271 research outputs found

    PF-23 Canine Pancytopenia with Normocytic-Normochromic Anemia: Case Reports in Three Dogs [2016-2017]

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    Canine pancytopenia is a disease that occurs in dogs caused by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes/platelets in the blood. Canine pancytopenia often attacks dogs that live in the tropic climates. The diseases can be caused by an agent infection, excessive cell proliferation and through an immune intermediary. A decreasing in the number of erythrocytes followed by a decreasing of hemoglobin and hematocrit causes anemic condition. Non-regenerative anemia that often occurs when pancytopenia is normocytic-normochromic anemia [1]

    Gold Nanoparticles Generated in Ethosome Bilayers, As Revealed by Cryo-Electron-Tomography

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    Gold nanoparticles have been synthesized inside ethosomes, vesicles composed of phospholipid, ethanol and water, which could be very efficient not only in delivery probes to the skin but also as diagnostic and therapeutic multimodal agents. High efficiency encapsulation of gold nanoparticles is achieved by a simple strategy: the nanoparticles synthesis occurs simultaneously with the ethosomes formation, in the absence of any undesirable reducing agents. A three-dimensional reconstruction of a gold-embedded ethosome generated by cryoelectron tomography reveals that the gold particle is localized inside the lipid bilayer, leaving the ethosome surface and core free for further functionalization. The resulting gold nanoparticles are homogeneous in size and shape and, depending on synthesis temperature, the size ranges from 10 to 20 nm, as revealed by TEM. The ethosome-nanoparticles hybrids size has been investigated by means of dynamic light scattering and has been found to vary with temperature and gold salt concentration from 700 to 400 nm. Gold nanoparticles encapsulated ethosomes offer a versatile platform for the enhancement of pharmacological efficacy in transdermal and dermal delivery systems.Comment: 2 videos of the cryo-electron tomographic reconstruction in Supporting Informatio

    Ultrathin Gold Nanowire-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Hybrid Molecular Sensing

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have shown great potential as sensing component in the electrochemical, field effect transistor and optical sensors, because of their extraordinary onedimensional electronic structure, thermal conductivity, tunable and stable near-infrared emission. However, the insolubility of CNTs due to strong van der Waals interactions limits their use in the field of nanotechnology. In this study, we demonstrate that non-covalent ultrathin gold nanowires functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube (GNW-CNT) hybrid sensing agents show highly efficient and selective immune molecular sensing in electrochemical and near-infrared photoacoustic imaging methods. A detection limit of 0.01 ng/mL for the Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) antigen with high selectivity is shown. The extraordinary optical absorption, thermal and electric conductivity of hybrid GNW-CNTs presented in this study could be an effective tactic to integrate imaging, sensing and treatment functionalities

    Sequencing error correction without a reference genome

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    Background: Next (second) generation sequencing is an increasingly important tool for many areas of molecular biology, however, care must be taken when interpreting its output. Even a low error rate can cause a large number of errors due to the high number of nucleotides being sequenced. Identifying sequencing errors from true biological variants is a challenging task. For organisms without a reference genome this difficulty is even more challenging. Results: We have developed a method for the correction of sequencing errors in data from the Illumina Solexa sequencing platforms. It does not require a reference genome and is of relevance for microRNA studies, unsequenced genomes, variant detection in ultra-deep sequencing and even for RNA-Seq studies of organisms with sequenced genomes where RNA editing is being considered. Conclusions: The derived error model is novel in that it allows different error probabilities for each position along the read, in conjunction with different error rates depending on the particular nucleotides involved in the substitution, and does not force these effects to behave in a multiplicative manner. The model provides error rates which capture the complex effects and interactions of the three main known causes of sequencing error associated with the Illumina platforms.Julie A Sleep, Andreas W Schreiber and Ute Bauman

    Contesting the Dominant Discourse of Child Sexual Abuse: Sexual Subjects, Agency, and Ethics

