284 research outputs found

    Understanding the cephalopod immune system based on functional and molecular evidence

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    11 páginas, 6 figurasCephalopods have the most advanced circulatory and nervous system among the mollusks. Recently, they have been included in the European directive which state that suffering and pain should be minimized in cephalopods used in experimentation. The knowledge about cephalopod welfare is still limited and several gaps are yet to be filled, especially in reference to pathogens, pathologies and immune response of these mollusks. In light of the requirements of the normative, in addition to the ecologic and economic importance of cephalopods, in this review we update the work published to date concerning cephalopod immune system. Significant advances have been reached in relation to the characterization of haemocytes and defensive mechanisms comprising cellular and humoral factors mainly, but not limited, in species of high economic value like Sepia officinalis and Octopus vulgaris. Moreover, the improvement of molecular approaches has helped to discover several immune-related genes/proteins. These immune genes/proteins include antimicrobial peptides, phenoloxidases, antioxidant enzymes, serine protease inhibitor, lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-α factor, Toll-like receptors, lectins, even clusters of differentiation among others. Most of them have been found in haemocytes but also in gills and digestive gland, and the characterization as well as their precise role in the immune response of cephalopods is still pending to be elucidated. The assessment of immune parameters in cephalopods exposed to contaminants is just starting, but the negative impact of some pollutants on the immune response of the common octopus has been reported. This review summarizes the current status of our knowledge about the cephalopod immune system that seems to be far from simply. On the contrary, the advances gained to date point out a complex innate immunity in cephalopodsPeer reviewe

    Análisis bibliométrico de la revista AIEM-Avances en Investigación en Educación Matemática (2012-2016)

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    La Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática (SEIEM) en el 2011 puso en marcha el proyecto de la edición de una revista, de corte científico y de interés internacional, en la que se difundan los resultados de las diferentes investigaciones que se llevan a cabo en el ámbito de la Educación Matemática, cumpliendo una doble finalidad, la de dar a conocer los diferentes avances y dificultades que afronta la educación matemática, y que esta sirva como herramienta de los investigadores para proponer y consolidar propuestas de mejora en la Educación Matemática. Así es como se concibe la revista Avances en Investigación en Educación Matemática (AIEM)

    Computational health engineering applied to model infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance spread

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    Infectious diseases are the primary cause of mortality worldwide. The dangers of infectious disease are compounded with antimicrobial resistance, which remains the greatest concern for human health. Although novel approaches are under investigation, the World Health Organization predicts that by 2050, septicaemia caused by antimicrobial resistant bacteria could result in 10 million deaths per year. One of the main challenges in medical microbiology is to develop novel experimental approaches, which enable a better understanding of bacterial infections and antimicrobial resistance. After the introduction of whole genome sequencing, there was a great improvement in bacterial detection and identification, which also enabled the characterization of virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance genes. Today, the use of in silico experiments jointly with computational and machine learning offer an in depth understanding of systems biology, allowing us to use this knowledge for the prevention, prediction, and control of infectious disease. Herein, the aim of this review is to discuss the latest advances in human health engineering and their applicability in the control of infectious diseases. An in-depth knowledge of host?pathogen?protein interactions, combined with a better understanding of a host?s immune response and bacterial fitness, are key determinants for halting infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance dissemination

    Development and use of touch-screen computer-assisted self interviewing in Portuguese patients with chronic immune diseases: Evaluation of an electronic version of SF-36v2

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    Abstract Aim:The major purpose of this study was to evaluate alternative automated methods of collecting data on health related quality of life (HR-QoL). In order to achieve this, we developed a study with the following objectives: (1) to evaluated the feasibility of electronic version in patients with different chronic pathologies of the immune system using Short Form 36version2 (SF-36v2), (2) to evaluate the construct validity of SF-36v2 using the electronic data capture, and (3) to compare electronic version questionnaires with paper questionnaires in terms of patients ´ acceptance, data quality, and reliability. Methods:Out-patients with chronic immune diseases (HIV infection, lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, Behçet and Sjögren), were randomly selected to completed electronic and paper SF- 36v2 (n=50) before consultation in Clinical Immunology Unit, in Hospital Santo António-Centro Hospitalar do Porto (CI-HGSA). Results: There were very high correlations in SF- 36v2 responses (p< .001) between the paper and electronic forms. Internal reliability coefficients (Cronbach’s a) showed good internal consistency for all reported responses in either, computer and paper. There were no missing data in electronic version or paper. About 84% of the patients prefer to use the computer version in future. Conclusion: The electronic HR-QoL assessment is technically possible and it can provide reliable and valid clinically significant information which can either be used in routine care appointments

    MgC1q, a novel C1q-domain-containing protein involved in the immune response of Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    9 páginas, 6 figuras, 1 tablaIn this study, we present the characterization of a newly identified gene, MgC1q, revealed in suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA libraries from immunostimulated mussels. Based on sequence homology, molecular architecture and domain similarity, this new C1q-domain-containing gene may be classified as a member of the C1q family and, therefore, part of the C1q–TNF superfamily. The expression of MgC1q was detected all along the mussel ontogeny, being detectable within 2 h post-fertilization, with a notable increase after 1 month and continuing to increase until 3 months. Measurable transcript levels were also evident in all analyzed tissues of naïve adult mussels, and the hemocytes showed the highest expression levels. Experimental infection of adult mussels with Gram positive or Gram negative bacteria significantly modulated the MgC1q expression, and confirmed it as an immune-related gene. Intra- and inter-individual sequence analyses revealed extraordinary diversity of MgC1q at both the DNA and cDNA levels. While further research is needed to define its function, our data indicate that MgC1q is a pattern recognition molecule able to recognize pathogens during innate immune responses in Myitilus galloprovincialis. The high sequence variability suggests that somatic diversification of these nonself recognition molecules could have occurred.This work has been funded by the EU Integrated Project FOOD-CT-2005-007103 and AGL2008-05111/ACU from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Camino Gestal wishes to acknowledge additional funding from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia through the “Ramón y Cajal” Contract.Peer reviewe

