65 research outputs found

    What differences exist between Lavaux’s perception and its promoted image, and how can the promotion be adjusted to ensure consistency and improve the knowledge of the area?

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    Lavaux, the Swiss vineyard which has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2007, is renowned for its terrace vineyards, its traditions, its breath-taking views on the Geneva Lake, and its unique landscape configuration. The purpose of this report is to provide an in-depth analysis of the perception and behaviour of the public towards Lavaux, and to compare them with the promotion of the area. The field research, which is based on a survey and interviews, aims at analysing the mental representation of the public, the places visited and activities performed, the wine-consumption habits and the public’s UNESCO’s definition. In parallel, the interviews of different economic actors in the vineyard allow a deep understanding of the promotion done for Lavaux. The findings suggest that the public’s perception and behaviour are aligned with the promotion of the area. Wine, landscape and UNESCO are shared values and are fully part of the promotion. Though, more implicit values, such as traditions, culture, local products are not enough highlighted. Also, no influence on Lavaux’s wine consumption has happened after the UNESCO’s nomination as far as the opinion of the public and of economic actors is concerned. Globally, the current strategy is relevant and adapts to the market needs to some extent. In order to improve the efficiency of the promotion and fill the existing gaps, recommendations include four main dimensions that can be developed. Firstly, the traditions and local products should be fully part of the promotion strategy, through quality products, service and wide opening hours. Then, the visit of the vineyard in winter could be promoted, with the creation of events to attract visitors at that period of the year. Also, the creation of a Vine and Wine Museum would enable the education of visitors about the heritage, traditions and the cultural background, while being a family activity. Finally, the creation of a global image through branding could improve the consistency of the promotion strategy. The branding should be decided amongst the promotion actors and should represent a first image to attract visitors in the area. The individualities and diversity of the economic activity should be kept within the vineyard, as they are part of the richness of the area. To summarize, unity and coordination amongst actors, the sustainability of traditions and heritage, the orientation towards preferred tourism and the promotion of experiences are key to the development of the promotion of Lavaux in the coming years

    Spin-Exchange optical pumping in a van

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    International audienceThe advent of spin-hyperpolarization techniques designed to overcome the sensitivity issue of nuclear magnetic resonance owing to polarization transfer from more ordered systems has recently raised great enthusiasm. However, the out-of-equilibrium character of the polarization requires a close proximity between the area of production and the site of use. We present here a mobile spin-exchange optical pumping setup that enables production of laser-polarized noble gases in a standalone mode, in close proximity to hospitals or research laboratories. Only compressed air and mains power need to be supplied by the host laborator

    Girolline interferes with cell-cycle progression, but not with translation

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    Girolline is a 2-aminoimidazole derivative with cytotoxic activity. It affects the survival of exponentially growing leukaemic cultured cells and has a significant antitumour activity on grafted murine tumours in vivo. In vitro studies showed that girolline affected protein synthesis by interfering with the translation termination process. Here, we investigate the effect of girolline on translation termination in human cultured cells. We show that girolline neither induces an increase in translational readthrough of stop codons nor affects the polysome profile in treated cells. This suggests that girolline does not act on translation in vivo. Then, we examine the effect of girolline on cell-cycle progression and we show that girolline induces an arrest of the cell cycle at the G2 stage

    PPARÎł contributes to PKM2 and HK2 expression in fatty liver

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    Rapidly proliferating cells promote glycolysis in aerobic conditions, to increase growth rate. Expression of specific glycolytic enzymes, namely pyruvate kinase M2 and hexokinase 2, concurs to this metabolic adaptation, as their kinetics and intracellular localization favour biosynthetic processes required for cell proliferation. Intracellular factors regulating their selective expression remain largely unknown. Here we show that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma transcription factor and nuclear hormone receptor contributes to selective pyruvate kinase M2 and hexokinase 2 gene expression in PTEN-null fatty liver. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma expression, liver steatosis, shift to aerobic glycolysis and tumorigenesis are under the control of the Akt2 kinase in PTEN-null mouse livers. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma binds to hexokinase 2 and pyruvate kinase M promoters to activate transcription. In vivo rescue of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma activity causes liver steatosis, hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Our data suggest that therapies with the insulin-sensitizing agents and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists, thiazolidinediones, may have opposite outcomes depending on the nutritional or genetic origins of liver steatosis

