263 research outputs found

    Prototipo para control automático de nivel y caudal de líquidos

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    En este artículo se describe un prototipo que fue desarrollado para observar y controlar las variables de nivel y de flujo mediante una interfaz hombremáquina (HMI). Se compone principalmente de una estructura diseñada para contener los elementos necesarios y del software de visualización y control. El objetivo del proyecto es encontrar lazos de control apropiados para el control efectivo de dos de las variables ampliamente utilizadas en la industria, nivel y flujo, con equipos que fácilmente pueden ser escalados hacia una operación industrial.This paper presents a prototype that was developed to observe and control level and flow variables with a Human Machine Interface (HMI). It is mainly composed of a model that was designed to contain the needed items, and software for control and visualization. The objective of the project is finding appropriate control loops for the effective control of two variables that are widely used by industries, level and flow, with devices that could be easily scaled for industrial operation

    Generalized q -plates and alternative kinds of vector and vortex beams

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    We took a generalization of the conventional concept of the q-plate, allowing in its definition nonlinear functions of the azimuthal coordinate, and simulated the resulting fields of applying this kind of element to uniformly polarized input beams, both in the near-field (Fresnel diffraction) and the far-field (Fraunhofer diffraction) approximations. In general terms, when working in the near-field regime, the chosen function defines the output polarization structure for linearly polarized input beams and the phase of the output field for circularly polarized input beams. In the far-field regime, it is obtained that when there are nonlinearities in the azimuthal variable, the central singularity of the polarization field of a vector or vortex beam may divide into several singularities of lower topological charge, preserving the total charge. Depending on the chosen q-plate function, different particular behaviors on the output beam are observed, which offers a whole range of possibilities for creating alternative kinds of vector and vortex beams, as well as polarization critical points and singularity distributions.Fil: Vergara, Martín Alexis. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física. Laboratorio de Procesado de Imágenes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Iemmi, Claudio César. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física. Laboratorio de Procesado de Imágenes; Argentin

    Propuesta de coaching personalista en la relación médico-paciente-familia para el servicio de emergencia de dos hospitales de Essalud de la red asistencial Lambayeque 2016-2017

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    Objetivo: elaborar una propuesta de coaching para mejorar la relación-médico-paciente-familia (RMPF) con marco antropológico personalista, luego de caracterizar la RMPF en el servicio de emergencia de dos hospitales de ESSalud de la red asistencial de Lambayeque. Tipo de estudio: descriptivo, observacional, propositivo, cuantitativo. Se aplicó a médicos, pacientes y familiares el “cuestionario para medir la relación médico paciente” de Rodríguez y Mardones, validado en el servicio del campo clínico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Los resultados con diferencia significativa en la RMPF se encontraron en el aspecto conceptual deshumanización de la medicina por discriminación de tendencia homosexual del paciente, y en dos aspectos vivenciales: modelo paternalista (el médico no toma en cuenta el sentir y opinión de los pacientes, trabajo médico tecnicista y cientificista centrado solo en enfermedad y no en los problemas del paciente) y modelo legal (RMPF con documento previo firmado ante notario, paciente insatisfecho acude a abogado y RMPF es similar a contrato de compra venta). Conclusiones: La RMPF es deshumanizada, no empática por probable discriminación homosexual, tiene características del modelo paternalista, y desconfiada por la distorsión de aspectos contractuales y fiduciarios. Se propone un esquema de coaching clínico personalista basado en comunicación trascendente para establecer consultas positivas, utilizando aportes de la concepción de corporeidad como encarnación coesencial de la persona (Elio Sgreccia), ejercicio de la libertad y Gemüt (Edith Stein), la espiritualidad inspiradora en profesionales de la salud (José Kentenich) y el sentido de vida y muerte (Víctor Frankl), usando técnica de oportunidades empáticas potenciales

    Generic change of the partial multiplicities of regular matrix pencils under low-rank perturbations

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    We describe the generic change of the partial multiplicities at a given eigenvalue lambda(0) of a regular matrix pencil A(0) + lambda A(1) under perturbations with low normal rank. More precisely, if the pencil A(0) + lambda A(1) has exactly g nonzero partial multiplicities at lambda(0), then for most perturbations B-0 + lambda B-1 with normal rank r < g the perturbed pencil A(0) + B-0 + lambda(A(1) + B-1) has exactly g - r nonzero partial multiplicities at lambda(0), which coincide with those obtained after removing the largest r partial multiplicities of the original pencil A(0) + A(1) at lambda(0). Though partial results on this problem had been previously obtained in the literature, its complete solution remained open

    Generic symmetric matrix pencils with bounded rank

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    We show that the set of n × n complex symmetric matrix pencils of rank at most r is the union of the closures of [r/2] + 1 sets of matrix pencils with some, explicitly described,complete eigenstructures. As a consequence, these are the generic complete eigenstructures of n × n complex symmetric matrix pencils of rank at most r. We also show that these closures correspondto the irreducible components of the set of n × n symmetric matrix pencils with rank at most r when considered as an algebraic set

    Miedo al delito en contextos digitales : un estudio con población urbana

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    El miedo al delito y la percepción de inseguridad son, en la actualidad, temas de interés para la investigación científi ca, pero también para los medios de comunicación, los ciudadanos mismos y las instituciones implicadas en la toma de decisiones para la promoción de la calidad de vida urbana. Y es que un aspecto que todo investigador en ciencias sociales debe tomar en consideración es la relevancia social de la temática de su investigación. En este caso, la relevancia del estudio del miedo al delito viene dada, principalmente, por los efectos que tanto para los individuos, como para la comunidad, puede tener una situación generalizada de miedo a ser víctima de delitos. Efectos que, como veremos, pueden ser independientes de la situación objetiva de riesgo, es decir, de la tasa de delitos que una zona o ciudad concreta soporta

