9 research outputs found

    Megaproyectos urbanos y productivos. Impactos socio-territoriales

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    El desarrollo de megaproyectos productivos trae consigo oportunidades para el crecimiento económico, la generación de empleos y el desarrollo regional. No obstante, en la actualidad, los grandes temas como la expansión urbana, el desarrollo industrial, las cementeras, la minería, el uso intensivo del agua y demás recursos naturales, preocupan a las comunidades por los impactos generados y porque en lo general, no consideran la racionalidad y responsabilidad ambiental y social hacia el entorno. En este contexto son diversos los estudios científicos que, en el marco de la política de económica imperante, intentan posicionarse como alternativas a proyectos económicos que confrontan los intereses particulares y comunitarios y que afectan la salud humana y ambiental. Megaproyectos urbanos y productivos. Impactos socio-territoriales, reúne veinticinco textos académicos sobre las afectaciones que éstos emprendimientos tienen para la sociedad y el entorno. Los temas expuestos recogen experiencias en el desarrollo urbano, industrial, turístico, portuario y aeroportuario, entre otros. Así mismo se retoman temas como la ética, la dialéctica, la política y la economía y su relación en el emprendimiento de megaproyectos. La búsqueda de esquemas productivos racionales y responsables con el entorno, que reivindiquen el derecho de las comunidades a un medio ambiente sano, a la preservación del territorio y sus recursos y de las formas de vida tradicionales, son los referentes para la realización del presente libro. Como elemento central se concibe el territorio como contenedor de identidad y vida, siendo preocupación y tema de estudio de la comunidad académica, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y las redes de activistas organizados.UAEM, CONACyT, se

    Adiponectin and breast cancer risk

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    Adiponectin, an adipocyte-secreted hormone, is closely and inversely associated with insulin resistance and was recently found to be inversely and independently associated with endometrial cancer. Because insulin resistance in the setting of obesity has also been associated with the development of breast cancer, we have hypothesized that decreased adiponectin levels might underlie the association between breast cancer and obesity/insulin resistance. We evaluated the association of adiponectin with the occurrence of breast cancer in a case-control study comprising 174 women with newly diagnosed, histologically confirmed breast cancer and 167 controls. We found an inverse, fairly strong, and statistically significant association of serum adiponectin with breast cancer ( odds ratio, 0.84; 95% confidence interval, 0.71 - 0.99). Importantly, despite a fairly robust inverse association of adiponectin with breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women ( odds ratio, 0.82; 95% confidence interval, 0.67 - 1.00), no such significant association between adiponectin and breast cancer was found among premenopausal women. The observed associations were independent of possible effects of major components of the IGF system, leptin, body mass index, sociodemographic variables, and known risk factors for breast cancer. Future studies are needed to prove causality and provide further insights into both the mechanisms underlying the actions of this hormone and its potential role in breast cancer

    Breast cancer risk in relation to most prevalent IgE specific antibodies: A case control study in Greece

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    Background: This study aims to explore the debatable role of allergy in breast cancer (BC) by using country-specific biological markers, namely levels of the most prevalent allergen -specific immunoglobulin E in Greece. Patients and Methods: Blood samples and clinical information were collected over a 30-month period from 103 women with histologically-confirmed BC and 103 controls front two university hospitals in Athens. Allergen -specific IgE, against the 12 prevailing allergens in Greece were determined; thereafter, a score comprising the sum of the individual values for this battery of serological IgE determinations was created. Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were undertaken using case-control status as the outcome and IgE-scores as the predictor variable, controllingfor socio-demographic, gynecological and lifestyle confounders. Results: The serum IgE score seemed to be positively related to BC (OR: similar to 1.73; CI: 0.95-3.14; p-value: 0.07). A positive correlation between serological evidence and allergic history among controls was also found (p-value: 0.06). Conclusion: This investigation suggests an IgE-mediated allergic response among women with BC in comparison to their controls. The finding needs confirmation by immuno-epidemiological investigation to clarify the directionality of this association and whether laboratory-ascertained atopy can be considered as a risk-marker of susceptibility in the development of BC

    Role of promoter DNA sequence variations on the binding of EGR1 transcription factor

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    In response to a wide variety of stimuli such as growth factors and hormones, EGR1 transcription factor is rapidly induced and immediately exerts downstream effects central to the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Herein, our biophysical analysis reveals that DNA sequence variations within the target gene promoters tightly modulate the energetics of binding of EGR1 and that nucleotide substitutions at certain positions are much more detrimental to EGR1-DNA interaction than others. Importantly, the reduction in binding affinity poorly correlates with the loss of enthalpy and gain of entropy—a trend indicative of a complex interplay between underlying thermodynamic factors due to the differential role of water solvent upon nucleotide substitution. We also provide a rationale for the physical basis of the effect of nucleotide substitutions on the EGR1-DNA interaction at atomic level. Taken together, our study bears important implications on understanding the molecular determinants of a key protein-DNA interaction at the cross-roads of human health and disease

    Cohort profile. the ESC-EORP chronic ischemic cardiovascular disease long-term (CICD LT) registry

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    The European Society of cardiology (ESC) EURObservational Research Programme (EORP) Chronic Ischemic Cardiovascular Disease registry Long Term (CICD) aims to study the clinical profile, treatment modalities and outcomes of patients diagnosed with CICD in a contemporary environment in order to assess whether these patients at high cardiovascular risk are treated according to ESC guidelines on prevention or on stable coronary disease and to determine mid and long term outcomes and their determinants in this population