94 research outputs found

    Real Exchange Rates in the Long and Short Run: A Panel Co-Integration Approach

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    The empirical literature on long-run real exchange rate behavior has shown mixed evidence due to problems involving the lack of long time series data and the low power of time-series unit root tests in small samples. The main objective of the present paper is to tackle these empirical issues by applying the recently developed panel cointegration techniques to the long-run real exchange rate equation implied by our model. Using annual data for 67 countries over the 1966-97, we find that the cointegrating relationship between the real exchange rate, the ratio of net foreign assets to GDP, the relative Home to Foreign productivity of the traded and non-traded sector, and the terms of trade is valid in the long run. This result holds for all sub-sample of countries (whether they are classified by income per capita or capital controls). Furthermore, our coefficient estimates are consistent with the theoretical values implied by the calibrated parameters of preferences and technology in Stockman and Tesar (1995). Robustness checks reveal that: (i) “pooling” the data to obtain a common long-run equilibrium relationship across countries is valid for the samples of countries with high income and low capital controls, (ii) the oil shock crisis in 1973 represents a structural change for these sub-samples. Finally, deviations from the equilibrium are large and persistent with half-life estimates (between 2.8 and 5) consistent with the consensus interval of 2.5-5 found in the literature (Murray and Papell, 2002).

    Intestinal resection and primary anastomosis as treatment of intussusception due to ileum lipoma: case report and review

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    Intussusception is an unusual cause of intestinal occlusion in adults, accounting for 5% of cases, and is the result of an underlying pathology in 90% of cases, 60% of which are tumors. The pathogenesis describes the invagination of an intestinal segment into the lumen of an adjacent segment with subsequent alterations in irrigation, risk of necrosis and perforation. Surgical management is indicated in adult patients to restore intestinal transit and to exclude malignancy as the axis of the intussusception. We present the case of a 58-year-old female patient with enteric intussusception at ileum due to lipoma, who underwent bowel resection and manual end-to-end intestinal anastomosis in two planes

    Lagarto I RISC-V Multi-core: Research Challenges to Build and Integrate a Network-on-Chip

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    Current compute-intensive applications largely exceed the resources of single-core processors. To face this problem, multi-core processors along with parallel computing techniques have become a solution to increase the computational performance. Likewise, multi-processors are fundamental to support new technologies and new science applications challenges. A specific objective of the Lagarto project developed at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico is to generate an ecosystem of high-performance processors for the industry and HPC in Mexico, supporting new technologies and scientific applications. This work presents the first approach of the Lagarto project to the design of multi-core processors and the research challenges to build an infrastructure that allows the flagship core of the Lagarto project to scale to multi- and many-cores. Using the OpenPiton platform with the Ariane RISC-V core, a functional tile has been built, integrating a Lagarto I core with memory coherence that executes atomic instructions, and a NoC that allows scaling the project to many-core versions. This work represents the initial state of the design of mexican multi-and many-cores processors

    Targeted glutamate supply boosts insulin concentrations, ovarian activity, and ovulation rate in yearling goats during the anestrous season

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    The neuroendocrine regulation of the seasonal reproductive axis requires the integration of internal and external signals to ensure synchronized physiological and behavioral responses. Seasonal reproductive changes contribute to intermittent production, which poses challenges for optimizing goat product yields. Consequently, a significant objective in seasonal reproduction research is to attain continuous reproduction and enhance profitability in goat farming. Glutamate plays a crucial role as a modulator in several reproductive and metabolic processes. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of exogenous glutamate administration on serum insulin concentration and ovarian function during the out-of-season period in yearling goats. During the anestrous season, animals were randomly located in individual pens to form two experimental groups: (1) glutamate (n = 10, live weight (LW) = 29.1 ± 1.02 kg, body condition score (BCS) = 3.4 ± 0.2 units) and (2) control (n = 10; LW = 29.2 ± 1.07 kg, BCS = 3.5 ± 0.2), with no differences (p < 0.05) regarding LW and BCS. Then, goats were estrus-synchronized, and blood sampling was carried out for insulin quantification. Ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned to assess ovulation rate (OR), number of antral follicles (AFs), and total ovarian activity (TOA = OR + AF). The research outcomes support our working hypothesis. Certainly, our study confirms that those yearling goats treated with exogenous glutamate displayed the largest (p < 0.05) insulin concentrations across time as well as an augmented (p < 0.05) out-of-season ovarian activity

