17 research outputs found

    Tiempo y memoria: sobre la mediación narrativa de la subjetividad histórica

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    En este artículo presentamos una reflexión teórica en torno al problema del tiempo en la investigación social. El objetivo es contribuir a la teorización del “entrelazamiento” de procesos sociogenéticos y biográficos, proponiendo una forma de entender cómo, a través de sus narrativas, los hablantes pueden articular los diversos tiempos biográficos, sociales, e históricos. Mostraremos formas del discurso a través de las cuales los hablantes pueden anidar entre sí tiempos de escalas diversas, con un caso de relato autobiográfico. La reflexión se basa principalmente en interpretaciones de Bajtin, Bergson, Deleuze y Halbwachs. Argumentamos que el acontecer del tiempo puede ser entendido a partir de la noción nietzscheana de retorno, y discutimos implicancias para la teorización de la memoria.This article offers a theoretical discussion of the importance of the problem of time in social research. Our aim is to contribute to the theory of the “entanglement” of socio-genetic and biographical processes by proposing a framework for understanding how speakers, through their narratives, articulate different biographical, social and historical time scales. Basing ourselves on a case study of an autobiographical discourse, we discuss the specific discursive forms which speakers employ to embed different scales of time in the same discourse. We mainly draw on the interpretations of this subject by Bajtin, Bergson, Deleuze, and Halbwachs. We argue that the unfolding of time can be understood with the help of Nietzsche’s concept of the return, and point out some implications of the theorizing of memory.Neste artigo, apresentamos uma reflexão teórica sobre o problema do tempo na pesquisa social. O objetivo é contribuir para a teorização do “entrelaçamento” de processos sociogenéticos e biográficos, propondo uma forma de entender como, por meio de suas narrativas, os faltantes podem articular os diversos tempos biográficos, sociais e históricos. Mostramos formas de discurso pelas quais os falantes podem alojar entre si tempos de escalas diversas, com um caso de relato autobiográfico. A reflexão baseia-se principalmente em interpretações de Bakhtin, Bergson, Deleuze e Halbwachs. Argumentamos que o acontecer do tempo pode ser entendido a partir da noção nietzscheana de retorno e discutimos as implicâncias para a teorização da memória

    Aplicación de la metodología Lean Six Sigma para mejorar la calidad del servicio de transporte en un operador logístico

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    Este estudio se enfocará en un operador logístico mostrando indicadores de calidad del servicio y operatividad. Aplicando la metodología de Lean - Six sigma (DMAIC) se evidencia mala gestión en utilizar la capacidad instalada de la flota propia y en consecuencia un mal servicio para el cliente. Se presentará información que evidencia este problema y con soporte de herramientas propias de la metodología se mitigaran. Como resultado obtendremos un incremento en el nivel del servicio de 87.79% a 95.98% superando la meta planteada por el cliente y un incremento en la utilización de la flota propia de 71.97% a 92.7%. Estas mejoras tienen un incremento anual de 1.64 millones de soles en la rentabilidad del operador logístico

    Emotional experiences and psychological well-being in 51 countries during the covid-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges to psychological well-being, but how can we predict when people suffer or cope during sustained stress? Here, we test the prediction that specific types of momentary emotional experiences are differently linked to psychological well-being during the pandemic. Study 1 used survey data collected from 24,221 participants in 51 countries during the COVID-19 outbreak. We show that, across countries, well-being is linked to individuals’ recent emotional experiences, including calm, hope, anxiety, loneliness, and sadness. Consistent results are found in two age, sex, and ethnicity-representative samples in the United Kingdom (n = 971) and the United States (n = 961) with preregistered analyses (Study 2). A prospective 30-day daily diary study conducted in the United Kingdom (n = 110) confirms the key role of these five emotions and demonstrates that emotional experiences precede changes in well-being (Study 3). Our findings highlight differential relationships between specific types of momentary emotional experiences and well-being and point to the cultivation of calm and hope as candidate routes for well-being interventions during periods of sustained stress

