46 research outputs found

    The sociology of pharmaceuticals: progress and prospects

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    This paper takes a critical look at progress and prospects regarding the sociology of pharmaceuticals over the years. Key themes examined include: (i) medicalisation and pharmaceuticalisation; (ii) regulation; (iii) consumption and consumerism; (iv) expectations and innovation. Papers in the monograph are also introduced and discussed in relation to these themes. The paper concludes with some further comments and reflections on progress and prospects in this field, emphasising the continuing importance of sociological engagement with these personal and political issues in the 21st century

    What Do We Mean by Law and Social Transformation?

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    In Canada the entrenchment of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms generated a good deal of debate about the possibility of using law in the struggle for social transformation. Although couched in general terms, the current debate is ultimately about the possibility of asserting liberal democratic legal rights in courts in order to transform existing relations of subordination and domination. Somewhat remarkably, the positive claim that litigating entrenched legal rights encourages social transformation tends to be made almost exclusively at the theoretical level. Theoretical possibilities, rather than concrete victories, are invoked to support the claim for the transformative capacity of liberal legal rights. Instead of approaching the question of litigating social change from an exclusively theoretical perspective, this paper examines contemporary examples in order to illustrate some of the possibilities of and limits to this strategy. Specifically, the paper examines how both the labour and women\u27s movements have used the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to further their social, political and economic goals. Not only did these two groups adopt widely different strategies during the entrenchment process, what is entailed by the assertion of bourgeois legal rights has a different meaning for each. Thus, by contrasting the experience of the labour and women\u27s movements in invoking the Charter it is possible to begin to suggest the limits of liberal rights in the struggle for social transformation

    Zur Neuauflage: Gegenwarten

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    African Economies in Historical Perspective - William Beinart. The Political Economy of Pondoland, 1860–1930. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. xii + 220 pp. 39.50.)−PhilipBonner.Kings,CommonersandConcessionaires:TheEvolutionandDissolutionoftheNineteenthCenturySwaziState.(Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress,1982.x+316pp.39.50.) - Philip Bonner. Kings, Commoners and Concessionaires: The Evolution and Dissolution of the Nineteenth Century Swazi State. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. x + 316 pp. 49.50.) - Simon Cunningham. The Copper Industry in Zambia: Foreign Mining Companies in a Developing Country. (New York: Praeger, 1981. xxii + 343 pp. No price listed.) - Patrick Manning. Slavery, Colonialism and Economic Growth in Dahomey, 1640–1960. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. xviii + 446 pp. 49.95.)−GuyC.Z.Mhone.ThePoliticalEconomyofaDualLaborMarketinAfrica:TheCopperIndustryandDependencyinZambia,1929–1969.(EastBrunswick,N.J.:FairleighDickinsonUniversityPress,1982.254pp.49.95.) - Guy C.Z. Mhone. The Political Economy of a Dual Labor Market in Africa: The Copper Industry and Dependency in Zambia, 1929–1969. (East Brunswick, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1982. 254 pp. 25.00.) - Paul Mosley. The Settler Economies: Studies in the Economic History of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia, 1900–1963. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. xiv + 289 pp. 49.50.)−JillNatrass.TheSouthAfricanEconomy:ItsGrowthandChange.(Capetown:OxfordUniversityPress,1981.xx+328pp.49.50.) - Jill Natrass. The South African Economy: Its Growth and Change. (Capetown: Oxford University Press, 1981. xx + 328 pp. 24.95.) - David Yudelman. The Emergence of Modern South Africa: State, Capital, and the Incorporation of Organized Labor on the South African Gold Fields. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1983. xviii + 315 pp. $35.00.)

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    Interviewing reluctant respondents: strikes, henchmen, and gaelic games

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    This article deals with interviewing reluctant respondents. The analysis is used to construct a process-oriented model of respondent rapport and empathy. By assessing respondent rapport in a reflective way, the article contributes to the sociology of knowledge generation and the construction of respondent reality of complex social phenomena. Using the authors' reflective experiences of a particular interview episode, the stages of rapport building in the researcher-respondent relationship are assessed, providing guidance and lessons for future researchers. The limitations of the approach are considered and suggestions for future research are made