    The Mejillonia suspect terrane (Northern Chile): Late Triassic fast burial and metamorphism of sediments in a magmatic arc environment extending into the Early Jurassic

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    The Mejillonia terrane, named after the Mejillones Peninsula (northern Chile), has been traditionally considered an early Paleozoic block of metamorphic and igneous rocks displaced along the northern Andean margin in the Mesozoic. However, U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating of metasedimentary and igneous rocks shows that the sedimentary protoliths were Triassic, and that metamorphism and magmatism took place in the Late Triassic (Norian). Field evidence combined with zircon dating (detrital and metamorphic) further suggests that the sedimentary protoliths were buried, deformed (foliated and folded) and metamorphosed very rapidly, probably within few million years, at ca. 210 Ma. The metasedimentary wedge was then uplifted and intruded by a late arc-related tonalite body (Morro Mejillones) at 208 ± 2 Ma, only a short time after the peak of metamorphism. The Mejillones metamorphic and igneous basement represents an accretionary wedge or marginal basin that underwent contractional deformation and metamorphism at the end of a Late Permian to Late Triassic anorogenic episode that is well known in Chile and Argentina. Renewal of subduction along the pre-Andean continental margin in the Late Triassic and the development of new subduction-related magmatism are probably represented by the Early Jurassic Bolfin–Punta Tetas magmatic arc in the southern part of the peninsula, for which an age of 184 ± 1 Ma was determined. We suggest retaining the classification of Mejillonia as a tectonostratigraphic terrane, albeit in this new context.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    Effect of Social Rank upon Estrus Induction and Some Reproductive Outcomes in Anestrus Goats Treated With Progesterone + eCG

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    We evaluated the possible role of the social rank [R] (i.e., low—LSR, middle—MSR, or high—HSR) in anestrus goats exposed to a P4 + eCG [D] (i.e., 100 or 350 IU) estrus induction protocol (EIP). Adult, multiparous (two to three lactations), multiracial, dairy-type goats (Alpine–Saanen–Nubian x Criollo goats (n = 70; 25°51′ North) managed under stall-fed conditions were all ultrasound evaluated to confirm anestrus status while the R was determined 30 d prior to the EIP. The variables of estrus induction (EI, %), estrus latency (LAT, h), estrus duration (DUR, h), ovulation (OVU, %), ovulation rate (OR, n), corpus luteum size (CLS, cm), pregnancy (PREG, %), kidding (KIDD, %), and litter size (LS, n) as affected by R, D, and the R × D interaction, were evaluated. While OVU and CLS favored (p 0.05; 38.5%) KIDD. However, EI, LAT, DUR, OR, and PREG were affected by the R × D interaction. The HSR group had the largest (p < 0.05) EI % and DUR h, irrespective of D. The shortest (p < 0.05) LAT occurred in D350, irrespective of R. While the largest (p < 0.05) OR occurred in HSR and MSR within D350, the HSR + D350 group had the largest PREG (p < 0.05). These research outcomes are central to defining out-of-season reproductive strategies designed to attenuate seasonal reproduction in goats

    Conducta estral circanual en ovejas Pelibuey bajo condiciones áridas del noroeste de México

