145 research outputs found

    New Perspectives on the Aging Lexicon

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    The field of cognitive aging has seen considerable advances in describing the linguistic and semantic changes that happen during the adult life span to uncover the structure of the mental lexicon (i.e., the mental repository of lexical and conceptual representations). Nevertheless, there is still debate concerning the sources of these changes, including the role of environmental exposure and several cognitive mechanisms associated with learning, representation, and retrieval of information. We review the current status of research in this field and outline a framework that promises to assess the contribution of both ecological and psychological aspects to the aging lexicon

    Reeducação postural global e alongamento estático segmentar na melhora da flexibilidade, força muscular e amplitude de movimento: um estudo comparativo

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    Exercícios de alongamento são usados para aumentar a flexibilidade e amplitude de movimento (ADM). Entre os métodos existentes, destacam-se a reeducação postural global (RPG), que promove o alongamento global das cadeias musculares, e o alongamento segmentar, que alonga um músculo ou grupo muscular específico. Este estudo visou comparar o alongamento segmentar e o global pela técnica de RPG quanto ao ganho de flexibilidade, ADM e força muscular. Trinta mulheres foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em três grupos (n=10 em cada): o grupo global fez alongamento de cadeias musculares; o grupo segmentar realizou alongamento segmentar; e o grupo controle não fez alongamento. Antes e depois do tratamento, em todos os grupos, foram avaliadas a ADM de extensão da perna, flexibilidade pelo teste 3o dedo-solo e força isométrica de flexão da perna em 45° e 90°. Os dois grupos experimentais realizaram oito sessões de alongamento de 30 minutos cada, duas vezes por semana. Toda a análise estatística foi realizada com pStretching exercises are prescribed to increase flexibility and range of motion (ROM). Two current stretching methods are the global posture reeducation (GPR), where muscle chains are stretched, and segmentary exercises, where a single muscle or muscle group is stretched. The aim of this study was to compare these two techniques, assessing their effects on improving flexibility, ROM and muscle strength. Thirty women were randomly distributed into three groups (n=10 each): global group performed stretching following GPR method; segment group performed segment stretching exercises; and control group did no exercise. Before and after treatment, in all groups, knee extension ROM, flexibility by means of the fingertip-to-floor test, and isometric muscular strength at 45° and 90° knee flexion were measured. Each treated group performed eight stretching 30-minute sessions for four weeks, twice a week. Data were statistically analysed and the significance level set at p<0.05. Global and segment group results were similar and better than control group's concerning ROM, flexibility and muscle strength at 45° and 90° knee flexion (p<0.05). When assessing improvement inter-sessions, both groups had better ROM improvement at the first sessions, decreasing along the others. Both global and segmentary stretching techniques were hence found effective in improving flexibility, ROM and leg muscle strength

    Exemplar by feature applicability matrices and other Dutch normative data for semantic concepts

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    Global and Local Features of Semantic Networks: Evidence from the Hebrew Mental Lexicon

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    BACKGROUND: Semantic memory has generated much research. As such, the majority of investigations have focused on the English language, and much less on other languages, such as Hebrew. Furthermore, little research has been done on search processes within the semantic network, even though they are abundant within cognitive semantic phenomena. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examine a unique dataset of free association norms to a set of target words and make use of correlation and network theory methodologies to investigate the global and local features of the Hebrew lexicon. The global features of the lexicon are investigated through the use of association correlations--correlations between target words, based on their association responses similarity; the local features of the lexicon are investigated through the use of association dependencies--the influence words have in the network on other words. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our investigation uncovered Small-World Network features of the Hebrew lexicon, specifically a high clustering coefficient and a scale-free distribution, and provides means to examine how words group together into semantically related 'free categories'. Our novel approach enables us to identify how words facilitate or inhibit the spread of activation within the network, and how these words influence each other. We discuss how these properties relate to classical research on spreading activation and suggest that these properties influence cognitive semantic search processes. A semantic search task, the Remote Association Test is discussed in light of our findings
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