    High-Throughput Drug Screening Identifies Pazopanib and Clofilium Tosylate as Promising Treatments for Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors

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    Summary: Rhabdoid tumors (RTs) are aggressive tumors of early childhood characterized by SMARCB1 inactivation. Their poor prognosis highlights an urgent need to develop new therapies. Here, we performed a high-throughput screening of approved drugs and identified broad inhibitors of tyrosine kinase receptors (RTKs), including pazopanib, and the potassium channel inhibitor clofilium tosylate (CfT), as SMARCB1-dependent candidates. Pazopanib targets were identified as PDGFRα/ÎČ and FGFR2, which were the most highly expressed RTKs in a set of primary tumors. Combined genetic inhibition of both these RTKs only partially recapitulated the effect of pazopanib, emphasizing the requirement for broad inhibition. CfT perturbed protein metabolism and endoplasmic reticulum stress and, in combination with pazopanib, induced apoptosis of RT cells in vitro. In vivo, reduction of tumor growth by pazopanib was enhanced in combination with CfT, matching the efficiency of conventional chemotherapy. These results strongly support testing pazopanib/CfT combination therapy in future clinical trials for RTs. : Rhabdoid tumors (RTs) are aggressive pediatric tumors characterized by SMARCB1 inactivation. Chauvin et al. identify two SMARCB1-dependent targeted therapies for RT: pazopanib, which inhibits PDGFR and FGFR2, and the potassium channel inhibitor clofilium tosylate, which induces endoplasmic reticulum stress. Combining both drugs induces cell apoptosis and reduces PDX tumor growth. Keywords: rhabdoid tumors, SMARCB1, pazopanib, clofilium tosylate, high-throughput drug screening, tyrosine kinase inhibitor

    Imaging and multi-omics datasets converge to define different neural progenitor origins for ATRT-SHH subgroups

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    Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors (ATRT) are divided into MYC, TYR and SHH subgroups, suggesting diverse lineages of origin. Here, we investigate the imaging of human ATRT at diagnosis and the precise anatomic origin of brain tumors in the Rosa26-CreERT2^{ERT2}::Smarcb1flox/flox^{flox/flox} model. This cross-species analysis points to an extra-cerebral origin for MYC tumors. Additionally, we clearly distinguish SHH ATRT emerging from the cerebellar anterior lobe (CAL) from those emerging from the basal ganglia (BG) and intra-ventricular (IV) regions. Molecular characteristics point to the midbrain-hindbrain boundary as the origin of CAL SHH ATRT, and to the ganglionic eminence as the origin of BG/IV SHH ATRT. Single-cell RNA sequencing on SHH ATRT supports these hypotheses. Trajectory analyses suggest that SMARCB1 loss induces a de-differentiation process mediated by repressors of the neuronal program such as REST, ID and the NOTCH pathway

    CD4CD8αα Lymphocytes, A Novel Human Regulatory T Cell Subset Induced by Colonic Bacteria and Deficient in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    It has become evident that bacteria in our gut affect health and disease, but less is known about how they do this. Recent studies in mice showed that gut Clostridium bacteria and their metabolites can activate regulatory T cells (Treg) that in turn mediate tolerance to signals that would ordinarily cause inflammation. In this study we identify a subset of human T lymphocytes, designated CD4CD8αα T cells that are present in the surface lining of the colon and in the blood. We demonstrate Treg activity and show these cells to be activated by microbiota; we identify F. prausnitzii, a core Clostridium strain of the human gut microbiota, as a major inducer of these Treg cells. Interestingly, there are fewer F. prausnitzii in individuals suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and accordingly the CD4CD8αα T cells are decreased in the blood and gut of patients with IBD. We argue that CD4CD8αα colonic Treg probably help control or prevent IBD. These data open the road to new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for the management of IBD and provide new tools to address the impact of the intestinal microbiota on the human immune system

