226 research outputs found

    Culture-led Regeneration of Industrial Heritage Sites in Modern Cities

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    The basic conceptual characteristics of ‘regeneration’ are defined in this article, which demonstrates that the declaration of the authors of the project for the regeneration of industrial heritage sites can lead to the use of various methods and techniques, as well as to different results. Clarifying the question of what the meaning of the term culture-led regeneration in different countries is and analyzing specific projects with a culture-led concept, authors show the interdependence of the interpretation of culture and the scope of actions for updating the historical and architectural industrial heritage. It is defined that the term culture-led regeneration arises in specific sociocultural and theoretical circumstances of the rapid degradation of industrial heritage at the time of transition of the world’s economies to other forms and structures. It marks a paradigm shift in the attitude of specialists towards industrial heritage. From conservation and museification in increasingly alienating industrial zones, they move on to the actualization of industrial architecture objects by strengthening their ties with all urban processes, primarily sociocultural ones. The most prominent role in such an activity is played by institutional or non-institutional understanding of culture by the authors of the project, experts, administrations, and the community. To clarify the dependence of the culture interpretation and the goals of the regeneration projects, an analysis was made of the culture-led aspects of the rehabilitation of the industrial area of Emscher Park (Germany), the creation of an industrial park on the site of the former industrial zone in Bolzano, the decision to turn the post office building in Buenos Aires into a classical music center. The experience of these projects can be taken into account by the initiators of similar projects in Russia. Keywords: regeneration, historical and architectural heritage, industrial heritage, culture-led regeneration, cultur

    Learning analytics in massive open online courses as a tool for predicting learner performance

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    Learning analytics in MOOCs can be used to predict learner performance, which is critical as higher education is moving towards adaptive learning. Interdisciplinary methods used in the article allow for interpreting empirical qualitative data on performance in specific types of course assignments to predict learner performance and improve the quality of MOOCs. Learning analytics results make it possible to take the most from the data regarding the ways learners engage with information and their level of skills at entry. The article presents the results of applying the proposed learning analytics algorithm to analyze learner performance in specific MOOCs developed by Ural Federal University and offered through the National Open Education Platform. © 2018, National Research University Higher School of Economics.This study was support- ed by financial assis- tance provided under the Resolution of the Government of the Rus sian Federation No. 211, Contract No. 02. A03.21.0006. Translated from Russian by I. Zhuchkova

    “I Consider Him Very Talented...”: On the History of the Relationship Between M. Gorky and A. V. Yarovitsky

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    The article analyzes the personal and literary relationships of M. Gorky and A. V. Yarovitsky. Having met in 1899, they became work colleagues at the Nizhegorodsky Listok newspaper and friends. The undertaken detailed study of documentary sources testifies to the relationship between the teacher (writer) and the student (aspiring author). An appeal to the creative connections of writers who worked in the period from 1899 to 1903 in Nizhny Novgorod, allows the author of the article to trace the stages of their personal and creative dialogue. The author of the article turns to indirect correspondence: letters from Gorky about Yarovitsky and Yarovitsky to his relatives about Gorky. The identified difference in the creative direction they chose indicates mutual enrichment of material for artistic works. The results of the article allow us to study in more detail the literary process of the late 19th and early 20th centuries

    Optimum virtual environment for solving cognitive tasks by individuals with autism spectrum disorders: The questions and methods of design

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    The number of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is growing in Russia and the world at large. It is important to find ways to diagnose and correct the work with such individuals. There is much evidence that children with ASDs often exhibit pronounced communicative difficulties, problems in establishing visual contact etc. Specialists working with this category of patients face serious difficulties in trying to find effective ways to interact with them. The use of virtual reality environments that have the necessary parameters, determined theoretically, experimentally, and practically, can mitigate these difficulties. The study has shown that, at present, there is much experience in the field of virtual reality application while working with children who have ASDs. Nevertheless, there are several unspecified issues. First, as far as the perception of virtual reality by people with ASDs are concerned, it is especially important to study them. Of much importance are the peculiarities of their states associated with virtual reality, while solving cognitive tasks during diagnostic and corrective work stage, as well as in obtaining education. It is necessary to choose the right methods of visualization and interaction in a virtual environment. The focal point of the article is to justify the project of creating a virtual reality for the diagnosis and socialization of individuals with ASDs, i.e., its structure, stages and methods. In addition, the work is of interest in connection with the research of the phenomenon of presence in virtual reality. © 2019 IJCRSEE. All rights reserved.The work was supported by act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006. The work was supported by RFBR

    Educational project on the formation of business and entrepreneurial skills in secondary and high school students

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    The project activity of pupils at formation of business entrepreneurial skills in the educational project “in business”Рассматривается проектная деятельность школьников при формировании деловых предпринимательских навыков в образовательном проекте «В деле

    Modern technologies in working with gifted students

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    Intellectual potential acts as a driving force of social and economic development of the modern state. In a high-tech society, there is a significant increase in interest in identifying and implementing the intellectual abilities of young people. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of using modern educational technologies in working with gifted students. The paper explores the implementation of innovative technologies, including games, projects, and collaborative learning technologies. The use of project and game technologies allows to develop the creative potential of students, to form an experience of research and creative activity, to activate cognitive interest by combining theory and practice. Modern educational technologies expand the opportunities for the formation and development of children's giftedness. Giftedness is a high level of development of any abilities. They are a special resource that forms the basis of the country's competitiveness and potential, which is updated as socially significant in the context of the analysis of fundamental documents in the field of education. Educational technologies allow not only to have a purposeful educational impact on students but also to create a variable, enriched, individualized educational environment that promotes the development of independence and self-learning ability

    Organization of virtual interaction in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

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    The organization of the educational process should be carried out taking into account the epidemiological situation and following the requirements that are due to quarantine measures. The leadership of vocational schools is looking for ways to conduct classes in a safe environment, assessing the potential risks for teachers and students. Higher schools implement the possibilities of electronic technologies as a factor in ensuring the safety of subjects of the educational process for communication between students and teachers at a distance. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of organizing virtual interaction between students and teachers within the framework of e-learning during the spread of coronavirus infection. The article reveals the possibilities of electronic technologies that allow communicating at a remote distance. The preparation of students in critical conditions is carried out using various electronic means that promote active interaction. The results of the study reflect the opinion of students of higher educational institutions about the use of virtual interaction tools. The results obtained using the Likert scale allow us to say that the majority of the respondents are active participants in virtual interaction and are ready to continue to communicate using the presented means despite the existing difficulties