    Queer-blindfolding and cis-het identity strategies_Supplemental Materials

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    Supplemental Materials for the development and validation of the queer-blindfolding and cis-het identity strategie

    Supplementary Information

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    The impact of the rise in the dollar on the liquidity surplus of companies in the metalworking sector in the Cercado de Lima, year 2021

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    El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad determinar el impacto del alza del dólar en el excedente de liquidez en medianas y grandes empresas del sector metalmecánica en Lima Metropolitana, año 2021. Este impacto fue necesario estudiarlo, puesto que durante la pandemia se pudo reconocer un fenómeno como el alza del dólar, el cual afectó directa e indirectamente a toda la población. El valor del dólar llegó a niveles históricos a raíz de ciertos factores en los que resaltan la crisis política, la oferta y demanda del dólar y las importaciones y exportaciones. El presente trabajo se desarrolló en cinco capítulos. En el capítulo I Marco Teórico, se presentaron los antecedentes de nuestras variables ayudando al soporte de la investigación con información amplia. También, se describió un estudio del sector metalmecánica y se analizaron las variables de investigación: el dólar y la liquidez. En el capítulo II Plan de Investigación, se procedió a describir la problemática del contexto de la investigación, objetivos e hipótesis generales y específicas. En el capítulo III Metodología de la Investigación, se definió la metodología, población y muestra, así como la decisión de que instrumentos se utilizaron para la realización de la investigación mixta. En el capítulo IV Desarrollo de la Investigación, se procedió a aplicar las entrevistas y encuestas a mayor profundidad, así como el desarrollo de un caso práctico. En el capítulo V Análisis de Resultados, se desarrolló el análisis de la información obtenida de la aplicación de los instrumentos validando la hipótesis general y especifica.The purpose of this work is to determine the impact of the rise in the dollar on the liquidity surplus in medium and large companies in the metalworking sector in Metropolitan Lima, year 2021. This impact was necessary to study, since during the pandemic a phenomenon could be recognized such as the rise in the dollar, which directly and indirectly affected the entire population. The value of the dollar reached historical levels because of certain factors in which the political crisis, the supply and demand of the dollar and imports and exports stand out. The present work was developed in five chapters. In chapter I Theoretical Framework, the antecedents of our variables were presented, helping to support the research with extensive information. Also, a study of the economic sector was described and research variables such as dollar and liquidity were analyzed. In chapter II Research Plan, we proceeded to describe the problems of the research context, objectives, and general and specific hypotheses. In chapter III Research Methodology, the methodology, population, and sample were defined, as well as the decision of which instruments were used to carry out the mixed research. In chapter IV Research Development, we proceeded to apply the interviews and surveys in greater depth, as well as the development of a practical case. In Chapter V Analysis of Results, the analysis of the information obtained from the application of the instruments was developed, validating the general and specific hypotheses.Tesi

    The Role of Difference Evasion in Cisheterosexual People Managing Privilege and Legitimizing of Inequalities

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    How do cisheterosexual people in Western Europe deal with inequalities against LGBTQ people when anti-LGBTQ discrimination in these settings is often praised as overcome? The present research argues that cisheterosexual people in allegedly post-closeted settings deal with inequalities by evading difference based on sexual orientation and gender identity. By emphasizing individuals and their fundamental sameness, cisheterosexual people often evade difference to convey an inclusive standpoint. However, evading difference might also prevent them from pinpointing the very markers of intergroup inequality. Critically, cisheterosexual people might blur their privileged status by evading difference and conflate it with normalcy, and, thereby, further legitimize structural inequalities. Using mixed-methods consisting of interviews (N = 20) and surveys (N = 531), we found that cisheterosexual people in the Netherlands exhibited profile combinations of difference evasion (“People who focus a lot on sexual orientation and gender identity forget that we are all just people”) and inequality evasion (“Compared to cisgender and heterosexual people, LGBTQ people have equal opportunities”). Moreover, these profiles were associated with distinct cisheterosexual identity strategies and, thereby, with ideologies legitimizing inequalities. Specifically, cisheterosexual people evading difference were more likely to also evade inequality than people who acknowledged difference. Moreover, those acknowledging difference were the most prone to pinpoint their privileges as cisheterosexuals. Furthermore, people who acknowledged difference strongly endorsed countering efforts against inequalities and displayed the most system-challenging ideological features. We conclude by discussing how Western European cisheterosexual people perpetuate or counter inequalities by managing difference and the implications of these findings in so-called liberal democracies

