304 research outputs found

    Thrust and Parry: Radovan Karadžić and the Translators and Interpreters at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

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    Every word of testimony in the war-crimes trials held at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was transcribed and recorded, translated and interpreted into other languages. The translators and interpreters enjoyed an unusual degree of visibility in this setting. Their choices of terminology, phrasing, tenor, are discussed, even hotly disputed at every session of these long trials, and the language staff are called upon to defend their choices in official memoranda. Radovan Karadžić, former president of the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, chose to conduct his own defense after he was arrested and accused of war crimes. He was well-enough versed in English that he could follow the interpreting closely as it came from the booth. His disputes with the language professionals were frequent and barbed. The relationship between the interpreter and Karadžić then became one much like fencing—thrust and parry.Los testimonios presentados en los juicios por crímenes de guerra que se llevaron a cabo en el Tribunal Penal Internacional para la antigua Yugoslavia fueron, en su totalidad, transcritos, grabados, traducidos e interpretados a otros idiomas. Durante los juicios las personas que sirvieron como traductores e intérpretes tuvieron un alto grado de visibilidad y las frases, los términos, y el tono que elegían fueron objeto de discusión, incluso de acalorados debates, en todas y cada una de las sesiones. A estas/estos mismos profesionales se les instó incluso a defender sus decisiones en memorandos oficiales. Después de que se le arrestó y acusó de haber cometido crímenes de guerra, Radovan Karadžić, ex presidente de la República Srpska de Bosnia y Herzegovina, optó por conducir su propia defensa. Tenía suficiente conocimiento de la lengua inglesa para hacer un atento seguimiento de la interpretación tan pronto esta se enunciaba en la cabina. Sus disputas con las/los profesionales de la lengua eran frecuentes y despiadadas. La relación entre las/los intérpretes y Karadžić se convirtió en una especie de esgrima: entre el ataque y la defensa. Chaque mot prononcé lors des témoignages recueillis au cours des procès pour crimes de guerre tenus au Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie a été transcrit et enregistré, traduit et interprété dans d'autres langues. Dans ce contexte, les traducteurs et interprètes jouissaient d'une visibilité inhabituelle. Leurs choix concernant la terminologie, la formulation ou le contenu sont discutés, même contestés avec virulence, lors de chaque séance de ces long procès et ils ont à défendre leurs choix au moyen de notes de service officielles. Radovan Karadžić, ancien président de la République serbe de Bosnie, a choisi d'assurer sa propre défense suite à son arrestation et aux accusations des crimes de guerre retenues contre lui. Il connaissait suffisamment l'anglais pour suivre avec attention les interventions des interprètes. Ses disputes avec les professionnels langagiers étaient vives et fréquentes. La relation entre l'interprète et Karadžić a fini par ressembler à un combat d'escrime, ponctués d'attaques et de parades.Cada palavra  dita nos depoimentos durante os  julgamentos dos crimes de guerra ocorridos na antiga Iugoslávia foi transcrita e gravada, traduzida e interpretada para outras línguas. Este contexto conferiu às tradutoras  uma visibilidade incomum. Suas escolhas terminológicas, de organização frasal e o tom  eram debatidos e até mesmo acaloradamente contestados em cada sessão desses estendidos julgamentos  em que a  equipe de línguas, por sua vez  era convocada a justificar suas escolhas oficialmente. Radovan Karadžić, antigo presidente da Republika Srpska, parte integrante da Bósnia e Herzegovina, decidiu fazer sua própria defesa depois de ter sido preso e acusado de crimes de guerra. Tinha conhecimento suficiente do inglês  para acompanhar de perto  a tradução feita nas cabines.  Seus desentendimentos com os profissionais de língua eram frequentes e tensos, transformando a relação entre Karadžić e os intérpretes  em um verdadeiro duelo

    The Iron Lady

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    Expert Survey on Party Ideology in Former Socialist Countries, 1990-2017