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    Responding to previous scholars’ call to explore the complexities of child sexual abuse (CSA), this article presents narratives of CSA and scrutinizes a binary construction underpinning this discourse of CSA, namely, the positioning of children as powerless and adults as powerful. The narratives belong to three Indonesian young people who have had sexual interactions with adults when they were children. The findings demonstrate how this binary positioning has been both drawn upon and resisted in the ways participants understand their sexual experiences. This article contributes to the existing literature by providing analyses of some vignettes of everyday experiences of how children might be constituted as sexual subjects, including their capability to exercise agency, perform resistance, and negotiate ethics. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to how the recognition of children as sexual subjects and their sexual agency might be beneficial for parents, educators, and counselors

    Pendampingan Beberapa Koperasi Simpan Pinjam

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    Sebagai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berkelanjutan, dengan tujuan utama ikut terlibat dalam mengatasi masalah kemiskinan, pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan bersifat ekstensifikasi dan intensifikasi. Inti dari pengurangan angka kemiskinanadalah menciptakan lapangan kerja. Objek pengabdian tetap pada pengembangan sektor keuangan (koperasi) dan sektor riil (pertanian oragnik-USAha, baik perdagangan maupunpengolahan). Intinya adalah membangun jaringan antar sektor keuangan, sektor keuangan dengan sektor riil, dan antar sektor riil. Dengan terbangunnya jaringan tersebut, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat ikut serta menciptakan lapangan kerja, baik secara tidak langsung, menambah lapangan kerja yang tersedia, maupun langsung, atau mempertahankan lapangan kerja yang tersedia. Dengan tetap dan bertambahnya lapangan kerja, angka kemiskinan dapat berkurang. Kegiatan yang sifatnya intensifikasi dimaksudkan sebagai kegiatan yang tujuan utamanya adalah penguatan kelembagaan, baik itu kelembagaan lembaga keuangan (koperasi simpan pinjam), maupun kelembagaan USAha yang dilakukan oleh anggota lembaga keuangan. Sementara itu, kegiatan ekstensifikasi dimaksudkan untuk memperbanyak mitra agar tujuan memperluas lapangan kerja dapat lebih banyak. Dengan semakin banyaknya mitra kerja maka jejaring ekonomi akan semakin luas dan dengan demikian memungkinkan semakin banyaknya lapangan kerja yang diciptakan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang kami lakukan dalam tahun ajaran 2014 adalah menindaklanjuti kerjasama antara Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan dengan Pengembangan Sosial Ekonomi Keuskupan Bandung. Dengan kerjasama ini, ada 6 (enam) lembaga keuangan berbentuk koperasi simpan pinjam dengan jumlah anggota sekitar 9.000 (sembilan ribu) dengan pekerjaan yang sangat bervariasi. Pengabdian yang dilakukan berfokus pada penguatan organisasi lembaga keuangan yang semula bersifat sukarela harus berubah menjadi profesional, mengingat jumlah uang yang dikelola oleh setiap lembagasudah cukup besar. Perubahan organisasi yang semula bersifat sukarela ke professional dilakukan melalui beberapa kali lokakarya yang diikuti oleh semua mitra dengan tujuan agar transformasi dari sukarela ke profesional itu dipahami sepenuhnya oleh para pengurus dan para manajernya. Perlu disadari transformasi dari sukarela ke profesional tidak hanya menyangkut pengembangan organisasinya, tetapi juga lebih menyangkut Perubahan sistem nilai dalam pengelolaan

    AMD, an Automated Motif Discovery Tool Using Stepwise Refinement of Gapped Consensuses

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    Motif discovery is essential for deciphering regulatory codes from high throughput genomic data, such as those from ChIP-chip/seq experiments. However, there remains a lack of effective and efficient methods for the identification of long and gapped motifs in many relevant tools reported to date. We describe here an automated tool that allows for de novo discovery of transcription factor binding sites, regardless of whether the motifs are long or short, gapped or contiguous
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