4,773 research outputs found

    Is undergraduate programme accreditation influenced by educational public policy quality indicators? An exploratory study of the Chilean Higher Education quality assurance system

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    In Chile, as well as in most of Latin America, public policies for higher education have recently adopted a focus on quality assurance and accreditation systems. Uncertainty, however, still exists in terms of the quality assurance consistency in the current Chilean accreditation system, especially in terms of the relation between public policy quality indicators for higher education and their relation to accreditation outcomes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to make a first explorative attempt to investigate the relationships between these indicators and the results of undergraduate programme accreditation. We hypothesised that the public policy quality indicators of first-year drop-out rate, employment at graduation and ratio of actual to expected time to graduation would be strongly correlated to undergraduate programme accreditation as well as largely explaining its accreditation-year variance. By means of correlation and multiple regression analyses, we found small-sized associations, being first-year drop-out the only significant predictor of programme accreditation, explaining a 9.4% of its variance. These results raise questions regarding the consistency between the aims of public policy for higher education and the current accreditation system. This study should be of value to policy makers, managers and curriculum developers in terms of this initial analysis of the consistency between quality indicators and the accreditation system. Further research is necessary to make a systematic and in-depth assessment of the impact of quality assurance mechanisms to provide better rationale for making important decisions such as when defining the characteristics of the accrediting institutions as well as for establishing effective ways to achieve the proposed public policy objectives

    El deber de pagar tributos y los principios de legalidad y de reserva de ley en la Constitución del Ecuador de 2008 (Tema Central)

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    Con este trabajo realizamos una aproximación al deber de pagar tributos y a los principios constitucionales de legalidad y de reserva de ley aplicables al campo tributario, destacando su naturaleza y rol en orden al logro de un equilibrio entre las necesidades del Estado y el reconocimiento de los derechos y garantías de los contribuyentes. También planteamos algunas tensiones que ocurren entre los referidos prolegómenos y cuestiones propias de la fiscalidad internacional.With this study, we make an approach to the duty to pay taxes and the constitutional principles of legality and legal deposits applicable to the tax field, highlighting its nature and role in order to reach a balance between the needs of the State and the recognition of the rights and warranties for taxpayers. We also raise the possibility that some tensions may occur between the above stated preliminaries and the issues specific to international taxation

    Modelling the growth of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli O157 on lettuce

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    This study aimed to model the growth of Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157 on lettuce at different temperatures. Microorganisms were inoculated separately on lettuce and stored at 5, 10, 25, and 37°C. Growth curves were built by fitting the data to the Baranyi’s DMFit model and Ratkowsky equation was used as secondary model. The models were able to assess the growth of both microorganisms and data showed that bacteria did not growth for 24 hours at 10°C, what can be a suitable temperature for lettuce distribution on food services. However, prolonged periods demonstrated growth at every temperatures examined

    Estimation of neuronal activity and brain dynamics using a dual Kalman filter with physiologycal based linear model

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    In this research article a dynamic estimation of neuronal activity and brain dynamics from electroencephalographic (EEG) signals is presented using a dual Kalman filter. The dynamic model for brain behavior is evaluated using physiological-based linear models. Filter performance is analyzed for simulated and clinical EEG data, over several noise conditions. As a result a better performance on the solution of the dynamic inverse problem is achieved, in case of time varying parameters compared with the system with fixed parameters and the static case. An evaluation of computational load is performed when predicted dynamic cases, estimated using the Kalman filter, are up to ten times faster than the static case

    Leitura de gráficos estatísticos na formação de professores de matemática da educação básica

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir o processo de ensino da leitura e construção de gráficos estatísticos com professores de Matemática da Educação Básica, de modo a colaborar com o desenvolvimento profissional destes docentes. Realizou-se um Diagnóstico para investigar os conhecimentos dos professores sobre gráficos e seu ensino. Posteriormente, desenvolveu-se uma Formação, cujo objetivo foi ampliar a base de conhecimentos para o ensino de conceitos referentes a esse tema segundo as categorias de Ball et al. (2008). Entretanto, neste artigo apresentamos apenas alguns resultados prévios do estudo diagnóstico a partir das categorias de Shulman (1986) e constatamos que há necessidade de um avanço significativo por parte dos professores no que diz respeito aos conhecimentos do conteúdo, conhecimentos pedagógicos do conteúdo e conhecimento curricular para o ensino de gráficos estatísticos na Educação Básica

    Simulación de errores tipo I y II asociados a pruebas de hipótesis sobre medias y proporciones

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    Este trabajo va dirigido a docentes y estudiantes de estadística inferencial que quieran ilustrar a partir de procesos de simulación, los errores de tipo I y II asociados apruebas de hipótesis estadísticassobre medias o proporciones. Se centra en el aprovechamiento de hojas electrónicas de cálculo en Excel,como herramienta para la simulación de experimentos aleatorios que posibiliten la representación de resultados de este tipo de pruebas básicas de hipótesis

    Análise da Cultura Organizacional em Uma Instituição Universitária

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    O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de pesquisa qualitativa na forma de um estudo de caso em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Fundacional do Estado de Santa Catarina, na qual buscou-se proporcionar uma análise sobre a sua cultura organizacional e o processo de mudanças. A pesquisa teve por base o referencial de Schein (2001) e avaliou os aspectos referentes à característica de gestão, ambiente organizacional, práticas e valores, e processos de comunicação, que podem ser considerados como pertencendo aos níveis dos artefatos e dos valores e crenças defendidos pelo autor. Percebeu-se que a IES apresenta sinais de que sua cultura organizacional não está sendo considerada em toda sua amplitude, deixando-se de explorar importantes pressupostos que poderiam contribuir para uma maior maturidade organizacional

    An analysis of the trade exposure of Spanish firms to the United Kingdom

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    Artículo de revistaThe trade exposure of Spanish firms to the United Kingdom is significant, albeit lower than that to the main euro area countries. In 2017 the growth in Spanish firms’ goods exports to the UK market that dated back to 2012 came to an end, against a background of sterling depreciation against the euro. The potential vulnerability of Spanish firms with a presence in the UK market to Brexit is somewhat limited by their distinctive characteristicsthese companies are on average larger, more productive and more geographically diversified than those that export to the main euro area countries. In any event, the ultimate impact of this process on Spanish firms with a presence in the United Kingdom or with the potential to gain access to this market will largely depend on the terms eventually established for trade relations between the United Kingdom and the European Unio