284 research outputs found

    A Novel Photocatalytic Plasma Reactor for Reforming of Waste Gases

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    Non-thermal plasma (NTP) is an area of research that is receiving ever more attention. The unique properties of NTP make it useful in many applications. One such application is combining NTP with catalysts known as plasma catalysis. Plasma catalysis can allow chemical reactions to occur at temperatures otherwise insufficient when using catalysts alone. A specific type of catalyst was employed termed photocatalysts. This is due to their unique property by which they can be activated by ultraviolet light or even visible light, both of which are naturally produced by plasma. This has the ability to further enhance the synergistic effect of NTP and catalyst. Therefore, investigation into the effects of combining photocatalysts and NTP plasma was studied. The research focused on using a physical deposition technique, magnetron sputtering, to introduce the photocatalysts in a novel way, into the NTP reactor for plasma catalysis. Specifically, the photocatalytic coatings were produced on dielectric particulates which are used within the NTP reactor. Titanium dioxide based photocatalytic coatings, produced by magnetron sputtering onto particulates, were characterised by various characterisation techniques such as Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron microscopy and subsequently tested for photocatalytic activity through methylene blue degradation, which is a common method to determine photocatalytic activity, and showed an increase in degradation of methylene blue by up to 12.5 times. In order to understand the mechanisms involved between photocatalytic coatings and NTP, their effect on the reforming of oxygen and nitrogen gas mixtures and the dry reforming of methane was investigated. The presence of titanium dioxide was observed to affect the plasma chemistry in the NTP by acting as a sink for atomic oxygen, through photocatalytic formation of superoxide anion radical (O2-), and alteration of the dielectric constant of the dielectric particulates. The titanium dioxide coatings had a significant effect on the oxygen and nitrogen plasma chemistry, it was measured that the coatings enhanced ozone production by up to 80 times for a residence time of 0.011 s and up to 10 times for 0.0037 s compared to without any coatings and significantly decreased the formation of harmful nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) at a residence time of 0.011 s. In the dry reforming of methane experiments, it was found that the photocatalytic coatings enhanced the conversion of methane by 1.6 times and enhanced the conversion of CO2 by 1.35 times. However, it was also observed that some photocatalysts, such as the tungsten doped titanium dioxide coatings can reduce the performance by effecting the plasma discharge. The finding of this study shows that with careful understanding of the plasma-photocatalyst surface interaction, chemical processes could be tailored towards improving the production of desired product and limiting the formation of undesired by-products. Moreover, the photocatalysts produced by magnetron sputtering can enhance the surface interaction between plasma and photocatalysts with minimal disturbance to gas flow

    Craniometric variation among Brazilian and Scottish populations: a physical anthropology approach

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    The present investigation intended to compare the craniometric variations of two samples of different nationalities (Brazilian and Scottish). Materials and methods: The Brazilian sample consisted of 100 modern complete skulls, including 53 female skulls and 47 male skulls, and the Scottish sample consisted of 100 historical skulls (61 males, 39 females) and 36 mandibles (24 males, 12 females). The cranial measurement protocol was composed of 40 measurements, 11 bilateral and 29 unilateral, and the measurement protocol of the mandible was composed of 15 measurements, with six that were bilateral and nine that were unique. The comparative analysis of the metric variability between the two samples was performed using the means and medians analysis, the t-test, the Wilcoxon test, and the coefficient of variance, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The results showed that, among the 72 analysed variables, 44 measurements (61.11%) presented statistical differences between the samples. The Scottish skull tends to have a cranial length (GOL diff=5.53), breadth (XCB diff=3.78) and height (NPH diff=5.33) greater than the Brazilian skulls, and the Scottish mandibles tend to show a higher mandibular ramus height (MRH diff=9.25), a higher mandibular body height (HMB diff=6.37) and a larger bigonial breadth (BGB diff=5.29) than the Brazilians. The discriminant analysis of the 51 cranial measurements and 21 mandibular measurements showed a variation of the percentage of accuracy between 46.3- 83.8%. Conclusion: The metric analysis demonstrated that there is variability between the two samples studied (61.11%), but a concrete cause cannot be determined considering the multifactorial aspects of the variations of form and size

    The signature of competition in ecomorphological traits across the avian radiation

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    Competition for shared resources represents a fundamental driver of biological diversity. However, the tempo and mode of phenotypic evolution in deep-time has been predominantly investigated using trait evolutionary models which assume that lineages evolve independently from each other. Consequently, the role of species interactions in driving macroevolutionary dynamics remains poorly understood. Here, we quantify the prevalence for signatures of competition between related species in the evolution of ecomorphological traits across the bird radiation. We find that mechanistic trait models accounting for the effect of species interactions on phenotypic divergence provide the best fit for the data on at least one trait axis in 27 out of 59 clades ranging between 21 and 195 species. Where it occurs, the signature of competition generally coincides with positive species diversity-dependence, driven by the accumulation of lineages with similar ecologies, and we find scarce evidence for trait-dependent or negative diversity-dependent phenotypic evolution. Overall, our results suggest that the footprint of interspecific competition is often eroded in long-term patterns of phenotypic diversification, and that other selection pressures may predominantly shape ecomorphological diversity among extant species at macroevolutionary scales

