138 research outputs found


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    Desenvolvimento de sensor eletroquímico para cromogranina A na saliva.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um biossensor eletroquímico para análise da proteína cromogranina A (sCgA) na saliva. A saliva como fluido de diagnóstico oferece boas vantagens sobre outros fluidos, tais como aspecto econômico, método de coleta não invasivo e biossegurança. O diagnóstico pela saliva pode ser aplicado para o monitoramento da saúde oral e sistêmica, progressão de doenças e avaliação dos estados fisiológicos alterados pelo estresse e exercício físico. No fluido salivar, a sCgA é co liberada pela glândula submandibular e possui funções anti-fúngicas e anti-microbianas. Alguns estudos mostraram uma dinâmica similar na secreção de sCgA em comparação à alfa-amilase salivar durante situações estressantes. Outro objetivo foi validar o sensor testando em amostra de saliva de voluntários que realizaram o protocolo de exercício para um treinamento policial avançado. Após a padronização, foi possível relacionar as variações da quantidade de sCgA e das leituras dos biossensores, indicando a viabilidade do biossensor

    Multiparasitism in Sapajus nigritus (Goldfuss 1809) (Primates: Cebidae) kept illegally in home captivity in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil – Case report

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    A young male of Sapajus nigritus (Goldfuss, 1809), received assistance at the veterinary clinic of the Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UNOESC after being rescued from irregular possession at home by the Environmental Military Police. During the general physical examination, the patient was dehydrated and very thin, with skin lesions, alopecia, generalized pruritus, and sinking of one of the eyes. Laboratory examination confirmed a case of multiparasitism. The fecal examination confirmed parasitism by three endoparasites, the protozoan Balantidium coli, a cestode of the family Anoplocephalidae, and a nematode of the genus Strongyloides. Ectoparasite search confirmed parasitism by Ctenocephalides felis and mites of the genus Cheyletiella. The treatment included therapy with albendazole and fipronil, drugs known to be effective. The report highlights the potential risk of the proximity between humans and non-human primates because of illegal possession of wild animals and prompts the discussion of information that benefits biodiversity conservation, veterinary medicine, and public health

    Albendazole and Triclabendazole Used as Treatment for Fasciolosis in Sheep.

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    The effects of Albendazole and Triclabendazole on 12 adult Pelibuey ovines infected by Fasciola hepatica in the province of Camagüey, Cuba, were evaluated. A reduction and fecal egg count test was performed. Two groups of animals were made for critical study. On day 0 (D0), the animals in group 1 were given Albendazole orally, and group 2 received Triclabendazole. The fecal samples were collected (rectal) on days 0 (D0), 14 (D14), and 28 (D28), after treatment. The McMaster technique was used for F. hepatica egg count using a ZnCl 2 solution (1.5 g/ml), at 10 eggs per stool gram. The groupʼs mean results first, and the egg reduction per cent later, were calculated. On D14, 98.17 % egg reduction was observed in group 1, and 79.58 % in group 2. However, on D28, group 1 underwent 33 % reduction, whereas group 2 experienced 90.39 %. The treatment using Triclabendozole was more effective for F. hepatica

    The University’s Roles in the Historical, Social and Cultural Context, and its Importance in the Realization of Human Rights and Brazilian Democracy

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    This research exposes narratives and arguments of conceptual and historical content about the conditions and purposes of the University, particularly in Brazil, seeking to describe and reflect on central aspects of this institution. It is recognized, in advance, the importance of constitutional autonomy and secularism within these institutions. This recognition is understood as fundamental in the process of actualizing human rights in public spaces for the construction of citizenship. The problem of this text is related to the question about how much the libertarian role of the University is supported in reality in the processes of construction of republican democracy. The hypothesis is that at some point the University stopped resisting prejudices, the banality of lies and the habit of bad manners in internal relations between workers and in the institution’s relationship with the community. The University, in our time, has been pressured not to bend to obscurantism, surrendering to market demands and renouncing the exercise of a critical judgment. Thus understood, the University loses consciousness of itself as an autonomous space for freedom of thought and for the development of sciences, arts and morals. Notably, when one observes the return or perpetuity of characteristic traits of neofascist movements and policies, which insist on intending the young Brazilian democracy, the urgency and challenge of rebuilding the University as a privileged locus for basic research, for the construction of advanced knowledge and for the technical application of knowledge before concrete demands is expanded. The task of students is arduous in times of authoritarianism of every order concealed by the progress idea. To carry out this research, the inductive method was used, with dialectical and historical methodological contributions, focusing on the technique of bibliographic research


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ação acaricida in vitro de um extrato a base de óleo de nim (Azaradiractha indica) comercial frente à teleóginas de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, por meio do teste de biocarrapaticidograma/imersão. Fêmeas ingurgitadas foram coletadas de bovinos do Centro Paranaense de Referência em Agroecologia (CPRA), município de Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com oito tratamentos e três repetições cada, consistindo em sete concentrações de óleo de nim: 0,16; 0,32; 0,64; 1,28; 2,56; 5,12 e 10,24% e um grupo controle, composto por água destilada. Os resultados de eclodibilidade larval de todos os tratamentos foram semelhantes entre si, não apresentando significância estatística (P>0,05). Os valores de eficiência reprodutiva (ER) e de eficácia do produto (EP) foram estatisticamente significantes (P<0,05). Os dados de EP variaram de 14,77±3,55 a 40,09±2,14%, correspondendo às concentrações de 0,16% e 10,24% de óleo de nim, respectivamente. Nas concentrações utilizadas o óleo de nim não interferiu no percentual de eclodibilidade larval, mas demonstrou ação na ER de R. (B.) microplus e na EP. O tratamento composto por 10,24% de óleo de nim foi estatisticamente superior aos demais (P<0,05), apresentando 40,09% de eficácia.  Os resultados demonstraram que o óleo de semente de nim apresenta potencial acaricida sendo o percentual de eficácia de cada tratamento diretamente relacionado com respectiva concentração utilizada

    Identification by PCR and evaluation of probiotic potential in yeast strains found in kefir samples in the city of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

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    Kefir is a product elaborated from the symbiotic fermentation of different microorganisms. The Kluyveromyces and Saccharomyces genera are the major representatives of the yeasts found in kefir microbiota. The only pobiotic yeast commercialized as an oral medication, is the Saccharomyces boulardii. The present work involved the microbiological quality examination of six kefir samples in the city of Santa Maria/RS, the yeasts isolation present in the samples and the identification of them by PCR (Polymerase chain reaction). Then, their probiotic potential was evaluated by in vitro technique. After that, microbiological analysis confirmed that kefir samples were suitable for consumption once the microbiological quality was established. Nineteen yeast strains were isolated from six different kefir samples; it was identified, by PCR analysis, but only three species were identified from these microorganisms in the present article: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hanseniospora uvarum and Kazachstania unispora. Nevertheless, by simulating the passage of isolated strains through the gastrointestinal environment, it was observed that they could not be considered probiotics. The results indicate that, in an isolated way, the yeast presents in kefir samples, in the city of Santa Maria, RS, can´t be considered probiotics according to the tests performed

    Avaliação do Potencial de Compostos Vegetais no Controle in vitro de teleóginas de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus

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