631 research outputs found

    Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis with and without associated collagen vascular diseases: results of a two year follow up

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    Background: Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis is a disease with a highly variable clinical course. To ascertain if an inadequate selection of patients might explain part of this variability, two different groups of patients with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, those with the 'lone' form of the disease (LIPF) and those with associated collagen vascular disorders (AIPF), were studied separately. Methods: Twenty consecutive patients (nine with LIPF and 11 with AIPF) were included. Their clinical and radiographic findings and results of pulmonary function tests, gallium-67 lung scanning, and cellular analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were compared at diagnosis. Moreover, the evolution of LIPF and AIPF was contrasted after a follow up of two years, both groups having received a similar treatment regimen of corticosteroids. Results: At enrollment, patients with LIPF and AIPF were of similar age, and had similar symptoms and derangement of lung function, but patients with LIPF presented with finger clubbing, more obvious radiographic abnormalities, and a greater percentage of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Two years later, patients with LIPF had significantly decreased FVC, FEV1, TLC, TLCO, and PaO2. By contrast, lung function remained unaltered in patients with AIPF. Similarly, when the percentage change from entry to the study was compared, patients with LIPF showed a significant decrease in FVC, FEV1, and PaO2. Conclusions: Unlike the patients with AIPF, those with LIPF showed a deterioration in lung function and developed further restrictive impairment and poorer gas exchange. This has implications in their clinical management

    Biochronological data for the Early Pleistocene site of Quibas (SE Spain) inferred from rodents assemblage

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    In this paper, the rodent fauna from the Early Pleistocene of Gruta1 (Quibas karstic complex, Murcia, SE Spain) is described. The assemblage includes one arvicoline (Allophaiomys sp.), two murines (Apodemus ex gr. mystacinus-epimelas, Castillomys rivas) and one glirid (Eliomys quercinus). The rodent assemblage indicates an age very close to the age of Fuente Nueva 3 and Barranco León 5 in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and Sima del Elefante in the Atapuerca karstic complex, between ca. 1.2-1.4My.

    Biochronological data for the Early Pleistocene site of Quibas (SE Spain) inferred from rodent assemblage

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    In this paper, the rodent fauna from the Early Pleistocene of Gruta1 (Quibas karstic complex, Murcia, SE Spain) is described. The assemblage includes one arvicoline (Allophaiomys sp.), two murines (Apodemus ex gr. mystacinus-epimelas, Castillomys rivas) and one glirid (Eliomys quercinus). The rodent assemblage indicates an age very close to the age of Fuente Nueva 3 and Barranco León 5 in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and Sima del Elefante in the Atapuerca karstic complex, between ca. 1.2-1.4

    The 'Tortonian salinity crisis' of the eastern Betics (Spain)

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    The late Miocene depositional history of the Lorca and Fortuna basins, both occupying an internal position in the eastern Betics of Spain, is marked by a regressive sequence from open marine marls, via diatomites and evaporites, to continental sediments. Based on facies similarities, these evaporites have often been correlated to the well-known Mediterranean evaporites of the Messinian salinity crisis, although this correlation was never substantiated by reliable chronological data. In this paper, we present an integrated stratigraphy of this regressive sequence which shows that the evaporites of the Lorca and Fortuna basins are entirely of late Tortonian age and as such have no relation with the Messinian salinity crisis. The main phase of basin restriction, resulting in deposition of diatomites and evaporites, took place at 7.8 Ma, while the last marine deposits (massive evaporites of the Lorca basin) are dated at 7.6 Ma. Consequently, this `Tortonian salinity crisis' of the eastern Betics had a duration of approximately 200 kyr, while continental deposition prevailed throughout the entire Messinian as also revealed by the fossil mammal record. The `Tortonian salinity crisis' of the eastern Betics is obviously related to a local phase of basin restriction caused by uplift of the metamorphic complexes at the basin margins, probably in concert with strike-slip activity along SW-NE trending fault systems. The development of a submarine sill is of crucial importance for the increase in salinity because it allows marine waters to continuously enter the basin at the surface while it restricts or prevents the outflow of dense saline waters at depth. Furthermore, we show that evaporite and diatomite cyclicity in these restricted basins is predominantly related to precession controlled circum-Mediterranean climate changes and that glacio-eustatic sea level changes only play a minor role. It is remarkable that the lithological sequence of the Tortonian salinity crisis mimics in many aspects that of the Messinian salinity crisis. This suggests that the diatomaceous facies is an essential part of the lithological sequence associated with basin restriction

