36 research outputs found

    Étude des distributions de partons généralisées, approches phénoménologiques et équations de Dyson-Schwinger

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    This study is devoted to generalised parton distributions (GPDs). First, the main properties of GPDs are given to the reader. One can stress the so-called support properties and the polynomiality property. The latter is automatically fulfiled when modeling GPDs from double distributions (DDs), GPDs being considered as the Radon transform of DDs. In the scalar case, two DDs denoted by F and G are required to describe the GPD H. Due to the integral relation existing between H on one hand, and F and G on the other hand, F and G are not defnied unambiguously. This ambiguity is exploited in the present work in order to develop a new phenomenological parametrisation. Using the Radyushkin Ansatz, it is then possible get a realistic model of GPDs, and to compare it with available experimental data. In the present case, two types of models, one neglecting the GPD E, the other taking it into account are compared with the Jlab Hall A DVCS data. In the former cae, one can notice a better flexibility allowing to better reproduced the beam-helicity independent cross sections. In the latter one, only the GPD E is deeply modified, and thus the comparison with available data does not change significantly with respect to previous parametrisations. Only data more sensitive to E will allow one to selet the most relevant parametrisation.In order to go beyond phenomenological parametrisations, a first step has been done toward a dynamical description of hadron structure. Using the Dyson-Schwinger equations, it has been possible to compute analytically the pion GPD within the triangle diagram approximation. The comparison with available data (Form factor and PDF) appears to be very good. Nevertheless, this first model does not fulfil all the required properties. Especially the soft pion theorem, which corresponds to a specific kinematical limit. It has been shown in this work that this is due to the violation of the Axial-Vector Ward-Takahashi identity, and that the triangle approximation is sufficient to ensure the sof pion theorem. Still it violates the exchange symmetry x, 1-x, and thus additional terms, previously neglected, are taken into account. It is then possible to compute the probability density to find a quark at a given position in the transverse plan carrying a given momentum fraction. Finally, perspective on lightcone computations are given in the last chapter.Cette étude est consacrée aux distributions de partons généralisées (GPDs, de l'anglais Generalised Parton Distributions). Dans un premier temps, les principales propriétés des GPDs sont rappelées. On insiste notamment sur les propriétés dites de support et sur la polynomialité. Cette dernière est automatiquement respectée lorsque l'on modélise les GPDs au travers des doubles distributions (DDs), les GPDs s'écrivant comme la transformée de Radon des DDs.Dans le cas scalaire, deux DDs, notées F et G, sont nécessaires pour décrire la GPD H. Du fait de la relation intégrale existant entre H d'un côté, et F et G de l'autre, F et G sont définies de manière ambiguë. Cette ambiguïté est exploitée dans le présent travail afin de développer une nouvelle paramétrisation phénoménologique. Utilisant l'Ansatz de Radyushkin, il est possible d'obtenir un modèle réaliste de GPD, et de le comparer aux données expérimentales disponibles. Dans le cas présent, deux types de modèles, l'un négligeant la GPD E, l'autre en tenant compte, sont comparés aux données de diffusion Compton profondément virtuelle (DVCS) de la collaboration Hall A au Jeffeson Laboratory (JLab). Dans le premier cas, on observe une plus grande flexibilité de la paramétrisation par rapport aux précédentes, ce qui permet une meilleure comparaison aux données sur les sections efficaces indépendantes de l'hélicité du faisceau. Dans le second cas, seule la GPD E est profondément modifiée. De ce fait la comparaison aux données change peu par rapport aux modèles précédents. Seules des données plus sensibles à E permettront de trancher entre les paramétrisations.Afin de dépasser les paramétrisations phénoménologiques, un premier pas a été fait vers la description dynamique des hadrons. En utilisant les équations de Dyson-Schwinger, il a été possible de calculer analytiquement la GPD de pion dans le cadre de l'approximation du diagramme triangle. La comparaison aux données expérimentales disponibles (facteur de forme et PDF) s'est révélée très bonne. Il est également possible de montrer que l'approximation du diagramme triangle permet de retrouver le théorème de pion mou. Néanmoins, ce premier modèle ne respecte pas l'ensemble des propriétés des GPDs. Elle viole la symétrie d'échange x, 1-x, et par conséquent des termes supplémentaires, précédemment négligés, sont pris en compte. On peut ainsi obtenir la densité de probabilité de trouver un quark portant une fraction d'impulsion x dans le plan transverse. Des perspectives de calculs sur le cône de lumière sont présentés dans le dernier chapitre

    Process-independent effective coupling. From QCD Green's functions to phenomenology

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    This article reports on a very recent proposal for a new type of process-independent QCD effective charge [Phys.Rev.D96(2017)054026] defined, as an anologue of the Gell-Mann-Low effective charge in QCD, on the ground of nothing but the knowledge of the gauge-field two-point Green's function, albeit modified within a particular computational framework; namely, the combination of pinch technique and background field method which makes possible a systematic rearranging of classes of diagrams in order to redefine the Green's function and have them obey linear QED-like Slavnov-Taylor identities. We have here calculated that effective charge, shown how strikingly well it compares to a process-dependent effective charge based on the Bjorken sum rule; and, finally, employed it in an exploratory calculation of the proton electromagnetic form factor in the hard scattering regime.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figues; contribution to NStar 2017 (Columbia, USA

