Diana. Brookhaven National Laboratory. Medical Department. Behavioral Neuropharmocology and Neuroimaging Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Napoli, Anthony. Brookhaven National Laboratory. Medical Department. Behavioral Neuropharmocology and Neuroimaging Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Moyzis, Alexandra G.. University of California. College of Medicine. Department of Biological Chemistry; Estados UnidosFil: Grandy, David. Oregon Health Sciences University. Physiology and Pharmacology; Estados UnidosFil: Rubinstein, Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Wang, Gene-Jack. Brookhaven National Laboratory. Medical Department. Behavioral Neuropharmocology and Neuroimaging Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Kawas, Claudia H.. University of California. Department of Neurology; Estados UnidosFil: Chen, Chuansheng. University of California. Department of Psychology and Social Behavior; Estados UnidosFil: Dong, Qi. Beijing Normal University. National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning; ChinaFil: Wang, Eric. University of California. College of Medicine. Department of Biological Chemistry; Estados Unidos. Aria Diagnostics Inc.; Estados Unidos. University of California. Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics; Estados UnidosFil: Volkow, Nora D.. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Laboratory of Neuroimaging; Estados Unidos. Brookhaven National Laboratory. Medical Department. Behavioral Neuropharmocology and Neuroimaging Laboratory; Estados Unidos. National Institute on Drug Abuse; Estados UnidosFil: Moyzis, Robert K.. University of California. College of Medicine. Department of Biological Chemistry; Estados Unidos. Beijing Normal University. National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning; China. University of California. Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics; Estados Unido

    Endogenous cholinergic inputs and local circuit mechanisms govern the phasic mesolimbic dopamine response to nicotine

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    Nicotine exerts its reinforcing action by stimulating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and boosting dopamine (DA) output from the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Recent data have led to a debate about the principal pathway of nicotine action: direct stimulation of the DAergic cells through nAChR activation, or disinhibition mediated through desensitization of nAChRs on GABAergic interneurons. We use a computational model of the VTA circuitry and nAChR function to shed light on this issue. Our model illustrates that the α4β2-containing nAChRs either on DA or GABA cells can mediate the acute effects of nicotine. We account for in vitro as well as in vivo data, and predict the conditions necessary for either direct stimulation or disinhibition to be at the origin of DA activity increases. We propose key experiments to disentangle the contribution of both mechanisms. We show that the rate of endogenous acetylcholine input crucially determines the evoked DA response for both mechanisms. Together our results delineate the mechanisms by which the VTA mediates the acute rewarding properties of nicotine and suggest an acetylcholine dependence hypothesis for nicotine reinforcement.Peer reviewe