1,471 research outputs found

    Degree of Quantumness in Quantum Synchronization

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    We introduce the concept of degree of quantumness in quantum synchronization, a measure of the quantum nature of synchronization in quantum systems. Following techniques from quantum information, we propose the number of non-commuting observables that synchronize as a measure of quantumness. This figure of merit is compatible with already existing synchronization measurements, and it captures different physical properties. We illustrate it in a quantum system consisting of two weakly interacting cavity-qubit systems, which are coupled via the exchange of bosonic excitations between the cavities. Moreover, we study the synchronization of the expectation values of the Pauli operators and we propose a feasible superconducting circuit setup. Finally, we discuss the degree of quantumness in the synchronization between two quantum van der Pol oscillators

    Resonance enhancement of particle production during reheating

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    We found a consistent equation of reheating after inflation, which shows that for small quantum fluctuations the frequencies of resonance are slighted different from the standard ones. Quantum interference is taken into account and we found that at large fluctuations the process mimics very well the usual parametric resonance but proceed in a different dynamical way. The analysis is made in a toy quantum mechanical model and we discuss further its extension to quantum field theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures(eps), using RevTe

    A study of local approximation for polarization potentials

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    We discuss the derivation of an equivalent \textit{l}-independent polarization potential for use in the optical Schr\"{o}dinger equation that describes the elastic scattering of heavy ions. Three diffferent methods are used for this purpose. Application of our theory to the low energy scattering of the halo nucleus 11^{11}Li from a 12^{12}C target is made. It is found that the notion of \textit{l}-independent polarization potential has some validity but can not be a good substitute for the \textit{l}-dependent local equivalent Feshbach polarization potential.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Design of a 5G Multimedia Broadcast Application Function Supporting Adaptive Error Recovery

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    The demand for mobile multimedia streaming services has been steadily growing in recent years. Mobile multimedia broadcasting addresses the shortage of radio resources but introduces a network error recovery problem. Retransmitting multimedia segments that are not correctly broadcast can cause service disruptions and increased service latency, affecting the quality of experience perceived by end users. With the advent of networking paradigms based on virtualization technologies, mobile networks have been enabled with more flexibility and agility to deploy innovative services that improve the utilization of available network resources. This paper discusses how mobile multimedia broadcast services can be designed to prevent service degradation by using the computing capabilities provided by multiaccess edge computing (MEC) platforms in the context of a 5G network architecture. An experimental platform has been developed to evaluate the feasibility of a MEC application to provide adaptive error recovery for multimedia broadcast services. The results of the experiments carried out show that the proposal provides a flexible mechanism that can be deployed at the network edge to lower the impact of transmission errors on latency and service disruptions.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    In vitro-generated Tc17 cells present a memory phenotype and serve as a reservoir of Tc1 cells in vivo

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    Indexación: Scopus.Memory CD8+ T cells are ideal candidates for cancer immunotherapy because they can mediate long-term protection against tumors. However, the therapeutic potential of different in vitro-generated CD8+ T cell effector subsets to persist and become memory cells has not been fully characterized. Type 1 CD8+ T (Tc1) cells produce interferon-γ and are endowed with high cytotoxic capacity, whereas IL-17-producing CD8+ T (Tc17) cells are less cytotoxic but display enhanced self-renewal capacity. We sought to evaluate the functional properties of in vitro-generated Tc17 cells and elucidate their potential to become long lasting memory cells. Our results show that in vitro-generated Tc17 cells display a greater in vivo persistence and expansion in response to secondary antigen stimulation compared to Tc1 cells. When transferred into recipient mice, Tc17 cells persist in secondary lymphoid organs, present a recirculation behavior consistent with central memory T cells, and can shift to a Tc1 phenotype. Accordingly, Tc17 cells are endowed with a higher mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity than Tc1 cells and express higher levels of memory-related molecules than Tc1 cells. Together, these results demonstrate that in vitro-generated Tc17 cells acquire a central memory program and provide a lasting reservoir of Tc1 cells in vivo, thus supporting the use of Tc17 lymphocytes in the design of novel and more effective therapies.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2018.00209/ful

    Identificação e quantificação do efeito de fatores ambientais na produtividade da cultura do milho na região de Janaúba, MG.

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    Na região do semiárido do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, há um grande déficit na oferta de milho, mesmo para subsistência familiar. O entendimento dos fatores que afetam a produtividade desta cultura é crucial para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de manejo adequadas. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os fatores climáticos que podem influenciar a produtividade da cultura do milho na região de Janaúba, MG, e quantificar o grau de influência desses fatores, a partir da análise de dados de produtividade da cultura simulados com o modelo CSM-CERES-Maize. O modelo foi utilizado para simular o rendimento de grãos de milho semeado semanalmente ao longo do ano, em condições de sequeiro e irrigado no período de 1977 a 2008. A análise estatística indicou que os fatores data da semeadura, ano e irrigação (sequeiro e irrigado) e suas interações duplas foram significativos ao nível de significância de 5%. A disponibilidade hídrica foi responsável pela maior proporção da variação total na produtividade de milho na região de estudo (61,9%), seguida pela data de semeadura e suas interações duplas com os outros fatores (26,2%). Em condições ótimas de disponibilidade hídrica (cultivo irrigado), os fatores, que mais influenciam o rendimento da cultura do milho são, basicamente, a variações de temperatura do ar e a radiação solar incidente. Fato evidenciado pelos baixos valores de produtividade simulada encontrados em anos nos quais a radiação solar incidente ficou abaixo da média geral observada

    Holographic Dark Energy with Curvature

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    In this paper we consider an holographic model of dark energy, where the length scale is the Hubble radius, in a non flat geometry. The model contains the possibility to alleviate the cosmic coincidence problem, and also incorporate a mechanism to obtain the transition from decelerated to an accelerated expansion regime. We derive an analytic form for the Hubble parameter in a non flat universe, and using it, we perform a Bayesian analysis of this model using SNIa, BAO and CMB data. We find from this analysis that the data favored a small value for Ωk\Omega_k, however high enough to still produce cosmological consequences.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    High-order dispersion mapping of an optical fiber

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    We report on measurements of high-order dispersion maps of an optical fiber, showing how the ratio between the third and fourth-order dispersion (β3/β4) and the zero-dispersion wavelength (λ0) vary along the length of the fiber. Our method is based on Four-Wave Mixing between short pulses derived from an incoherent pump and a weak laser. We find that the variations in the ratio β3/β4 are correlated to those in λ0. We present also numerical calculations to illustrate the limits on the spatial resolution of the method. Due to the good accuracy in measuring λ0 and β3/β4 (10 -3% and 5% relative error, respectively), and its simplicity, the method can be used to identify fiber segments of good uniformity, suitable to build nonlinear optical devices such as parametric amplifiers and frequency comb generators28342584273FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2012/50259-8; 2015/11779-4; 2017/16151-9; 2018/08988-9; 2019/16793-6Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (2012/50259-8, 2015/11779-4, 2017/16151-9, 2018/08988-9, 2019/16793-6); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (COLCIENCIAS) (COL-10-2-05