    Global biogeographic patterns of avian morphological diversity

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    Understanding the biogeographical patterns, and evolutionary and environmental drivers, underpinning morphological diversity are key for determining its origins and conservation. Using a comprehensive set of continuous morphological traits extracted from museum collections of 8353 bird species, including geometric morphometric beak shape data, we find that avian morphological diversity is unevenly distributed globally, even after controlling for species richness, with exceptionally dense packing of species in hyper-diverse tropical hotspots. At the regional level, these areas also have high morphological variance, with species exhibiting high phenotypic diversity. Evolutionary history likely plays a key role in shaping these patterns, with evolutionarily old species contributing to niche expansion, and young species contributing to niche packing. Taken together, these results imply that the tropics are both ‘cradles’ and ‘museums’ of phenotypic diversity

    Discriminant analysis of mandibular measurements for the estimation of sex in a modern Brazilian sample.

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of mandibular measurements for sex determination in a Brazilian population. The sample was composed of 100 mandibles, of which 53 were female and 47 were male, and the average age was 57.03 years. The mandible measurement protocol was composed of 15 measurements, of which six were bilateral and nine were unique. Mandibles were directly measured using a digital caliper and a protractor. The descriptive analysis of the present study revealed higher mean values for male mandibles compared to those for female mandibles with the exception of the left mandibular angle. Among the 21 measures analyzed in this group, 15 were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Univariate discriminant analyses produced a mean percentage of correct predictions that varied between 49 and 79%. The association of variables increased the percentage of correct prediction of sex to vary from 76 to 86%. The receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis indicated that the best variable for estimating sex was bigonial breadth (BGB; area under the ROC curve (AUC) = 0.764) followed by the right maximum ramus height (MRHr; AUC = 0.763). A reference table for estimating sex in a Brazilian population using mandible measurements was developed based on the ROC curve analysis. Mandibular measures provide a simple and reliable method for sex discrimination in Brazilian adults due to the sexual dimorphism revealed by analysis of the metric variables and the satisfactory results demonstrated by discriminant formulas, ROC curve analysis, and the reference table

    A Thousand Contradictory Ways: Addiction, Neuroscience, and Expert Autobiography

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    Neuroscientific accounts of addiction are increasingly influential in health and medical circles. At the same time a diverse, if equally scientifically focused, opposition to addiction neuroscience is emerging. In this struggle over the merits of addiction neuroscience are elements of a uniquely 21st-century public engagement with science. No longer trusted by the public as the unerring source of objective knowledge about the world, science is, at least in some contexts, increasingly treated as just one voice among many. Observing the difficulties this loss of faith in science poses for effective action on pressing issues such as climate change, philosopher Bruno Latour develops a different (ecological) approach to scientific knowledge, one that for the first time allows scientists (and other “moderns”) to understand it for what it really is and locate it “diplomatically” alongside other modes of knowing. In this article, I ask whether a similar innovation is needed to allow more effective understanding of addiction. I explore this question by analyzing two recent, widely discussed, popular books (Marc Lewis’s Memoirs of an Addicted Brain: A Neuroscientist Examines His Former Life on Drugs, 2011 and Carl Hart’s High Price: A Neuroscientist’s Journey of Self-discovery that Challenges Everything You Think You Know About Drugs and Society, 2013) as well as reviews of these books. Written by neuroscientists, and drawing heavily on personal memoir to illustrate and ratify their competing views on drugs and addiction, both books crystallize contemporary dilemmas about science, empiricism, and the nature of evidence and truth. How are we to understand their mix of “scientific fact” and individual self-observation, what does this mix suggest about scientific knowledge, and what are its implications for dominant notions of “evidence-based” drug policy and treatment? I argue that these books both trouble and reinforce our taken-for-granted distinctions between science and personal stories, between objectivity and subjectivity, and note the lost opportunities the books represent for a more searching and productive (Latour might say “ecological”) engagement with science

    Analytic philosophy for biomedical research: the imperative of applying yesterday's timeless messages to today's impasses

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    The mantra that "the best way to predict the future is to invent it" (attributed to the computer scientist Alan Kay) exemplifies some of the expectations from the technical and innovative sides of biomedical research at present. However, for technical advancements to make real impacts both on patient health and genuine scientific understanding, quite a number of lingering challenges facing the entire spectrum from protein biology all the way to randomized controlled trials should start to be overcome. The proposal in this chapter is that philosophy is essential in this process. By reviewing select examples from the history of science and philosophy, disciplines which were indistinguishable until the mid-nineteenth century, I argue that progress toward the many impasses in biomedicine can be achieved by emphasizing theoretical work (in the true sense of the word 'theory') as a vital foundation for experimental biology. Furthermore, a philosophical biology program that could provide a framework for theoretical investigations is outlined