    Doxycycline induces Hok toxin killing in host E. coli

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    The antibacterial efficacy of the tetracycline antibiotics has been greatly reduced by the development of resistance, hence a decline in their clinical use. The hok/sok locus is a type I toxin/antitoxin plasmid stability element, often associated with multi-drug resistance plasmids, especially ESBL-encoding plasmids. It enhances host cell survivability and pathogenicity in stressful growth conditions, and increases bacterial tolerance to β-lactam antibiotics. The hok/sok locus forms dsRNA by RNA:RNA interactions between the toxin encoding mRNA and antitoxin non-coding RNA, and doxycycline has been reported to bind dsRNA structures and inhibit their cleavage/processing by the dsRNase, RNase III. This study investigated the antibacterial activities of doxycycline in hok/sok host bacteria cells, the effects on hok/sok-induced changes in growth and the mechanism(s) involved. Diverse strains of E. coli were transformed with hok/sok plasmids and assessed for doxycycline susceptibility and growth changes. The results show that the hok/sok locus increases bacterial susceptibility to doxycycline, which is more apparent in strains with more pronounced hok/sok-induced growth effects. The increased doxycycline susceptibility occurs despite β-lactam resistance imparted by hok/sok. Doxycycline was found to induce bacterial death in a manner phenotypically characteristic of Hok toxin expression, suggesting that it inhibits the toxin/antitoxin dsRNA degradation, leading to Hok toxin expression and cell death. In this way, doxycycline could counteract the multi-drug resistance plasmid maintenance/propagation, persistence and pathogenicity mechanisms associated with the hok/sok locus, which could potentially help in efforts to mitigate the rise of antimicrobial resistance

    Hybrid Model Based on Genetic Algorithms and SVM Applied to Variable Selection Within Fruit Juice Classification

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    Research article[Abstract] Given the background of the use of Neural Networks in problems of apple juice classification, this paper aim at implementing a newly developed method in the field of machine learning: the Support Vector Machines (SVM). Therefore, a hybrid model that combines genetic algorithms and support vector machines is suggested in such a way that, when using SVM as a fitness function of the Genetic Algorithm (GA), the most representative variables for a specific classification problem can be selected

    Texture analysis in gel electrophoresis images using an integrative kernel-based approach

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    [Abstract] Texture information could be used in proteomics to improve the quality of the image analysis of proteins separated on a gel. In order to evaluate the best technique to identify relevant textures, we use several different kernel-based machine learning techniques to classify proteins in 2-DE images into spot and noise. We evaluate the classification accuracy of each of these techniques with proteins extracted from ten 2-DE images of different types of tissues and different experimental conditions. We found that the best classification model was FSMKL, a data integration method using multiple kernel learning, which achieved AUROC values above 95% while using a reduced number of features. This technique allows us to increment the interpretability of the complex combinations of textures and to weight the importance of each particular feature in the final model. In particular the Inverse Difference Moment exhibited the highest discriminating power. A higher value can be associated with an homogeneous structure as this feature describes the homogeneity; the larger the value, the more symmetric. The final model is performed by the combination of different groups of textural features. Here we demonstrated the feasibility of combining different groups of textures in 2-DE image analysis for spot detection.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/00280United Kingdom. Medical Research Council; G10000427, MC_UU_12013/8Galicia. Consellería de Economía e Industria; 10SIN105004P

    Study of diseases and the immune system of bivalves using molecular biology and genomics

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    24 páginas, 3 tablasEnvironmental chemico-physical factors, pathogens, and biological interactions constantly affect organism physiology and behavior. Invertebrates, including bivalve mollusks do not possess acquired immunity. Their defense mechanisms rely on an innate, non-adaptive immune system employing circulating cells and a large variety of molecular effectors. The mechanisms underlying host defense depend on the presence of functional proteins in appropriate quantities, within a crucial time window. These proteins are encoded by genes whose transcription is tightly coordinated by complex programs of gene expression. Currently available advanced techniques allow the evaluation of this gene expression, expanding our understanding of the behavior and function of cells and tissues under varying conditions. In particular, DNA microarray technology enables measurement of a large predetermined set of known genes or sequences. Expressed sequence tag sequencing from redundant, normalized, subtractive hybridization libraries is a robust method for sampling the protein encoding genes that are expressed within a tissue. The elimination of microorganisms by defense cells is a dynamic process that involves integrating synthesis of granule proteins during differentiation, migration onto sites of infection, phagocytosis and killing of microorganisms, modulation of their effector cells, and finally apoptosis. Understanding how this complex biological process is regulated can best be addressed using a systems biology approach to the study of organisms and populations in order to more effectively decipher the continuous challenge between two genomes, i.e., evolving host-pathogen interactionsPeer reviewe