31 research outputs found
The Actor âComes to Liveâ. Dialogue between Lessing and Diderot
The actor is a man who can give the impression of a life which is not his. Such as in a painting, where colors make it live, the actor through his own body seems to be animated as well. Starting from Denis Diderot's and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's work, I will discuss the nature of this “anima”: the way between flying ideas and concrete body on stage. The main objective for understanding this particular move will be to know the following aspects[1]: In which spatio-temporal framework does it exist? Does it require an expert to understand drama? Can it be linked to a space and/or time research? Does this particular control of his senses owned by the actor involve a singular link to time and space? [1] Cet article a déjà été publié dans une version différente que vous pouvez retrouver en suivant le lien suivant :http://lespassagesetsansdestin.wordpress.com/2011/09/22/le-comedien-anime-dialogue-entre-lessing-et-diderot-par-celine-huot
Changements dans la dynamique de la participation des hommes et des femmes au marché du travail au Canada
Cette Ă©tude porte sur lâĂ©volution de la dynamique de la participation des individus au marchĂ© du travail au Canada. Les mouvements dâinsertion, dâinterruption et de rĂ©insertion dans lâemploi que les gĂ©nĂ©rations dâhommes et de femmes nĂ©s entre 1937 et 1986 connaissent au long de leur vie sont analysĂ©s sĂ©parĂ©ment par la mĂ©thode des tables dâextinctions multiples, appliquĂ©e aux donnĂ©es rĂ©trospectives de lâEnquĂȘte sociale gĂ©nĂ©rale de 2001 sur la famille.This study looks at changes in the individualâs labor force participation in Canada. For cohorts born between 1937 and 1986, moves into and out of the labor market of men and women are analysed separately using the multiple decrement life tables method applied to the retrospective data of the 2001 General Social Survey on family
Adipose Tissue Is a Neglected Viral Reservoir and an Inflammatory Site during Chronic HIV and SIV Infection
International audienceTwo of the crucial aspects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are (i) viral persistence in reservoirs (precluding viral eradication) and (ii) chronic inflammation (directly associated with all-cause morbidities in antiretroviral therapy (ART)-controlled HIV-infected patients). The objective of the present study was to assess the potential involvement of adipose tissue in these two aspects. Adipose tissue is composed of adipocytes and the stromal vascular fraction (SVF); the latter comprises immune cells such as CD4+ T cells and macrophages (both of which are important target cells for HIV). The inflammatory potential of adipose tissue has been extensively described in the context of obesity. During HIV infection, the inflammatory profile of adipose tissue has been revealed by the occurrence of lipodystrophies (primarily related to ART). Data on the impact of HIV on the SVF (especially in individuals not receiving ART) are scarce. We first analyzed the impact of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection on abdominal subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues in SIVmac251 infected macaques and found that both adipocytes and adipose tissue immune cells were affected. The adipocyte density was elevated, and adipose tissue immune cells presented enhanced immune activation and/or inflammatory profiles. We detected cell-associated SIV DNA and RNA in the SVF and in sorted CD4+ T cells and macrophages from adipose tissue. We demonstrated that SVF cells (including CD4+ T cells) are infected in ART-controlled HIV-infected patients. Importantly, the production of HIV RNA was detected by in situ hybridization, and after the in vitro reactivation of sorted CD4+ T cells from adipose tissue. We thus identified adipose tissue as a crucial cofactor in both viral persistence and chronic immune activation/inflammation during HIV infection. These observations open up new therapeutic strategies for limiting the size of the viral reservoir and decreasing low-grade chronic inflammation via the modulation of adipose tissue-related pathway
Indicateurs de suivi de l'activité scientifique de l'Inria
La Commission d'Evaluation de l'Inria a mis en place début 2020, à la demande de la Direction Générale, un groupe de travail visant à réfléchir à des indicateurs pour l'analyse qualitative de l'activité scientifique de l'Institut. Ce document est le fruit des discussions de ce groupe, enrichies par les échanges avec la Direction Générale d'Inria et avec l'ensemble de la Commision d'Evaluation. Au-delà de cette « commande », il nous a semblé important de saisir cette opportunité pour mener une réflexion collective, qui dépasse le cadre de notre Institut, sur les indicateurs, et sur ce qu'ils peuvent ou ne peuvent pas dire de nos pratiques scientifiques
The Actor âComes to Liveâ. Dialogue between Lessing and Diderot