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    Data set on ideology of ruling political parties and coalitions in former socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe. Data is retrieved from an expert survey which included a multinational panel of 273 experts on party systems of 16 countries. The survey was conducted online in June and July 2017 by Dejan Bursać, researcher at the Belgrade-based Institute for Political Studies, as a part of his doctoral research at the University of Belgrade. The respondents were asked to locate each party on a general left-right scale, considering all aspects of party policy and all relevant information about a party position. Ideology of each party is presented numerically in the one-dimensional policy space, ranging from 0 (extreme left) to 10 (extreme right), for every parliamentary term/government since the first multi-party elections after the fall of socialism (and in some cases, after achieving national independence) in all 16 countries of the sample. Average ideology of every government is presented as a weighted mean of member parties, in relation to their parliamentary strength. This document is accompanied by a separate excel database. Please cite accordingly: Bursac, Dejan (2018). Expert survey on party ideology in former socialist countries, 1990-2017. Retrieved from: http://www.ips.ac.rs/researchers/dejan-bursac

    Punching shear strength of eccentrically loaded RC flat slabs with opening near the support without shear reinforcement

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    Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je nosivost na smicanje od probijanja punih AB ploča direktno oslonjenih na stubove, posebno u situacijama kada su, osim aksijalno, opterećene i sa neuravnoteženim momentom savijanja izazvanim ekscentricitetom sile u odnosu na vertikalnu osu stuba. U okviru eksperimentalne analize obuhvaćena su ispitivanja na osam ploča, od kojih je šest (S3, S4, S5, S6, S7 i S8) imalo kvadratni otvor uz lice stuba. Ploče S1 i S2 su ploče bez otvora, pri čemu je S1 centrično opterećena, a S2 ekscentrično opterećena ploča. Na osnovu ove dve ploče se vršila ocena stepena redukcije nosivosti ploče prouzrokovana postojanjem i položajem otvora uz lice stuba. Sve ploče su izvedene bez posebne armature za prihvatanje sila zatezanja od smicanja, a povećanje nosivosti na probijanje naknadnim ojačanjem visokovrednim vijcima izvršeno je na ekscentrično opterećenoj ploči S8. Numeričko modeliranje AB uzoraka sprovedeno je primenom metode konačnih elemenata. Numerički rezultati, kao i računski određeni prema PBAB, Evrokodu, fib Model Code 2010 i ACI-318, upoređeni su sa eksperimentalno određenim.The topic of the doctoral dissertation research is punching shear strength of RC flat slabs supported directly on columns, especially in situations when, in addition to axial, they are loaded with unbalanced bending moment caused by eccentricity of force in relation to the vertical axis of the column. The experimental analysis included tests on eight slabs, of which six (S3, S4, S5, S6, S7 and S8) had a square opening along the face of the column. Slabs S1 and S2 are slabs without openings, where S1 is centrically loaded and S2 is eccentrically loaded slab. Based on these two slabs, the degree of reduction of the bearing capacity of the slab caused by the existence and position of the opening along the face of the column was assessed. All slabs were made without special reinforcement to accept the tensile forces from shear, and the increase in punching shear strength by subsequent reinforcement with high-value screws was performed on the eccentrically loaded slab S8. Numerical modeling of RC samples was performed using the finite element method. Numerical results, as well as calculated according to PBAB, Eurocode, fib Model Code 2010 and ACI-318, were compared with experimentally determined

    Punching shear strength of eccentrically loaded RC flat slabs with opening near the support without shear reinforcement