    Real-life burden of hospitalisations due to COPD exacerbations in Spain

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    Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often suffer episodes of exacerbation of symptoms (ECOPD) that may eventually require hospitalisation due to several, often overlapping, causes. We aimed to analyse the characteristics of patients hospitalised because of ECOPD in a real-life setting using a "big data" approach.The study population included all patients over 40 years old with a diagnosis of COPD (n=69 359; prevalence 3.72%) registered from 1 January 2011 to 1 March 2020 in the database of the public healthcare service (SESCAM) of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) (n=1 863 759 subjects). We used natural language processing (Savana Manager version 3.0) to identify those who were hospitalised during this period for any cause, including ECOPD.During the study 26 453 COPD patients (38.1%) were hospitalised (at least once). Main diagnoses at discharge were respiratory infection (51%), heart failure (38%) or pneumonia (19%). ECOPD was the main diagnosis at discharge (or hospital death) in 8331 patients (12.0% of the entire COPD population and 31.5% of those hospitalised). In-hospital ECOPD-related mortality rate was 3.11%. These patients were hospitalised 2.36 times per patient, with a mean hospital stay of 6.1 days. Heart failure was the most frequent comorbidity in patients hospitalised because of ECOPD (52.6%).This analysis shows that, in a real-life setting, ECOPD hospitalisations are prevalent, complex (particularly in relation to heart failure), repetitive and associated with significant in-hospital mortality.Copyright ©The authors 2022

    Ecosystem photosynthesis in land-surface models: a first-principles approach

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    Vegetation regulates land-atmosphere water and energy exchanges and is an essential component of land-surface models (LSMs). However, LSMs have been handicapped by assumptions that equate acclimated photosynthetic responses to environment with fast responses observable in the laboratory. These time scales can be distinguished by including specific representations of acclimation, but at the cost of further increasing parameter requirements. Here we develop an alternative approach based on optimality principles that predict the acclimation of carboxylation and electron-transport capacities, and a variable controlling the response of leaf-level carbon dioxide drawdown to vapour pressure deficit (VPD), to variations in growth conditions on a weekly to monthly time scale. In the “P model”, an optimality-based light-use efficiency model for gross primary production (GPP) on this time scale, these acclimated responses are implicit. Here they are made explicit, allowing fast and slow response time-scales to be separated and GPP to be simulated at sub-daily timesteps. The resulting model mimics diurnal cycles of GPP recorded by eddy-covariance flux towers in a temperate grassland and boreal, temperate and tropical forests, with no parameter changes between biomes. Best performance is achieved when biochemical capacities are adjusted to match recent midday conditions. This model suggests a simple and parameter-sparse method to include both instantaneous and acclimated responses within an LSM framework, with many potential applications in weather, climate and carbon - cycle modelling

    Does Helicobacter pylori have a pathogenic role in bronchiectasis?

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    SummaryAimTo investigate the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in bronchial biopsies of patients with bronchiectasis, by histochemical and immunochemical staining.Setting800-bed tertiary university hospital.MethodsObservational study. Patients: forty-six patients with bronchiectasis in a stable clinical condition and 8 control patients. Interventions: Serum samples determination of IgG levels for H. pylori by ELISA. Inmunostaining with an anti-H. pylori antibody (NCL-HPp, Novocastra) of bronchial mucosa obtained by fiberoptic bronchoscopy from both patients with bronchiectasis and controls.ResultsTwenty-one out of 46 patients with bronchiectasis (46%) had positive serologies for H. pylori. We obtained 40 bronchial biopsies in patients with bronchiectasis and 8 bronchial biopsies in control patients. No evidence of H. pylori was obtained in the bronchial samples of both patients and controls.ConclusionsThe results of our study could not demonstrate the presence of H. pylori in bronchial specimens from patients with bronchiectasis

    Evolución de la flexibilidad de la cadena cinética posterior en escolares de 5 a 11 años

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    La finalitat del nostre estudi és valorar l’evolució de la flexibilitat de la cadena cinètica posterior en els escolars de 5 a 11 anys, i observar en quins grups d’edat és necessària l’aplicació de programes específics per a millorar-la. Els escolars varen ser sotmesos a les mateixes valoracions: el test de “sit and reach”, la pressa de les mesures antropomètriques, altura i pes, i el qüestionari Minesotta sobre el consum calòric en el temps de lleure. Dels resultats es desprèn que a mesura que augmenta l’edat, la flexibilitat dels escolars estudiats disminueix progressivament. Existeix un interval d’edat situat en els 9 anys que sembla marcar un canvi de tendència en la flexibilitat dels escolars. És a partir d’aquesta edat quan el grau de flexibilitat disminueix de forma significativa i, es més marcada entre els nens, sent necessària una intervenció més específica en ells