    When White people experience the weight of the past: The role of White identity strategies in linking colonialism to current racial inequalities

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    How do White Europeans address racial inequalities in times of burgeoning discussions about colonialism? The current research explores the strategies that White people in the Netherlands use to manage their racial-ethnic identity in relation to linking colonialism and current racial inequalities. With this, we examined how White identity strategies were related to ideologies legitimizing racial inequalities. Using mixed-methods consisting of qualitative interviews (N = 24) and quantitative surveys (N = 564), we found that White people exhibited different combinations of prideful (“I am a proud person of our ethnic heritage”), dissociated (“My ethnic group does not have a significant impact on how I see the world”), and power-cognizant (“I am a White person with privileges because of my ethnic group”) identity strategies. Moreover, these White identity strategies were associated with linking colonialism and racial inequalities and, thereby, with ideologies legitimizing them. Specifically, White people holding prideful and dissociated strategies were less likely to link colonialism and racial inequalities than White people who exclusively endorsed power-cognizance. Furthermore, power-cognizant people challenged current-day racial inequalities the most. We conclude by discussing how White European people legitimize or question racial inequalities by managing their Whiteness and the theoretical and practical implications of these findings

    Tiempo y memoria: sobre la mediación narrativa de la subjetividad histórica

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    ABSTRACT: This article offers a theoretical discussion of the importance of the problem of time in social research. Our aim is to contribute to the theory of the “entanglement” of socio-genetic and biographical processes by proposing a framework for understanding how speakers, through their narratives, articulate different biographical, social and historical time scales. Basing ourselves on a case study of an autobiographical discourse, we discuss the specific discursive forms which speakers employ to embed different scales of time in the same discourse. We mainly draw on the interpretations of this subject by Bajtin, Bergson, Deleuze, and Halbwachs. We argue that the unfolding of time can be understood with the help of Nietzsche’s concept of the return, and point out some implications of the theorizing of memory.RESUMO: Neste artigo, apresentamos uma reflexão teórica sobre o problema do tempo na pesquisa social. O objetivo é contribuir para a teorização do “entrelaçamento” de processos sociogenéticos e biográficos, propondo uma forma de entender como, por meio de suas narrativas, os faltantes podem articular os diversos tempos biográficos, sociais e históricos. Mostramos formas de discurso pelas quais os falantes podem alojar entre si tempos de escalas diversas, com um caso de relato autobiográfico. A reflexão baseia-se principalmente em interpretações de Bakhtin, Bergson, Deleuze e Halbwachs. Argumentamos que o acontecer do tempo pode ser entendido a partir da noção nietzscheana de retorno e discutimos as implicâncias para a teorização da memória.RESUMEN: En este artículo presentamos una reflexión teórica en torno al problema del tiempo en la investigación social. El objetivo es contribuir a la teorización del “entrelazamiento” de procesos sociogenéticos y biográficos, proponiendo una forma de entender cómo, a través de sus narrativas, los hablantes pueden articular los diversos tiempos biográficos, sociales, e históricos. Mostraremos formas del discurso a través de las cuales los hablantes pueden anidar entre sí tiempos de escalas diversas, con un caso de relato autobiográfico. La reflexión se basa principalmente en interpretaciones de Bajtin, Bergson, Deleuze y Halbwachs. Argumentamos que el acontecer del tiempo puede ser entendido a partir de la noción nietzscheana de retorno, y discutimos implicancias para la teorización de la memoria