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    Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je nosivost na smicanje od probijanja punih AB ploča direktno oslonjenih na stubove, posebno u situacijama kada su, osim aksijalno, opterećene i sa neuravnoteženim momentom savijanja izazvanim ekscentricitetom sile u odnosu na vertikalnu osu stuba. U okviru eksperimentalne analize obuhvaćena su ispitivanja na osam ploča, od kojih je šest (S3, S4, S5, S6, S7 i S8) imalo kvadratni otvor uz lice stuba. Ploče S1 i S2 su ploče bez otvora, pri čemu je S1 centrično opterećena, a S2 ekscentrično opterećena ploča. Na osnovu ove dve ploče se vršila ocena stepena redukcije nosivosti ploče prouzrokovana postojanjem i položajem otvora uz lice stuba. Sve ploče su izvedene bez posebne armature za prihvatanje sila zatezanja od smicanja, a povećanje nosivosti na probijanje naknadnim ojačanjem visokovrednim vijcima izvršeno je na ekscentrično opterećenoj ploči S8. Numeričko modeliranje AB uzoraka sprovedeno je primenom metode konačnih elemenata. Numerički rezultati, kao i računski određeni prema PBAB, Evrokodu, fib Model Code 2010 i ACI-318, upoređeni su sa eksperimentalno određenim.The topic of the doctoral dissertation research is punching shear strength of RC flat slabs supported directly on columns, especially in situations when, in addition to axial, they are loaded with unbalanced bending moment caused by eccentricity of force in relation to the vertical axis of the column. The experimental analysis included tests on eight slabs, of which six (S3, S4, S5, S6, S7 and S8) had a square opening along the face of the column. Slabs S1 and S2 are slabs without openings, where S1 is centrically loaded and S2 is eccentrically loaded slab. Based on these two slabs, the degree of reduction of the bearing capacity of the slab caused by the existence and position of the opening along the face of the column was assessed. All slabs were made without special reinforcement to accept the tensile forces from shear, and the increase in punching shear strength by subsequent reinforcement with high-value screws was performed on the eccentrically loaded slab S8. Numerical modeling of RC samples was performed using the finite element method. Numerical results, as well as calculated according to PBAB, Eurocode, fib Model Code 2010 and ACI-318, were compared with experimentally determined

    Crimes of the Independent State of Croatia in the Bihać region during the spring, summer and autumn of 1941

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    Nekoliko dana od početka invazije na Jugoslaviju, osniva se Nezavisna Država Hrvatska. Klјučna osoba u stvaranju organa vlasti NDH u Bosanskoj Krajini je Viktor Gutić. Polovinom juna u Bihać, kao veliki župan Velike župe Krbava i Psat, dolazi Ljubomir Kvaternik, organizator i predvodnik zločina nad srpskim i jevrejskim živlјem. U radu su kroz vremensku liniju prikazani svi zločini počinjeni nad Srbima i malobrojnim Jevrejima: oduzimanje zemlјe i imovine dobrovolјcima, konfiskacije radnji trgovaca i zanatlija, hapšenja i zatvaranja, plјačkanje imovine i ucenjivanje imućnih žitelјa, pokatoličavanje, rad Prijekog suda za Veliku župu, organizovano i sistematsko iselјavanje srpskog i jevrejskog živlјa Bihaća, uništavanje verskih spomenika Srba i Jevreja, hapšenja vojnosposobnog stanovništva u naselјima u okolini Bihaća, masovna strelјanja u Bihaćkom polјu (Garavice, Ulјevite bare, Ceravci) kao i zločini na velikom broju drugih stratišta. Nakon početka oružanog otpora nastaju odmazde nad civilnim živlјem. Zločini u bihaćkom kraju bili su organizovani ranije, masovnije i surovije u odnosu na druge delove NDH, jer je Bihać bio središte velike oblasti većinski naselјene Srbima.A few days after the invasion of Yugoslavia, the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) was founded. The key person in the creation of the NDH authorities in Bosnian Krajina is Viktor Gutić. In mid-June, Ljubomir Kvaternik, the organizer and leader of crimes against Serbs and Jews, comes to Bihać as the Grand Prefect of Krbava and Psat. The work presents a timeline of all the crimes committed against Serbs and a small number of Jews: confiscation of land and property from volunteers, confiscation of merchants' and artisans' shops, arrests and imprisonment, looting of property and blackmailing of wealthy residents, conversion to Catholicism, the work of the Special Court for Velika župa, organized and the systematic emigration of the Serbian and Jewish population of Bihać, the destruction of religious monuments of Serbs and Jews, the arrest of the military-capable population in the settlements around Bihać, mass shootings in the Bihać field (Garavice, Uljevite bare, Ceravci) as well as crimes at a large number of other execution sites. After the beginning of the armed resistance, there are reprisals against civilian life. Crimes in the Bihać region were organized earlier, more massively and cruelly than in other parts of the NDH because Bihać was the center of a large area mostly inhabited by Serbs