    Experimental study of the stress level at the workplace using an smart testbed of wireless sensor networks and ambient intelligence techniques

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    "Natural and artificial computation in engineering and medical applications : 5th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2013, Mallorca, Spain, June 10-14, 2013. Proceedings, Part II", ISBN 978-364238621-3This paper combines techniques of ambient intelligence and wireless sensor networks with the objective of obtain important conclusions to increase the quality of life of people. In particular, we oriented our study to the stress at the workplace, because stress is a leading cause of illness and disease. This article presents a wireless sensor network obtaining information of the environment, a pulse sensor obtaining hear rate values and a complete data analysis applying techniques of ambient intelligence to predict stress from these environment variables and people attributes. Results show promise on the identification of stressful situations as well as stress inference through the use of predictive algorithms(undefined

    Matrix polynomials with completely prescribed eigenstructure

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    The proceeding at: Joint ALAMA-GAMM/ANLA 2014 Meeting, took place 2014, July 14-16, in Barcelona (Spain).We present necessary and su cient conditions for the existence of a matrix polynomial when its degree, its nite and in nite elementary divisors, and its left and right minimal indices are prescribed. These conditions hold for arbitrary in nite elds and are determined mainly by the \index sum theorem", which is a fundamental relationship between the rank, the degree, the sum of all partial multiplicities, and the sum of all minimal indices of any matrix polynomial. The proof developed for the existence of such polynomial is constructive and, therefore, solves a very general inverse problem for matrix polynomials with prescribed complete eigenstructure. This result allows us to x the problem of the existence of (l)-ifications of a given matrix polynomial, as well as to determine all their possible sizes and eigenstructures.This research was partially supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain through grant MTM-2012-32542 and by the Belgian Network DYSCO (Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization), funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme, initiated by the Belgian State, Science Policy Office.Publicad

    New bounds for roots of polynomials based on Fiedler companion matrices

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    Several matrix norms of the classical Frobenius companion matrices of a monic polynomial p(z) have been used in the literature to obtain simple lower and upper bounds on the absolute values of the roots lambda of p(z). Recently, M. Fiedler (2003) [9] has introduced a new family of companion matrices of p(z) that has received considerable attention and it is natural to investigate if matrix norms of Fiedler companion matrices may be used to obtain new and sharper lower and upper bounds on vertical bar lambda vertical bar. The development of such bounds requires first to know simple expressions for some relevant matrix norms of Fiedler matrices and we obtain them in the case of the 1- and infinity-matrix norms. With these expressions at hand, we will show that norms of Fiedler matrices produce many new bounds, but that none of them improves significatively the classical bounds obtained from the Frobenius companion matrices. However, we will prove that if the norms of the inverses of Fiedler matrices are used, then another family of new bounds on vertical bar lambda vertical bar is obtained and some of the bounds in this family improve significatively the bounds coming from the Frobenius companion matrices for certain polynomials.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain through grant MTM2012-32542

    Limitación de la movilidad articular de la mano y ateromatosis carotídea en diabéticos tipo 2

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    Objetive: to determine the relationship between limited joint mobility (LJM) of the hand and the presence of atheroma plaques in the carotid arteries of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Material and methods: 80 patients with DM2, in two groups (40 with LJM and 40 without LJM), between 40 and 80 years. LJM was diagnosed with a positive prayer maneuver. Using B-mode ultrasonography of the carotid arteries, atheromatous plaques were classified according to the Gray-Weale Scale. Results: There was no significant difference in age and sex between both groups. The LJM group had longer illness time. The values ​​of VLDL cholesterol, urea and creatinine were significantly higher in the LJM group. Both groups of patients had the same type of treatment for diabetes, high blood pressure and anti-dyslipidemic. LJM was associated with a greater number of atheromas. Type I, II and III carotid plaques were more frequent in patients with LJM. Conclusions: patients with DM2 and with LJM have a greater number of atheroma plaques in the carotid arteries than patients without LJM.Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la limitación de la movilidad articular (LMA) de la mano y la presencia de placas de ateroma en las arterias carótidas de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Material y métodos: 80 pacientes con DM2, en dos grupos (40 con LMA y 40 sin LMA), entre 40 y 80 años. La LMA se diagnosticó con una maniobra de la plegaria positiva. Usando ultrasonografía en modo B de las arterias carótidas se clasificaron las placas ateromatosas según la Escala de Gray-Weale. Resultados: No existió diferencia significativa en edad y sexo entre ambos grupos. El grupo de LMA tuvo mayor tiempo de enfermedad. Los valores de VLDL colesterol, urea y creatinina fueron significativamente mayores en el grupo de LMA. Ambos grupos de pacientes tuvieron igual tipo de tratamiento para diabetes, hipertensión arterial y anti dislipidémico. La LMA estuvo asociada a un mayor número de ateromas. Las placas carotídeas de tipo I, II y III fueron más frecuentes en los pacientes con LMA. Conclusiones: los pacientes con DM2 y con LMA tienen mayor número de placas de ateroma en las arterias carótidas que los pacientes sin LMA