The actor is a man who can give the impression of a life which is not his. Such as in a painting, where colors make it live, the actor through his own body seems to be animated as well. Starting from Denis Diderot's and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's work, I will discuss the nature of this âanimaâ: the way between flying ideas and concrete body on stage. The main objective for understanding this particular move will be to know the following aspects : In which spatio-temporal framework does it exist? Does it require an expert to understand drama? Can it be linked to a space and/or time research? Does this particular control of his senses owned by the actor involve a singular link to time and space
Exploratory study of infrared spectral signatures of a range of forest, agricultural and artificialized soils from the North-East of France
International audienceArtificialized soils encompass a large diversity depending both on the environmental conditions and the history of land uses. Their study requires to develop an approach to compare and classify them. Vibrational spectroscopies are used in soil science to collect rapid and cost-effective molecular information about inorganic and organic soil constituents [1]. Coupled with chemometrics approaches (e.g. [2]), they can be used to estimate some properties and/or to classify soils [3]. This study aims at exploring the potential of mid-infrared spectroscopy (i) to differentiate soils depending on past land uses, (ii) to propose a soil typology and (iii) to define markers of human activities.A set of 150 surface soil samples from the North-East of France was selected, including agricultural and forest soils developed on various bedrocks and soils impacted by iron and glass industry, mining, charcoal production or old human settlements. Mid-infrared analyses were run in diffuse reflectance mode. An exploratory study was performed on the preprocessed spectra using ascending hierarchical classification and principal component analysis. Studied soils can be distinguished based on their mineralogical composition (carbonates, clays) and, to a lesser extent, on the presence of organic compounds (Fig1). However, changes related to old settlements, mining or charcoal production were more difficult to discriminate. This could be improved by coupling several spectroscopic analyses providing complementary information on the samples
Du passĂ© conjugal des parents au devenir familial des enfants : un exemple de la nĂ©cessitĂ© dâune approche longitudinale
Dans le domaine des transformations de la vie familiale, le passĂ© est particuliĂšrement dĂ©terminant de lâavenir, ce qui confĂšre Ă lâapproche longitudinale un caractĂšre essentiel pour lâanalyse. Non seulement faut-il suivre les diverses transitions qui modifient les trajectoires conjugales et parentales des individus, mais encore faut-il puiser Ă travers lâhistoire des gĂ©nĂ©rations, puisque le dĂ©roulement de la vie familiale des enfants est intimement liĂ© aux trajectoires antĂ©rieures de leurs deux parents. Câest ce que les auteures de cet article ont choisi dâillustrer en examinant le devenir familial des enfants qui naissent dans une famille dĂ©jĂ recomposĂ©e puisque lâun de leurs deux parents ou les deux ont eu des enfants issus dâunions antĂ©rieures. Il en ressort que la probabilitĂ© pour ces enfants de connaĂźtre une vie familiale stable variera selon le profil de cette famille recomposĂ©e dite « complexe » qui est la leur.With respect to the transformations in family life, the past is a strong determinant of the future. The longitudinal approach is thus essential to the analysis. Not only do we have to capture the different transitions which modify the marital and parental trajectories of individuals, but we also have to take into account generational histories, since the unfolding of the childrenâs family life is closely related to their parentsâ past trajectories. The authors illustrate this by examining the family life of children who were born into re-composed families, with one parent or both having already had children from a previous union. It is shown that the probability for these children to experience a stable family life varies according to the profile of this complex recomposed family which has become theirs.En el dominio de las transformaciones de la vida familiar, el pasado es particularmente determinante para el futuro, esto es lo que confiere al enfoque longitudinal un carĂĄcter esencial para el anĂĄlisis. No solamente es necesario seguir las diversas transiciones que modifican las trayectorias conyugales y parentales de los individuos, sino que es necesario tambiĂ©n continuarla a travĂ©s de la historia de las generaciones, puesto que el desarrollo de la vida familiar de los hijos estĂĄ Ăntimamente ligada a las trayectorias anteriores de los dos padres. Esto es lo que los autores de este artĂculo escogieron ilustrar examinando el porvenir familiar de los hijos que nacen en una familia recompuesta donde uno o los dos padres tienen ya hijos nacidos de uniones anteriores. Resulta que la probabilidad para Ă©stos hijos de conocer una vida familiar estable variarĂĄ segĂșn el perfil de esta familia recompuesta llamada âcomplejaâ que es la suya