    Database sequrity aspects

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    Baze podataka sa gledišta sigurnosti uvijek je aktualna i neiscrpna tema. Svaki veći posao, kao na primjer zdravstvena skrb ili državne ustanove oslanjaju se na baze podataka u kojima spremaju ključne podatke. Upravo zbog toga vrlo je važno baze podataka zaštititi i njima upravljati na pravi način. Kao glavne preporuke za čuvanje sigurnosti baze podataka su stalna nadogradnja programskih paketa, odvajanje baze na sigurne segmente mreže, korištenje enkripcije pri transferu i skladištenju osjetljivih podataka, korištenje autorizacije autentifikacije i uloga. Postoje različiti načini napada na baze podataka,koji su već dobro poznati, a zbog nedostataka u drugim sustavima mogu pogoditi i SUBP i bazu podataka kojom se upravlja. Takvi napadi su SQL umetanje. No, osim nedostataka drugih sustava, postoje ranjivost koje uključuju ljudske faktore kao što su dodjeljivanje akreditacije zlonamjernim korisnicima, nemarnost administratora pri nadgledanju baza podatka i sl. Baze podataka ranjive su na vanjske i unutarnje prijetnje (loša konfiguracija SUBP – a, napadi unutar tvrtke, pogreške unutar tvrtke), ali moguće je smanjiti broj ranjivosti na prihvatljivu razinu rizika. To se postiže tako da se koriste napredni sigurnosni mehanizmi, u kojima se konstantno nadograđuju programski paketi uz operacijski sustav i SUBP, koriste sigurnosni resursi te sigurnosni proizvodi kao što su vatrozidi i antivirusni alati. U svakom informacijskom sustavu potrebno je obratiti pažnu na realne sigurnosne rizike posebno u domeni baza podataka i to posebno u dijelu podataka koji se klasificiraju kao povjerljivi podaci. Potrebno je izraditi sigurnosno pouzdan sustav koji će voditi računa na razna ponašanja u sustavu koji mogu ukazivati na ozbiljne probleme usmjerene ka bazama podataka i ugrožavanju sigurnosti koja proistječu iz upotrebe takvih podataka. Zaštita podataka predstavlja skup metoda i tehnika kojima se ograničava pristup podacima od strane programa koji se izvršavaju, to podrazumijeva skup pravnih normi kojima se ograničava pristup podacima od strane programa i ljudi. Putem zaštite štiti se fizički integritet cijelokupnog informacijskog sustava, bilo da je distrubuiran ili ne, odnosno centraliziran ili decentraliziran. Informacijska sigurnost je proces stalnog održavanja sigurnosti korisnika i informacijskih sustava

    Types and actors of islamist extremism in Nigeria at the beginning of the 21st century