    Mais que fait ULICE ? (analyse de l'activité d'une équipe d'intervention de crise à Marseille et de la satisfaction de ses usagers et de leur entourage)

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    CONTEXTE: Les équipes d'intervention de crise se sont considérablement développées et ont fait preuve de leur efficacité. ULICE, une équipe de crise située à Marseille, au modÚle systémique, propose des alternatives à l'hospitalisation psychiatrique et favorise l'accÚs aux soins. MATERIEL et METHODE: nous avons étudié l'activité d'ULICE en 2012 à travers les caractéristiques sociodémographiques des usagers, leurs caractéristiques psychiatriques, les éléments descriptifs de prise en charge, d'orientation et de devenir, ainsi que leur satisfaction et celle de leur entourage. RESULTATS: ULICE a pris en charge des patients souvent désinsérés, soufrant de troubles psychiatriques sévÚres (58%), ayant des antécédents psychiatriques (83%), adressés majoritairement par leur entourage ou un psychiatre et présentant une crise évoluant depuis 91 jours en moyenne. La prise en charge, d'une durée moyenne de 52 jours, aboutissait dans 33% des cas à une hospitalisation. 13% ont été réadmis. La satisfaction des usagers et de l'entourage était élevée, à l'exception du relais, de l'information et des entretiens de groupe. Les antécédents d'hospitalisation et un diagnostic de psychose étaient corrélés à l'hospitalisation. Les patients ayant bénéficié d'une prise en charge plus longue étaient moins hospitalisés. DISCUSSION: ULICE propose des interventions de crise spécifiques, souvent efficaces et satisfaisantes, complémentaires aux soins proposés par les équipes des secteurs. Il est nécessaire d'améliorer la qualité de l'information et le relais. Une disponibilité plus étendu et une meilleure articulation avec le réseau semblent nécessaires afin d'améliorer la qualité du serviceAIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Dicrocoeliose et fasciolose bovines (enquĂȘte Ă©pidĂ©miologique en abattoir en rĂ©gion Bourgogne)

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    Les objectifs de l'Ă©tude Ă©taient d'Ă©valuer la prĂ©valence de la dicrocƓliose et de la fasciolose en Bourgogne, d'estimer l'intensitĂ© parasitaire des trĂ©matodes correspondants et d'Ă©valuer la qualitĂ© des informations transmises par les abattoirs aux Ă©leveurs. Sur 2 400 foies de vaches de la rĂ©gion Bourgogne inspectĂ©s Ă  l'abattoir, 417 ont Ă©tĂ© saisi pour motif parasitaire, et 200 ont Ă©tĂ© dissĂ©quĂ©. La prĂ©valence individuelle de la dicrocƓliose est estimĂ©e Ă  10,1% +/- 1,2%, celle de la fasciolose Ă  7,3% +/- 1,0%. L'intensitĂ© parasitaire moyenne de DicrocƓlium lanceolatum est de 243 parasites, celle de Fasciola hepatica de 24 parasites. Ces deux parasites sont distribuĂ©s de maniĂšre sur-dispersĂ©e, c'est-Ă -dire que de nombreux animaux sont faiblement infestĂ©s, tandis que peu d'animaux le sont fortement. L'intensitĂ© parasitaire de D. lanceolatum, contrairement Ă  celle de F. hepatica est liĂ©e Ă  l'Ăąge des animaux. La conformation des carcasses est influencĂ©e par F. hepatica mais pas par D. lanceolatum. La co-infestation D. lanceolatum - F. hepatica est prĂ©sente dans 26,5% des foies dissĂ©quĂ©s. La co-infestation tend Ă  diminuer l'intensitĂ© parasitaire de chaque parasite. Les informations de saisies de foies transmises aux Ă©leveurs par les abattoirs doivent ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ©es avec prudence. En effet, le diagnostic lĂ©sionnel est peu sensible, l'enregistrement mono-motif des saisies fausse l'information et des dĂ©fauts d'enregistrement ont Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©s.NANTES-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocTOULOUSE-EN VĂ©tĂ©rinaire (315552301) / SudocNANTES-Ecole Nat.VĂ©tĂ©rinaire (441092302) / SudocSudocFranceF