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    In order  to determine  the  circannual  estrus  behavior of Pelibuey  ewes  under  arid  conditions of  Northwestern Mexico(32o  NL),  22  adult  ewes  were  maintained  in  confinement  conditions  with  constant  feeding  during  one  year.  Daily,morning  and  afternoon,  the  ewe  group  was  exposed  to  one  of  three  ram  fitted  with  an  apron  to  detect estrusbehavior.  Annual  averages  of  temperature,  relative  humidity  and  temperature-humidity  index  were  25.3±8.1  ºC,33.1±10.7  %  and  72.0±8.4  units,  respectively.  Monthly  percentage  of  ewes  in  estrus  was  lower  (P0.05).  Compared  with  others  months,  a  higher  (P36  and  0.05). Comparado con el resto de los meses; un mayor (P36 y <48h) fue mayor (P<0.05) en junio y agosto. En conclusión, en condiciones áridas del noroeste de México, las ovejas Pelibuey disminuyen su actividad estral de enero a junio, y las elevadas  temperaturas ambientales de verano no son un factor que afecte la presencia de estro en dicha raza

    El almacenamiento en el conjunto amurallado Xllangchic An (Ex palacio Uhle), complejo arqueológico Chan Chan, Trujillo, Perú

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    El sector de depósitos en el conjunto amurallado Xllangchic An (Ex palacio Uhle), Chan Chan, está compuesto por patios, plazas, audiencias, depósitos y vías de circulación, que en su conjunto crean un contexto de almacenamiento. Apartir de este rasgo surge algunas interrogantes: ¿Qué bienes se almacenaban?, ¿Cómo eran los depósitos?, ¿Cuáles fueron las necesidades que originaron el almacenamiento? El almacenamiento de bienes es una actividad realizada desde tiempos muy tempranos y para el Intermedio Tardío no es una excepción; siendo la geografía, el medio ambiente y la carga cultural factores transcendentales en las maneras de realizar esta actividad, de tal forma que en este conjunto amurallado temprano se estima que sus características particulares lo podrían diferenciar de otros sitios prehispánicos.The sector deposits in the walled complex Xllangchic An (ex Uhle palace), is composed of various structures (patios, plazas, hearings, deposits and roads) that when intertwine creates a context storage; but from this trait some ques tions are arise: What goods were stored?, Who controlled the storage?, How were the deposits?, How was the managed this sector?, What was the purpose of this activity? The storage of goods is an activity realized since very early periods and the late intermediate is not the exception, but the geography, environment and cultural load plays a transcendental role in the ways of realized this same activity, so in this early walled complex is estimated to record particular characteristics that differ it from other pre-Hispanic sites

    Epidemiological investigation of an acute case of Chagas disease in an area of active transmission in Peruvian Amazon region

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    The study objective was to investigate an acute case of Chagas disease in the San Pedro de Shishita community, Pebas District, in the Peruvian Amazon basin, a non-endemic area. Both parents of the index case (acute case) were thoroughly interviewed, a seroepidemiological survey was carried out in the community, parasitological exams were carried out only in relatives of the index case, and triatomine bugs were searched for inside houses, peridomiciliary, and in wild environments. Seroprevalence for IgG anti-T. cruzi antibodies was 1/104 (0.96%), using an ELISA test and an indirect immunofluorescence assay. Panstrongylus geniculatus and Rhodnius pictipes adults were found. The index case is autochthonous from San Pedro de Shishita, but the source of transmission is unknown.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar caso da doença de Chagas aguda na comunidade indígena de San Pedro de Shishita, sem conhecimento da origem da transmissão. San Pedro de Shishita, distrito Pebas, região da Amazônia peruana é uma área não endêmica. Foram entrevistados os pais do paciente e feito inquérito soroepidemiológico dos participantes e estudos parasitológicos da família e procurou-se também triatomíneos no ambiente doméstico, peridomiciliar e silvestre. A soroprevalência de anticorpos IgG anti-T. cruzi foi 1/ 104 (0,96%) por ELISA e imunofluorescência indireta. Foram encontrados adultos de Panstrongylus geniculatus e Rhodnius pictipe