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    Предмет истраживања ове дисертације претежно се односни на анализу врста и актера исламистичког екстремизма у Нигерији почетком 21. века. Посебан акценат стављен је на узроке настанка екстремистичких и терористичких организација попут Исламског покрета Нигерије, Боко Харама, Кала-Катоа, Дарул-ислама, покрета Ахмадија и многих других. Истраживаћемо како најдоминантније теорије објашњавају стање у Нигерији и како гледају на појаву екстремистичких групација а као главни ослонац послужиће нам постколонијална перспектива. Приступ истраживању је претежно квалитативан и има теоријски карактер јер ћемо се претежно ослањати на теоријску анализу свих могућих извора који кoји су се са различитог аспекта бавили узрoцима настанка екстремизма, односно врстама и актерима исламског екстремизма у Нигерији. С обзиром да је настанак и еволуција појединих екстремистичких и терористичких организација које ћемо помињати у овом раду а међу којима је и најутицајнија Боко-Харам и даље обавијено велом мистерије, и да смо у самом наслову истраживања јасно дефинисали временско одређење предмета наш задатак би био да обухватимо период од 2001. године до актуелног тренутка. Када говоримо о резултатима овог истраживања можемо рећи да су они довели су до јасне идентификације и дескрипције водећих врста исламистичког ектремизма у Нигерији. Аутор их сврстава у четри групе: сунитски, шитски, екстремизам муслиманске заједнице Ахмадија и екстремизам кураниста. Такође аутор указује на мањкавости водећих теорија које нуде разнолика објашњења о појави овог феномена на територији Нигерије и одговор тражи у великом утицају колонијализма а касније и постклонијалног наслеђа на стварање услова за појаву екстремних и терористичких групација у Нигерији.This thesis predominantly focuses on analysing types and actors of the Islamic extremism in Nigeria an the beginning of the 21st century. Particular emphasis are put on the causes of emergence of extremist and terrorist organisations such as the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Boko Haram, Kala-Katoa, Darul-Islam, Ahmadiyya Movement, and many others. The paper will examine the way in which most dominant theories explain the situation in Nigeria and the way they see the genesis of extremist groups, relying on the postcolonial perspective as the main foundation. The approach used for the research is mostly qualitative and theoretic in nature, as we will predominantly rely on theoretic analysis of all possible sources that, from various aspects, examine causes of extremism and types and actors of Islamic extremism in Nigeria. Having in mind that there is still a veil of mystery surrounding the generation and evolution of some extremist and terrorist organisations that will be mentioned in this paper, including the most influential one, Boco-Haram, and that the title of the research clearly defines the timeframe, our task would be to examine the period from 2021 onwards. As regards the results of this research, we may conclude that they enabled clear identification and description of leading types of the Islamic extremism in Nigeria. The Author divides them into four groups: Sunni extremism, Shi’a extremism, Ahmadiyya Muslim community extremism and Quranists extremism. Moreover, the author indicates shortcomings of leading theories offering various explanation for the generation of this phenomenon on the territory of Nigeria and searches for the answer in the great impact of colonialism and later in the postcolonial heritage impact on creation of conditions for emergence of extremist and terrorist groups in Nigeria

    Ideological patterns of coalition making in Serbian parliamentary elections: Evidence based on experts' opinions

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    The paper is focusing on the patterns of coalition making in Serbian parliamentary elections, through the examination of motives for formation of pre-electoral alliances since the democratic changes in the year 2000. In the period of democratic consolidation, Serbian party system is still burdened with the long lasting practice of excessive coalition making: for example, in 2014 election, 12 out of 19 lists were coalitions; and in 2016 election, 9 out of 20. The question about the nature of this practice is twofold: are these coalitions formed because of ideological similarities; or is the motivation for association more pragmatically founded in political calculation to overcome the electoral threshold or gain additional parliamentary seats, and thereby released of ideological constraints? In order to determine the logic behind excessive coalition making, the impact of ideological factor will be investigated. This objective requires the use of classification of political parties, based on the experts’ opinions survey carried out by the author in 2014, and further complemented in 2017. In the survey, 18 relevant experts from the field of political science evaluated Serbian political parties’ ideologies on a single dimensional axis (extreme left to extreme right). The classification will serve as a basis for examination of ideological congruence of coalitions and further conclusions on the nature of coalition making. Furthermore, based on the same evidence, the author will make a time-section analysis of ideological stability of Serbian party system since 2000, in order to identify the patterns of ideological landscape through the years, mapping the significant changes in relation to the external factors of impact: such as EU accession, quality of democracy, cycles of economic crises and the issue of Kosovo - all the question that presumably could have the prevailing impact on the political and party dynamics in Serbia

    Who spends more? Party Ideology and Public Spending in 16 Post -Socialist Countries

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    The article is revisiting a never-concluded debate about the partisan effect on public spending. It explores the impact of the ruling parties' ideological orientation , operationalised in a single-dimensional left-right scale, on budget expenditures in Central and Eastern Europe. The research is conducted within an expanded time series covering the complete period since the fall of one-party regimes in sixteen former socialist countries, where the issue has remained under-studied, especially in comparison with a number of similar studies focusing mostly on developed Western democracies. The findings moderately support the main hypothesis demonstrating that, although an ideology matters, there are also other more significant predictors of the spending among political, economic or other contextual variables related to a specific transitional framework of the countries in question. The same conclusion applies to the total consumption, as well as to the examined budget segments of social transfers and education, while the environmental spending seems to be completely unrelated to the partisan variable