    Pion’s valence-quark GPD and its extension beyond DGLAP region

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    We briefly report on a recent computation, with the help of a fruitful algebraic model, sketching the pion valence dressed-quark generalized parton distribution and, very preliminary, discuss on a possible avenue to get reliable results in both Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) and Efremov-Radyushkin-Brodsky-Lepage (ERBL) kinematial regions.This work has been partially supported by Spanish ministry projects FPA-2011-23781 and FPA-2014-53631- C2-2-P and French GDR 3034 PH-QCD “Cromodynamique Quantique et Physique des Hadrons" and ANR-12- MONU-0008-01 “PARTONS". We thank for their very valuable remarks to L. Chang, C.D. Roberts, F. Sabatié and S.M. Schmidt. H. M. and J. R-Q. are grateful for the chance to participate in the “21st Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics", held in Chicago, and specially to C.D. Roberts for his warm hospitality at the Argonne National Laboratory

    Accessing pion GPDs through the Sullivan process: is it feasible?

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    Describing hadronic structure is one of the most intriguing problems in physics. In this respect, generalized parton distributions (GPDs) constitute an outstanding tool, allowing to draw “three dimensional pictures” of hadron’s inside. Starting from contemporary models for pion’s GPDs fulfilling all constraints imposed by QCD, we compute Compton form factors of pions subjected to deeply virtual Compton scattering. We show CFF’s behaviour to be gluon-dominated at EIC’s kinematics. Finally we evaluate lepton-beam-spin asymmetries in the Sullivan process, demonstrating the existence of such and thus triggering optimism about the possibility of probing pion’s 3D structure at electron-ion colliders

    Parton distributions and lattice QCD calculations: toward 3D structure

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    International audienceThe strong force which binds hadrons is described by the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Determining the character and manifestations of QCD is one of the most important and challenging outstanding issues necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the structure of hadrons. Within the context of the QCD parton picture, the parton distribution functions (PDFs) have been remarkably successful in describing a wide variety of processes. However, these PDFs have generally been confined to the description of collinear partons within the hadron. New experiments and facilities provide the opportunity to additionally explore the transverse structure of hadrons which is described by generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions (TMD PDFs). In our previous report Lin et al. (2018), we compared and contrasted the two main approaches used to determine the collinear PDFs: the first based on perturbative QCD factorization theorems, and the second based on lattice-QCD calculations. In the present report, we provide an update of recent progress on the collinear PDFs, and also expand the scope to encompass the generalized PDFs (GPDs and TMD PDFs). We review the current state of the various calculations, and consider what new data might be available in the near future. We also examine how a shared effort can foster dialog between the PDF and lattice-QCD communities, and yield improvements for these generalized PDFs

    Pion and kaon structure at the electron-ion collider

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    Understanding the origin and dynamics of hadron structure and in turn that of atomic nuclei is a central goal of nuclear physics. This challenge entails the questions of how does the roughly 1GeV mass-scale that characterizes atomic nuclei appear; why does it have the observed value; and, enigmatically, why are the composite Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) abnormally light in comparison? In this perspective, we provide an analysis of the mass budget of the pion and proton in QCD; discuss the special role of the kaon, which lies near the boundary between dominance of strong and Higgs mass-generation mechanisms; and explain the need for a coherent effort in QCD phenomenology and continuum calculations, in exa-scale computing as provided by lattice QCD, and in experiments to make progress in understanding the origins of hadron masses and the distribution of that mass within them. We compare the unique capabilities foreseen at the electron-ion collider (EIC) with those at the hadron-electron ring accelerator (HERA), the only previous electron-proton collider; and describe five key experimental measurements, enabled by the EIC and aimed at delivering fundamental insights that will generate concrete answers to the questions of how mass and structure arise in the pion and kaon, the Standard Model's NG modes, whose surprisingly low mass is critical to the evolution of our Universe

    Generalised Parton Distributions in Continuum Schwinger Methods: Progresses, Opportunities and Challenges

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    This paper review the modelling efforts regarding Generalised Parton Distributions (GPDs) using continuum techniques relying on Dyson–Schwinger and Bethe–Salpeter equations. The definition and main properties of the GPDs are first recalled. Then, we detail the strategies developed in the last decade in the meson sector, highlighting that observables connected to the pion GPDs may be measured at future colliders. We also highlight the challenges one will face when targeting baryons in the future

    An Introductory Lecture on Generalised Parton Distributions

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    International audienceThese lecture notes on Generalised Parton Distributions aim at providing a general picture of the field on the theoretical and phenomenological sides to master and Ph.D. students. They go along with the lecture given at the Baryon International School of Physics in 2021